come to the movie world

Chapter 315 The End of Harry Potter

No one present expected that Qin Hui would take action without scruples under the peeping of the crowd. In fact, these people regarded themselves too important and did not put their position clearly for a while. Because does Qin Hui need to take care of them?

No need, just one word. If you don't accept it, then come on.

"Fight, fight!" Hamwoody roared, and the pear wooden cane in his hand poked heavily on the ground, breaking the last line of defense in everyone's hearts.

"Ron, Ron!" With Ron's death, the first person to cry was Hermione. At this time, Hermione was extremely upset, as if something important had slipped from the bottom of her heart, which made her panic.

There is no love for no reason, and there is no hatred for no reason. What is love? Just look at yourself.

" boss, are we going to do it?" A masked Death Eater stood beside Voldemort and looked at Qin Hui, who was killed in the Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts mentor.

"Watch the tiger fight on the mountain!" Voldemort looked at Dumbledore and Hagrid on the scene with a complicated expression and whispered after a little silence.

" boss, this is a good opportunity, we..."

The Death Eaters couldn't figure out why Voldemort did not want to participate in the war, but under the cold eyes of the Dark Lord, he still lowered his head instead of offending the majesty of the Dark Lord.

In addition to Dumbledore, Conilius and Hammudi of the Ministry of Magic are second only to Dumbledore. In terms of strength, they are still above Professor McGon McGon and Snape.

Dumbledore's white hair fluttered, and the wand in his hand scratched in front of him. With Dumbledore's movements, a mass of flames gathered from all sides, forming a magnificent fire dragon, roaring towards Qin Hui.

Dumbledore, come on, come on. Let me see how strong you are. Are you really as powerful as people say!"

Qin Hui held a crystal ball in one hand and his skeleton wand in the other, laughing crazily under the coveted eyes of everyone.

"Fire dragon dance!" Dumbledore shouted in a low voice, and the fire dragon in his hand circled and bit Qin Hui. With Dumbledore's action, Conilius and Hammudit did not take action, but stood beside Dumbledore and laid layers of boundaries.

"Not enough, not enough, come again!" Qin Hui's wand pointed at the fire dragon flying in front of him, and the originally powerful fire dragon immediately collapsed and turned into a heat wave and dissipated in the air.

"There is no shadow in the front!" Seeing that Dumbledore's attack did not work, the wand in Snape's hand stood up and pointed to Qin Hui like a long sword, turning the magic in his body into a sharp blade shining with cold light.

"Ding Ding Ding..." The sharp blades not only hit Qin Hui's side, but also did not need Qin Hui to take action. The fluctuation of the energy around him bounced off the sharp blade by itself.

"Snepp, work hard! Is this the strength of what you call a mixed-race prince? Qin Hui did not move like a big tree, allowing the sharp blade that turned into a tornado to sweep around.

"Professor Fu Liwei, Professor Qin's strength is far beyond our imagination. Today we may..."

"Don't say!" Frie shook his head to interrupt Professor McGonagall, took two steps forward and stood firmly beside Snape.

"Ultimate Guardian.... As solid as gold soup... Resist the enemy..."

"Ultimate Guardian Spell!" Qin Hui looked at the spells of Fried, McGonagall, Hammudy and Cornelius, and smiled disdainfully at the blue boundary that quickly appeared in front of him.

"Energy reflux!" With a finger of the magic wand in Qin Hui's hand, the red light suddenly hit the blue boundary, and with the red light waves emitted by Qin Hui, the blue boundary quickly melted and continued to collapse, becoming the most primitive ownerless energy between heaven and earth.

"Earthda di zhen!" The magic wand in Qin Hui's hand pointed to the ground, and the earth cracked one after another, and the bottomless seams rushed to the Dumbledore standing together.

"Rising!" Dumbledore shouted in a low voice, and everyone flew into the air with floating techniques.

"It's useless! Hahahaha, magma is surging!" Qin Hui laughed and suddenly raised the wand in his hand. With his movements, the cracks of the ground also sprayed magma like a fountain with Qin Hui's laughter, rushing towards Dumbledore and others in the air.

"Phantom Movement.... Phantom movement..." For Qin Hui's large-scale attack, everyone coincidentally used the magic of phantom transfer and quickly disappeared over the magma gushing.

Magma constantly erupts from the cracks in the ground and slowly condenses on the ground, forming a very high-temperature magma flow, constantly devouring all the surrounding buildings and trees. With the continuous eruption of magma, the two buildings of Grimo 11 and Grimaud 13 emitted bursts of corrosion, which ignited visible to the naked eye and slowly turned into a torch rising into the sky.

"Help! The volcano erupted!"

"God! Who will save it!"

"My child is less than three years old! Why is the world so cruel!"

"Wife, it's not good, devil, there is a demon in a black robe outside laughing at me!"

The fire ruthlessly devoured everything, but Qin Hui, the initiator, stood on the magma with a ferocious smile and looked at the people struggling in the fire.

"Old man, boss, why don't we withdraw!"

