come to the movie world

Chapter 23 Dawn

Du Peng sat in the office and looked at Chris below and said, thank you for coming, priest. I think you should know who I am.

Of course, you are the vice president of the parliament, the spokesman of the priest, and the high priest Du Peng. Chris looked at Du Peng above and said with his back.

Frankly, priest, someone told me that the church's arrangement for you is of little use. It is recorded in your file that as long as someone around you feels **, you will feel it immediately, just like you doubting your partner Patrick.

After hearing Du Peng's words, Chris said without hesitation, yes, sir. My record is excellent.

Du Peng nodded with deep thought, and then asked, priest, why do you feel that way? Is it imaginary?

Chris replied regretfully, I'm not sure, vice chairman. In a word, well, I can just feel and feel the thoughts of criminals and put myself in the shoes.

Du Peng listened and said with a smile that he imagined himself as being in the same position as them, so you can only feel that you are an emotional criminal, so that you can perceive it in advance?

Chris hesitated for a moment when he heard it. I'm not sure, sir, because it feels wonderful. So I can't answer you exactly.

Do you have a family? Priest.

Yes, sir, I have a son and a daughter, and my son is studying in the monastery of the church to become a glorious priest.

This is a good idea, priest. What about the child's mother?

My wife was arrested and cremated three years ago for emotional crimes, sir.

Did you execute it yourself?

is not a magistrate, and the executor is someone else.

Du Peng pondered for a moment and asked again, what do you think about this matter?

I'm sorry, sir, I don't quite understand what you mean.

How do you feel about your wife being cremated by the church?

Chris thought for a moment and shook his head firmly. I'm sorry, sir, I don't feel it at all.

Really? Did you neglect it? Neglect the feelings between you?

I,,, Chris thought about it seriously, and then replied coldly. I asked myself the same question, but sir, I don't know. I really don't have any feelings.

Very good, there are no small mistakes in the church, priest. I hope you can be more careful and cautious in the future.

Yes, sir, I understand.

Du Peng looked into Chris's eyes and said after a while, good, priest, the last question, do you have a name named Pearson?

Christian listened and nodded, yes, sir. I was called Peston when I was a child, but after I was *, my name was changed to Christian by * my parents.

Du Peng smiled and nodded like Chris in front of him. The name Peston is very good. You'd better call it in the future. Now I want to congratulate you, priest. Congratulations on passing the church's review. From now on, you will become the captain of the gunfighting team and promote you to a senior priest. Now you can go out, and your new partner is waiting for you outside.

Chris nodded after hearing this. Yes, sir, my name will be Pearson in the future.

Du Peng closed the file about Peston in front of him and reached out to indicate that he could leave.

Pston turned around and walked out of the church. As soon as he walked down the last step, a white car drove over. The black driver in the car parked the car in front of Peston, opened the door and said, "Pedston, it's nice to meet you. I'm your new partner, Diggs.

Diggs waited for Peston to get on the car and drove the car to Peston's home. When Peston got home, Diggs said again, priest, I hope you will be happy that I have been assigned to replace this gap, because for me, this will be a good opportunity to succeed.

After listening to this, Peston opened the door without response and walked towards his home.

Pstor Pearson. Seeing that Pearson ignored himself, Diggs, a black man, poked his head out of the window and shouted at him. I am a priest like you, and I also have a sixth sense. I can sense that they are going to have emotions before people realize it.

Pston walked forward without stopping, obviously not interested in Diggs' words.

Diggs looked at the back of Peston's departure and fell into meditation. When Peston was about to disappear in front of his eyes, Diggs shouted to Peston again, priest, I hope that one day I can become a mainstay of the church like you.

After hearing Diggs say that he was selfless, Peston paused and then strode into the house.

That night, Pearson woke up in a dream. He dreamed of his wife, which kiss she gave her when she was taken away by the purge team, dreamed of his partner, the smile on Patrick's face when he died, and the Bible that was held tightly in his hand.

Pston, who woke up from his dream, was very panicked. He quickly walked into the bathroom and took out his Passian syringe. Just as Pearson was about to inject Parsian into his neck, he hesitated. Because he also wants to know what emotion is, he wants to experience the charm of emotions instead of being like a cold robot every day.

Pston was stunned and looked at himself in the mirror. This mirror is the church's reward for himself, because only priests are allowed to install mirrors at home. Finally, Peston put down the syringe in his hand and decided not to inject Pasian today. He wanted to experience emotion again, even for only one day.

