The same is true

Chapter 64 Uninvited Guest

Jingjue recognized that the two were Ye Ningxue and Liu Siyue of the Emei faction. She spewed out the dirty blood and said intermittently with her back against the trunk of the tree, "Tianyin religion... Yong'an County... Renjitang... Go..." After saying that, it was dark and fainted in front of her.

The monk Jingjue is a lay disciple of Shaolin Temple. He has profound skills and is also quite prestigious in the world. I don't know what secrets I overheard and was chased all the way. I was unconscious when I only had time to tell some important information. Several people have also performed characters together several times and know each other well. Liu Siyue bent down and looked at the pool of slightly fishy blood and said, "Sister Ye, I suspected before that even if Master Jingjue could not beat them, he should not escape so awkwardly. I didn't expect that he was also poisoned and despicable!"

Ye Ningxue held Jingjue up and sat cross-legged. Yungong forced the remaining blood out, and found two small gongs in Jingjue's arms.

Liu Siyue said, "Sister Ye, what Master Jingjue said before he fainted must be very important. What do you understand?"

Ye Ningxue shook her head and said, "Listen to Master Jingjue that Yinjiao should take action in Yong'an County this day. As for this Renji Hall, I don't know what kind of strength it supports. The original plan remains unchanged. Let's take Master Jingjue to Yong'an County to get medicine and find out the situation by the way.

Liu Siyue nodded and agreed. It was dark. When she first passed, there were still three hours before dawn. Both of them were sleepless, and the darkness before dawn looked strangely deep.

At noon, the weather is gloomy. A large thick dark cloud covers the sky. The water on both sides of the Yellow River has fallen a lot. The refugees who have left their homes have not yet come out of the shadow of the disaster. At this moment, the gray weather makes people frown again: Is there going to be a big flood?

Outside Renji Hall, a large number of refugees gathered. At a glance, it was dense and full of people. On both sides of the road, either standing or lying down. Every day, I wait for the regular distribution of Renji porridge to make a living.

"Open porridge... Open porridge..." I don't know who shouted that it was difficult for refugees who were still sitting on both sides of the road to queue up for porridge. It was the fifth day for Xiao Ran to stand far away from Renhe Hall. There is no news of relief food from the county government. Looking at the food decreasing day by day, Xiao Ran secretly thought about whether to remind the county magistrate.

"Zhou Langzhong, you have also learned to be lazy, and you are not afraid that this shopkeeper will have enough money for you." Xia Ruoyan laughed.

Since the third day, Xia Ruoyan didn't know how many men came from there, and Xiao Ran finally became a shopkeeper. He doesn't have to take action on general diseases. Only when it is really difficult and miscellaneous can he come out. Xiao Ran said lightly, "It's going to rain."

"What's on your mind?"

Xiao Ran smiled and said, "I don't have anything on my mind. When I came together this morning, my right eye kept jumping. I was wondering if anyone would come to find trouble."

Xia Ruoying said, "Are you still afraid that people will make trouble?"

"How do you know I'm not afraid?"

Xia Ruoyeng and Jiejie: "I guessed it."

It seems that Xia Ruoyan really regards herself as a master, and Xiao Ran smiled bitterly. I'm just a fluke. Fame has really hurt many people!

In a jujube forest in the north of Yong'an County, there is a broken temple standing alone. The golden paint of the Buddha statue in the temple has fallen off, and the incense case is also half-finger-thick dust. An arhat holds a steel whip and rides a tiger with his eyes open angrily. There is a flying insect struggling desperately on the spider web in the corner. Three figures were reflected at the door, a woman in white, and a woman in apricot clothes helped a bald man in night clothes and walked towards the temple. It is Ye Ningxue, Liu Siyue and Jingjue monks.

Tianyin Temple will take action in Yong'an County, and the news has been leaked. In order to be foolproof, all three of them will be injured and can only rest here for a while. Liu Siyue said, "Sister Ye, the poison in Master Jingjue is more serious than we expected. Will it not be supported?"

Ye Ningxue checked her condition and said, "I'll go down the mountain to the city to see if I can catch some medicine, and also ask for information."

"Okay, sister, be more careful and don't fight with them head-on."

"Don't worry, sister. I'll be back as soon as I go."