Looking at Qin Hui, who was no different from the devil in the firelight, the Death Eaters around Voldemort raised their plans to retreat in the bottom of their hearts.

Voldemort didn't say a word and quietly looked at the floor swallowed up by the fire and the embarrassed Dumbledore.

"Attack!" Voldemort gently stroked the ring on his finger and said coldly to the Death Eaters behind him.

"Attack!" The Death Eaters turned around with Voldemort's words and looked at Dumbledore standing in the air with bad eyes. Even Hermione, who was holding Ron's body, was also targeted by several Death Eaters.

"Idiot, it's the one on the left!" Looking at the movements of his men, Voldemort roared.

"Left side!" The Death Eaters turned around one after another and saw Qin Hui walking in the flames at a glance.

" boss, are you right? He seems to be very difficult to mess with!"

Qin Hui's long hair fluttered in the flames, and there was a smile on his skeleton-like face, which made the Death Eaters swallow their saliva secretly.

"It's so comfortable! I haven't been so comfortable for a long time! My mind is clear now, and the pain is like yesterday's nightmare!"

Qin Hui walked towards everyone step by step, and a magical whirlpool rose around her and quickly integrated into Qin Hui's body.

In the past two years, Qin Hui has been sitting in the wooden house. For two years, the water and rice have not entered, all supported by the nutrients and magic in the body, so it has become this human and ghostly appearance. Now that this annoying pain has disappeared, Qin Hui also began to mobilize the energy elements around him and constantly replenish his own loss.

There seemed to be countless earthworms crawling under Qin Hui's skin, twisting and slowly expanding like a blowing balloon, gradually enriching Qin Hui's flesh and blood.

"Eternity in the flames, immortality in the flames!"

Qin Hui opened her arms, and the flame around her rushed to Qin Hui's mouth and nose like smoke, turning Qin Hui's face into a crimson color.

"Attack, attack! Don't let him absorb the power of the flames!"

As Qin Hui's momentum became stronger and stronger, Voldemort grabbed a Death Eater around him and threw it to Qin Hui.

"Kill, kill!" Under Voldemort's long-term power, more than a dozen Death Eaters looked at each other and roared towards Qin Hui.

"Ah!" Qin Hui roared and raised his hands violently. With Qin Hui's gesture, the flames and magma around him also rose to the sky, and only one of the men who directly devoured Voldemort escaped quickly.

" boss, I forgot to turn off the gas in my house. I have to go first!" Looking at his companions turned to ashes, the Death Eater retreated repeatedly and stammered in his mouth.

"Big boss, take care of yourself. I'll withdraw first!" The remaining Death Eaters shouted, and their bodies turned into black smoke and rushed to the air. At the time of life-and-death crisis, they had no scruples that they had become a black-faced Voldemort.

The game is not over yet! Don't go!" Qin Hui's voice suddenly sounded beside the Death Eater. Before he could react, Qin Hui had already scratched the black smoke of his body and pinched it around his neck.

The Death Eater looked at Qin Hui fearlessly, and Qin Hui took down the golden mask on his face with a smile.

With the fall off of the golden mask, it is surprising that there is a girl's face under the mask. This face looks only eighteen or nine years old, and now he is looking at Qin Hui with a frightened face.

"Gu..." Looking at the beautiful face in front of her, Qin Hui secretly swallowed saliva, gently scratched her face flaws with her fingers, and then whispered in her ear.

"No, no!" As Qin Hui's whispered girl shook her head in horror, she kept struggling in Qin Hui's hands.

"Flying in the sky, running on the ground, swimming in the water, I have eaten everything, but I don't know how people eat? Beautiful lady, your skin is so beautiful, white, so white!" Qin Hui's face is constantly changing. For a while, he looks like a skeleton, and for another, he is a handsome man with a pale face.

Looking at Qin Hui's constantly changing face, the girl was so scared that she trembled and couldn't even say anything.

"What's your name?" Qin Hui stood in the high wall of flame and quietly looked at the girl in front of him, and Dumbledore and others outside the wall of fire were also vaguely observing Qin Hui's movements and preparing for the subsequent magic attack.

"Me, my name is Penny!"

Penny felt unhappy, because as a rebellious girl, Penny chose to wear a mask and joined the family of Death Eaters without hesitation. But the life of Death Eaters is not easy. Penny clearly remembered that after she robbed a Muggle selling goods, two Death Eaters occupied the fruits of her labor.

And even today, I was just called by Voldemort to support the scene. When it comes to talk about strength, Penny can't even pass the formal wizard assessment. Usually, she cleans the yard for Voldemort and feeds the snake called Najini, so rather than Penny is a Death Eater, she is The servant is more appropriate.

"A beautiful name!" Qin Hui's face was ferocious, and then Penny, who closed her eyes, felt a chill on her neck and something flowed out. Imagine that Qin Hui was going to eat her words, Penny was afraid and fainted without saying a word.

The flame wall slowly disappeared, and in the eyes of Dumbledore and others, Qin Hui was holding a girl's neck and drinking bright red blood, and the girl's arm swayed weakly in front of her. In the eyes of everyone, she was obviously dead.

