come to the movie world

Chapter 68 Destiny and Humanity

Awei looked at the thunder corpse struggling in the middle and whispered to Qin Hui, "Mr. Qin, do you think Uncle Jiu and the others are going to win?"

After hearing this, Qin Hui looked at the flashing electric light on the thunder body, shook his head and said, "Mr. Ren has changed since he was struck by lightning. I'm afraid it's not so easy to control him now!"

A Wei said with an unbelieving face, "No way! This zombie has been trapped! Can Uncle Jiu still be his opponent?"

Thinking of the unfathomable ninth uncle, Qin Hui answered affirmatively, "This zombie is trapped, but he is also very likely to escape. However, if you want to win Uncle Jiu, for now, this thunder corpse is still close to fire. After saying this, Qin Hui looked at Ren Tingting beside her with a smile and then said, "At least, it's not enough now."

Looking at the trapped zombies, Uncle Jiu said quickly while holding the corpse lock, "I'm jealous of the fire, angry in the fire, the desire to be in the fire, the fire in the stone, the fire in the water, the fire in the earth, and the three flavors of real fire." With Uncle Jiu's spell, the virtual shadow of a flame slowly appeared behind him and gradually became clearer and clearer.

With a roar, the trapped thunder corpse shines brightly.

"Kka, Kaka." After two thunders, the originally clear night sky immediately became dark, and two lightnings crossed the sky from time to time.

Listening to the wind and thunder in his ear, the four-eyed Taoist priest shouted solemnly to the ninth uncle, whose face was getting redder and redder, "Brother, without sacrifices and magic weapons, if you use three flavors of real fire like this, you will definitely be devoured!"

Listening to the brother's words, Uncle Ninth smiled, "Who said there was no sacrifice!" After saying this, Uncle Jiu suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood and shouted, "Take blood as the guide, three flavors of real fire, go." After a mouthful of blood spewed out, the flame shadow behind Uncle Jiu immediately became clear and flew to the thunder corpse with Uncle Jiu's order.

"It's close, it's in." Looking at the flame getting closer and closer to the thunder corpse, and at this time, the thunder corpse had not yet broken free. The corners of Uncle Jiu's mouth showed a triumphant smile.

At this time, the thunder corpse was constantly struggling in the trapped corpse lock, and by instinct, it was very afraid of the flying three flames.

"Cock, boom, boom." With two roars, two thunder and lightning fell from the sky. One of them hit the thunder corpse fiercely, and the other hit the flame.

"Puff, poo!" As the flames were hit by the thunder and lightning in the sky, Uncle Jiu, who was smiling, immediately turned pale and spit out two mouthfuls of blood and knelt on the ground.

Uncle Jiu, who was kneeling on the ground, looked at the calm night sky and the broken corpse lock on the zomb in front of him, couldn't help looking up to the sky and asked angrily, "Why, why on earth didn't you let me accept him!" Is this naturally raised thunder corpse really destined to return? Why on earth! Why did you tell me, um, poo." With the excited tone, Uncle Jiu spit out a mouthful of blood again, snorted and fainted angrily.

"Brother, brother! Master, master!" With different shouts, the four-eye Taoist priest held the ninth uncle who fell to the ground in his arms and cried, "Brother, this zombie was born in response to thunder, and some strangeness is inevitable. What's so strange about this! Why can't you figure it out!"

The thunder corpse, which was robbed by lightning, looked at the blackened land around him, looked at the top of his head with fear, and then roared at the ninth uncles and others, and disappeared from the sight of everyone without looking back.

"What is this! God doesn't help people to help zombies!" Looking at the dramatic scene in front of her, Ren Tingting said in disbelief.

Listening to his cousin's words, A Wei said, "Yes, why didn't this thief take this zombie with thunder! This zombie's human life is absolutely not regrettable!"

"Ha ha, you two!" Qin Hui listened to their words and shook her head with a smile.

Seeing Qin Hui take over his short, A Wei said unhappily, "What! I'm not right!"

Qin Hui pointed to the top of her head with a smile and said, "This zombie was born in response to thunder. God asked him to be born. This is destiny. Do you think you can compare with him!"

Qin Hui, who said this, also looked at the night outside with a confused face, because he didn't know what he was in the eyes of God.

Qin Hui looked blankly at the night outside and fell into meditation for a moment until she was awakened by the pain in her arm.

"Hmm!" Feeling the pain in her arm, Qin Hui turned around and grabbed it back without thinking about it.

