come to the movie world

Chapter 217 Refinery, Sewer.

"Come one by one, don't squeeze, come one by one!" The heads outside the relief hall surged. Qin Hui looked at these people and found that there was a light called hope in their eyes.

Qin Hui took a brisk step and followed the direction of the source of the sound, and finally stood in the long line outside the relief hall. Together with other recipients of the relief, they passed by the philanthropist named Pieru one by one, waiting for the relief to be issued.

"Here you are, it's five hours!" Pierre, who distributed relief in the crowd, looked 20 or 30 years old, but everyone familiar with him knew that this year's Pierre was in his 80s, but because the time began to beat at the age of 25, his appearance was also fixed at the age of 25.

"Don't go, Huss, say hello to your father for me!" Pierre looked at the young man in front of him who was about to leave, and held his hand again, giving the young man named Huls another three hours.

"Thank you, thank you!" Huls looked excitedly at the number on his watch. Although it was only more than nine hours after Pierre's relief, Hus knew that he and his father would have been able to escape the disaster if they were not too unlucky.

"Go, Hers, your grandfather and I are good friends. I think your father grew up by watching me!" Pierre, who seemed to be only in his twenties, said with a smile, but everyone present knew that he was not lying, because Pierre decided to build the relief hall after his grandfather died because of time.

"We have no discrimination, and we don't want interest. Everything in the relief hall is free. We just hope that more people will live, and we still have hope that we can do it!"

With the shouting of a social worker, the long team also cheered. Qin Hui, who walked in it, glanced over and found that none of the people present had more than two hours, that is to say, if these people did not get relief, most people here would die two hours later because of zero time.

"Pieru, help me, help me quickly, my time is going to zero!"

Just as everyone was focusing on queuing up, a big man suddenly ran over on the street with a panic face. After hearing the big man's words, Pierre also changed his face and rushed to the big man without saying a word.

"Help me, Pierre, please, I don't want to die!" The big man ran fast, looking at the time on his arm while running.

"Kakalov, hold on, you'll be fine!" Pierre ran quickly towards the man, 20 meters, 10 meters, 5 meters,

"Well..." When the two of them could turn more than three meters away, the big man named Kakalov shouted and suddenly fell straight to the ground like a dead doll.

"Kakarov, my friend, have a good journey..." Pierre looked at Kakalov who fell to the ground and saw that the original green watch in his hand had turned red and the time had cleared.

In the slum of Dayton, a large number of people die every day. Except for a few people who die in accidents or *, most people die because of zero time.

Pierre, who is in his 80s this year, has been living here, and death is nothing in his eyes, because they are the most loyal partners of death who live in the shadow of time all year round. No one knows how many people will die every day, maybe 10,000, maybe 100,000, maybe maybe a million. No one cares about this topic.

Kakalov died, but no one would grieve for him, not even his family. Because everyone lives in the shadow of time, no one knows whether today's Kakalov is tomorrow's self. What everyone can do is to cherish every day. No, they don't have the concept of day. They can only cherish every minute, even every second of themselves.

"Next.... Next..." The next statement keeps popping out of Pierre's mouth, and everyone who receives five hours of relief will run and disappear from everyone's sight, because they need to use the five hours of this relief to find a job, and then strive to get more time, day after day. The day of the race.

Qin Hui stood between the teams with a calm face, seriously looked at the eager people around him, and thought about the meaning of time for these people.

"Next!" With Pieru's shout, Qin Hui, who was at the end of the line, unexpectedly became the next person to receive relief.

"Hurry up, don't rub it, don't be shy!" After looking at Qin Hui's clothes, Pierre said eagerly that he had seen too many rich people fall into the streets and die alone for more than 80 years. Although Qin Hui looked well dressed, Pierre did not say much.

"What on earth do you think time is?" Qin Hui did not stretch out his arm like those people, but looked at Pierre indifferently and asked doubtfully.

"Don't you want relief?"

"Me! No need!"

Pierre looked at Qin Hui strangely, then slowly bypassed Qin Hui, began to send time for the next person, and said without looking back: "If you don't need relief, then leave here. I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. There are countless people dying here every moment. What we can do is to cherish the present. "I"

"I need relief, but not with these things!" Qin Hui stood quietly and looked at the time summoner in Pierre's hand, and in the time converter, a row of numbers 18, 14, 53 and 24 were clearly written.

