come to the movie world

Chapter 78 Zombies don't suck blood this year

"Don't touch it" saw Wu Zitong stretching out his hand to the charm, and Qin Hui, who was beside him, immediately shouted.

After listening to Qin Hui's words, Wu Zitong shrank his hand, then pointed to the spiritual charm on the zombie's forehead and answered him helplessly, "Boss! I don't want to touch it, but if I want to see the pupils of zombies, this charm is too inconvenient. And we didn't catch a real zombie, so we used him to do experiments. If he really became a zombie, we should have to ask for it!"

Qin Hui looked at it, then nodded with approval and said, "Well, it makes sense. In this case, let it go. At that time, even if it is really a fraudulent corpse, it will be no big deal for a little zombie who has just become.

Following Qin Hui's words, Wu Zitong took down the paper charm and put it on the table beside him.

"Ye! Not bad, it's really good." Looking at the pupils of the zombie, Wu Zitong kept nodding his head, and his head became closer and closer to the zombie's face with the magnifying glass.

"Roar, ah." Just as Wu Zitong observed the zombie pupil, the zombie lying in ** sat up with a roar.

"Boss, help! Fraudulent corpse." Looking at the zombie who suddenly sat up, he was roaring blankly. Wu Zitong crawled and rolled to Qin Hui's side and desperately wanted to open the door locked by Qin Hui.

"What are you panicking about!" Qin Hui scolded the crowd, and then walked towards the zombie sitting without any other action. And with Qin Hui's footsteps, the zombies also looked at Qin Hui blankly, looking stupid.

"This zombie seems to be different from other zombies!" Standing in front of the zombie, Qin Hui looked at the zombies without any reaction and said to Wu Zitong behind him without looking back.

Several young men, looking at the zombies, just looking at Qin Hui blankly without any other actions, couldn't help interrupting, "Boss, it seems to be true! It is rumored that zombies bite people, but he doesn't seem to want to bite!"

Listening to the words in her ear, Qin Hui put the corpse charm on the table on the zombie's forehead, and then said to Wu Zitong, "Zitong, come and see what's going on."

Just after Qin Hui's words, a young man pointed to the ** zombie and said, "Move, move, boss, the zombie moved again."

"Oh!" Qin Hui looked at the stupid zombie who could only look left and right, and was surprised that he could still move after being attached to the spiritual charm.

And the zombies at this time may feel that their sight is blocked. Then the zombie sitting in ** took down the spiritual charm of his forehead and then stuffed it into his mouth and ate it.

"Bah, ah, ah." The zombie who had just stuffed the spiritual charm into his mouth, and then seemed to have eaten something disgusting and spit on the ground repeatedly.

Looking at the humanized action of zombies, Qin Hui sighed, "Strange! That's strange! You should know that the thunder corpse can't bend his arm like an ordinary person. But it's incredible that this new zombie can do it.

Wu Zitong looked at the zombies with fear, which was gradually replaced by excitement and said to Qin Hui, "Boss, this zombie is very special! I want to continue to study him. Can you control him now?

"Yes" With this, Qin Hui kicked the zombie's chest and kicked the zombie down fiercely on the iron**. The zombie who was kicked by Qin Hui shook slightly in **, and then sat up and looked at Qin Hui who hit him blankly.

"Ha ha, this zombie is quite resistant!" Finding that the zombie was not damaged at all, Qin Hui smiled and then kicked him on his body and kicked him out. The zombie who was kicked aside by Qin Hui knocked over the instrument on the table next to him with a crash.

"Wow, hoo." Sitting on the ground, the zombie leaning against the cabinet did not get up with the sound of inhalation, but seemed to be constantly looking for something on the ground. Qin Hui and others followed the eyes of the zombies and saw many bottles and cans scattered on the ground, which were used by Wu Zitong to hold medicine.

The zombie kept searching in the medicine jar, and then picked up a syringe in the puzzled eyes of Qin Hui and others. After taking the empty syringe in his hand, the zombie sniffed at the syring, and then put it into his mouth with a happy face. He didn't care about the glass that pricked his mouth and ate it like this.

After watching the zombie finish eating the syringe, he looked for it on the ground with an eager face. Qin Hui frowned and asked Wu Zitong, "Zitong, what was originally installed in that empty syringe? Why do zombies eat that food so happily?

Wu Zitong looked at the zombie whose needles were swallowed. After thinking about it, she suddenly realized, "I know that the needle tube is equipped with nutrient fluid, that is, the tube of blood with hormones. I'm sure that this zombie must not be able to keep up with the nutrition in the body."

Qin Hui listened, nodded and asked, "Oh! So according to you, this zombie should be hungry, but why doesn't he suck human blood?

"This!" Wu Zitong looked at the zombies looking for in the test tube with an expectant face, shook his head and said, "I don't know, I'm just a doctor. My understanding of zombies all comes from ancient books, and those ancient books don't say that."

"Roar, Roar." After looking for a long time, the zombie who found nothing picked up a needle on the ground, stretched out his hand and roared eagerly at Wu Zitong.

Looking at the zombie's movements, Qin Hui asked Wu Zitong, "He is hungry. Do you still have that special potion?"

Hearing this, Wu Zitong shook his head and said, "Let him be hungry first. I don't have that potion. I made a total of five today, and I used them all for him."

"Hungry! How can that work!" With this, Qin Hui hooked her finger at a young man and said, "Come here, go and feed the zombies some blood. Don't starve our baby."

The pointed young man clung to the locked door with a frightened face, and then kept shaking his head and waved his hand, "Boss, no, if you are bitten by zombies, you will die, and even if you can't bite, you will become a zombie. I don't want to die. Let me go!"

Qin Hui looked at the young man's cowardly and said impatiently, "Who said let the zombies bite you!" Why don't you give him some blood to drink? What are you afraid of when I'm here?

Thinking of Qin Hui's martial arts, the young man knelt on the ground and said tremblingly, "Boss, you are fine. Change someone. I really don't want to go!" I don't want to live long. I want to go home. I miss my mother so well now.

"I miss my mother!" Hearing this, Qin Hui quickly took two steps to his side. Then despite the young man's resistance, he dragged him to the side of the zombie and said indifferently, "You can't miss your mother. At this point, you still want to leave!"

After saying this, Qin Hui scratched his finger on the young man's arm and made a deep wound. Then he grabbed the zombie's mouth with one hand, poured the slippery red blood on the young man's arm into the zombie's mouth, and said with a smile, "Hey, now you know you want to leave! There is no such good thing."

The young man felt the strength of Qin Hui's hand and shouted at the young people who dared not come forward, "Ah! Two dogs, help! I don't want to die. Come and save me!"

"Hmm! How could this happen?" Qin Hui did not care about the cry for help in his ear, but looked at the zombies in front of him who kept spitting blood out. Seeing this blood, the zombies did not drink a single drink, Qin Hui pushed away the bloodleted young man and the zombies who kept shaking their heads to avoid.

"Ouch, disgust." The zombies released by Qin Hui retreated in fear and even vomited, spitting out the blood that Qin Hui fed in.

Watching the zombie spit out all their blood, Qin Hui couldn't help but be furious. Then he grabbed his neck and roared at the zombie and asked, "How come! How could this happen! Why don't you drink blood! Useless things, how can you grow up if you don't drink blood? If you don't grow up, where can I find the elixir of immortality? How can I let the spirit live without the elixir of immortality?

Wu Zitong looked at the zombies being held in Qin Hui's hands and was struggling and shouted, "Boss, boss, be gentle, be gentle! This zombie is extraordinary and of great research value.