come to the movie world

Chapter 46 Family Law, Help Rules. The law is not allowed.

"Bang". Just as Tian Qiwen was about to bend down, the door was kicked open again.

"Fuck! Do you want to rebel?" Tian Qiwen looked at the little brother who rushed into the room and cursed angrily. However, as soon as he opened his mouth, he immediately found that these people were not brought by himself at all.

Tian Qiwen lay on the dumb girl and stared at the leather shoes that stepped into the threshold and the black cloak that was then brought in.

Since Qin Hui was injured a month ago, he has not been well healthy. When he goes out, he will wear a cloak to keep out the wind and cold. So seeing the figure still wearing a cloak this summer, Tian Qiwen knew that it was Qin Hui who had arrived.

"Big, big brother, why are you here?" Looking at Qin Hui, who was expressionless, Tian Qiwen said fearlessly.

"Cough, cough." With a few coughs, Qin Hui looked at A Xing who fainted on the ground and the dumb girl who was pressed under her, and said indifferently, "Go down."

"Yes, yes." Tian Qiwen's eyes were full of fear, nodded with a smile, and carefully climbed down from the dumb woman's body. That gentle action is more careful than when you make out with your mother-in-law.

Qin Hui looked at the corner of the dumb woman's torn clothes and hooked her finger at Tian Qiwen with a disgusted face, "Come here."

Tian Qiwen looked at Qin Hui's expression, knelt on the ground trembling, and begged, "Big brother, I know I'm wrong. Please forgive me for a while. I won't dare to do it again next time."

Come here. Qin Hui did not answer Tian Qiwen's words, but aggravated his tone.

Tian Qiwen knelt on the ground and kowtowed his head with his knees. He walked to Qin Hui and begged as he walked, "Brother, Qiwen really knows it's wrong. Please bypass Qiwen this time."

For Tian Qiwen's plea, Qin Hui's answer was the flying foot.

"Ah!" Tian Qiwen, who was kicked on his shoulder by Qin Hui, rolled back twice, lay on the ground, face down, and moaned feebly.

Listening to Tian Qiwen's moan, Qin Hui walked to A Xing's side and pointed to Tian Qiwen, who was wailing beside him, "Fire his gun."

"Yes, boss." The two horses who followed Qin Hui ignored Tian Qiwen's moans and turned him over and took away the pistol.

Qin Hui looked down at A Xing with a blood stain on his face, took out his wine pot and poured it on his head.

"Hmm!" With a whisper, A Xing, who was originally a dead dog, shook his head and looked at Qin Hui with a confused face.

"Get up" Qin Hui, who knew A Xing's special physique from the movie, pointed at A Xing's arm with his toes and forcibly woke him up.

"Big brother!" A Xing woke up and looked at Qin Hui confusedly. While struggling to stand up, he shouted doubtfully.

Qin Hui looked at A Xing's appearance and scolded with some envy, "You boy is really resistant to fighting! If an ordinary person dies, he will lose half of his life. Tell me more about it, what's going on with you? I listened to the gunfire."

Hearing this, A Xing immediately turned his head and ran to the dumb girl, as if he was not aware of Qin Hui's question at all.

A Xing, who ran to the side of the dumb girl, covered her body with a cover, stroked her face, and shouted in a low voice, "Shengyi, Shengyi. I'm A Xing! Shengyi, wake up, don't scare me!"

I don't know whether it is the need of the plot or A Xing's call. Instead, after A Xing called for a while, the dumb girl slowly opened her eyes like a sleeping princess.

The dumb woman who opened her eyes instinctively covered her chest, and then looked at A Xing's face. Then she let go of her arms, hugged A Xing tightly, and cried silently.

A Xing held the dumb girl tightly, stroked the top of her head, and comforted her, "It's okay. It's okay. I'm here. Don't be afraid."

Qin Hui sat on the chair of the dumb girl's house and listened to A Xing's fleshy love words in her ear. After a long time, he interrupted again, "Well, let's talk about the words of showing love at night. Now tell me what's going on today and why did you use the gun?"

A Xing hugged the dumb girl tightly, looked at Tian Qiwen, who was still lying on the ground moaning, angrily, and opened his mouth to tell what happened.

Qin Hui listened to A Xing's complaint, and her face became worse and worse. "Who came out with Lao Tian today? Stand up."

With Qin Hui's words, several horses who came with Tian Qiwen looked at each other and slowly came out.

Looking at the fear-looking horses in front of her, Qin Hui was fiercely afraid of the table at hand, "Say, why do you follow him, but don't stop Lao Tian at all? Looking at him doing so nonsense, what on earth are you doing?"

Hearing Qin Hui's reproachment, several horses knelt on the ground and defended, "Brother, we stopped, but we couldn't stop Brother Tian!" Brother Tian is our eldest brother. We dare not disobey his orders!"

"Cough, cough." Hearing this, Qin Hui covered her mouth and coughed angrily.

The little brother who followed Qin Hui saw him coughing and immediately came forward to persuade him, "Brother, take care of yourself. You can't fight with people like them."

Looking at the little brother's concerned face, Qin Hui wiped the corners of his mouth and looked at the ground disappointedly. Tian Qiwen said, "Lao Tian! How long have you been with me?

