come to the movie world

Chapter 314 If life is just like the first time

The scene in Phoenix was quiet. Dumbledore and others did not say a word and quietly looked at the door to the outside world.

Looking at everyone's appearance, Kingscai tried to speak several times, but swallowed back what he wanted to say.

"Tick, tick..." The quaint sitting clock swayed gently and made a soft sound, making people calm in the passage of time.

"Children, go and have a rest. It's very late!" Dumbledore looked at Qin Hui beside him and whispered to Harry.

"Profess, you should also pay attention to rest!" Harry got up and nodded to Dumbledore, then carried Blake with Ron and walked to a room inside under the leadership of Hagrid.

After putting Blake in the room**, Harry and Ron leaned on the sofa, while Hagrid was worried about Dumbledore and others and still returned to the living room.

"What do you think Professor Qin is looking for crystal balls for?" Just as Ron and Harry closed their eyes and meditated, Hermione, who didn't care about anyone, slowly said.

"Hermione, how are you!" Looking at Hermione, who looked particularly calm, Harry couldn't help but stand up from the sofa and looked at her in disbelief.

Hermione looked at Ron, who looked down and didn't dare to look at him, close the bun in his ear and whispered, "Maybe, I feel much clearer after I came here!"

"That's really, that's great, that's great!" Harry walked in the room at a loss and said incoherently.

"Hex, Hermione! Welcome back! I'm glad to see that you're all right!" Ron lowered his head and said uneasily.

"Happy!" Hermione looked at Ron unnaturally and said self-deprecatingly, "It's not likely. I'm fine now. You don't have a chance to do it!"

"Well..." Ron heard the sound and glanced uneasily at Ron beside him and found that he was really looking at himself with frost.

"I, I..." Ron stood up nervously and couldn't express his meaning after saying it several times.

"Don't say anything, I don't blame you now!" Under Ron's stunned expression, Hermione sat down on the sofa and said indifferently, "Although I haven't been very awake in those two years, my memory is complete. Harry came to see me 121 times in two years, Luna came 84 times, and you Ron, you came 246 times!"

Hermione looked up at Harry, who was a little embarrassed, and said with a wry smile, "Although you always want to take advantage of me, you are more comforting than Harry and Luna, because you haven't forgotten me anyway!" Still with me at the darkest moment of my life!"

"Bear by the way, I heard that you have a girlfriend?" Hermione looked at the bumpy Ron and asked with a smile.

"I, I... Yes, no, no, I don't like her. Really, I don't love her!" Ron said incoherently about Hermione's question. Looking at Ron's stupid appearance, Hermione smiled gently.

In fact, Hermione has always been very fond of Ron. Since she held Ron in her arms in the forbidden place, Hermione has actually secretly fallen in love with Ron. However, Hermione still can't care about what Ron did to herself that day. Because the body full of bite marks and the faint pain always surround Hermione like a nightmare.

"What's the mystery of that crystal ball? Why did Professor Qin become like this, but he still remember the crystal ball and even thought it was a weight for a new life?" Looking at the two former friends in front of her, Hermione asked softly.

"Who knows! But it may be helpful to the professor's current appearance!" Ron looked at Harry and said uncertainly.

"Ron, Harry, help me, if this crystal ball really hides the power that can eliminate the traces of fate, I also need it compared with Professor Qin!" Hermione gently walked to the two and put their hands on Harry and Ron's hands.

"Hermione, Professor Qin's strength is so strong that we compete with him and look for death!" Ron held Hermione's hand and felt that Hermione seemed to be different from before. Because Hermione will never make such a decision before. You should know that Professor Qin is not a good talker, and a bad person will die.

Hermione stared at Ron with charming eyes and said weakly, "Ron, do you love me? Love me and bring it back for me. I have a hunch in my heart that without the help of the crystal ball, sooner or later I will become the same as before!"

"But!" Ron stopped talking, and then nodded gently under Hermione's helpless eyes and said affirmatively, "I love you, Hermione I've always loved you, and I'm willing to do everything for you!"

"What do you need me to do?" Ron stood up and took a deep breath.

"I slipped out of the chimney and found her before Professor Trelawney came back!"

"Okay, I'll go!" Ron nodded seriously, like Jing Ke who stabbed the king of Qin, and pushed the door away without looking back.

"Hermione, you will kill Ron. Professor Qin will definitely not let you go!"

Not long after Ron went out, Harry bowed his head and said his mind.

"Ron wants my body, and I asked him to get the crystal ball back for me. This is a very equal deal! Do you think my body is not as valuable as the crystal ball?"

Listening to Hermione's words, Harry looked up at Hermione's eyes and said sadly, "You've changed, Hermione, you've changed a lot! You are not like this!"

