come to the movie world

Chapter 221 Weird Stark

These senior legislators sitting at the conference table focused on Qin Hui one by one. Some sneered, some were silent, some nodded silently, and some were thoughtful.

"General Ross, in your opinion, what should we do first?" Qin Hui's impression, in President Hillary's heart, Qin Hui is a typical Texan who likes to drink and is full of arrogance and rudeness.

Qin Hui knocked on the table and said without hesitation, "A snake can't do without a head. We should first appoint a new minister to deal with the changing international situation."

"Minister of Defense!" After hearing Qin Hui's words, not only the eyes of the military faction flashed, but also the politicians among the senators quickly thought about their interests.

The legislators present lowered their heads one by one, thinking about how to bring the greatest benefits to themselves.

Looking at the thoughtful crowd, Qin Hui said coldly, "Guys, the death of Minister Saler has shown that under these peaceful years, unbridled lawbreakers are hidden. What we need now is a strong defense minister to represent the tough attitude of our government and the vital interests of everyone here.

Listening to this secret words, everyone looked at Qin Hui again. Because when it comes to hardliners, who can be stronger than Qin Hui, a representative of the hawks.

General Ross is ambitious! Now it's a good show." A down-ranked member of the military looked at other military representatives with a smile.

"This old man is really hard-hearted!" A political congressman rubbed the ring in his hand without saying a word.

Different from the silence of other legislators, after hearing Qin Hui's words, the military chairman, one of the three giants of the military, said with a smile, "General Ross, listen to you, you are in this position!"

Qin Hui nodded with a smile and said, "It's not a fixed seat, but this position. No one is more suitable than me. Senator Joseph, you are a veteran military general. Do you have a better candidate than me?

"This..." After hearing Qin Hui's words, Joseph, the military chairman, cursed fiercely in his heart, but he had no choice but to scold him. Because he doesn't have a better candidate to compete with Qin Hui.

General Ross, replaced by Qin Hui, has a strong influence in the military, and his military rank is only one level smaller than the three giants of the military. Although I don't want to admit it, except for a few members present, there are really few who can be compared with General Ross in terms of merit and strength.

General Ross has two biggest characteristics. One is that he is a representative of the hardliners, and the hardliners are also young. General Ross, who is only 62 years old this year, is very popular with young officers in the army. And the second is the super soldier army in General Ross's hand.

In the report handed in by Qin Hui, this supercorps is brave and good at fighting and is in the hands of Qin Hui. And the combat ability of these super soldiers, the observers sent by the military, also showed this to the outside world. The reason why the general is a general is because of the military power in his hand. Although it is not a warlord melee now, Qin Hui, who has such a strong legion in his hand, has more say.

With Joseph's silence, other parliamentarians also fell silent. Whether it is influence or power, no other generals have been able to compete with Qin Hui for power. Even the other two giants of the military dare not say that they have the strength to suppress Qin Hui. You should know that the current Qin Hui, whether ambitious or courageous, is not comparable to the original General Ross.

With the stalemate of the scene, everyone slowly focused on President Chirac. None of the people present here are fools. From the death of Saler to Qin Hui's words, all of this is full of conspiracy in the eyes of this group of old foxes. However, although I know it in my heart, there is no direct evidence that these old foxes will not offend a powerful general with real power for a dead man.

As president, no one will refuse more rights. Therefore, when many legislators looked at the president, Chirac, who had a lot of ideas about the choice of defense minister, also said, "The defense minister is a matter of great importance, and now that Saler's bones are not cold, let's focus on arresting suspects first. In five days, I will preside over the burial ceremony of Sariel at the White House, and I hope you can come and discuss it again. In addition, I will order the whole country to be on alert and be sure to catch the murderer.

"Is there anything else that needs to be supplemented?" Chirac looked at the people present, and then announced the end of the meeting in the silence of the congressman.

"I am bound to win the position of the three giants of the military. I'll discuss it later. I'd like to see how long you can hold off!" In this way, in Qin Hui's outspoken seizure of power, the parliament that originally negotiated how to deal with terrorists slowly turned into a struggle for power until the end.

After the meeting, Qin Hui left his office directly, gathered all the generals in his faction, and secretly ordered the generals he defecting to screen out elite soldiers in the armies and accept the new Hulk transformation plan.

Now that the super soldiers in Qin Hui's hands are still less than 10,000, Qin Hui intends to expand again and add the super army to 15,000. Qin Hui intends to station 5,000 of these super soldiers in the base, and the others are divided into groups to serve as new people's heroes and earn the hearts of the people for themselves.

