come to the movie world

Chapter 296 The decisive prince

Alage is tall and nestled like a tank. The fluff that is more than half a meter long and sharp as sharp as a sword is also telling the fatality of it.

"Brother La, tell us, is someone threatening you!" Looking at the dilapidated momentum of Brother Ala, Harry walked out of the crowd and said to the spider, although he had only met him once, he was still thinking about Hagrid's spider before he died.

"Isn't it important?" Brother Ala did not say who it was, but turned four pairs of compound eyes and looked sadly at the bodies of the spiders in the field.

"I am a mutant spider, and I have lived for 50 years since I was born. Anyway, 50 years is long enough for spiders. Now that my mission has been completed, it's time to accompany my children!" After saying that, Brother Ala stared at the moon in the sky, and the light of his eyes slowly faded away in the night.

"Brother La, who is that person?" Looking at Brother Ala's death, Harry couldn't help exclaiming.

"Don't call Harry, Brother Ala is really dead!" Hermione walked to Harry and gently took Harry's hand.

With the death of Brother Ala, the teachers and students present looked tired one by one and silently stared at the silent king of spiders in front of them. They couldn't tell what their feelings were, and so were some students with injuries.

Hate, hate what! Isn't a spider that can dedicate everything to its population a great thing?

Professor McGonagall shook his head slightly and turned to count the situation of the students.

Although today's spider attack is dangerous, the Alage family belongs to the wide, non-toxic and harmless spider species, and the spider does not have the same sharp mouth weapon as other beasts. Therefore, many of the students present were injured, but no one died with the efforts of the tutors. Only some injured people fainted because of the casting transition.

"Classmates, we are safe. After everyone takes a break, we will then go back to Hogwarts." Professor McGonagall stood on a big stone in the crowd and shouted at the students present.

"Woo-woo..." With Professor McGonagall's words, the relaxed students only felt tired all by one. Not only did they feel severe pain, but many female students cried.

"Children, we should not cry, but laugh. Because not long ago, we destroyed a race with tens of thousands of spiders. This achievement can be proud even after you come of age. So you can proudly say that you are the best students and the pride of Hogwarts!" Looking at the depressed mood of the students below, Professor McGonagall passed by many students and said words to boost morale.

"Professor McGonagall, was not arranged by President Qin today!" Harry stood up in the crowd and asked Professor McGonagall in a low voice.

As Harry's words, everyone couldn't help holding their breath and waiting for Professor McGonagall's answer one by one.

Professor McGonagall looked at the eager eyes of the students around him, pondered for a while, and then said, "Today's matter is just a foreign matter. If it is really instructed, I think it is more likely to be the hidden Voldemort than the principal who cares about you!"

Professor McGonagall said, looking at Harry, who still wanted to speak, and holding back what Harry wanted to say.

Although this idea is also suspicious in Professor McGonagall's mind, Qin Hui is the current president of Hogwarts after all. If this matter is really his arrangement, it is not only Qin Hui's personal responsibility, but also Hogwarts' stain. Therefore, Professor McGonagall, who is the dean of Gryffindor, should not have any news that is unfavorable to the college.

Wizards are very caring for underage wizards, not to mention putting these underage wizards in danger, but the tutors of the college will be complained if they speak stiffly when teaching. So no matter what, today's matter cannot be taken over by Hogwarts, otherwise the complaints of thousands of apprentice parents will be enough to expose Hogwarts to the punishment of school closure.

"Hermione, my tutor said that spiders are just appetizers, and the real danger is in the back." After everyone relaxed for a while, Luna found Hermione anxiously and whispered the secret she knew.

"This is true!" Hermione looked at Luna in disbelief, and Luna nodded gently.

"Dozens of students cast spells and fainted, and two or three hundred of them were injured. This is not the end. Does Professor Qin want to kill them all!" Hermione gave a fierce kick and constantly cursed Qin Hui in her heart.

"No, this matter is too serious. I'm going to send Professor McGonagall!" Hermione became more confused, and finally gritted her teeth and stood up from the ground.

"Hermione..." Looking at Hermione's movements, Luna grabbed her clothes and shook her head hard.

"Luna, what's wrong with you!" Hermione looked at Luna puzzledly.

"This matter is too serious. After all, Professor Qin is my mentor. I'm worried..." Luna lowered her head as she spoke and sobbed in a low voice.

Looking at Luna sobbing in a low voice, Hermione's heart softened. She couldn't help holding the weak-looking Luna in her arms and whispered, "Don't worry, I know what to do. I won't say anything about Professor Qin!"

