come to the movie world

Chapter 26 Prepare for Encirclement

Pston asked Diggs, the task is to kill people, aren't you afraid that something will happen to you?

Diggs put down the gun in his hand and said, "No, I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid of injury or death." But I'm afraid that I can't seize the opportunity. I'm afraid that I will be unknown to the world like those mediocre people. I want to live forever. I want to stand at the top of the church and dominate my destiny.

, be careful, just then, a rebel rushed out from behind Diggs and saw the man Peston remind loudly.

Da, Da, Da, Da. Diggs turned around and fired a continuous shot with the machine gun in his hand. After the rebel was beaten into a sieve, Diggs said without looking back, thank you, but now I'm going to take my credit. After saying this, Diggs left with a gun.

After Diggs left, Peston wandered aimlessly in the factory and dodged when he met the rebels without firing a shot.

Don't move, put down your gun, or I will shoot.

Pston heard the sound behind him, turned around and pointed the gun at the man behind him.

It's you! Looking at the rebels in front of him, Peston found that one of them was the guard at the door on the day he came.

You are Patreggie's friend! The rebel recognized Peston and put down the gun.

Stop talking, you go quickly. It's not safe here.

Seeing his partner put down his gun, a rebel who had never seen Peston refused. No, let's listen to him. He is a lackey of the church. He will shoot as soon as we turn around.

Hearing this, Pearson pointed to the door behind the rebels. I want to kill you, and I don't need you to turn around. Let me repeat, go, it's not safe here.

, but,

Just as the rebel wanted to speak again, the man who knew Pearson interrupted him. Stop it, let's go, he is not a bad guy.

At this man's insistence, several rebels took a deep look at Peston, and then turned around and entered the gate.

When these rebels had just left, a team of heavily armed purge members rushed in. When the purgers who rushed in saw Peston, they asked, "Teaching, have you found anything?"

Pston stood in front of the gate where the rebels left and pointed to the direction behind him. I just came here and didn't see anyone. Then he tilted his head to the right and said, I heard gunshots in this direction, and you should go there immediately to support.

The leading purger looked behind the gate behind Peston, nodded, and then ran to the right with the others. Slowly, the gunfire gradually subsided, and Pedston walked out of the factory without firing a shot.

After Peston sat in the outside car for a while, a purge member knocked on his glass. Sir, Officer Diggs asked you to come over.

Pston lowered the car window and asked, what's the matter?

I don't know, but it seems that several rebels were captured alive in a secret room.

Pston got out of the car and followed the leading anti-up team to a secret room.

When Diggs saw Pearson come in, he patted the iron box beside him and said, "Sir, look what I found!" The rebel's secret radio station and several living rebel members.

Look at Diggs' radio station and the rebels who were released by himself. Peston squinted and said, oh, isn't it? Then I will congratulate you, and your credit has been added.

Well, yes, these people were lucky enough to escape the chase, but the world was very slow, and this time I found it out.

Is that so? Looking at these rebels he knew, they didn't say anything, but just looked at themselves with pleading eyes, and Peston's hands trembled gently. Because these people are not emotionless church members, but living people.

Why, do you want to do it yourself? Seeing that Pearson's hand was shaking, Diggs handed the gun to Peston and said with a smile, "I'm your deputy, so you should have some credit."

Seeing the gun handed over by Diggs, Pearson did not pick it up, but hesitated to say, these people, I think we should take them to the church. Maybe they know some rebel secrets. It's a little too decisive to kill them in this way. We should give them a fair trial.

Trial! Diggs put the gun back in his waist, and the church ordered to execute all the rebels here, not the trial.

Pston listened and hurriedly defended, no, Diggs, we need these people, not killing for no reason.

Diggs suddenly looked at Peston and said in a low voice, killing!!! Sir, I want you to calm down. This is the order of the church and the will of the priest. And the process is not important to you and me. What is important is to complete the priest's instructions. Because this is not a principle for us, but a belief and mission. Sir, you don't want to resist, do you?

Hearing Diggs' words, Pearson looked at the surrounding people. More than a dozen purges clences clenched their fists fiercely. After a while, he let go. Yes, as a loyal Guladman priest, I will resolutely uphold the priest's order.

After hearing the answer he wanted, Diggs asked Peston, do you want to give the order yourself? Sir?

Looking at the innocent look again, Pearson shook his head and turned around and walked out of the secret room. And when he took the last step, he heard Diggs' cold words, loaded, shooting,. Listening to the gunfire behind him, Peston accelerated his pace.

,, the story began to work again. Since then, Peston has been having nightmares every day, and there are always dreams, and the rebels' pleading eyes on him. Confused, he decided to change, change this cold-blooded and ruthless church and this almost brutal rule.

One night, he found Gigan again and broke his vow in front of the statue, the vow to guard the church all his life, and joined the rebels.

