come to the movie world

Chapter 318 Ordinary People's Day Modified Edition

Qin Hui walked on the street blankly. He didn't know why he agreed with Pierre's seemingly ridiculous suggestion. Maybe now he is like a drowning man and refuses to give up the straw that can't save his life at all!

"Hight, talk about you, repairing the sewer!" Just after Qin Hui crossed a small street, a woman who was drying clothes outside suddenly stopped Qin Hui.

"You're calling me!" Qin Hui was slightly stunned and didn't realize that the person who repaired the sewer was herself.

"Of course, my water pipe is broken. Our house is running water, and the downstairs is like rain! Come and fix it for us, and I'll give you three hours to take revenge!" The woman who spoke is a black man, and now she is still hanging on the rope with a pair of briefs in her hand.

"I think you can send an umbrella downstairs so that they won't be afraid of rain at home!" Qin Hui looked at the black woman in front of her and said affirmatively.

"Send an umbrella!" The black woman was five and three thick. Hearing Qin Hui's words, she threw the basket with clothes in her hand to the ground. She came to Qin Hui like a crab and said majestically, "I've seen a lot of poor women like you. Don't talk nonsense for four hours. Do it!"

"I... Deal!" Qin Hui took a deep breath and looked at the wrench in his hand.

It's not easy to be an ordinary person, especially when you want to be an ordinary person.

Qin Hui's sword is very fast, and many people killed by Qin Hui will not feel pain. But Qin Hui can kill people and can't repair water pipes.

Although I don't want to say it, it is much more difficult for Qin Hui to repair the water pipe with one hand than killing people, especially when you want to be like ordinary people and don't apply any power.

Two hours later, Qin Hui, who was already soaked, was disembarrased by the screams and scolding of black women, because Qin Hui used too much force on her hand and shred the water pipe made of iron with a wrench.

"Poor, don't let me see you. Scum like you should die in the garbage!" With Qin Hui's embarrassment to escape, the black woman chased him out of the room with a broom in her hand, roaring through the whole community.

Two days later...

"Damn, I don't believe it. I can't support myself!" Qin Hui walked aimlessly on the street, looking for her job like many people who came and went in a hurry, making money to support herself in the way of ordinary people.

"Uncle, you're here again!" Just as Qin Hui squatted on the ground waiting to pick up the work, Alan next to him ran over.

"Go and play!" Qin Hui glanced at Alan and waved away the minor who ate the subsistence allowance.

For two days, Qin Hui has not had even a minute of income in these two days, and Qin Hui, who has been hungry for two days, has not used the time on his watch, because he is stubborn and intends to live without relying on any external force like ordinary people. Anyway, he can't die if he doesn't eat for two years. It's nothing to be hungry for a few days.

"Uncle, you haven't paid the room fee yet!" Alan looked at Qin Hui in front of him without any intention of leaving, but jumped and said.

"No, I slept in your broken pipe all night, and you asked me to pay the room fee!" While saying this to Alan, Qin Hui kept scanning the passers-by to see if that person needed temporary workers.

"That's my home. If I hadn't taken you in yesterday, you would have been caught in the rain under the tree!"

It rained heavily yesterday, and Qin Hui, who didn't want to use his hands and had nowhere to go, sat under the tree like that. It was not until Alan found out that he was invited to the narrow pipe to deal with it all night. And Alan didn't know what he was thinking. Unexpectedly, he began to urge Qin Hui to pay the rent early the next morning, and he didn't read the old feelings of those two steaks at all.

"The uncle who sells newspapers said that it's raining these days. If you don't want to be rained, pay the rent quickly, or I won't let you in!" Allen kept circling around Qin Hui and saying threatening words.

"I don't have time, not a second!" Qin Hui sat on the ground without image and spread out his hands to Alan.

"If you don't believe it, lie, you lie to people. You must be a rich man who has come to experience ordinary life. I don't believe you don't have time!" Allen shook his head repeatedly and didn't believe Qin Hui's words at all.

"Cock..." A thunderstorm passed through the sky, as if to confirm Allen's words, and it rained in a blink of an eye.

"It's raining! It's raining!" Unlike those sad-faced passers-by, as the bean-sized raindrops fell from the sky, Alan danced happily in the rain.

