come to the movie world

Chapter 222 The Ebrupt League of Assassins

"General, we were attacked and the road ahead was blown up." With the explosion, Qin Hui heard the news from the Hummer at the front of the convoy.

"Dare to attack me! I'd like to see which madman it is!" Qin Hui snorted dissatisfiedly and ordered the driver to open the door of the command car and walk out of it.

"What's going on?" After getting out of the car, Qin Hui found that there was no enemy. The majestic wind blew through the bushes on both sides of the road and looked quiet.

A soldier saw Qin Hui get out of the car and ran quickly. He raised his right arm and saluted him, "General, a bomb was buried in front of the road. The enemy personnel are unknown and request to expand the scope of the search."

Qin Hui looked at the guarded soldiers around him, looked at the shrubs on both sides, and waved his hand; "No, it's just some hidden rats. What kind of climate can it be?" There will be still a big deal to do. Keep going."

"Yes, General." The soldier stood up again and saluted the army, and then turned around to convey Qin Hui's words.

After the soldiers left, Qin Hui stood in front of the command car and swept his eyes through the bushes on both sides. It was found that there were no dangerous signals in the forest, and there was no special sound. Looking around the calm, Qin Hui, who didn't feel any danger, tightened his clothes and walked towards the command car.


Just as Qin Hui was about to enter the command car, the sound of gunfire suddenly came, and with the gunfire, the soldiers around who had planned to get on the car immediately took out their pistols and faced the bushes on both sides of the road, running sideways to Qin Hui's position.

"General, are you all right?" After hearing the gunshot, Laura, who was sitting in the command car, immediately jumped out of the car with a lady's pistol and protected Qin Hui in front of the car door behind her.

Qin Hui did not answer Laura's words, but raised her hand to reveal a strange shell case. This shell, which is sandwiched between Qin Hui's two fingers, is about 17 centimeters long, and the whole body is dark. At first glance, it is a special bullet.

"Anti-tank sniper rifle!" Qin Hui read a sentence gently and held the bullet tightly in his hand.

Anti-tank rifles are rifles specially designed to penetrate vehicle armor. Their main targets are chariots and light tanks. This rifle was also put on the battlefield from the beginning of the emergence of chariots. It was not until the end of World War II that it was replaced by rocket launchers and anti-tank guns, and gradually withdrew from the stage of history.

This kind of anti-tank sniper rifle can generally only penetrate 15 cm of steel plate, and Qin Hui concluded from the force just shot that the power of this modified anti-tank sniper rifle should be able to penetrate 30 cm of steel plate. With the armor-piercing bullet in Qin Hui's hand, the penetration of this bullet may even break the alloy armor on Stark's body.

"General, are you all right?" After seeing the bullet in Qin Hui's hand, Laura's face changed greatly.

"Do you think I have something to do?" Qin Hui asked back and pinched the bullet shell in his hand into a steel ball.

"Tight, block the surrounding shrubs, I want to know who wants my life!" Qin Hui took the iron ball in his hand and played with an angry face. If he was hit in the head by a bullet just now, he would not be able to please Qin Hui's current strength.

"Bum bang bang..." Just as Qin Hui finished speaking, four of the same bullets were fired from different directions. These flying bullets were tightly grasped by Qin Hui as he exceeded the speed of the bullet.

"These damn grasshoppers!" With a series of provocations, Qin Hui, with a frost face, threw the bullet in his hand to the ground and flew directly from the ground and headed in the direction of the bullet.

"Dish the enemy and protect the general." As Qin Hui rose to the sky, the soldiers standing on both sides of the convoy shouted and turned into giants and rushed to the bushes on both sides.

Qin Hui's flight speed was very fast. From the continuous sound of guns to Qin Hui's rise, it took only more than a second. But this second was enough for Qin Hui to fly thousands of meters to find the person who wanted to kill him.

"Children, the prank is over." Qin Hui, dressed in military uniform, suddenly stood in front of two people with hats and looked at the anti-tank sniper rifles about two meters long in their hands with a smile.

Two young men with sniper guns frowned when they saw Qin Hui, and then quickly gave up the sniper rifle in their hands, took out two pistols from their waists and hit Qin Hui on the head.