In the underground passage, Pearson asked Jigan in front of him. Jigen, I now know what I want. I want to end this cold world. What do you need me to do now?

After learning what Peston had done, Gigan firmly replied that we have installed explosives in all the Pasian factories. All you have to do now is to meet the priest and kill him to make the church leaderless.

Meet the priest! Peston shook his head and said, that's unlikely. You know, when I was promoted to senior priest, I couldn't see him, let alone now.

No, it is possible.

What can I do?

Jing Ke stabbed the king of Qin, borrowed people's heads, and approached the king.

Pston looked at the resolute Gigan and asked, whose head could he borrow to get close to the priest?

Gigan pointed to the dozen computer projections around the conference table and said that these people are the heads of various rebel groups, and we are now gathered together to overthrow the dream of the church. I believe that as long as there is our head, you can see the priest, and after seeing the priest, as long as you kill him and other senior officials around him, we will blow up the Pasian factory. As a factory that supports millions of people in the whole city, as long as there is a one-day pause, the recovery of humanity can help us achieve this goal.

Pston looked at these and other rebel leaders who used projectors couldn't believe that these people were fearless heroes.

After seeing his hesitation, a projected leader said, Pearson, don't worry. Each of us here has a deep blood grudge against the church, and we will not be executed immediately after being caught by the church, so as long as it is properly arranged, even if nothing can be done, our lives It can also be guaranteed. You know, there are many humane priests like you in the church.

After the leader finished speaking, another man continued to say that our war with the church has been going on for too long, and we have been at a disadvantage. So all this needs to be changed, and you, Peston, you are the biggest change. You are cautious, calm, and highly qualified. You are a senior priest of the church, so with your joining, the possibility of this beheading plan has been greatly improved. I don't think you, and you don't want your children to be two emotionless machines. So now it's time for us to sacrifice ourselves for justice. Believe me, today will be written in history.

Pston listened to other people's complaints, and finally he nodded. In this case, let's arrange it. I'll go to the church now to meet Vice Chairman Du Peng. After everything is arranged, we can start.

Seeing that Peston agreed to this adventure plan, another rebel leader said seriously, Peston, put down your concerns. You know, we are not for ourselves and our rights, but for the future of mankind. So we have a firm belief and the determination to subvert the church. We are for the future, for the future of the children.

Looking at the excited people in front of him, the old Luke, who was in charge of Jigan's safety beside him, stopped talking. Luke disagrees with the behavior of these people. In his opinion, this plan is too risky, because no one present knows the strength of the church better than him. Not to mention the rest of the church, the arrogant, crazy, cruel and cold presiding judge hidden in the judgment room alone is not himself and others. It can be a small test.

Although the man hasn't done it for more than ten years, Luke doesn't dare to take it lightly at all. That's why he stopped what he wanted to say, because his family was under the supervision of the trial office. As long as he disobeyed the orders of the church, none of his family members could survive. Old Luke is a filial son. He not only has his wife and children, but also the white-haired old mother in the trial, and the church has promised itself that as long as he does it beautifully this time, he and his family will never inject Pasian again. For this goal, old Luke did not hesitate to betray John and let him be shot to death.

, after leaving the stronghold, Pearson came directly to the church to meet Du Peng. He stood in Du Peng's office and asked him, sir, I have something to ask you.

Du Peng stopped the pen in his hand and looked up, what's the matter!

Pston lowered his head and said, I want to see the old man. As you know, I have been working for the church for so many years, and I have been frustrated that I haven't seen him with my own eyes. The priest is our faith and our soul. I want to crawl at his feet and listen to the priest's will.

When Du Peng heard this, he stood up from his seat happily. Good, priest. In you, it reflects the loyalty of a qualified priest, which is often more important than your ability.

Can you grant my request?

Du Peng thought about it and shook his head regretfully. Sorry, priest. Father, he hasn't seen anyone for a long time, so I can only deeply regret your request.

Pston listened and asked reluctantly, sir, doesn't the priest even want to see all the loyal priests of the rebels who can be cleared for him in one fell swoop?

Du Peng looked at Peston and said word by word, you mean, clear all the rebels???

Pston nodded seriously. Yes, sir, I should have known where the rebels are. I really want to see the priest now and tell him the good news.

Hearing that the priest's last wish was going to be fulfilled in his own hands, Du Peng said incoherently, "Okay, very good, very good, Priest Peston, you have done a very good job. I agreed to your request. You immediately arranged someone to arrest the rebel leader. As long as you can do it, I will give up this old face and will also beg God. My father saw you at the same time.

Thank you, please wait for my good news. After saying this, Pearson turned around and left Dupen's office.

After Pearson left, Du Peng stood by the wall and looked out of the window. After a while, he picked up the phone on the table and said, my old friend, the time is ripe now.