The short five days passed in a blink of an eye, and during these five days, Qin Hui, as the local garrison commander, dispersed his original 7,000 super soldiers and assigned them to various cities and formed a military emergency response team.

Although these super soldiers sent out did not meet the real super villains, they met many other outlaws. In Huzhong, a city where super soldiers are stationed, once there is a tricky incident with the police, these strange super soldiers in Qin Hui's hands will rush to the forefront of the battle one by one to end the turmoil in a direct and violent way. Although there are only a few days of incidents, these soldiers have also brought a very high reputation to Qin Hui after being reported by the media. Qin Hui himself is also known as the cornerstone of peace and the guardian of order.

Of course, with the appearance of these large number of super soldiers, many countries and individuals attribute these super soldiers to the divine cosmic Rubik's Cube. In the overwhelming gossip, these powerful super warriors are described as receiving the power and gifts of the Rubik's Cube. Gradually, with the spread of this news, this absurd word has been recognized by more and more people. The cosmic Rubik's Cube, which originally faded out of people's sight, has once again become the focus of the world.

"These people really have nothing to do. Those ignorant people believe it, but now, even the parliament and the president feel that this chicken-like magic cube has an unspeakable secret!" Sitting in the convoy of the military region to the White House, Qin Hui looked at the Rubik's Cube beside him and said speechlessly.

Laura in the command car also said with a smile after hearing the sound, "General, this is inevitable. You used to rely on the false news of the cosmic Rubik's Cube to attract attention and secretly hunt down strange people from all over the world. Now with the emergence of super warriors, it's really strange if others don't unite the two! Besides, the president is also a human, and people will be curious. Although your report shows that the Rubik's Cube of the Universe is useless, the gossip of these words is full of people who will feel that you are hiding something and will not choose to believe it.

"Three people become tigers, and lies are often easier to believe than the truth." Qin Hui said and put the Rubik's Cube in the suitcase.

"General, although we didn't get its mystery, are you really going to give the Rubik's Cube to that S.H.I.E.L.D." Laura took the suitcase and put it aside.

Qin Hui nodded and said carelessly to the magical cosmic Rubik's Cube, "In the same position, politics is a trick of mutual compromise. This time I handed over the cosmic Rubik's Cube, and the position of defense is the benefit promised to me by the parliament. By the way, how is the situation of S.H.I.E.L.D?

Laura thought for a moment and said, "In Peter's message, there are Spider-Man Peter, Hawkeye Patton, Black Widow, Wonder Four, Wolverine, and a little man who can stealth."

"Ha ha, only this strength wants to protect the Rubik's Cube! I really don't know what to do!" Qin Hui shook her head disdainfully. Among the people caught by Dr. Manhattan, there were many powerful people. Among them, the two vampire dukes caught last week, each of which has the strength of Stark and strange black magic. Of course, the two dukes now, like Thor, have become Qin Hui's collections.

"Where's Stark? How's Stark? I haven't seen him for a long time. Has he joined S.H.I.E.L.D.? Qin Hui suddenly remembered the forgotten Stark, and she had not seen him for a long time.

"The people of S.H.I.E.L. have recruited Stark, but they can't come up with the chips that moved Stark, and they can only end up. And recently I heard that Stark is modifying his building, and I don't know what the hell he is doing.

"Modified building!" Qin Hui shook her head and smiled dumbly, "It seems that our little genius has really been hit by the power shown by Dr. Manhattan. Now he may not know where to hide and cry helplessly!"

"General, I'm afraid it's not like this!" Laura shook her head and projected the image of the computer in her hand in front of Qin Hui. Looking at the projection in front of her, Laura pointed to the panorama of the Stark Building taken in the satellite. Here, the whole building gives people a strange feeling, and it always seems that something is wrong.

Ten days ago, Stark moved away all the employees in the Stark Building, and he himself entered the building, closed the whole building, and never came out. And many residents reported that there would be a tinkling sound of construction in the Stark building day and night, as if they were doing decoration.

"What is he doing? Why did you paint the building red?" Looking at the Stark Building in front of him, Qin Hui found that there were countless engineering robots designed by Stark, busy outside the building, constantly painting red paint outside the building.

"This building doesn't seem to be right!" Qin Hui stared at the building in front of him with a thoughtful look.

"Woo-hoo... Boom!" Just as Qin Hui fell into thought, with a whining, the road in front of the convoy suddenly exploded, interrupting Qin Hui's thinking.