come to the movie world

Chapter 27 Gunfighting, Gunfighting.

The next morning, under the leadership of Pearson, the purge team captured the leader of the righteous army led by Jigen and other rebel leaders. When Pearson came to the church wearing a white priestly uniform and holding a long knife, he was treated like a hero.

After he entered the door of the church, a gray-haired old man welcomed him into the door. The old man was Du Peng's adjutant and a district judge before the end of the world.

The old judge took Pearson as he walked and explained to him: "Before the priest talks to you, don't try to talk to him first, don't look directly at him, and don't move around. If you break into his personal safe area, you will be shot directly by the sniper. Now do you understand?"

In this way, under the leadership of the old man, Pearson passed through the iron gates and walked to the depths of the church. When he came to a strictly guarded gate, he was stopped by the guard in front of the door.

"Fare, please hand over your weapons." The guard guard at the door said cautiously after seeing Pearson with a long knife.

After hearing this, Pearson untied the long knife tied to his waist and handed it to the guard.

Seeing that Peston had untied his weapon, the guard searched him again with his hands. After the search was completed, the guard nodded to the white-haired old man, indicating that there was no problem.

After passing the gate, the two continued to walk in. After the old man took Peston to another room, the old man opened the door and said, "Please, our hero, we are going to take the last test now, the emotional test."


"Yes, emotional test."

"Is this necessary?" Pearson replied quietly when he heard that he was going to take an emotional test.

The old man smiled, but still answered resolutely: "Of course, we can't allow the priest to make any mistakes, even if the person who wants to see the priest is a loyal priest like you. By the way, priest, I want to send you a message. We have just investigated your home before.

"You searched my house!" Peston looked at the old man in front of him and several armed guards around him. He clenched his fist and remembered the pasian potion behind the mirror in the bathroom.

The old man connected the spiritual connector to Peston's neck and replied, "Yes, it's a priest. This is just a kind of caution, and we firmly believe that there is no big mistake in being careful."

"Is I qualified?"

The old man answered strangely after hearing this: "Of course, your family is simply a model family of priests."

Pston was relieved when he heard this. Although he didn't know why these people didn't find the Passian hidden by himself, there was no accident.

After the old judge connected the receiver, a missionary priest with the book came to Peston. Then he opened the book and said to Peston, "We are going to conduct a simple test for you next. Of course, this test should be more like a riddle to you."

Pston took a look at the working mind tester and nodded.

Seeing that Peston was ready, the missionary priest said, "What you want to say is how to eliminate a fully armed purge team in the shortest time? It won't be noticed."

Following the missionary's words, the guards in the house pulled the bolts.

The first reaction when Peston heard this was that he killed those and cleared the team members was exposed. Thinking of him here, his heart began to fluctuate violently, and these engraved instrument hands also began to swing violently. The swinging hands drew curved black lines on the white paper.

"Use their own guns, are you right? My former officer?" Just as Peston's mind fluctuated violently, a familiar voice came from behind him. With this familiar sound, Pearson's new partner, St. Diggs, came to him.

Diggs stepped forward and looked into Peston's eyes and said, "I said that I want to rely on you to achieve my career, and today will be the beginning of my career. Diggs, who said this, blinked at Peston and then turned around and left the house.

Pston looked at the departing Diggs without saying a word, and just then, a projection appeared on his wall.

"Pedston, my loyal priest, how are you feeling now?" The priest's projection on the wall said affectionately to Pearson.

"Why? Why is that? Why do you know everything and still play with me?" Looking at the priest in front of him, Peston asked in a low voice.


"In fact, we have been trying to disintegrate all the rebels for many years, but this is too difficult. These rebels are like rats in the sewer. They will flee in a panic as soon as the wind blows. Until one day, we found you, Pattigi, and Jigen.

"Your lethality, Patrick's sensibility, Gigan's affinity, and fantasy spirit, everything about you can expect. So a plan against all the rebels began. In the plan, we handed over the seriously injured Patriji, and we set up an insider among the rebels to make him betray the church.