"So happy! When you become an adult, sooner or later you will cry!" Looking at the lively Alan, Qin Hui also seemed to have forgotten her identity, smiling like a real sewer repairman, allowing the raindrops in the sky to hit the blue work clothes.

"Well, if you don't pay the room fee, if you don't pay the room fee, you won't let you stay with me today!" Alan still hasn't forgotten his good wish to become a landlady by touching the rain on his face.

"The ancient wood yin is a short canopy, and the staff helps me cross the east of the bridge. The clothes are wet with apricot blossoms and rain, and the willow wind will blow on your face!" Qin Hui stood up from the rain and opened his arms to welcome the raindrops falling on him.

Qin Hui stood in the rain and laughed, without worrying about the sad faces of the people around him.

Qin Hui likes rain, but this idea is probably unique in slums. Because people in slums often have no spare time, and not being able to work for a day is a big blow to everyone, especially those who have no job and can only rely on odd jobs to survive.

"Buzz..." As Qin Hui walked in the rain, a yellow Beetle car roared by. After passing by Qin Hui, he fell back.

"My name is Fords, my friend, you are very good-to-face! It's not a local!" The window of the Beetle car fell, and a young man with short blonde hair said seriously to Qin Hui.

"Time thief Fortis, I know you, but you don't know me!" Qin Hui looked at the young man in front of him and said carelessly.

"Are you not afraid of me!" Fords looked at Qin Hui with great interest. In this Dayton District, he had never seen anyone who dared to look at him.

"I'm so afraid that I forgot my fear!" Qin Hui smiled and then shook her head and walked in the other direction. She had no intention of having any contact with the time thief.

"Head, he doesn't seem to be afraid of you!" Looking at Qin Hui's departure, Fords' younger brother whispered in the back seat.

Forts smiled gently and said, "There are two kinds of people who are not afraid of me, one is those who don't pay attention to us, such as those rich people or time guardians!"

"What about the second one?" The younger brother asked after hearing this.

"The second kind is a poor man who has never had more than three hours!" Fords said, closing the window and lying on the co-pilot in a comfortable position.

" boss, you think he is that kind of person!" Looking at Fords' appearance, the black brother who was driving couldn't help asking again.

"That kind of person is not important. The important thing is that we can't afford to provoke the first kind of person, and the second kind of person will only waste our precious time... Drive!"

In this way, the Beetle drove away again, and the splash on the tires kept making pedestrians on both sides curse secretly.

"Hey, uncle, you just picked up a little life! Don't you want to come in and celebrate!" In an abandoned pipe placed under the pedestrian bridge, a short girl waved to Qin Hui and shouted.

"It's really worth celebrating! But you won't charge me for the room!" Qin Hui held his arm, endured the wet clothes, and walked towards Allen's pipe.

Allen moved into the pipe, gave up the outside position to Qin Hui, and smiled, "I can keep accounts for you. When you find a job, you can return the time to me. What do you think of this idea!"

"It's not good!" Qin Hui looked at Alan, who was obsessed with money, and lay in the round pipe regardless of the penetrating clothes on his body.

"Yes, I don't have time, but I can exchange it with you in other ways!" Qin Hui wiped the rain on her forehead and said carelessly.

"How to exchange!" Alan was very interested in Qin Hui's exchange, and his two big eyes couldn't help turning around.

"Once upon a time! There is a world, which is a wizard's world, and there is a school dedicated to teaching wizards. The name of that school is Hogwarts..."

Qin Hui leaned against the straw behind him and squinted to tell everything he had experienced like a story.

"Oh, my God! Uncle, you are such a genius. This story is really great!" With Qin Hui's continuous telling, Allen seemed to have returned to the colorful world, and even the thunderstorm that had scared her outside was not scary.

"Great!" Qin Hui so leaned on the straw, listened to the sound of rain outside, and enjoyed the happiness of belonging to ordinary people.

"Uncle, I have decided that if it rains in the future, you can come to tell me a story, and I will allow you to spend the night here!"

Alan looked at Qin Hui with a quiet face and said firmly after a little meditation.

