come to the movie world

Chapter 297 The Crisis of Hogwarts

The soldiers who arrived this time are all tall adult soldiers. Each of them stood more than two meters high, and all kinds of cold weapons in their hands also flashed coldly, showing the sharpness and chill in them.

With the order of Prince Orey, thousands of centaurids rushed up and kept walking around with their extraordinary mobility, heading towards the defense line established by the students. Some centaors with bows and arrows bent their bows and arrows, hiding behind big trees, attacking the adult tutors present with point shots, distracting them from taking care of the students present.

As long as the centa man is an adult, he is a qualified warrior, because the unqualified centa manor has fallen into the forbidden forest, and there has never been an exception.

So although the number of Hogwarts is equal to that of the centaurids, the magic issued by these underage wizards often cannot cause too much damage to these strong warriors. Even the burst spell that could kill several spiders could only seriously injure the centaurs after it was used in the hands of the students, and could only kill them directly.

"Students below the third grade stopped casting spells and used ice magic to freeze the ground under our feet."

"The students in the fourth and fifth grades are on standby to protect our safety and resist the centarate immersed in the defensive array."

"The sixth grade and the seventh grade students gathered together to use smoke magic and disturbing magic to cover up our figure!"

"Mentors disperse and stand on the outermost part of the front, which is very likely to kill the invading enemy."

The centauri is different from the spider family. They don't have the extra senses of spiders. Therefore, as soon as Professor McGonagall saw that things could not be done well, he immediately changed his defense plan, let the low-level students withdraw, and used all kinds of obstacle magic to cover the attacks of senior students and mentors.

In this way, the first to take action were the students below the third grade. With the wave of the magic wand in their hands, a cold air spewed out of these students' masters, and after a while, the surrounding environment was frozen. These chills, with the teachers and students in the field as the core, stretched out hundreds of meters in a row, turning the whole earth into a frozen lake.

Although the centaurids who came from the impact were brave and good at fighting, they lived in the forest had never walked on the ice in their lives, so dozens of centaers who rushed up slid one by one, and their originally stable limbs seemed to have lost their role.

"The fog is foggy! Lost your way!" The students in the sixth and seventh grade deserved to be about to graduate. More than 200 people demonstrated smoke magic or magic to disturb the direction together, covering the range of 10,000 meters in the fog of reaching out and seeing five. Let the centaers outside who can only rely on their eyesight to identify the direction and barely stand on the ice look overwhelmed for a moment.

Unlike the situation outside, all the magic issued by the students is external and does not affect the tutors present. Therefore, these instructors who were on standby looked at the panicked centaur warriors outside and stretched out their magic wands with a ferocious smile and used their own means to press the bottom of the box.

"The stone man is dispatched!" Filch, a night watchman who did not look like a good man, also fully reflected his professionalism at this moment. He saw the wand in his hand wave violently and then plunged directly into the land in front of him.

With the trembling of Filch's magic earth, four two or three meters high, faceless stonemen slowly climbed out of the ground and firmly guarded a group of junior students.

"Tree man goes out!" Professor Malt glanced at Filch, then put his hand into his pocket and sprinkled a handful of nail-sized seeds at the big tree beside him.

These scattered seeds flashed one by one, and they are inseparable from each other like water droplets blending into the sea after touching the big tree.

After the fusion of this unknown seed, the big trees on both sides shook, and the original branches became the weapons of the trees, and the old faces appeared on the trunk.

"Professor Snape, Professor Frie, can you still release defensive magic?" After seeing the performance of the students and tutors on the field, Professor McGonagall not only did not be happy at all, but also showed the sadness on his face.

"I can do it!" Professor Frie, who is only 80 centimeters tall, neatly wore a children's suit and firmly answered Professor McGonagall's questions.

"No, can you go home!" Snape glanced at Frie, who jumped up to his waist, and said coldly and humorously.

"Fight against the enemy..." Professor Fu Liwei took eight-character steps, and the wand in his hand aimed at the sky.

"It's as solid as gold..." Professor Snape took a deep breath, his firm eyes swept over the students, and finally stayed in Harry's eyes.

"Ultimate Guardian!" Professor McGonagall shouted and used the last magic to connect the first two Rubik's Cubes.

"Fight against the enemy... As solid as gold soup... The ultimate guardian..." The three most powerful mentors cast spells in turn, constantly changing their positions, and take turns to use three-in-one magic defense spells.