Qin Hui looked at the time converter like this. If Qin Hui's mathematics is correct, there are still 18 days, 14 hours, 53 minutes, 24 seconds... No, it's 18 seconds, because Pierre is also consuming the above time.

People waiting for relief ran past Qin Hui one by one. They didn't even have extra time to thank Pierre, because only cherishing, cherishing and cherishing the time is the real gratitude to Pierre.

People ran by one by one, and when it was a teenager's turn, Pierre's original skillful movements and words stopped, looking sadly at the team that was still like a long dragon.

"Sir, isn't it..." The teenager looked eighteen or nine, but his arm showed that he had been faithful to everyone that he was an adult for more than three hours.

"Sorry, my time has run out, and today's rescue is over!" Pierre nodded to the dark-faced boy and said what he didn't want to say.

With Pierre's words, the people lined up in the line looked dim and looked as if they had lost their souls. Everyone lowered their heads and passed by Qin Hui one by one. There was no quarrel, and no one complained.

Everyone knows that Pierre is a great philanthropist, and he will never give up this relief if he has time, because this is Pieru's promise, a promise that has not changed for decades. For this promise, Pierre gave up the rich life in New Greenwich and chose to bring warmth to everyone in this hopeless slum day after day.

"Sir, the rescue is over. If you need help, come back tomorrow. I have nothing to help you now!"

As everyone left, Pierre's eyes again turned to the motionless Qin Hui.

"I don't need time. What I need is someone to tell me what time is!" Qin Hui looked at Pierre, and his words were full of confusion.

"What is time! This question is so funny!" With a bitter expression on his face, Pierre began to close the store and whispered, "More than 100 people have not received relief today. According to my past experience, one-third of them will not survive this night. Ha ha, what do you mean by time!"

"Is time death?" Qin Hui asked Pierre.

Pierre smiled and said happily, "No, on the contrary, time is hope. I saved more than 100 people today. As long as these people are not fooling around and waiting to die, most of them can survive this night. Don't you think this is hope!"

"Time is death and hope!" Qin Hui nodded thoughtfully, but there was still nothing about the where of the heart of time. Because Qin Hui did not feel any abnormality in Pierre's body, and it was impossible for an ordinary Pierre to hide the fragments of time.

Qin Hui put her hands behind her back, kept chanting the word time, and walked blankly to the night.

"Wait, sir, are you in any trouble? Time can't solve the trouble?" Looking at Qin Hui's lonely back, Pierre frowned, because he had only seen this feeling on the rich man who were tired of a long life, and those rich people who had a lot of time in their hands chose to end their long life.

Qin Hui paused and said without looking back: "Originally, I thought I was a person who knew how to use time, but now I know that I don't understand the meaning of time!"

Qin Hui shook her head with emotion, and then walked to the street in the dark again.

"Sir, if you can't run out of time, I should be able to give you some good advice!" Just as Qin Hui was about to disappear into the darkness, Pierre shouted at Qin Hui.

"What advice!" Qin Hui turned around and the next second passed a 100-meter distance from Pierre and appeared directly behind Pierre.

"I, I..." Pierre gasped violently and kept exchanging his eyes on Qin Hui's body with the place where Qin Hui stood before, and he couldn't even say a complete word.

Qin Hui looked at Pierre with a frightened face, gently lifted her sleeves, looked at the green watch above and said, "There are many unknown things in the world. In my opinion, this watch is the same, and in your eyes, I am the same!"

There are many things that can make people forget the fear of death, and the same is true of Pierre in front of us. As Qin Hui showed the green watch on his wrist, Pierre, who was still frightened, immediately became bright and couldn't help calculating in the bottom of his heart how many people he could save if he had so much time.

"Isn't the time above beautiful!" Qin Hui looked at Pierre with a longing face and said with a smile, "If your advice can convince me, then this beautiful time is yours!"

"Me, mine!" Pierre swallowed his saliva. Although he was also a famous figure here, he saw it for the first time in nearly ten thousand years.

"Say it, talk about some topics that interest me, and let me listen to your suggestions!" Qin Hui smiled. His favorite is the word trading, because trading means that there will be gains.

