come to the movie world

Chapter 305 Dieyi Zhouzhuang

"The former owner of the time hourglass is the cousin of Sirius. No one knows what she did with the time hourglass, but she is crazy!"

Hermione stood there in a daze and finally knew why Bellatrix Black went crazy, because when you went back to the past, your fate had changed. Hermione learned from Professor Victor about the fate she should not have known, and this counterattack was not reflected in Hermione, but erased Victor's existence.

"Miss Granger, although I really want to believe your words, everything you say and do makes me see the indisputable facts!" Qin Hui shook her head and felt that Hermione's crazy words were really not enough to believe.

Hermione slowly regained her composure and sat on the dusty ground and said softly, "What I said is true, but fate has modified all this so that you can see the ending after its change rather than itself!"

Qin Hui nodded indiscriminately and glanced through the messy room; "I have seen a lot of unscientific things, but that's why I can't trust what you said!" What I need is evidence, not your side words. As long as you can come up with convincing evidence, our deal is still valid!"

"Fate follows its own waiter and goes to a place where fate can't be grasped!" Hermione looked into Qin Hui's eyes and took out a pendant from her neck.

"What is this!" Looking at the faintly impressive thing in front of him, Qin Hui asked softly.

"This is a time hourglass, which can take people to the past and change their original fate. I think the place where fate can't be grasp is the past, because when people go to the past through time hourglass, their original fate is disrupted!" Hermione took down the pendant around her neck and handed it to Qin Hui.

"Every time the funnel on the hourglass rotates for a day, professor, remember our agreement!"

Qin Hui took over what Hermione handed over, and then gently touched it on the hourglass after a little hesitation.

Time seemed to go backwards, Harry's figure kept retreating, and the dark sky also hung the sun again.

At this time, the surrounding scene suddenly changed, and the originally dilapidated desk disappeared, replaced by a messy room and an old man with fighting eyes who was about to go out.

"Dangdang, Professor Victor, are you in there?" Listening to the same voice outside as Hermione, Qin Hui hid aside and watched the old man open the door doubtfully.

After that, the development of things had been watched by Qin Hui. With Hermione's plea, the old man slowly agreed to the request of the three and took out a box from under the bed.

The box rose a burst of white fog under the friction of the old man, and with the rise of the white fog, Qin Hui also cleared the fog with his mind and appeared directly beside Victor.

"Headmaster!" Victor, who was in the fog, suddenly saw Qin Hui's figure, and then showed a look of fear.

"Tend me where is what I want! Who is the one who treats fate? Seeing that this person who did not exist really lived in the past, Qin Hui was also slightly stunned and grabbed the old man in his hand.

"I, I don't know!" The old man kept struggling in Qin Hui's hands and wanted to escape from all this.

"I don't know!" Qin Hui looked disbelieving and threw Victor on the ground, with an extra wand in the other hand.

Qin Hui pointed her wand at Victor and said word by word, "There is a spell called the heart-piercer spell. It is said that people who master this spell can know everything they want to know!"

"Please forgive me, headmaster, please forgive me. I've been drinking with you!" Victor fell to the ground softly and pleaded to Qin Hui repeatedly.

"It hurts the heart, drill the heart spell..." Qin Hui shouted loudly, and the red light flashed on the magic wand and drilled into Victor's chest.

Ah.... Ah.... Well..." Victor kept rolling on the ground, and with the continuation of Qin Hui's magic, even two lines of blood and tears flowed from his eyes.

"It's Trelawney! There is a crystal ball in Trelawney that can see through anyone's fate! She chose to leave after seeing her fate!" Professor Victor, who couldn't hold on any longer, howled and screamed loudly.

"What did she see!" The magic in Qin Hui's hand still tortured Victor.

"Kill me, please, kill me!" Victor kept patting his head with his hand because of the severe pain, and his body kept shaking.

"Typ tell me if what I want is in her hand!" Qin Hui maintained his magic and did not care about Victor, who was so painful that he died.

"Yes, she saw you take away the crystal ball and then killed her!"

"Very good!" Qin Hui smiled, stopped drilling the spell, and then asked Victor, who was sweating heavily, "How did you know?"

"Tralawney is my student. She was very scared, so she wrote to tell me all this! But I didn't believe what she said, so I came to Hogwarts to see if all this was true!" Victor gasped violently, and a look of regret fell on his face.

Professor Victor! Professor Qin! What are you doing?"

Just when Qin Hui was still going to ask about Trelawney's position, Harry and Ron came out of the fog one after another.

Qin Hui was slightly stunned when she looked at the two people who appeared. She didn't think that they could get out of the fog that covered everything.

"Memory forgotten!" Just as Qin Hui was slightly stunned, Victor, who was half dead, suddenly took out his magic wand and used the magic of memory forgetting to Qin Hui.

Qin Hui's strength is so high that Victor really has no confidence in his attack magic, but in order not to let Qin Hui find Trelawney's trouble, Victor still has to fight. Although Professor Victor couldn't resist the pain and told the secret hidden in his heart, it didn't mean that he didn't care about his students.

The magic of clearing memory turned into white light and flashed towards Qin Hui, and Qin Hui raised the magic wand in her hand without thinking about it.

"Spell rebound..." A light shield appeared in front of Qin Hui, which bounced back the white light. The white light of the rebound flashed by, illuminating the eyes of Ron and Harry.

"Avadaso's Curse..." Qin Hui did not leave a hand for Professor Victor who fought back, but directly used the life-threatening spell, because after knowing what he wanted, Victor was no longer important.

Because the magic of memory removal is only a rebound, it does not take effect for a while, but slowly devours the memory of Harry and the two. After thinking for a while, the two should forget the memory at this time.

After doing all this, Qin Hui was invisible and stared at all this in front of her indifferently. The white light in the room slowly dissipated, revealing Harry and the faint minds. After seeing Harry and the two forget what happened in the white fog, Professor Victor, who had felt that there was little life left, also shook his head and did not say what had just happened, because it was not something that several children should make up.

"So that's it! So this is fate, and this is fate..." When Professor Victor said his last words, Victor, who had been exhausted by the death spell, finally failed to resist the call of death.

"What's wrong with me!" Looking at Professor Victor who fell to the ground, Qin Hui pressed her eyebrows and felt her head swollen. In a bad mood, he waved his hand and turned the original room into an old storage room, and Professor Victor's body was directly turned into fine dust by Qin Hui.

After doing all this, Qin Hui, who had a splitting headache, picked up the time hourglass, endured the head and returned to the future.

Fate is magical. Qin Hui doesn't know whether people are changing their fate or fate is changing the world. But Qin Hui still has a doubt, that is, if manpower is changing fate, what is Hermione experiencing?

Zhou Zhuang Mengdie, or Butterfly Meng Zhou Zhuang.

I can't figure it out. Now Qin Hui has to suppress all the doubts in his heart while feeling dizzy, because the fragments of the Rubik's Cube are already urgent.