For the bullets fired, Qin Hui seemed to have fixed the time and gently shook his head and gave up the two bullets. After letting the bullets shot, Qin Hui stretched out two fingers and stuffed them directly into the muzzle of the gun. She laughed, "The gun doesn't leave the head. Who wants me to die so much!" After hearing Qin Hui's ridicul, the two looked at Qin Hui's fingers stuffed into the muzzle of the gun and pulled the trigger without saying a word.

"Bang!" With a sound, the bullet did not penetrate Qin Hui's fingers as they imagined, but exploded directly in the barrel of the gun, blowing out their hands on the trigger.

The two people without their fingers said nothing, directly wiped it into their arms with their left hands, took out a short dagger and stabbed Qin Hui's abdomen.

Qin Hui shook his head contemptuously, flicked his fingers on the two daggers, and flew out their weapons. After flying the weapons of the two, Qin Hui stretched out his hand like lightning and directly removed the joints on the two bodies to prevent the killers from breaking themselves.

With Qin Hui's several movements, the warriors who turned into giants also jumped to Qin Hui's side, and the sound of fighting came from the other side.

Qin Hui looked at the assassin who was held in the hands of the soldiers. Qin Hui picked up an anti-tank sniper rifle and walked towards the command car and ordered; "Take them to the car. I want to see if they can resist the medicine developed by Dr. Jon to deal with these hard bones."

Qin Hui quickly dismantled the sniper gun in her hand as she walked, and a pile of parts scattered on the ground for a while.

"The whole gun is handmade. It seems that these people are all veterans!" Qin Hui looked at the slightly worn gun body and saw that these people were not the first to commit a crime.

Qin Hui lowered her head and walked to the command car, thinking about who the employers of these people were. However, Qin Hui's identity is here, even if he does nothing, it is also a thorn in the eyes of many people. So after thinking for a while, Qin Hui sadly found that there were too many people who wanted to die, so many of them were suspected, which was simply countless.

"Dr. Manhattan!" Qin Hui, who took a few steps, suddenly opened his mouth and shouted beside him, because Dr. Manhattan would always have a split to follow him.

"General!" With a cold word, a completely blue figure appeared directly beside Qin Hui.

"This..." Qin Hui looked up and saw Dr. Manhattan, who was emitting blue light all over, unexpectedly appeared beside him without clothes.

Looking at Dr. Manhattan, who was naked and looked very angry, Qin Hui shook her head helplessly and sighed, "Doctor, you need to have a minimum sense of shame! It makes me feel very sad that you stand beside me without clothes every day.

"Damn it! It's quite in stock!" Out of a man's instinct, Qin Hui glanced at the critical point of Dr. Manhattan.

"Okay!" Dr. Manhattan nodded and said calmly, "I neglected. In my eyes, everything is atomic. It makes no difference whether you wear clothes or not!" With Dr. Manhattan's words, a blue light flashed over him, and after the blue light disappeared, a black suit appeared on the doctor's body.

"Exposure is against the law. Don't always think about those atoms and particles. We have more important things to do." Qin Hui really doesn't want to say anything more about Dr. Manhattan's exhibitionism. You should know that Dr. Manhattan in the movie has always disliked to wear clothes. Now it is very good for Qin Hui to appear in clothes.

"General, what can I do for you?" Dr. Manhattan floated around Qin Hui and looked at Qin Hui with duck eggshell-like eyes.

"I suddenly found a serious problem, that's Betty!" Qin Hui nodded to Manhattan and said with a gesture.

"Betty! Is it your daughter Betty? Dr. Manhattan asked unconsciously.

"Yes, Betty!" Qin Hui nodded.

"Wo!" With Qin Hui's words, the thoughtful Dr. Manhattan waved his hand and sent out a blue atomic beam in front of Qin Hui.

"You want to see Betty, I have brought it to you!" Dr. Manhattan's words dissipated with the atomic beam, and then appeared in front of Qin Hui, little Betty holding her mobile phone and playing with her.

"Ah!..." Betty screamed when she saw the sudden appearance of Qin Hui and threw her mobile phone directly out.

"Doctor, what are you doing! Are you finally crazy?" Qin Hui hurriedly grabbed Betty's mobile phone thrown out and didn't understand why Dr. Manhattan sent Betty over with instant transmission.

