come to the movie world

Chapter 22 The confrontation between dreams and reality

I, alone, left my dream in vain. Spread the wings of dreams under your feet. You stepped gently, but on the wings of my dream.

With the sound of reading stopped, Patreggie closed the Bible in his hand and hid it in his pocket. Looking out of the window confusedly.

Shoot, shoot, shoot. The sudden applause woke up the contemplative Patrick.

Who are you? Patriji looked doubtfully at the strange man in front of him in a golden mask.

P Tracy, we haven't seen each other for more than ten years. You can call me a knight. With the words, Qin Hui took off the mask on her face and said to Patrick with a smile.

Knight, Patrygi looked at Qin Hui and came to his mind the scene of that year. It was the person in front of him who gave him the opportunity to change his fate. Over the years, Patrygi has been listening to Qin Hui's whereabouts, but he has never gained nothing.

You haven't changed at all over the years. You are still so young. I can't believe my eyes.

Ha ha, Qin Hui smiled and sat next to Patrick. I have always seen your efforts over the years. It's very good that you have lived up to my expectations for you.

P Tracy listened and smiled on his face. Obviously, he was also proud of his efforts.

P Tracy, you have been alone for so many years. Why did you ask a young priest named Pearson to cooperate this time?

Pston!!! Patriji thought for a moment and finally found that he didn't know this guy named Pearson at all. Patregi said regretfully, sir, my partner's name is Christian, and I don't know who the Pearson you mentioned is.

Oh, really! I always thought his name was Pearson.

Patriji listened and explained, sir, you may have made a mistake. My partner is Chris, who is the first in this year's gunfighting training class. He has strong control over guns, and his strength is not weaker than me.

Your partner's name is Christian! Qin Hui looked into Pa Cuiji's eyes and said again. Can you tell me about him and how he feels you?

Feeling! Pattigi adjusted his tone and said that Chris has an extraordinary talent and is a firm Guladman priest. He is very good. I even think that as long as he is given enough time, his gunfight can reach a peak. This feeling is something I don't have in others. Feel it.

Is that so? The doubt in Qin Hui's eyes flashed by. Can we talk about his family? I want to know his family members.

Chris's family is relatively complicated. He has two children alone, and both of them have signed up for a juvenile class to learn gunfighting. Now his life is not very comfortable.

Qin Hui's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he also asked hurriedly, "What about his wife if he takes care of the children alone?"

After feeling the hot eyes in Qin Hui's eyes, Patreji hesitated for a moment before saying again that his wife was an emotional criminal. One morning three years ago, she was taken away by the people of the purge team and has never returned since then.

After hearing this, Qin Hui said with a happy smile in Patreji's puzzled eyes, OK, very good. For more than ten years, I said why I haven't found you for so many years! So you changed your name. Ha ha, Christian, you naughty little mouse, I'll see where you're going this time.

Haha, hahaha. Listening to the loud laughter in his ear, Patrygi, standing behind Qin Hui, slowly withdrew and touched the hand of the weapon.

Qin Hui left and walked out of the church happily. This time, Qin Hui was just a painstaking **. When he came to see Patrick, he didn't expect that Pearson, whom he had been looking for for so many years, actually changed his name. Today, after getting Chris, that is, the news of Peston, Patrick had no value to use. .

However, at this time, Qin Hui also secretly congratulated that Pearson still joined the church and became Patrick's partner like in the movie. Because Patrick has been a Lone Ranger since he became a priest, and this time he actually has a partner, which makes Qin Hui surprised and guess. You should know that Patrick in the movie is a team with Peston.

It is also because of the film that Qin Hui has rarely appeared in people's sight for so many years. Even in order to let the plot develop, Qin Hui ordered his subordinates to tamp and kill his family in Gigan's Passian. The reason why Qin Hui did this was because of the scenes in the movie, because Jigen in the movie was the common leader of the rebels and emotional criminals.

So in order to continue the plot, Qin Hui let his family return to the priest's arms and forced him to join the rebels. The same is true of Patrick. Patrick in the movie is Peston's partner, so Qin Hui arranged him into the gunfight team after hearing his name for the development of the plot and his own monitoring.

, at this time, Christian had returned home. At this time, he kept repeating in his mind that Patrick's appearance this morning, because Patrick's performance today was not like a priest who injected Pacian, but like an emotional criminal.