On both sides of the street, there were no disaster victims as she imagined. Ye Ningxue walked into a large pharmacy and immediately a handyman came forward to greet him: "This lady wants to buy some medicine. I dare not say anything else. As long as we can hand in the name, we have it here." No one has been visiting for the past few days, and the man is very strong.

Ye Ningxue said, "There is a flood upstream. Why is there no one in Yong'an County who neither go to the street to beg or come to the pharmacy to get medicine?"

The clerk took a look at the no one in the store and whispered in private, "Girl, don't let our shopkeeper hear this."

"Why is this?"

The man sighed and said, "Thanks to a female Bodhisattva in the city, seven or eight porridge pharmacies came to the west of the city for free charity. Where have the established disaster victims been concentrated? I heard that most of the food and medicine in the city were acquired by the female Bodhisattva in advance. So when it was supposed to be full of guests these days, no one took the medicine, and the shopkeeper didn't know how much gossip he had secretly said.

It turned out to be like this. No wonder it is not as serious as other counties. Ye Ningxue said, "It's not convenient for Lang Zhong to visit here, and my friend is inconvenient to move."

"Miss, unfortunately. One of the two men in our store went home to save their relatives, and the rest of them sat in the town. I'm afraid they can't go.

Ye Ningxue took out the traditional Chinese medicine prescription and said, "Take three pictures according to this prescription, and then take some medicine to clear the heat and fire."

Less than a pillar * husband grabbed the medicinal herbs: "Miss, this is the medicine you want, five taels of silver."

"Five two?" Ye Ningxue was slightly shocked. No wonder no one came here to catch the medicine. The price was really ridiculously high. I can't save people at this moment. The same is true for the other companies, either without medicinal materials or the high price. Thinking of the free pharmacy in the west of the city, Ye Ningxue walked in the direction of Renjitang.

The more refugees gather inside. Especially outside the store where there is a porridge shop. In addition to being decadent, the faces of these refugees also have a look of hope. Ye Ningxue also began to admire the "female bodhisattva", which not only cured the disease, but also gave them hope to live. Through a long group of people, you can see the signboard of Renjitang. The store is not big but crowded. When it comes to this female Bodhisattva, it is full of praise. Ye Ningxue even felt that she would not hesitate to let these people die for her.

"Is this another way for Tianyin to bribe people's hearts? If so, Tianyin religion is really terrible. Anyway, if you go to explore the truth tonight, you may get some useful information.

When night fell, every family lit a candle. Refugees outside Renji Hall are also scattered to find a place to spend the night. In the dark night, Ye Ningxue, dressed in night clothes, flew up the eaves like a vigorous black cat, and her toes landed without making a sound. At the touch, the "bori turned around" and fell behind a red paint pillar. There is no lamp in this yard, and there is no martial artist in the courtyard, let alone the disciples of Tianyin Sect.

With doubt, Ye Ningxue sneaked to the only room with lights on in the quadrangle courtyard. With a shout, a bat under the eaves was shocked, and Ye Ningxue was shocked. At the same time, Xiao Ran, who was talking about things with Xia Ruoyan in the room, suddenly changed his face, and the usual words also stopped.

"What's the matter? It stopped suddenly." Xia Ruo's smoke.

Xiao Ran smiled and said, "There are guests coming!"

Xia Ruoyan was shocked and said, 'Can he do two things with one mind? Neither of the two masters found anything abnormal. How did he...'

Xiao Ran is still wearing * at this moment, dressed as a man. He opened the door and shouted outside the door, "Friends on the road, since you are here, why don't you come out to meet?"

The figure spread to the whole yard through the main door. Ye Ningxue was shocked. She was still more than 30 feet away from the room with the lamp. She thought that her light skills were not bad. Such a long distance can still be found, and this man's ability to distinguish positions is not even as good as the head. It's just that there is no malice in the words, and there is no one to cover the courtyard around. Anyway, it's also exposed, don't ask clearly.

Ye Ningxue jumped and fell into the courtyard. The two elders of Kunlun came and stood beside Xia Ruoyan when they heard the sound. Xiao Ran didn't know the intention of the man in black and said, "Your Excellency, what do you want to visit late at night?"