Hermione smiled indifferently and asked Harry, "People will change, just like you have seen me once in the first day in the past two years and can't see you in the next half a month!" Do you know what it feels like to be a crazy person? You don't know, because you are also a selfish person!"

Hermione shook her head, sat gently next to Harry, put his hand on her lap, and said, "Harry, help me, I'll pay you. Ron said I was in good health, what do you think?

Hermione said, pulled away her clothes and took Harry's hand to the peak inside her clothes.

"Enough is Hermione, don't mess with yourself!" Harry pulled his hand back, hurriedly got up from the sofa and retreated to the door in a panic.

"Hermione, so you're not like this! What's wrong with you?" Harry looked at Hermione sadly and felt that if Hermione was like this, it would be better to make her crazy forever, at least keep the best memories.

"What's wrong with me! I feel good now. For two years, I have never been as good as today! I'm Hermione, I'm Granger, I'm not crazy, I'm not, I'm not..." Hermione roared loudly, and tears slowly flowed out of her eyes.

"I'll help you, for the golden combination of Gryffindor!" Harry looked at Hermione crying in front of him. This was the first time Harry had seen Hermione so weak.

"Golden Combination! Does the gold combination still exist? Hermione shed tears and looked at Harry in front of her.

"There, always be there!" Harry nodded and gently nodded his hand on his chest.

The golden combination is in action, Ron is flying in the air, monitoring the possible location of Trelawney, while Harry writes to the Ministry of Magic and Azkaban to inform them of Qin Hui's current position. The last Hermione continued to pretend to be crazy and sat with Qin Hui and others in the hall to monitor Qin Hui's movements.

Qin Hui sat in the chair without saying a word. Although his eyes had never been opened, both the conversation between several people and the scenery outside were presented in his eyes.

Hermione is a little smart, but smart is never a big wisdom, and it is difficult to wait for the big stage. Qin Hui has always looked at the negotiation between Hermione and others, because with Qin Hui's strength now, he can't observe, but the surrounding range of 100 meters still can't escape his eyes, let alone the living room is as quiet as a lake, and the room is noisy.

However, Qin Hui does not pay any attention to these small movements of ants, because in Qin Hui's opinion, these are all children's tricks. For a politician, it is really not on the stage and is not worth paying special attention to.

The midnight bell rang three times in a row, indicating that three o'clock in the morning had arrived. Listening to the bell in his ear, Qin Hui slowly opened his eyes, because a figure that seemed to be a little dodged had appeared beside the street at this moment.

"Professor Trelawney, I haven't seen you for a long time. I really miss you very much!" There was a cold smile on the corners of Qin Hui's mouth. He had seen the mysterious crystal ball in Trelawney's hand.

The crystal ball in Trelawi's hand. At this moment, the crystal ball is crystal clear, and there is an image of the interior of the Phoenix Society.

"What should come will always come. You have been with me for four years, and I have also hid for four years! Now I don't want to hide. It's time for us to end our fate!"

Professor Trelawney stroked the crystal ball and walked tremblingly to the headquarters of the Phoenix Society to meet his fate.

Ron, who was in the air, immediately removed the floating technique on his body after seeing Professor Trelawney, and his body went to Trelawney like a feather, trying to get the crystal ball before Qin Hui.

Professor Qin, Dean Dumbledore! Come out, I know you're in there!" Just as Ron was about to land beside Trelawney, Professor Trelawney said something that made Ron's face change greatly.

"Four years, four years! It's a long wait. These four years have made me feel longer than in previous decades, because waiting is really a crazy word!" Qin Hui slowly stood up from the chair and ignored the pale Hermione beside her, but slowly took out a black and red wand carved with a skull.

"Professor Qin, I hope you can let go..."

"Shh..." Qin Hui put his wand on her mouth, interrupted Dumbledore's words in a low voice, and then staggered outside.

"There is an old saying that you don't know when you enter the treasure mountain! The power of fate is so amazing that it makes us pass by repeatedly!" Qin Hui lowered her head and covered her long hair on her face, so that Trelawney on the opposite could not see his expression at this moment.

"Professor Qin!" Looking at Qin Hui's inhuman appearance, Trelawney's body couldn't help stepping back two steps.

"Do you know what I want to do now?" Qin Hui raised her head and stood quietly a few meters in front of Trelawney, looking at her motionless.

"I want to wash you, sprinkle cumin, add some pepper, and make a delicious barbecue to entertain you over the years! Of course, I won't allow you to die until you eat up your body, even if you beg me!"

Qin Hui said happily, and then pointed to the fence in front of the building. These original fences immediately twisted and changed shape and instantly turned into a grill.

