come to the movie world

Chapter 77 Scientific Zombie Evolution

In the dark mountain forest, there is a two-story building, brightly lit and shining in the dark night.

"Two, touch it, fool it, pay, give it." With the loud laughter, under the light outside the small building, several young people are playing mahjong.

Listening to the shouts outside, Qin Hui, who had arrived here, opened the window from the second floor and shouted to the young people below, "Don't play. Come up and help first."

Listening to Qin Hui's words, the young man who had just won the money took the money on the table, then ran to the building and shouted, "No more play, no more play, the boss called us, let's continue tomorrow."

The others listened and said helplessly while tidying up the table, "Damn, if you win money, you want to run away!" How can it be like this?" However, despite this, several young people still went upstairs.

After the personnel arrived, Qin Hui stood aside and looked at the movements in Wu Zitong's hands. Wu Zitong looked at the zombies lying on the white cloth, smiled at the people who came in and said, "You will hold down the zombies later. I'm going to do experiments for him."

After saying this, Wu Zitong inserted several infusion tubes of different colors into the zombie's body. He explained to his gold master Qin Hui, "From the perspective of evolution, the reason why everything can evolve is that there are enough hormones and nutrients in his body to maintain evolution. So we can make an assumption that this zombie is a new species that has reached the point of evolution, and what we need to do is to provide him with this nutrient so that he can become a real zombie and provide us with the undead genes we need.

With this, Wu Zitong took out a large syringe, which was full of blood-red**. After taking the syringe in her hand, Wu Zitong walked to the zombie and said, "This is my special debugging potion. I learned from the information that zombies live on sucking blood, so we can do it again. Make a hypothesis. Through historical analysis and my own estimation, I think the reason why zombies suck blood is that there is a lot of energy in human blood, which can be maximized to provide zombies with the nutrients they need. But from a medical point of view, human blood actually contains a certain amount of journals, so I have purified these blood and added some other elements.

After saying this, Wu Zitong injected the blood-red ** into the zombie's neck, and then changed a syringe and said, "Come on, I'll take some of his brain to test first. You can help me hold him down. If the body reacts later, it's also because some of his nerves are not completely stationary. Well, now you help me hold his hands and feet.

After listening to Wu Zitong's words, Qin Hui tilted her head and quietly looked at the full moon outside the window. He found that today's moon was particularly round, and the round moon emitted white moonlight, which was very beautiful.

With the sound of piercing the cowhide with a needle, Wu Zitong stuck it into the zombie's neck with a long needle and went straight to the brain, and then began to pull out the brain from the zombie's brain.

With the extraction of the brain, the hands and feet of the zombie lying in ** twitched, and his whole body couldn't help moving, making a collision with the board under him.

Seeing the scary scene in front of them, several young people turned their heads and ran away and shouted, "The zombie moved, cheated the corpse, run!"

"Where to go!" Listening to the shouting in her ear, a cold light flashed in Qin Hui's eyes, and then she flashed to the door.

One of Qin Hui's tasks is to gain the friendship of five mages. Although Qin Hui has always been a little proud, he also knows that if his research on zombies is exposed, at least on the surface, he will definitely be rejected by righteous people. So if these young people really dare to escape, Qin Hui can only apologize to them.

At this time, Wu Zitong just pulled out the needle in the zombie's neck, and then shouted at the door, "Don't be afraid. Everyone has a reward of five yuan tonight. It's okay now. Come back. This is just a normal reaction. Look, the zombie is still lying **, and there is no fraudulent corpse at all.

Standing at the door, several people who were scared by Qin Hui's eyes and cold eyes, slowly turned their heads after hearing Wu Zitong's words and saw the zombies still lying ** at a glance.

"Well, how can there be zombies! That's all a lie. Let's go, let's go, let's wait for the reward. With the words of self-comfort, several light people wiped the cold sweat on their heads, cringe and slowly walked towards the body.

Seeing several people coming back, Wu Zitong nodded to Qin Hui. Then put a little brain plasma in the syringue into the microscope, took out a small syringe, dripped some other ** on it, and then observed the changes in these brain plasma.

"Magic! It's amazing." Wu Zitong looked at the changes of the microscope and kept nodding. After a while, Wu Zitong got up and gave up the position of the microscope to Qin Hui. Looking at Wu Zitong's movements, Qin Hui smiled, then leaned over and turned her eyes to the microscope.

As he looked at it, he saw that the small cells in the microscope were constantly devouring each other, and as they phagocyed, these cells became larger and larger.

"What did you put? Why is there such a reaction? Looking at the changes in the microscope, Qin Hui couldn't help frowning, because the body has been dead for a long time. According to common sense, these brain cells should not be so energetic.

After listening to Qin Hui's words, Wu Zitong, who stood aside, said with a smile, "This is a hormone specially developed by me, which is specially prepared for the evolution of zombies. I think the reason why the zombies in the books are afraid of the sun is because of the function in his body and lack the ability to resist ultraviolet rays because of a long pause. Therefore, we need to provide him with this missing factor in the process of evolution, hoping to stabilize his genes and provide us with useful information to avoid our research from deviating from the predetermined trajectory. You should know that what we are going to study is the elixir of immortality. This kind of thing, even if it is really interviewed, will not be provided to ordinary people in a short time, so we must not have any flaws.

Listening to Wu Zitong's words, Qin Hui seemed to see the hope of Zhang Ling's life. So when he thought of this, he said softly, "You're right. There must be no flaws in this kind of thing. So when your first stage is completed, we need some people who have sacrificed their lives for the road to life and use them to perfect our experiments. After saying this, Qin Hui took his eyes away from the microscope and said indifferently to Wu Zitong, who was a little unbearable, "For this reason, we have to do it at all costs."

Listening to Qin Hui's words, those young people not only couldn't bear it, but asked eagerly, "Your Excellency, then we? We have contributed a lot."

Looking at the burning eyes in the eyes of several young people, Qin Hui smiled and said, "Don't worry, as long as this medicine succeeds, you will be the first to live forever, but if you want your family to be able to live forever, it depends on your performance."

Listening to Qin Hui draw a big cake for these people, Wu Zitong smiled disapprovingly. Then he took out a magnifying glass and came to the zombie to observe the change of the zombie's pupil.

After getting the magnifying glass in his hand, Wu Zitong tried several times, but he couldn't bypass the charm stuck to the zombie's forehead. Looking at the charm in front of him, Wu Zitong looked at Qin Hui beside him. After hesitation, he gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand to the charm.