"In the plan, we killed Gigan's family so that he could join the rebels without hesitation. And you, my poor man, you are the core of our plan, a soul figure who can draw snakes out of the hole. Today, you will direct the end of the rebels.

Listening to everything in his ears, Peston kept shaking his head. He couldn't believe that all this was true. He couldn't believe that his dream was actually the product of a conspiracy, and his good friend Patrick, like himself, did not realize the purpose of the church until his death, but wishful thinking that All this is true and the guidance of the soul.

After waiting for a long time, Pearson raised his head and asked the priest in the projection, "Why me? We haven't even met once. Why did you choose me?"

"No?" The priest's face showed a playful smile, and then the projection was blurred. When the projection returned to clarity, Du Peng's figure appeared in front of Pearson.

Looking at the surprised Peston in front of him, Du Peng smiled and said, "Don't be so surprised, Peston, why hasn't the priest appeared in front of people for so many years, because the real priest has already returned to heaven, and the church finally unanimously elected me and became his successor." At that time, there were only two senior priests, Du Peng and Qin Hui, so it can be said that they were unanimously recommended.

"As for you, Peston, the current savior of the rebels. Everything you have done has been seen by us, including going to see Mary. By the way, I can tell you a secret. Mary is also one of us. So now everything is in our plan, and you will be the one who witnesses this glorious moment.

"Mary, Mary is also yours! Is Patreji's death still valuable? Thinking of the woman who wanted to fight with himself, Peston looked at Du Pen in the projection picture and asked sadly.

"Yes, everything is under the control of the church."

Mastering it! In control! Peston looked at Du Peng's proud expression and said, "No, I still have room for redemption."

drop, drip, drip, drip. With this, there was a sound of alarm from the emotion tester. The missionary priest who heard the alarm looked at Peston who suddenly stood up and cursed with two guns in his hand; "Oh! Damn, damn gunma, I hate it."

"Bum, bang, bang, bang."

The short gunfire lasted only a few seconds, and in these few seconds, all the guards in the room were killed. Looking at Du Peng's eyes in the projection, Pearson said coldly, I came, and I came with my dream. Then he blew up the projection picture and turned around and went along the position where Diggs had just left. In the room full of corpses, there were only stunned missionaries left.

Out of the gate, Peston looked at the long corridor in front of him, and more than 20 guards in the corridor, took out his pistol, and then made a fighting gesture.

Looking at Peston who appeared here, the guards picked up the automatic rifle standing at their feet and shot at him.

Seeing these people shooting at himself, Pearson calculated the trajectory, then rolled over and threw the two magazines out. Bang, bang, bang, bang. Under the dodging of Pston, no shot of more than 20 people could hit him, and the muzzle of Peston was like a butterfly flying among the flowers, beautiful and efficient.

With the fierce gunfire, Peston rushed towards the guards. Holding the submachine pistol with continuous firing function, he crossed his hands with each other, constantly changing his movements, and the muzzle of the gun swallowed fire. After hitting a magazine, Peston's cuffs trembled, and the two clips hidden in his sleeve were replaced.

The guards who did not understand the concept of gunfighting kept falling down. And a moment also showed the power of the perfect combination of gunmanship and martial arts. In this way, Pston kept dodging and shooting, and these guards couldn't even keep up with his movements and could not predict the next direction of Pearson.

When he was about to finish hitting the second magazine, Pearson jumped and rolled into the air. After a continuous shot in the air, he pressed the button to return the magazine. And the two magazines that were first thrown in by him were under him at this time.

After landing, Pearson put the magazine on the new one and glides to one side. He pressed against the floor and held a gun in front of him. When the speed of the taxi was reduced, Pearson rolled on the ground, then picked up an assault rifle and killed it. Finally, the four guards guarded in front of the door.

