come to the movie world

Chapter 306 The Stars Will Fall

After returning to her time and space, Qin Hui only felt that there were 10,000 bees flying in her head, which seemed particularly noisy.

Qin Hui endured the pain, squinted at Hermione in front of her, and asked hesitantly, "Miss Granger, how do you feel after the shuttle?"

"Feeling!" Hermione shook her head and smiled stupidly. Obviously, she did not experience Qin Hui's pain.

"Let's go back to school. I have something important to do. Write to Dumbledore and ask him to come back to replace me!" Qin Hui kept rubbing her temples, saying in unquestionable words, and then walked to her room in a messy pace.

Victor really doesn't exist. Although Qin Hui must have killed him, Victor still doesn't exist in the memory of other tutors and students in the college. The whole world has forgotten this person. Only Qin Hui sometimes recalls what he said and the crystal ball held by Professor Trelawney in his hand.

Time passed little by little, and it was two years in a blink of an eye. With the passage of time, Qin Hui now has a splitting headache every day and can't concentrate at all or even fall asleep. Qin Hui thought of many ways, but whether it is magic or medicine, it has no inhibitory effect on this pain. That kind of pain makes people crazy. Every time she attacks, Qin Hui even wants to commit suicide.

But Qin Hui resisted, because he couldn't die, and he would never see everything he was passionate about when he died.

The pain comes from the pain in the soul that makes Qin Hui have the impulse to destroy the world. He doesn't know what's going on, but he thinks it's related to going back to the past. The past cannot be tampered with. Everyone who tries to tamper with the past has to pay the price, and the price Qin Hui pays is the endless pain in his head.

Qin Hui, who returned to reality, took down the title of principal, because now he has no energy to think about anything else. So the Ministry of Magic unanimously decided to invite Dumbledore back.

In this way, Dumbledore came back. After returning, Dumbledore looked more old. His originally energetic temperament also became old. No one knows what Dumbledore has experienced outside, but everyone is whispering that Dumbledore is really old.

Two years later, Hermione is still the same, often suddenly becoming crazy and becoming a problem girl more neurotic than Luna. Harry and Ron are also worried about this, but time can change everything. Harry went to comfort Hermione every day from the beginning, and gradually changed to two days, then three days, and finally a week. Up to now, in addition to occasional thoughts, Harry and Ron, who are already two 16-year-old teenagers, have gradually There is no more Hermione's habits.

Everyone has their own life. Fairy tales are beautiful, but as they grow up, people always have to learn to face reality.

16 years old is an impulsive age, and Ron, who has always liked Hermione, is no exception. So once Hermione fell asleep, Ron, who went alone, slowly relieved Hermione's clothes with the ecze he got from outside.

I would like to say that Hermione suddenly woke up, Ron did not succeed, or Harry or other mentors arrived in time to stop Ron's behavior.

But this is reality, not a fairy tale.

No one knows what happened that night, but Hermione's condition has become worse since then. Hermione refused anyone's closeness and would not open the door for Harry even after he arrived. In the only sober time, Hermione likes to lock herself in the house and force herself to believe in the existence of God.

Now the Gryffindor gold trio no longer exists, but only Ron who became a playboy, Harry, and the crazy man who has finally become a joke, Hermione...

Everyone has to pay the price for their actions. Hermione has gone back to the past and is crazy, and Qin Hui also has to endure the pain of suicide every day.

"Mentor, are you better?" 16-year-old Luna is now a fourth-grade student. The little girl who used to be like a clothes plate has also become an energetic girl with outstanding temperament.

Lu Na gently pushed away Qin Hui's room, suppressed her fear, and came to the room where Dumbledore did not dare to approach.

There is nothing in this room, without any decorations or entertainment facilities. Some are just a man sitting cross-legged on the ground in a black robe.

"Mentor, are you feeling better?" Luna swallowed and spit, went a few meters away in front of the man in black, and then dared not walk forward again.

"Here you are! Have you heard from Trelawney? The man in black suddenly opened his eyes and saw the bloody eyes mixed with madness and pain.

Luna shook her head silently and couldn't help crying when she looked at her tutor.

This person is Qin Hui. Day after day, the pain that never stops makes Qin Hui always in a state of trance. In this state, Qin Hui's brain is always blank because of the pain from the soul. In addition to Lu Na who dares to enter the place where Qin Hui is now, Dumbledore does not dare to wander outside Qin Hui's door for fear that Qin Hui will suddenly kill.

"Well..." Qin Hui suddenly shouted, and there were powerful energy turbulence around, causing the surrounding space to fluctuate.

"Mentor, you have a headache again!" Lu Na couldn't bear to look at Qin Hui's painful appearance and couldn't help but want to come forward again.

"Don't come here!" Qin Hui, who was struggling in pain, suddenly raised her hand to stop Lu Na from coming to her side.

"Mentor!" Luna wiped the tears from her eyes and looked at Qin Hui with clenched fists.

"Step back!" The blue veins on Qin Hui's forehead were exposed, and cold words came from his clenched teeth.

"Mentor, your strength has been strengthened again!" Luna took a step back and saw a crack suddenly floating in the air where she had stood, like a broken mirror.

The pain from the soul made Qin Hui have to concentrate on dealing with it all the time. In the past two years, Qin Hui resisted the pain coming from her head day after day, and her already powerful mind became more solid. Once Qin Hui's emotions fluctuated violently, she could even crack around her. Space.

"Find Trelawney's hiding place as soon as possible, and then inform me that I feel that my soul may be broken!" The space around Qin Hui was fragmented like a spider web, but Qin Hui, who was sitting in the center, did not even break the corners of his clothes.

"Yes, mentor!" Luna nodded silently and then left Qin Hui's room.

"How is Professor Qin?" Just after Luna left for a while, Dumbledore stopped Luna in the corridor.

"Mentor.... The tutor may not be able to do it!" Lu Na squeezed her mouth and recalled everything with Qin Hui, and tears couldn't stop flowing down.

Qin Hui may not be a good person or a benevolent person. But anyway, in Luna's heart, Qin Hui has an irreplaceable position, because Qin Hui gave Luna a stage to reach the peak, allowing her to see the vastness of the world and her own smallness.

"If everyone represents a star in the sky, then Professor Qin must be the most shining one. Unfortunately, the stars are going to fall now, but what can I do?" Dumbledore's wrinkled face showed a trace of memory, remembering Qin Hui's high-inhibited appearance and unparalleled strength when he first entered Hogwarts.

"Cough..." Dumbledore sighed and suddenly coughed and quickly pressed a handkerchief on his mouth.

"Dean, are you all right?" Luna looked around and saw a bright red color in the handkerchief.

"People are old and useless! Think about when I was young..." Dumbledore suddenly became silent as he spoke, then shook his head and sighed with some interest; "Alas! When I'm old, I like to recall the past. It seems that I'm really useless!"

Dumbledore put away his handkerchief, forced his bent lumbar spine to straighten here, and strode away in Luna's eyes.

Heroes also have twilight, and beautiful women inevitably see white heads. Looking at Dumbledore's forced spine, Luna couldn't help looking at the sunlight outside the window.

I dream of Jiangnan, riding a crane down Yangzhou....