Dad, what are you doing? Chris's son couldn't help asking when he saw his father meditating there.

Nothing. Chris looked at his son and shook his head. Then Christian walked out of the house and drove straight to the church's storage room.

After coming to the sealing room, Chris directly showed his* and asked the administrator responsible for collecting the disciplinary materials. Hello, I'm Christian Chris. I want to check the disciplinary materials collected today.

The administrator looked at it. After Chris handed it over*, he opened the record form on the table. Sorry, priest, there is no record of collection of illegal materials today.

No! Christian frowned and said again that it was a book called the Bible, which was sent by my partner Patrick, this morning.

The administrator took a look at the record form in front of him again, and then resolutely replied, "Sorry, priest, we don't have any records here, and no disciplinary materials have been sent today.

After getting a positive answer again, Chris imagined Patrick's expression this morning. At that time, Patrick stroked the Bible with his hands, his expression was focused and full of reluctance.

Thank you. After thanking the administrator, Chris drove directly to the church where Patrick was usually staying. When Chris got out of the car, a car with a cross sign was driving through the door of the church.

Chris looked at the car that was fading away, and then went straight to the church.

Chris, who walked into the church, saw his partner Patrick at a glance. At this time, Patrick was looking at the Bible attentively and was unaware of his arrival. Chris took his pistol and strode to Patrick.

Pa Trigi, who felt that his vision was blocked, raised his head. It was you, Chris.

Chris took a pistol and came back coldly. It's me, Pattegi, you shouldn't hide disciplinary goods.

P Tracy put the book on his lap and replied with a smile to Chris, oh, isn't it? I just want to keep it for a while. You know, the old man in the management office is so old that he always loses these things. So it's safer for me to keep it in person than to give it to them.

Chris listened and shook his head blankly. That's their business, Patrick, give me the book now, and I'm going to take it back.

P Tracy raised the book with one hand and touched the pistol beside him with the other hand, gently reading in his mouth. I was alone and left my dream alone. Spread the wings of dreams under your feet. You stepped gently, but on the wings of my dream.

P Tracy, stop your hand immediately and give me the book. After seeing Patriji's movements, Chris raised the muzzle and ordered Patriji.

Patrick did not respond to Chris's words, and his hand slowly grabbed the handle of the gun, and repeated the previous words again. I was alone and left my dream in vain. Unfold at your feet, bang,

Chris shot and shot while Patreggie covered his face with a book. The bullet penetrated the Bible and penetrated Pattigi's head.

Pighty's hand held the Bible tightly, and when he fell back to the ground, he still had a resolute smile on his face.

Chris looked at Patrick's body blankly, then stuffed the bullet-pierced Bible in his hand into his pocket, and then turned to the management office.

, after learning that Patrick was killed by Chris, Qin Hui looked at Chris on the screen, smiled with approval, and then said to Du Peng beside him that Chris is really a good knife to kill people now. We should use it well and make him a sharp weapon against the rebels.

Du Peng looked at Chris's picture on the screen and nodded with a smile. Yes, since John, the leader of the Justice Army was killed five months ago, the rebels and emotional criminals around the city have been brought together by the new leader of the Justice Army, a church traitor named Gigan, so we should also do something. In order to

Qin Hui agrees with Du Peng's words, but the rebels are like mice in the tunnel, and they will not appear if they don't have enough benefits. And the current time is not enough to eliminate all the rebels. So we still have to wait!

There is no problem with this. As long as the main force of the rebels can be destroyed, the church can rest assured from now on. And the world will also become a world without disputes and wars, as the priest said.

After hearing this, Qin Hui pointed to the badge on his chest and replied that the priest's will is great, and his order is the order of the church, so I will eradicate these factors that will destabilize the church.

After saying that, Qin Hui looked at Du Peng beside him and said again that this is our common mission, so we must be prepared for this at all costs.

Du Peng nodded resolutely to Qin Hui's hint. Of course, I inherited the priest's will, so I even had the consciousness of sacrificing myself for the peace of the world and the priest's wishes.

Very good, then let's have fun with these mice. In addition, in recognition of Chris, I think he should be promoted to a senior priest and send your personal bodyguard to him as his new partner.

After saying that, the two looked at each other and smiled.

What about the recommended tickets? Is the recommendation ticket as important to you as the Bible to Patrygi? Ask for tickets, ask for collection