The bodies of the four guards, driven by the powerful bullets of the assault rifle, retreated until after Pearson's ceasefire, the bodies of the four people were impacted and taken to the gate at the end of the corridor.

Pearston held an assault rifle and walked firmly to the gate step by step. After entering the gate, he looked at Dupen and Diggs in the room and threw away the empty rifle.

Differed from Diggs with a smiling face, looking at his door being beaten into a sieve, Du Peng sat at the table and held his hand and said unhappily; "You really need to learn to knock on the door!" Pedston.

Pston didn't answer. After closing the door casually, he walked towards the two of them. Step, step, step. With Peston's footsteps, behind the stone pillars in the room, eight priests in blue priest uniforms came out. These priests held long knives and surrounded Peston in the middle with a cold expression.

"How do you feel now? My loyal priest." After seeing Peston being surrounded, Du Peng said with his hand on the table.

Pston tilted his head and gave Du Peng a smile through the figure, and then pulled out a priest's knife first.

"Ah, ah, er, er, wow." Under the screams and Du Peng's stunned eyes, Peston killed these people mercilessly.

Seeing that all eight priests were killed by Peston, Diggs turned his head and looked at Du Peng. Dupen felt Diggs's eyes and looked at him in the same way.

"Well, well, who made you the boss!"

Diggs picked up a long knife in the knife holder on Dupont's desk, sorted out the black priest's uniform, and said, "Hey, man, pay attention to my uniform. I like this dress very much. I'm going to wear it for a long time."

After saying this, Diggs played a knife with one hand and then walked to Pearson.

Looking at Diggs in front of him, Pearson smiled slightly, brushed, brushed, brushed. After three knives, Pston took the knife in his hand, and at this time Diggs fell to the ground with unbelievable eyes. At this time, two long knives were also cut out on Diggs' clothes, and the pistol hidden by Diggs fell to the ground.

Seeing Diggs dead, Du Peng looked at the pistol he put on the table and stood up from his chair; "I didn't expect you to progress so fast! But you still have to be careful, because you stepped on the wings of my dream.

After saying this, Du Peng picked up the pistol and fired at Peston. Bang, as the gun fired, Peston bowed down and picked up the pistol dropped by Diggs.

The two use pistols to fight at close range. As a trainer of gunfighting, Du Peng has superb skills and rich fighting experience. The two people fought together, and the muzzle of the gun was constantly missed by the other party, and there was no loss of more than a dozen shots.

The two kept fighting with guns, and the flying bullets hit the murals. After fighting for a while, Du Peng gradually showed defeat. After all, Du Peng was already in his fifties and fought with the 30-year-old master Peston. After a long time, he was a little powerless.

When the two held a pistol and fought for a while, Pearson finally hit Du Peng's gun with bullets and knocked off Du Peng's pistol at once.

Looking at Peston's muzzle, Du Peng stepped back and defended, looking at me, Peston, you look at me, I'm alive, I'm alive, I feel. Killing is a sin. Do you really want to kill me?

P>Pston looked at Du Peng who was retreating and remembered his wife who was burned to death. Yes, I am willing to bear this sin.

"No, no, no." When Du Peng saw that Peston had made up his mind, he said again: "I know a piece of information about this plan. This plan is not what I mean at all. It is the plan of Judge Qin Hui. He arranged all this. I can take you to him, otherwise you don't know his location at all."

Pston looked at Du Peng in front of him, and he was moved. Because of this trial, although he heard it many times, it was accompanied by killing and parting every time. When he first heard it, Peston was also injured by two judges, so he attached great importance to this information, and Du Peng seemed to him that there was no threat.

"Do you want to find me?" With this, the door was opened again. Outside the open door, a man in black with a golden mask, accompanied by eight men in black with silver masks, came in.

The man who walked in said coldly to Du Peng for the rest of his life through the golden mask on his face: "Fajun Du Peng, what you have done makes me very disappointed and very disappointed."