Dr. Manhattan looked at Qin Hui, who held Betty in his arms and kept patting her on the shoulder, and whispered, "I heard the worry in your words. I thought you wanted to do this."

"I just want you to keep a split to protect Betty. Well, Doctor, you won!" Qin Hui shook her head helplessly, coaxed Betty, who was scared in her arms, and told her what had happened.

With Qin Hui's words, Betty pouted, looked at Dr. Manhattan with tears in her eyes, and pretended to be fierce and said, "You are a bad man. Betty will never play with you anymore."

"Well..." Listening to Betty's words, a black line flashed over Dr. Manhattan's blue bald head.

"Betty, can Dad ask your Uncle Manhattan to take you back?" Qin Hui stroked Betty's head. After more than half a year, Qin Hui found that Betty was like a puppy and liked to touch her hair.

With Qin Hui's words, Betty, who had a comfortable face, immediately frowned after listening to Qin Hui's words. With tears in his big eyes, he looked at Qin Hui pitifully, looking pitifully before tears.

"Dad, where are you going?" Betty, who had just passed her thirteenth birthday, asked with a clear voice that belongs to Lori.

"Go to the White House for a meeting." Qin Hui looked at her daughter's cute appearance and couldn't help stretching out her hand to pinch Betty's face twice.

Betty wrinkled her nose, tilted her head to avoid Qin Hui's hand, and asked, "Is the White House fun?"

"Well!" Qin Hui accelerated his speed, pinched Betty's delicate little face and smiled, "It's not fun at all."

"Dad, I'm going if it's not fun. I haven't been to the White House yet!" This time, Betty did not dodge, but gently pulled the corners of Qin Hui's clothes and said coquettishly.

"No... Bang, bang..." Just as Qin Hui was about to refuse, a sports car suddenly rushed out of the road. In the sports car driven by a beautiful woman, the man in the passenger seat suddenly stood up, took out two pistols from his hand, and pulled the trigger crazily.

"Atomic Shield!" Looking at the bullets coming straight in, a blue shield suddenly flashed in front of Dr. Manhattan, blocking Qin Hui and others.

The bullet flew quickly, and when it was about to hit Dr. Manhattan's atomic shield, it suddenly turned to both sides like long eyes and hit the unprepared soldiers.

With the bang of bullets, although these rough-skinned super soldiers didn't feel anything. However, the four assassins captured by these soldiers were beaten into honeycomb coal.

"What a familiar feeling! This is arc ballistics!" Looking at the traces of bullet turning, Qin Hui's face showed surprise. She didn't expect that there were still people in the world who played arc ballistics so well.

"Hum!" The beautiful woman's driving sports car roared, shook her head in place and went in the opposite direction.

After the beautiful driver turned his head, the man standing in the car quickly changed a magazine and shot at the super warriors who rushed up one after another in the same way as gunfighting.

"This person is... It's Gibson and Angelina! They are from the League of Assassins!" Looking at the two people in the car, Qin Hui never thought that even the Assassin's League would appear now.

With Qin Hui's stunned mind, the obviously modified sports car accelerated, and the huge engine sound was deafening. In the blink of an eye, he threw away the super warriors who chased up and disappeared at the end of the road.

"Doctor, keep an eye on them." Looking at the rapidly disappearing sports car, Qin Hui gave Dr. Manhattan an order to lock it.

"General, they seem to have strange forces interfering with me. My atomic lock has no effect on them!" Dr. Manhattan's eyes emitted a blue light and said doubtfully.

"Strange interference!" Qin Hui thought lightly and looked at the four people who were taken to him by the super warrior. Now these four assassins and two others did not die immediately because they were protected by super soldiers.

"This is the power of fate, general, fate is declaring your death, and you can't escape... I can't escape..." The assassin smiled and closed his eyes forever.

"It feels good not to be a prisoner. Let's go first. See you in hell." Another assassin said, coughed up blood from his mouth and slowly lowered his high head.

"No wonder the power of fate can escape my perception and the lock of Dr. Manhattan! ... Assassin's League, Destiny Lob... Humph, I'd like to see who's against me..." Qin Hui looked at several dead assassins and turned his eyes to the White House.