come to the movie world

Chapter 304 Zhou Zhuang Mengdie

When Hermione came outside the castle, she happened to see Qin Hui in a blue robe falling to the ground like lightning.

"HELLO, students and mentors! It has been more than a month since I took over Hogwarts, and among them, I think everyone has seen the changes and achievements of more than a month!"

Qin Hui said with a smile, glanced at the teachers and students present and said, "What I want to say today is not how much I have contributed to this college, but that this education method is suitable for us!" So I decided..."

"Professor!" With a shout, Hermione and Harry rushed to the scene breathlessly.

"Ms. Granger, don't you agree with me?" Qin Hui frowned after seeing Hermione. After looking up and down for a while, she shook her head and laughed again. "Thus, as we all know, I am a very democratic person!"

"Well..." Listening to Qin Hui's words, more than a thousand mentors present showed a crying and laughing expression.

"Professor, I have something to say to you! Say it separately!" Hermione summoned up her courage and said to Qin Hui, who looked very cold.

As we all know, Qin Hui is not ugly, and she is not short by more than 1.8 meters. But no matter who it is, as long as they see Qin Hui at first sight, they will not associate Qin Hui with the little white face or the handsome man of sunshine.

Because Qin Hui always has a frosty face, even when she smiles, she always makes people shudder. Because of Qin Hui's perennial killing and insight into life and death, the whole person's momentum is as cold as frost, so no matter how you look at it, Qin Hui doesn't seem to be a kind person. Especially the cold eyes are more like a cold-blooded viper.

Qin Hui looked at Hermione unexpectedly. You know, Hermione has been hiding from herself in the past two years and has never talked to herself so confidently.

"Say, what do you want to talk about alone with me!" Hermione only felt a flash in front of her eyes. When she came to her senses again, she was already in Qin Hui's principal's office.

"I know where you are looking for!" Just as Qin Hui poured wine for herself carelessly, Hermione said that asked Qin Hui to crush the glass directly.

"Sorry, I lost my temper!" Qin Hui shook her hand with a smile and asked as friendly as possible, "Miss Granger, are you sure what you just said?"

"I'm sure, but I want to pay!" Hermione nodded and glanced at the photo album of past principals hanging in the principal's office.

"Remuneration! I like this word, because it represents harvest!" Qin Hui's body flashed behind Hermione, then took Hermione's shoulder and whispered in her ear, "Good boy, tell me, I will give you everything you want!"

Feering Qin Hui's tone of in which he couldn't tell whether it was ice or flame, Hermione trembled slightly and said calmly, "I want you to hand over Hogwarts back to Dean Dumbledore and end the cruel trial!"

"Cruel trial!" Qin Hui looked at Hermione slightly, then nodded silently and said, "Yes, there is no problem with these!"

"If you have any requirements, I will satisfy you!" Qin Hui asked again after nodding and agreeing.

For Qin Hui's generous words, Hermione shook her head and did not make any other demands. Because she knew that Professor Qin in front of her was not an angel who made people make good wishes.

"Fate follows its waiter and goes to a place where fate can't control!" Hermione didn't let Qin Hui wait for a long time, so she said the prophetic mystery she knew.

"Fate follows its waiter and goes to a place where fate can't control!" Qin Hui said this sentence again and again, sitting in her chair and gently pressing her temple.

"Who told you this?" After thinking for a while, Qin Hui couldn't figure out why the cosmic Rubik's Cube was involved with that bullshit fate.

"This is what Professor Victor told me, and it was a revelation he exchanged for his life!" Hermione said bluntly.

"Wait..." Qin Hui interrupted Hermione and asked, "Who is Professor Victor?"

Hermione looked at Qin Hui in front of her in surprise, because Victor took over Professor Trelawney's position or ordered by Qin Hui. How could Qin Hui not know Professor Victor's?

"Professor Victor is the diviner you invited! He is a little old man who likes to drink. It is said that you invited Professor Victor because you appreciate his drinking capacity!" Hermione looked at Qin Hui incredulously and explained.

"What nonsense! Those things are just rubbish. I have never hired a tutor for divination class!" Qin Hui, who had never believed in divination, waved his hand after hearing Hermione's words.

"No, you're lying to me! You don't know at all!" Qin Hui's eyes condensed and his cold eyes looked at Hermione.

"No! No..." Looking at Qin Hui's appearance as if she didn't pretend, Hermione even retreated and overturned the chair behind her.

"Bear by the way, Harry, they went with me. They must know, they must know!" Hermione stabilized her body and defended repeatedly.

Qin Hui also looked at Hermione inexplicably, and then the light flashed in front of him. Harry and Ron, who were originally standing outside the castle, were transmitted by Qin Hui.

"Ron, tell Professor Qin quickly that we have just come back from Professor Victor. It is Professor Victor who told us where Professor Qin is looking for!" Hermione hurried forward and took Ron's hand and said in pleading words.

"Hermione, what did you say! What Professor Victor!" After the initial stunned, Ron looked at Hermione vaguely and obviously didn't know what she was talking about.

"You know! You're lying to me, lying to me!" Hermione screamed, then grabbed Harry's neck and said crazily, "Harry, you won't lie to me!" Say it! Tell Professor Qin that we just came back from Professor Victor!"

Harry retreated repeatedly by Hermione's ferocious expression and said fearily, "Hermione, what's wrong with Hermione! After class, we accompanied Ron to the canteen to get some food, and then went outside the castle! What Professor Victor! I don't know!"

"Professor, you have to believe me! I'll take you to Professor Victor's house now, which will prove everything!" Hermione said franically, and then ran out of the gate after hitting some of the decorations in the room.

Qin Hui floated behind Hermione and followed Hermione's footsteps to the door at a corner.

"Professor, this is Professor Victor's home!" Hermione pointed to the door in front of her, with a sick smile on her ferocious face.

"Dang!" Qin Hui snapped her fingers, and with the sound of her fingers, the wooden door in front of Hermione opened.

"No... No..."

Hermione knelt on the ground and stared at everything in front of her. Behind the open wooden door, there were many messy old tables, which looked like a utility room.

"This is a blindfolding method, a blindfolding method! Professor Victor, Professor Victor, come out quickly! We are going to change our fate. Come out! We are going to change our fate!" Hermione rushed in eagerly and rummaged around the old dusty desk to find out everything in her memory.

"Harry! Hermione is crazy!" Ron opened his mouth and looked at Hermione like a madman, crying and said sadly.

"Woo-hoo... Hermione must be under too much pressure! But I really didn't expect Hermione to become like this after I beat her! If I had known this, I would rather not have the first in the second grade!" Harry couldn't bear to look at Hermione and hugged Ron and cried with each other.

"Crazy! How pathetic! It seems that the quality of these students is really poor. It seems that I have adjusted my deployment. I don't want my students to be crazy!"

Qin Hui looked at Hermione sadly. Although he didn't know how Hermione became like this, it was obvious that the idea of sending students to the forest still needs to be improved. At least the quality of students is not enough and should be postponed for a few months. After all, Qin Hui doesn't want to be the dean of the College of Psychiatric Wizarding.