"Please forgive me. My meat is very old and not delicious!" Trelawney looked at Qin Hui with a ferocious face in front of her and retreated in horror. Before she came, she knew that she would die, but she often didn't expect that she would die like this.

"It's not delicious! What a brain!" Qin Hui walked back and forth, and then suddenly realized that there was a man named Boyi Kao during the Shang Yang period, who was the eldest son of Wen Wang Jichang. It is said that in order to entertain Ji Chang, who has eaten all the delicacies of the mountains and seas, King Zhou specially made Boyi into balls to entertain Ji Chang, and finally achieved the purpose of honoring the guests!"

"Dear Professor Trelawney, do you love meatball soup? To be honest, the meatball soup I made is very delicious!" With Qin Hui's words, the fence that had originally turned into a grill began to change again and turned into a cauldron.

"Oh! Another friend is here! It's really pleasant to have friends coming from afar!" Qin Hui gently looked up and saw a cloud of black smoke in the sky. It was Voldemort and his Death Eaters.

"Welcome, welcome!" Looking at Voldemort and the masked Death Eaters behind him, Qin Hui's skeleton-like face showed a smile.

"My people found Trelawney, but I didn't expect you to arrive by the time I came!" Voldemort nodded gently to Qin Hui and then looked at Dumbledore.

"Tom, long time no see. Come back to Hogwarts with me. Hogwarts will always be your home!" Looking at Voldemort standing in front of the Death Eaters, Dumbledore said sadly.

"Tom! I haven't heard this name for a long time! Ten years, twenty years, or 30 years!" Voldemort shook his head and whispered to the Death Eaters behind him: "Dean Tom of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, this is really gratifying! Don't you think so?

"Hahahaha..." Listening to Voldemort's words, the Death Eaters laughed and looked at Dumbledore with the eyes of a fool.

"Woth..." Just as the Death Eaters laughed and ridiculed Dumbledore, several figures appeared in front of everyone distortedly.

Connie Lius in a gray robe, Malfoy with a scepter, the old judge Batty with a moustache, and the crazy-eyed Moody with scars on his last face.

"People from the Ministry of Magic!" Looking at the Death Eaters behind Voldemort, who appeared, they panicked and looked at the people in front of them uneasily.

"Woth..." Several more figures flashed, but this time they appeared as Hogwarts' mentors.

Professor McGonagall, Snape, Fritford, and Umulich in the last pink cotton-padded jacket.

"There are a lot of people here today! It's like a party!"

Qin Hui's eyes swept over everyone and finally stayed on the crystal ball in Trelawney's hand.

"Give it to me, it's time for the lost lamb to return to its master!"

Following Qin Hui's words, everyone's eyes slowly stopped on the crystal ball in Trelawney's hand, waiting for her movements without blinking.

"Minister, Dean! Please help Hermione. Hermione needs this crystal ball! We can't give it to the madman in front of us. This madman is a murderer. He not only killed two senior members of the Ministry of Magic with the Avadaso spell, but also tortured Sirius with a diamond spell!"

While everyone was waiting for Trelawney's reaction, Ron slowly walked to the field and begged to Dumbledore and Malfoy. Even at this time, Ron still hasn't forgotten his promise to Hermione.

"Avadaso's curse!" Listening to Ron's words, not only did the Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts' mentors frown, but also many Death Eaters behind Voldemort's faces changed greatly.

The Death Eaters around Voldemort are not so much evil wizards, but are actually more appropriate to describe them as the underworld of the magic world.

Death Eaters themselves are the gathering place of a group of scum wizards, and their hierarchy is similar to that of the underworld in the mortal world. For example, Voldemort is a leader, while Golu, Little Batti and others are the masters, while others are gangsters below.

Like most ordinary people, the days of those gangsters are also different. Most of them just collect protection fees and collect debts for others. They usually don't touch things equivalent to firearms such as Avadaso's life spell.

Just as most gangsters don't kill people all the time like in movies, they are the same. Only the leaders who are equivalent to the masters of the hall will have a few lives. You can't expect everyone to kill people like those in the gangsters. After all, there are still a few times. Most of the time, their solution is more to intimidation and threats than to use powerful spells like Avada.

"Professor Qin, the Ministry of Magic strictly prohibits the act of hurting other wizards. Do you have anything to say about Mr. Ron's words?" With the silence of the scene, the upright Hamudi first walked out of the crowd and looked at Qin Hui, who looked like a bad person with his unique false eyes.

"Mr. Ron is like a teenager, and his accusation against me is the wanton use of life-threatening spells. By the way, how is the Avadaso life spell used? Oh! I remember, it's like..."

Qin Hui smiled and sucked the crystal ball in Trelawney's hand. At the same time, her body suddenly turned around and stretched out her hand to Ron, who looked firm; "Avadaso's life spell..."