"Zombie!" Qin Hui looked at Master Ren, who was caught in his hand. At this time, Master Ren was bleeding and was constantly struggling. Looking at Master Ren's zombie, Qin Hui immediately changed his face and looked at his arm. There were two obvious tooth marks on his arm. Although these two tooth marks looked very shallow because of Qin Hui's physical quality, it was just like this and still pierced his skin.

Qin Hui looked at Master Ren, who had become a little afraid since he turned around, and said word by word, "Dare to bite me! I want you to die!"

With Qin Hui's words, Master Ren, who was caught in his hand, kept struggling backwards and wanted to leave Qin Hui's side. Looking at Master Ren's struggle, Qin Hui held Master Ren's hands in one hand, pinched his neck with the other, pressed him in front of his eyes, and asked, "Why did you bite me?"

Master Ren, who was caught in front of him by Qin Hui, tilted his head back and rattled his mouth, looking like he wanted to bite and had some scruples.

Looking at Master Ren's appearance, Qin Hui's hand holding his neck became tighter and tighter, and five fingers even fell into the flesh and blood on his neck.

Qin Hui's forehead blue veins burst, her breathing became thicker and thicker, and she said coldly, "Munuch, I want you to die!" After saying this, Qin Hui suddenly shrank his hand by grabbing Mr. Ren's neck, and then slapped Mr. Ren's head fiercely in the eyes of A Wei and others.

"Kka, Kaka, Kaka." With a distorted sound of bones, Master Ren's head was directly patted into Qin Hui's chest in Ren Tingting's unbearable eyes.

Looking at Master Ren's head in his chest, Qin Hui, who still felt un relief, put his hands into his chest at the same time and tore him directly in half from his chest with the force of his hand.

Qin Hui looked at Master Ren who was torn into two sections and fell to the ground. He wiped the blood splashed on his face and then looked at the two people beside him.

"Ah!" Seeing Qin Hui looking at herself with a bloody face and recalling Ren Tingting's cruel action just now, she couldn't help screaming with fear.

"Don't you want to see zombies!" Qin Hui, who turned his head, looked at A Wei with a smile.

"Goo" with the sound of swallowing, A Wei looked at Qin Hui, who looked like a devil, and said tremblingly, "No, no!"

Qin Hui looked at the internal organs hanging in his hand, handed him to Awei, and said with a smile, "Try it. This is zombie meat, which should be very tonic. Come and eat it."

Awei looked at the meat in Qin Hui's hand, took out his pistol, and then said to Qin Hui, "You're crazy! Don't come here! I want to see the zombies, but you don't care about me if you are bitten. If you want to find it, go find the thunder corpse!"

Listening to this, Qin Hui sent the flesh and blood in her hand to Awei's mouth and said seriously, "Don't worry, I have the most hatred. There are causes and consequences. Whether it's you or the zombie, you two have to give me an explanation, otherwise I will be unwilling."

With the sound of gunfire, A Wei fired a shot directly into Qin Hui's chest.

With the sound of metal falling to the ground, Qin Hui looked at the bullet thrown on the ground and said, "Ha ha, it's great to have a gun! Do you think I'm not as good as the fire cloud evil god!"

Although he didn't know who the Fire Cloud Evil God was, A Wei, who knew something bad, still retreated and fired a gun at Qin Hui's chest.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang." With the sound of the trigger of the bullet, Qin Hui opened her hand, revealing the four bullets in her hand, and said to A Wei with a disappointed face, "Ha ha, your shooting skills don't seem to be very good! How did you practice? Do you want me to teach you? You should know that I am good at shooting.

Looking at Qin Hui with a smiling face, the four-eye Taoist priest who hurriedly came, hurriedly said, "Brother Qin, stop. In the early stage of being bitten by zombies, the corpse poison can be cured."

Listening to the words of the four-eye Taoist priest, Qin Hui turned around and said indifferently, "I know that if the corpse poison is really hopeless, not to mention A Wei, I also want him to stay in this town, otherwise I will be lonely alone on Huangquan Road."

The four-eye Taoist priest looked at Qin Hui and said strangely, "Then why do you still embarrass A Wei!"

Hearing this, Qin Hui pointed to his chest and said, "I eat everything, but I won't suffer losses. This happened because of A Wei, so he and the thunder corpse have to give me an explanation." After saying this, Qin Hui smiled at the four-eye Taoist priest, and then came to A Wei and stuffed the zombie meat into his mouth.