The light blue boundary appeared again, but compared with the last time, because the previous three people consumed too much magic, the boundary looked weaker as if a gust of wind could break through, and thousands of students were not protected in it, leaving many large and small gaps, and had to be learned. The members guard around the gap.

"Bed!" With a pleasant low shout, Hermione's wand in her hand emitted a gray light and tied a centaur warrior who came to the crowd through the gap and tied it to the ground.

The distance of four or five meters allowed Hermione to see the whole picture of the centaor for the first time. The bound centa man's body was hairy, that was tripped to the ground, still clenching the weapon in his hand, and constantly struggling and roaring.

"I think we are really annoyed this time!" Hermione was not happy after defeating a centaute alone, but looked back at Luna with a bitter smile.

"It's time to be afraid of trouble!" Luna, who was constantly maintaining the frost, grabbed the magic wand with both hands and let the sweat scratch her cheek. Before landing, she turned into a crystal clear ice bead because of the cold from the ground.

"It's not troublesome, it's * annoying. I'm afraid we'll die here if it's not good... They are the Taigusta clan!" Through the moonlight, Hermione stared at the double-knife sashimi in front of the centael's chest.

"Tagusta! It's the Taigusta tribe that killed the 34th president of Hogwarts hundreds of years ago!" Luna looked at the centaer who fell on the ground in disbelief. She didn't expect that her mentor could instruct the Taigusta people who had a thousand years of feud with Hogwarts Wizarding College.

"Hermione, where are you going! It's dangerous there!" Ron looked at Hermione walking towards his mentor and shouted worriedly. After all, the tutors are at the forefront of the battle with people. Even if Hermione's magic talent is high, she can't be comparable to the tutors in the college now.

Hermione did not answer Ron, but trotted to Professor McGonagall, who was breathing, and said in a low voice, "Professor McGon, the big deal is not good. The other party is the Taigusta family. I'm afraid we are * annoyed!"

"The Pacifica family! Are you sure?" Professor McGonagall changed his face and asked in a low voice.

Tagusta is the oldest human horse family in the forest. After the rise of its leader August the Great, it ruled the human horse family in the whole forest and expanded beyond the forest. It killed the then president of Hogwarts and almost flattened the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

And in that battle, Sir Nick, the ghost in Hogwarts, died under August' golden double knife while resisting the horse family.

So, who is Professor McGonagall's most worried force in the forest, the Taigusta family is well-deserved first. Because the two have continued their struggle for countless years, there is no possibility of compromise between the two sides.

"Professor, I'm very sure, because the only Tagusta clan is the race that stabs the double-knife mark on the chest!" Looking at Professor McGonagall's worries, Hermione wanted to say no, but she couldn't do that. Because wrong information can kill people.

"Dear mentors, I would like to send you some unfortunate news now! The other side's Taigusta clan, before we confiscate and destroy the other party, everyone present has no way out. After seeing the bound sling, Professor McGonagall looked serious, and a stone platform was raised in the original position, which brought Professor McGonagall's figure to everyone's eyes.

"Mrs. Pomfrey, please wake up the students in a coma. I don't want them to die in their sleep!" After saying that, Professor McGonagall ordered Mrs. Pomfrey, the school doctor beside him.

"Professor McGonagall, these students..."

As soon as Mrs. Pomfrey said a few words, Professor McGonagall shook his head and interrupted her and said affirmatively, "I know they are seriously consumed, but even if there is still a little spare, standing there and paying attention to the changes on the field is also effective for us!"

"Yes, professor!" Mrs. Pomfrey, dressed in a white doctor's uniform, nodded, suppressed her desire to cry, came to the center of the students, and began to awaken these fainting students with magic, so that they were once again thrown into the battle sequence.

"Cartelborn!" Professor McGonagall called a handsome mentor again after Mrs. Pomfrey left.

"Professor, you call me!" After emitting a few more magical rays in his hand, Erborn retreated to Professor McGon and asked without looking back.

"You are the tutor of the magical creature protection class, and I know that you are born to win the favor of animals or other races."

"So I ask you to go to the depths of the forest to get assistance from other races! We have consumed too much magic before, so thousands of human warriors have exceeded our resistance range. And in the hand of a centael in the forest, I also saw the magical machete of Augustus!"

"Professor, most of the races in the forest are unfriendly. I'm afraid... Yes, I will try my best!" Erborn, who was about to say that he couldn't do it, couldn't help lowering his head and taking a deep breath after seeing Professor McGon's eager eyes.