Listening to Hermione's words, Luna finally burst into tears and laughed. I didn't expect that in Qin Hui's eyes, laws and accusations were just the rules of the game set by the strong. Qin Hui has always been the maker of the game, and the people present are generally the executors.

"Professor, this is already the boundary between the outside and inside of the forbidden forest. I'm afraid that such a big movement we have just made will attract the enemy's peeping eyes!" After comforting Luna's mood, Hermione, who didn't want her friends to make it difficult, said her adapted words to Professor McGonagall, and did not point out that this was Qin Hui's arrangement.

Listening to Hermione's words, McGonaga shook his head with a smile and shook his head. While looking at the students who fell to rest, he helped a female student bandage the scratches on his arm and said, "There is no need to worry about this kind. You should know that no race has its own territory, like Brother Ala with tens of thousands of spiders. The clan has at least hundreds of miles of their territory, otherwise it will not satisfy the food of the spider family. And between races, races in different territories cannot rush to the territory of another race, unless it is time of life and death!"

"Stepping..." As if mocking Professor McGonagall's remarks, shortly after Professor McGonagall's words, countless horses galloped in the jungle. With the sound of rushing, a long dragon composed of torches also loomed towards the place where everyone rested.

Listening to the voice like Benlei, the faces of the tutors changed, because unlike the students, the well-informed tutors can conclude that this is a large number of people and horses are attacking just by their thunder-like voices.

"Light off, mute!" Professor McGonagall shouted, then waved his hand and recalled the ball of light released in the air to the wand.

As the atmosphere of the whole scene condensed by Professor McGonagall's words, many students looked helplessly at their tutors and looked particularly pitiful in the moonlight.

"Professor McGonagall, the direction of the other party has not changed. I'm afraid it's not good!" Although Professor Snape's face is gloomy, it is still difficult to hide his worries about the students in his words.

"Hope is just passing by, or a tribe without hostility!" Professor McGonagall looked at the students present with heartache and secretly decided to impeach Qin Hui, the irresponsible principal, after going out. You should know how everyone would have encountered such a danger if it weren't for Qin Hui.

Listening to Professor McGonagall's words, Snape replied coldly at the corners of his mouth**; "Fat by! I don't look like it. Otherwise, the aggressive route of these people can't go so straight. So it's more like coming to us than passing by!"

"You suspect it is..." Professor McGonagall's words were instant, as if they were playing a riddle.

"Professor Qin most advocates letting students experience the baptism of war. If you regard the battle with spiders as a war, then I don't say anything." Snape nodded to Professor McGonagall and answered Professor McGonagall's doubts affirmatively.

Professor McGonagall's expression remained unchanged and said beyond doubt, "I really hope this is not true, otherwise Azkaban can't tolerate such a dangerous prisoner!"

As time went by, the whole earth seemed to shake. Listening to the sound of horseshoes around their ears, everyone was as bumpy as ants on a hot pot. Because everyone knows that dozens of students are in a coma and hundreds of people are injured. If you meet this tribe that sounds like a large number of people and horses, I'm afraid there will be a fierce battle.

Not to mention the issue of retreat. It is absolutely not suitable for flying in the forbidden forest. Now everyone can rest in place and win the strength of a battle. If you compete with the centaers, it is really crazy. What's more, now that the enemies and friends are unknown, there is still a trace of fantasy in everyone's hearts.

In this way, the thunderous horseshoe sound was getting closer and closer. When the first centael warrior holding a bow and arrow appeared in everyone's sight, the last fantasy in everyone's heart was also smashed by this cruel reality.

"The centauride warrior from afar, I am the president of the Hogwarts Sorcer College and the Griffin Academy. We are not hostile to you. Please put down your bows, arrows and knives and guns, and we can sit down and say!"

Looking at more and more centauri warriors, Professor McGon looked at the students present worriedly and couldn't help standing out, hoping to resolve the crisis by negotiation.

"Prince Ole, the person opposite seems to have something to say!" After hearing Professor McGonagall's words, a centaer warrior with a spear said to a young man with two golden knives in his hand and arched in the crowd.

What are you talking about! Attack..."

The prince named Orey raised his head slightly, shaving leisurely with the golden knife in his hand, while showing a ferocious smile on his calm face.


It's still a thousand words short of yesterday's promise, which will be made up tomorrow. In addition, ask for red tickets, collections, and rewards. Yunxiao is waiting for everyone's arrival on the Zongheng Chinese website. Hey hey, subscribe!