"Demon, keeping you in Hogwarts is the biggest mistake of my life!" Looking at Qin Hui with a bloody mouth, Dumbledore trembled and pointed to Qin Hui feebly.

"Professor Lu Ping, you take the children first. We fought with this devil!" Dumbledore looked at Professor Lu Ping beside him and then said firmly.

"Go! Black is dead, and the Phoenix Society is not convinced to exist! He ruined everything I cherished. How can I go!" Lu Ping looked at the Phoenix Society, which was swallowed by flames, and knew that Blake inside was no longer spared.

"Hagrid, the students, please. Maybe we're going to die here today!" Lu Ping looked at Hagrid beside him and nodded to him.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, Hogwarts won't disappear, for sure!" Hagrid knew that he couldn't help here, so he bowed slightly to Dumbledore, then pulled up the struggling Harry and disappeared into the sky with Hermione.

"Mr. Minister, I would like to ask you to allow us to use the forbidden spell as an exception today, otherwise our chances of winning are slim!" After seeing Hagrid leave, Dumbledore also put down his last concern and said with a smile to Malfoy, who was changing his face.

"Yes!" Malfoy looked at Qin Hui in the flame and spit out two words coldly in his teeth.

"Avada... Awada... Avada..."

With continuous words, Dumbledore, Voldemort, Mag, Snape, Frie, Malfoy, Hamudi, Conilius and others took out their wands and aimed at Qin Hui with a smile on his face.

"The curse of life.... The curse of life... The curse of life...”

Everyone continued to produce the magic output of the magic wand in their hands, and green magic shocks continued to hit the shield beside Qin Hui, stirring up bursts of energy fluctuations and activation.

Qin Hui stood still and gently let go of the girl named Penny in her hand, allowing her to fall on the magma and be swallowed by the flames.

"You killed her! Kill her with Avadaso's curse!" The red shield beside Qin Hui shines, and the curse of life issued by the opponents, while Qin Hui stood in the shield and glanced at the girl who quickly turned into ashes.

"Sit, it's you who killed her, you, the devil!" Dumbledore roared, and the wand he originally held in one hand was also changed to clenched with both hands, constantly increasing the output of magic.

"Is that so!" Qin Hui looked at Dumbledore with a smile and his hair and beard were flying under the magical flow, and whispered, "Maybe you are right, because there is a sentence about what to say!" It seems that I don't kill Bo Ren, but Bo Ren died because of me!"

Qin Hui shook her head regretfully, wiped her fingers on the blood around her mouth, and then gently put her fingers with blood into her mouth.

"It tastes good, but it lacks some seasoning!"

Qin Hui smiled slightly, and his body slowly recovered from a humanoid skeleton to its previous appearance under the gaze of everyone, and became the cold-faced handsome man again.

"Dumbledore, my friend, I'm leaving!" Qin Hui held the crystal ball in his hand. At this time, the crystal ball was slowly changing, slowly sliding down Qin Hui's fingertips like a weathered sand. As the crystal ball disappeared, mysterious runes quickly integrated into Qin Hui's body.

"I'm gone, but what else can I leave behind, such as my legend and the road I've walked!"

Qin Hui said and threw the skeleton wand in his hand, turning into a flash and quickly flew to Hogwarts. After all this, Qin Hui explored in his hand and found an extra sword engraved with a flying dragon.


"Extra, extra, Dumbledore, the former dean of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, died. After his death, Hogwarts will be succeeded by a mysterious wizard named Tom!"

"The latest personnel change of the Ministry of Magic. Due to the accidental death of the former minister, the current Minister of Magic will be the Department of Mysterious Things, Director Jifu, and Director Jifu will lead everyone to pursue a new future and a better tomorrow."

With the disappearance of Qin Hui, all the people who participated in the war on that day died, and no one was spared except Voldemort with a soul weapon. Before Dumbledore's death, Dumbledore gave the ring symbolizing President Hogwarts in Voldemort's hand at the last moment, and then closed his eyes happily under his silent nod.

Qin Hui disappeared, but the days in the magical world still continued. Many years later, a man named Harry Potter stationed in Azkaban and became the new guardian of Azkaban. Hermione did not go crazy in the following days, but joined the Ministry of Magic and became the coordinator of the Ministry of Magic for the Muggle world.

Many people died, but the world continues to go in an unknown direction. That's a new world and a new journey that has never appeared in the film.

"Uncle Tom, how many roads do you think there are to the strong?"

Wearing old washed white clothes, Luna, who had graduated, quietly looked at Voldemort lying on the rocking chair with a kind face. No, it's not Voldemort, it's Dean Tom.

"The road to the strong!" Tom, who was no longer proud, narrowed his eyes and remembered a figure wielding a sword with a golden dragon coiled around him.

"Don't you know? Uncle Tom?" Luna looked at Tom with a smile, and then ran out. No one noticed that there was a skeleton smiling grimly at the top of the wand in Luna's ear.