come to the movie world

Chapter 47 Blessed by misfortune

Qin Hui did not say anything about the plea behind him, and directly got into the car and drove to the front.

The purpose of Qin Hui coming out today is to go to the pig cage area. After all, the three fried ghosts are all old people in the pig cage area, so Qin Hui wants to see the reactions of those people and the reality of the two renters.

Qin Hui sat in the car with her eyes closed, with her hands crossed over the windbreaker. The car drove fast, and Qin Hui, who was sitting in the back, had no intention of urging. The car staggered forward, and he coughed from time to time like a weak man.

And just as Qin Hui was meditating, there was a sudden brake sound from the car. He slowly opened his eyes and looked blankly at the stone pier that had been put down in the middle of the road.

"That's him, brothers! Revenge for our master." With this shout, more than 30 big men with machetes and pistols were killed on both sides of the road and surrounded Qin Hui's motorcade in the middle. These big men are tied with white cloth strips on their heads. Hearing this tone, I don't know which little gang's remnant they actually want to avenge themselves!

"Let's send a signal and call someone. Let's protect the big brother." With the driver's shout, seven or eight younger brothers quickly came down from the car that followed the front and back.

Today, because of Brother Tian's incident, there are only two cars following Qin Hui's car, and as usual, at least four cars should follow Qin Hui to ensure Qin Hui's safety.

The driver got out of the car and opened the door. After looking at the small buildings on both sides of the road, he saw Qin Hui's leisurely face and said anxiously, "Brother, go in first and hide. Our people will have to wait for a while."

The people brought by Qin Hui had guns in their hands. This time, although they were surrounded and did not investigate for a while, the resistance was also very fierce, and there was no intention of retreating at all.

Qin Hui looked at the chaotic scene, then nodded and walked into the two-story building next to the car accompanied by the driver.

After Qin Hui entered the small building, the driver nervously held the gun, placed him in a room, and closed the door casually. Then he carefully looked at the door and waited in front of Qin Hui's room.

"Ah, ah, oh!" With the screams from time to time, there were fewer and fewer gunshots outside the door. Obviously, the gunmen of the axe gang did not stop them.

Listening to the gradually calming gunfire outside the door, the driver held the gun in a sweat and shouted to Qin Hui in the room, "Big brother, don't make a sound. Our people will be there soon. With me and Zhu San staying here, we will definitely not let them in."

As soon as Zhu San finished saying this, a strong man with a big knife broke into the door. The strong man looked at Zhu San with a gun in his hand and was stunned, and then saw the black hole muzzle.

"Bum, bang, bang, bang." The big man listened to the gunshots in his ear and closed his eyes to welcome the upcoming death.

"Kka, Kaka, Ka." After the gunfire, the big man listened to the crisp sound of pulling the trigger and opened his eyes doubtfully. I'm not dead, I'm not dead!" The big man looked at Zhu San's empty pistol and said with a giggle as he touched his body.

Zhu San looked at the big man who was smiling at him, his legs trembled, and leaned against the wall. "Brother, Zhu San is just a driver! I've been with this gun for so long, and I haven't opened it once. I just joked with you. You have a lot of it. Let me go!"

The big man listened to Zhu San's words, shook the machete in his hand, and walked towards him with a gharaki smile.

Zhu San looked at the approaching blade in front of him, screamed strangely, and ran away, without the appearance of the oath just now.

"I want to run!" The man for the rest of his life after the disaster, holding a big knife in his hand, threw it at Zhu San ten meters away.

"Puff". Zhu San looked at the tip of the knife coming out of his chest, opened his eyes, turned his head in disbelief and said, "Brother, there is no need to be so accurate!" Then he opened his eyes and fell to the ground unwillingly.

"Haha, hahaha" The big man looked at Zhu San who fell to the ground and stood still and laughed.

"Bang". With a blast, a big hole was punched in the wall on the right side of the big man, and an arm with black gloves was directly stretched out of the hole. The big man himself was directly smashed by this violent punch.

The owner of the arm shrank his hand back from the wall after smashing the big man's head. Behind the large round hole left behind, the expressionless face under Qin Hui's sunglasses also revealed, followed the cold words in his mouth, "Cough, cough, cough, yin and yang are two breaths, not broken or standing, which is a true solution."

"Ha ha, ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha." Then behind the wall that was pierced, Qin Hui's cold laughter came out for a moment.

"Hangt! Brothers, kill me, kill me!" Listening to the shouts outside, Qin Hui patted the dust and gravel on her sleeves, put her hands behind her back and walked out of the small building.

After the situation calmed down, Qin Hui, who returned to the car, did not change his original intention, but went to the pig cage area.

With the roar of cars, the poor people living in the pig cage area looked at the convoy of the axe gang and showed fear one by one. Ku Liqiang and the three fried ghosts did not come back after going to the Axe Gang. In the hearts of these people, the Axe Gang has already become a flood beast-like existence.

After the car stopped, the younger brother opened the door of Qin Hui, and then whispered to Qin Hui, who closed his eyes, "Brother, the pig cage has arrived. Would you like to come down and have a look?"

Qin Hui opened her eyes, looked at the poor area in front of her, which had always been famous for its dirty and messy, and then walked out of the car.

Qin Hui refused to accompany his younger brothers and looked around alone. At this time, A Sheng's ocean clothing store had been wrapped by the young man who cut A Xing's hair and turned into a barber shop. And the fried ghost's snack bar has also been changed to a small shop called Northeast People's Ramen Restaurant. Qin Hui looked at these emerging stores and smiled slightly.

