come to the movie world

Chapter 67 Trapped corpse

Seeing the zombies transformed by Mr. Ren, he bit Wen Cai. Uncle Jiu pointed with his hand and a golden light hit the thunder corpse.

The thunder corpse, which had become an essence, looked at the unknown object shining with golden light and opened his hands.

"Ze, Z." With the sound of electric light, the thunder corpse actually held his hands on his chest like a human, and presented a power grid woven by thunder and lightning in his two purple hands.

Seeing that the thunder corpse actually woke up to its own magic power, the alert ninth uncle, held his left hand on the wrist of his right hand, pinched the law, and drew a "broken" word to the thunder corpse in the sky.

With the appearance of the word "broken" in the air, Uncle Jiu looked at the thunder corpse that was still deadlocked with Jin Guang, bit his middle finger, formed a French seal, and pointed fiercely on the broken word.

After getting the blood of Uncle Jiu, the broken words drawn in the air slowly integrated into the golden light facing the zombies, and exploded with the increasingly dazzling golden light. At this time, Qin Hui, who was standing beside Ren Tingting, reached out and grabbed an item that flew with the sound of the explosion.

Looking at the ninth uncle and the four-eye Taoist priest who pulled out the mahogany sword and fought with the zombies. Qin Hui slowly opened her hand, and what she saw was a broken copper coin.

"Wen Cai, are you all right! Is it serious?" With Qiu Sheng's voice, Wen Cai, who climbed all the way from the ground, looked at Ren Tingting standing beside Qin Hui, a carp stood up, shook his head, and said disdainfully, "There's something! How can I be fine! Isn't it just a zombie! I'm going to teach him a lesson." After saying this, Wen Cai looked at the zombies who fought with Uncle Jiu and others, took out an iron sword, and then bent down and went to the zombies obscenely.

"Zombies look at swords, rainstorm swordsmanship." With the sound, Wencai looked at the zombie who fought with Uncle Jiu and pierced his ** with a sword, which made Qin Hui, who saw this scene, couldn't help but **.

"Oh!" The thunder corpse, which was pierced by **, shuddered all over, and then left the ninth uncles and turned to bite Wen Cai's neck.

"Go-dong" With the sound of swallowing and spitting, Wen Cai looked at the twisted face of the thunder corpse and the electric light splashing on the zombie's hand that grabbed him, Wen Cai immediately knew that he really made him angry.

"Brother, let's go together." Uncle Jiu looked at the thunder corpse that went straight to Wencai and shouted, and then, together with the four-eyed Taoist priest, he kicked the zombie's chest one by one left and one right, forcing the thunder corpse back a few steps back. Looking at the thunder corpse retreating, the ninth uncle held a spiritual charm and strode to Wencai's side and protected Wencai behind him.

Looking at the thunder corpse in front of him, he was looking at the literary talent hiding behind him with hatred. The ninth uncle in front of him said without looking back, "Wencai, you and Qiusheng took Awei's men and tied him up with a corpse lock, and then we were dealing with him."

Hearing Uncle Jiu's words, Wen Cai made a grimace at the paused thunder corpse because of the appearance of the spiritual charm and ran to the hall.

Looking at the ninth uncle who hit the thunder corpse again, Qin Hui was slowly retreating. Because at this time, Qin Hui, relying on the instinct of the martial artist, felt that the threat brought to him by the thunder corpse was getting stronger and stronger. Although this feeling is wonderful and even makes Qin Hui a little unclear, Qin Hui believes that there is no harm in being cautious.

is different from Qin Hui's retreat. Wen Cai, who went into the room to get the body lock, ran over with Qiu Sheng and A Wei and others with a smile and shouted, "Master, get out of the way, we are coming."

Qin Hui looked at the things in Wencai's hand and found that there was nothing strange about this so-called body binding lock. This bundle of corpse locks is four crimson ropes with a pungent smell of blood. Each rope is about five meters long, and the two ends of the rope are tied with two golden bells as big as a pear.

Looking at Wen Cai and others locked out with bundles of corpses, Uncle Jiu nodded with satisfaction, and then shouted, "Launve."

With Uncle Jiu's words, Wen Cai took the end of the rope, and the flinched soldiers slowly swallowed towards the thunder corpse.

Looking at the few close Wen, the thunder corpse stood in the middle of the yard, looked up to the sky and roared, and then made a bite to Awei and others who were about to approach with a rope.

"Damn!" With a shout, a frightened soldier threw the rope in his hand and ran to the backyard. As the man escaped, several other soldiers also looked at each other and hesitated.

Under the moonlight, the thunder corpse roaring up to the sky looks more and more ferocious. After looking at several companions around him, a soldier also wink at the others, and then threw down the corpse lock. As he retreated, he broke his mouth and cursed, "Fuck, I'm a policeman to eat imperial food, not to catch zombies. I'm not a Taoist priest. Why should I catch zombies with you! You'd better play with the zombies. I'm going home. I'll quit.

Looking at the soldiers who had left, several other soldiers also dropped the body lock in their hands and the long gun on their backs. Then he ran in the direction of the backyard and said, "That's right, this soldier, I'm not good."

Looking at the soldiers who ran away, A Wei, who just wanted to take the opportunity to escape, was stopped by Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng beside him at the same time. A Wei looked at the two people who were staring at each other and shouted at the direction of the soldiers's escape, "You bastards! The deserter is really a disgrace to me. I, Awei, despise you. After saying this, Awei looked at the corpse lock in his hand and whispered with a crying face, "You are really not human! It's in vain that I'm so kind to you. It's enough for you to be deserters. Why don't you take me with you?"

Looking at the soldiers who ran away, the four-eyed Taoist priest glanced at Qin Hui standing in the hall, picked up the abandoned body lock under his feet with his toes, then grabbed it in his hand, and shouted contemptuously, "Brother, there is a way to ask for others than to ask for yourself. Now the four of us are enough. Let's give him a four elephants to seal the magic array, let He looked at the power of Maoshan's corpse driving faction.

Uncle Jiu looked at the thunder corpse that was getting heavier and heavier in the moonlight and nodded. Then Uncle Jiu grabbed the binding lock in A Wei's hand and threw the other end to Wen Cai. After receiving it, Wen Cai threw the end of the corpse lock in his hand to the four-eye Taoist priest, and then the four-eye Taoist priest threw the end of his corpse lock to Qiu Sheng. After Qiu Sheng received it, he threw his one to Uncle Jiu.

In Qin Hui's eyes, the ninth uncle and the four-eye Taoist priest held a corpse lock and connected with Wen Caiqiusheng with a rope to form a square shape with red light.

"Brother, my lord and deputy, we will trap it in." After saying this, the ninth uncle jumped up with the four-eyed Taoist priest, and then jumped over the zombie's head and surrounded the thunder corpse in the middle with a bundle.

Looking at the thunder corpse waiting for others to trap him, Qin Hui couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, "It's still easy to cheat. If this is a warrior or a mage of the same level, they don't know what this rope is for, and they will never let people trap themselves."

"Let's take action together, and the four elephants seal the demons." Seeing that the thunder corpse was trapped, Uncle Jiu shouted, crossed his hands and tied the rope. Then Uncle Jiu quickly intersected each other and tied the thunder corpse with a binding lock.

The thunder corpse tied up and locked by the body emitted bursts of black corpses and howled in pain.

Looking at the painful expression of the zombies, Uncle Jiu smiled. After Qin Hui saw that the zombie was trapped, she took a few steps back and took Ren Tingting to the hall of the police station and looked out with A Wei who ran in.