Tian Qiwen struggled, knelt down in front of Qin Hui, put his head to the ground, and said, "Brother, I have been following you since the axe gang for more than 20 years now."

Qin Hui nodded and sighed, "It's been more than 20 years! It's not short!"

Tian Qiwen listened to Qin Hui's sigh and begged, "Brother, Qiwen is confused for a while today. For the sake of me over the years, please forgive me this time. I promise I will perform well in the future."

"Alas!" Qin Hui sighed, shook her head and said, "As the saying goes, there are national laws and family rules. Our axe gang is a big family, and you actually fired a gun with your family today. How can I keep you?

Tian Qiwen listened to Qin Hui's words, his face became paler and paler, and his head kept sweating coldly. Then, he turned to A Xing and begged, "A Xing, I'm wrong. I'm not good. I'm an asshole. I'm sorry for you. A Xing, for the sake of working together, please help me and beg him to let me go. I will never dare to do it again.

Looking at Tian Qiwen crying in front of her, a kind-hearted dumb girl couldn't bear to compare with A Xing and motioned him to help Tian Qiwen. She had forgiven him.

A Xing looked at the dumb woman's gesture and her innocent face. After a while, he lowered his head and said unwillingly, "Brother, forget it."

When Tian Qiwen heard A Xing's words, he said to Qin Hui with a longing face, "Brother, A Xing has forgiven me. Now I know my mistake. Please forgive me this time. I promise I will never dare again."

Looking at Tian Qiwen with a happy face, Qin Hui took out a handkerchief, wiped the blood stains on his forehead, and said, "National law, family rules. This is not something that you or I can change if I want to.

"Brother." Tian Qiwen listened to this, pounced on Qin Hui's feet and howled loudly.

Listening to this, the bird was about to die, and its sound was also a sad howling. The horses around him, including A Xing, couldn't bear to lower their heads. But they didn't say anything, because they all knew that no one could change Qin Hui's decision, at least in their cognition, no one could ever do it.

Qin Hui looked at Tian Qiwen with tears on his legs. He slowly squatted down and put his hand on Tian Qiwen's shoulder. In this way, he looked at Tian Qiwen's eyes and said, "Lao Tian, to be honest, do you regret talking to me?"

Tian Qiwen looked at Qin Hui, who was close at hand, wiped the unstoppable tears in his eyes, accepted his fate, and shook his head firmly and said, "Brother, I don't regret Qiwen. Qiwen, I was originally the son of a butcher. I didn't have much ability or culture. I was originally a pig's life. Qiwen has followed you to have such a colorful life that he can recognize you as the boss because of the most correct and proud thing he has done in his life.

Tian Qiwen kowtowed to Qin Hui and said, "Today, Qiwen was disappointing and did something wrong and broke the rules. If you want to kill, I will recognize Qiwen."

Qin Hui listened, patted him on the shoulder heavily, and then put him in his arms and asked in his ear, "Good brother, is there anything else that hasn't been explained?"

Tian Qiwen listened and muttered, "Brother, can you stop telling my wife that I was executed for breaking the gang rules? My wife has always been proud of me, and I don't want to let her down.

Qin Hui patted Tian Qiwen on the back and nodded, "Okay, Lao Tian, have a good journey. In the next life, the door of our axe gang will still be open for you, and I will let you sit in the second position."

Tian Qiwen watched Qin Hui agree and wiped his tears. Then in a sad voice, he said with a smile, "Brother, Qiwen is at ease. I won't be by your side in the future. Take care."

Qin Hui held Tian Qiwen tightly in her arms and said repeatedly, "Good brother, good brother, don't worry. There is no problem with me. Qiwen, have a good journey. Big brother's gun is very fast."

Tian Qiwen, who heard this, smiled and closed his eyes.

, bang, bang,.

After a long time, Qin Hui sadly put Tian Qiwen on the chair he had just sat in under the eyes of his little brothers, and looked at him sadly. The little brothers in the room said, "The second figure of the axe gang, Tian Qiwen, was assassinated by the remnants of the crocodile gang today. In addition, the daily expenses of Tian Qiwen's family in the future will also be borne by the Axe Gang. Until Lao Tian's wife died and his son became a family.

Qin Hui, who said this, looked at everyone present and pointed out, "Do you remember what I just said?"

"Yes, brother, we remember."

Qin Hui looked at the younger brothers who responded loudly and A Xing, who nodded silently, and then tightened his windbreaker, coughed, and walked out of the door of the dumb girl's house.

The little brothers who followed Tian Qiwen present looked at Qin Hui's departure, trembling, wiped the sweat on their forehead, and looked like the rest of their lives after the disaster.

At this time, Qin Hui's indifferent voice came from outside the door, "The people brought by Lao Tian today are advised to be unfavorable. According to the rules, they will all be executed." Then Qin Hui paused and continued, "Execute it immediately."

"Big brother, big brother, it's not our business! It really doesn't matter to us!" Several horses struggled and ran to Qin Hui outside the door to explain to Qin Hui.

, bang, bang, bang. With the messy gunshot, in the dumb woman's wide eyes, the little brothers brought by Tian Qiwen were all shot to the ground.