"Ax Gang! What are you doing here? We don't welcome you." Just as Qin Hui looked at the pig cage area with a satisfied face, the chartered man came out of the Northeast People's Ramen Restaurant drunk with a bottle of white wine.

Looking at the drunken but unchanged tenant, Qin Hui said with a smile, "The person is a guest. How can the tenant not welcome us!"

The charterer listened, shook the wine bottle in his hand and said, "Well, don't think that if you kill the fried ghosts, our people in the pig cage area will be afraid."

Qin Hui listened and denied, "The fried ghosts are remnants and killed by the earth. It's none of my axe gang. And no one has died since ancient times! The three of them are originally martial arts practitioners. It's fate to die at the hands of masters this time. If you ask me, this is much better than their old bed!"

Hearing Qin Hui's words lightly, the tenant's face was cold, and he also asked tentatively, "I don't care about the fried ghost, but I have seen A Sheng's body. He definitely died tragically after being seriously injured. Otherwise, with the strength of Ah Shenghong's iron fist, it is impossible for the two of them to break his bones.

Qin Hui looked up and down at the chartered public for a while and couldn't remember that his relationship with A Sheng was so strong, so he asked doubtfully, "Oh! So, you are going to avenge that dead rabbit!"

Putting aside the wine bottle in his hand, the chartered man smiled obscenely, "I can't say revenge, but after meeting him, I have to give him an explanation."

Qin Hui looked at the appearance of the charterer and knew that his body had not recovered. He still wanted to try the means of the charterer, because both of them practiced Tai Chi.

Qin Hui looked at the contractor, moved his joints of his body, and said indifferently, "To be honest, A Sheng's Hong's iron fist disappointed me. In his hand, the iron fist completely disgraced the title of the fist, so I beat him to death."

Listening to Qin Hui's arrogant tone, the corners of the tenant's mouth **, and then said with hatred, "The Taijiquan I practiced is also very famous. Do you want to try it!"

Hearing this, Qin Hui replied with a surprised face, "Come on."

The chartered public didn't say a word, but a heavy blow to Qin Hui's shoulder.

And Qin Hui tilted back slightly with his fist. When he exhausted his fist, he suddenly straightened his body and hit his fist directly with his shoulder.

The charterer took a small step back with the strength of his fist, then stepped back and headed for Qin Hui with his knees.

Qin Hui put his body on one side, dodged the blow, and then fought with the chartered public.

The two of them are fighting back and forth. In the small corridor, there are traces of fighting between them.

With the fight, Qin Hui kept using Taiji to borrow strength and then returned it to the tenant. And the charterer also continued to use the unloading method, which consumed the strength of Qin Hui's hand.

The faster Qin Hui beats her hand, the heavier the force is. The charterer couldn't help shouting in surprise, "Taiji borrowed power, four or two thousand pounds! You used to use Taijiquan!"

After saying this, the charterer took a breath and put on Taiji's starting style again, "Taiji is born infinitely. The opportunity of movement, the mother of yin and yang. Yin does not leave yang, yang does not leave yin, and yang are all gods. With the formula of a short sentence, the tenant's action becomes more and more light.

He punched him in the chest and felt the touch of his fist hitting the cotton. Qin Hui chopped the cement floor on the ground with one foot, and his body moved forward again.

The chartered man who was punched was as light as a piece of paper. He also turned around and kicked Qin Hui's chest in the air.

After separating, the two separated covered their chests and looked at each other.

Looking at Qin Hui wearing sunglasses and a cloak with a cool expression. The charterer, who was unwilling to show weakness, immediately took away his hand covering his chest and gently swept the place where he was hit by Qin Hui like dust. He said as if nothing had happened, "Four or two times a thousand pounds! With hardness and softness! I didn't expect that you were young and Taijiquan would become great!"

Qin Hui listened and straightened the cloak on his shoulder and said with a smile, "Each other, each other. Your Taijiquan is free. Your fists are like streams and flowing water. When you are so soft, I'm afraid you will reach the point of extreme yin and yang.

After saying this, Qin Hui looked at the residents who were rushing to see the bustle when they heard the sound, turned around and said without looking back, "Today's conditions are limited. I'll leave first. Let's do it next time."

The charterer looked at Qin Hui's departure, put his hands behind his back and nodded. No one saw him. His right hand hidden behind him was trembling slightly.

"Cough, cough" Qin Hui returned to the car, covered the blood from the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief, and said with a wry smile, "I'm afraid I won't get better in a few months!" However, judging from today's events, I am probably aware of the strength of these people.

Among these people, according to Qin Hui's level, the strength of the three fried ghosts should be eight levels. And Tian Can lacks them, and each person's martial arts should be the strength of the early stage of level 9, but these two are proficient in the art of joint attack, and together they should have the peak of level 9. As for the strength of the landlady, it should be similar to that of the landlady. They are all at the peak of level 9, but the landlady's lion roar skill and the secret skill of a big horn. If this move is added, the landlady can be regarded as the beginning of level 10.

The fire cloud evil god defeated by the loudspeaker should also be at the beginning of level 10. As for A Xing, who later learned the Buddha's palm, it should be regarded as the strength in the middle of the tenth level or the later stage.

Judging from the display in the movie, the ninth-level charterer is not the opponent of the fire cloud evil god at all. It seems that the suppression between this level is absolutely not small, and this tenth level is definitely a watershed, because the fire cloud evil god in the movie and the later A Xing have the force to receive bullets with one hand and destroy the city wall. This kind of kung fu has long been beyond the scope of human beings, and this kind of strength is called "connate warrior".

In this way, Qin Hui, sitting in the car, thought about the next step of the person's plan. After all, the task is like this, but it is difficult. For the sake of rewards and punishment, Qin Hui also has to fight.