Then, on a new day, Peston began to welcome a new day and a new fate with emotion.

In a battle against "terrorists" the next day, Pearson saw the eyes of the emotional prisoner who died in his arms and saw the blood on his gloves. Walking past the body, Pearson took off his gloves while taking off his calmness and composure.

He felt the bullet hole on the wall. Through the light of a bullet hole, he entered a secret room with some personal collections: beautiful accessories, lovely portraits, and Preston felt all this. There was an old-fashioned player in the secret room, and when Beethoven's record began to spin, the passionate melody pierced Pearson's soul, and he shed tears.

Hey, Peston, we have a new discovery outside. In the car, just as Pearson looked at the blood in his hand and thought, Diggs shouted at him.

What, Peston followed Dickers' footsteps with doubts. After a while, he came out of an iron cage. Peston looked at the dogs in the cage through the iron cage.

After seeing Peston and Diggs, the weapons-held suppressors saluted the priest. These dogs are also contraband. We want to eliminate them. Do you have any opinions?

Dog! Diggs tilted his head, looked at the big dogs barking in the cage, and asked puzzledly, what are these things for? Are those emotional criminals going to eat them?

No, sir, these dogs are the pets of those emotional offenders, women and children. According to the interrogation, they use these dogs to comfort their so-called hearts and loneliness.

Diggs showed an unknown expression to the dog in the cage, lonely! What is that? Forget it, kill it all.

and so on. Just as the purgation team was about to shoot, Peston stopped them.

The purgator who was about to shoot heard it and put down the gun, turned around and asked, sir, do you have any other instructions?

No, no, Peston couldn't bear to turn his head. Go on.

, bang, bang, bang. With the continuous sound of gunfire and the whining of the dog in his ear, Pearson bit his lower lip hard.

Wow, wow, wow. Grab it, it ran out. With a few shouts, a puppy ran out of the cage.

Looking at the puppy who wanted to run past his feet, Pearson grabbed him in his hand.

After seeing that the puppy was caught, a team member came up and reached out to Pearson. Good job, come and give him to us. We will kill him.

Pston looked at the puppy in front of him and was about to hand him over when the puppy licked *'s face with its tongue.

Pston felt the touch on his face and the puppy's flexible eyes, and the hand he had handed out shrank back.

After avoiding the player's hand, Pearson explained to the unknown people, no, we should keep it, so that we can know whether there is any disease spreading here.

Well, if you insist. After listening to Peston's words, the cleanup said indifferently.

In this way, Pearson left alone with the puppy. The subsequent story was like the one in the movie. After driving away, Pearson met the patrol, and he recovered his feelings. In order that the puppy would not be captured by the patrol and his own safety, he did not hesitate to kill nine members of the purge team.

In the following days, Peston, who slowly began to enjoy his emotions, began to refuse to take Pacian. And all this was seen by Qin Hui.

One morning, after hiding Pacien in the mirror again, Peston received the news that Patrick's body was about to be cremated. When he got the news, he drove to the morgue to see his companion for the last time.

Pston looked at Patrick lying on the cart and the hole in his head, covering his face with regret. Patrick, our relationship is so good that I still can't forget your help when I first joined the church.

And in the end, I actually killed you! Pearson shed tears with regret and held Patrick's stiff hand. Patrick, I'm really distressed now. I don't know how to change it. The church has given me everything, but I really don't want to kill anymore. I'm really fed up with it. I don't want to be a cold tool, but I want to pursue my dreams.

When Pearson walked out of the room, a staff member asked him, "Sir, we have a copy of Patrick's relics. That's a book. Shall we destroy him together?"

No, no, no. Hearing this, Pearson immediately vetoed, sir, anyway, Patrick is a priest, so we need to use his relics as evidence of betrayal of the church, not meaningless destruction.

Under the leadership of this staff member, Pearson left the morgue and finally took away Patriji's relics, the Bible pierced by bullets. Tired, he went straight back to his home this time.

When Peston lay in ** and opened the Bible to read carefully, as he read, Peston found a photo of three people including Pattigi in the book. The back of the photo shows the names and contact information of the two people. One of them is called Mary and the other is called Gigan.

Pston, who saw this, jumped directly from **, ran all the way to the parking lot, and quickly drove to the home of the lady named Mary. Pearson held the steering wheel nervously and the car drove fast. He knew that there must be a shadow hidden in the photo, waiting for him to discover the secret.