Pierre was silent for a moment and sorted out his own words and said, "I have seen many rich people. Although they have a lot of time, they have been drunk and dreamed all day long. They have long forgotten the moment of struggled at the bottom, and that time has left us more than just a vocabulary, but an experience. !"

"Experience! Experience time like an ordinary person!" Qin Hui looked at Pierre, who kept nodding in front of him, and suddenly found that he had not lived like ordinary people for a long time, even his thoughts were different from ordinary people.

"I want to reward you, a lot of rewards!" Qin Hui, who felt something enlightened, looked happy. He thought and thought that if he wanted to say where time was hidden, he might be hidden among all sentient beings, witnessing the changes of history and the change of the times.

Qin Hui put his arm on Pierre's hand, and with Qin Hui's action, the time on Pierre's arm grew like cheating. In a blink of an eye, it lasted more than a thousand years and stopped at the number 99.

"Enough, sir, give me more time and you will die!" Seeing that Qin Hui's time had become his own, Pierre was also worried about Qin Hui.

"I will die! This is not funny at all!" Qin Hui shook his head and raised his unchanging time.

"This, what's going on!" Pierre looked down at his watch, and then looked at Qin Hui. Finally, he found that Qin Hui's watch did not jump at all, as if it had been tattooed.

"Maybe it's a system error!" Qin Hui said carelessly, and then straightened his robe.

Pierre looked at Qin Hui's magic robe strangely and whispered, "Sir, if you want to be an ordinary person, then you'd better change this dress and put on clothes like theirs!"

"Their clothes!" Qin Hui looked up and saw two workers in blue overalls walking towards the pub with their shoulders hooked backs.

"It's not necessary!" Qin Hui, who was a little obsessed with cleanliness, looked at the two workers covered in oil with disgust.

Pieru kept touching his watch and said with a smile like a **; "Of course, if you still want to be as high as before, just think I didn't say anything!" Anyway, you don't care about time for such a mysterious and rich person! If you really want to be like an ordinary person, then think about my words!"

"Yes, for the sake of time!" After hearing Pierre's words, Qin Hui took a deep breath, and the black robe with gold edges immediately changed into a blue overalls worn by ordinary workers.

"How did you do it! Magic?" Pierre looked at Qin Hui in shock and asked in disbelief.

"No, it is a mental force composed of thinking, and I have concreteized the ideas in my thinking in reality!" Qin Hui shook her head, and then looked at her work clothes and found that the clothes in front of her were so familiar and strange.

Qin Hui has led the trial, worked as an underworld, worked as the defense minister, and also served as a county magistrate. But no matter in which world, such clothes are too far away from Qin Hui.

"Someone is wrong! It always looks like something is missing!" Pierre looked up and down at Qin Hui's new clothes, holding his chin in his hand, looking quite impressive.

"I remember!" Pierre clapped his hands and rushed to the room. After a while, he took out a wrench and put it in Qin Hui's hand without saying a word.

"That's right!" Pierre's face was happy and brought Qin Hui to a mirror.

Qin Hui in the mirror was wearing blue suspenders, with a washed white shirt inside, and holding a wrench in her hand. Suddenly, she saw that she was definitely a sewer repairer.

"That's great! That's the feeling, by the way, keep the indifferent eyes on your face!" Pierre danced around Qin Hui and obviously felt very satisfied with his thoughts.

"Are you sure this works so that you can understand the meaning of time!" Qin Hui's face was still full of indifference, but the blue suspenders on her body made the indifference in her eyes particularly funny.

"Believe me, I have helped many rich people get them out of their confusion about time and find the direction of life again!" Pierre looked affirmative and then said again: "You are an ordinary person now. Forget your past. You have to work and live like ordinary people until you understand what time means to you!"

"Okay, okay!" Qin Hui looked at the wrench in her hand and regretted coming to find Pierre, because he looked so unreliable.

Looking at the expression on Qin Hui's face, Pierre opened his hands and explained with dancing; "Friend! You don't regret it! You should know that this is your choice!"

"Regret is not the case, but if it doesn't work, I will stuff your head into your ass! Believe me, I never joke!" Qin Hui nodded, carried the wrench on her shoulder, and walked unnaturally towards the night.