"If you are afraid of thunder, just say it! He seems to be great!" Qin Hui looked at Alan beside him with disdain, because it was also thunder and lightning when it rained yesterday. At that time, Alan's face turned white with fear.

It has been raining, and two figures in the abandoned pipe are curled up in it, and the atmosphere is very harmonious.

"Uncle, are you hungry?" After staying in the pipe all day, Alan couldn't help touching his stomach and asked Qin Hui, who was with his legs crossed beside him.

Qin Hui slightly straightened her eyes and then closed them again; "I! I don't feel it!"

"No! I remember you haven't eaten since last night! Aren't you hungry?" Alan looked at the heavy rain outside and wanted to rush out to find something to eat, but he was afraid that he would catch a cold after getting caught in the rain. You should know that getting sick in slums often means death.

Qin Hui hummed a small song and said happily, "I can not eat for two years or even longer, and if I eat, a child of your age can eat several at a time!"

"Uncle, when is this? Are you still pretending!" Allen looked at Qin Hui speechlessly, but he didn't expect that Qin Hui was still in the mood to joke at this time.

"Pretious!" Qin Hui looked at Allen in astonishment, then changed her posture to lie in the wet pipe and whispered a mortal.

"Uncle, I'm going to get my subsidy. I can get three points of food. Do you want to go with me!" Allen touched his hungry stomach and pushed Qin Hui's arm.

"No, it's raining so heavily outside. You think I'm stupid!" Qin Hui didn't move. Anyway, he didn't eat or drink for two years. It's nothing to be hungry for a few days.

For the unmoved Qin Hui, Allen did not hesitate to divide him into the ranks of lazy men. However, it is divided. It's raining so heavily outside that Alan himself is indeed a little scared.

"Uncle, how about you accompany me and share a portion of food with you!" Alan gritted his teeth and said to Qin Hui with some heartache after being silent for a while.

"No, I'm going to sleep!"

"You! You're useless. Sooner or later, you'll starve to death!" Allen jumped angrily and finally failed to change Qin Hui's idea, so she had to run to the nearest supply point alone against the heavy rain.

"I can't die if you die!" Qin Hui turned over and monopolized the whole pipeline with four feet facing the sky like a big turtle.

Five minutes, ten minutes, twenty minutes, and half an hour later, Alan, with a blue nose and a swollen face, finally ran back crying, holding a plastic-wrapped lunch box in his hand.

"Uncle!" After returning, Allen looked at Qin Hui pitifully, and Qin Hui just opened one eye, gently glanced at Alan and closed it without asking at all.

"A bad guy just robbed Alan's two pieces of food. Can you beat him for me?" Allen kept pulling Qin Hui's clothes with a panda's eye.

Qin Hui lay there like a dead dog. After shaking for half a day in Allen's row, she moved and said carelessly, "No, you have to learn to be grateful. If it were me, I wouldn't leave you a copy, but take it all away!"

"But that's my meal for a day, and the bad guy beat me!" Alan felt sad as he spoke, and tears couldn't stop flowing down.

"Woo-hoo... Alan is just an orphan, and who will sympathize with Alan? Whoo-hoo..."

Alan kept crying. Every time he cried, he grabbed a handful of fried rice with eggs in the lunch box and ate it. His snot mixed with tears fell on the rice, which made Qin Hui beside him couldn't help but feel a stomach cold.

"Take this!" Qin Hui, who cried for more than an hour in a row and was no longer harassed, handed that thing to Allen.

"This is! This is a gun..." Alan looked at the pistol in his hand, and the tears in his eyes finally stopped.

"Son, that's all my uncle can do for you. Go ahead and do what you want. Don't save face for me..." Qin Hui didn't care about Allen's reaction and muttered like a dream.

"Wow! Is this *! It's so beautiful and really heavy!" Allen didn't have time to cry now, but looked excited with Qin Hui's special pistol.

"Bum..." Just when Qin Hui thought that the matter had passed, with the sound of gunfire, Qin Hui only felt that the bullet bounced on the wall a few times, and then his head was gently smashed with soybeans.

Qin Hui grabbed her itchy scalp and looked up to see Alan looking at herself with a resentful face.

"What are you doing! I'm still so arrogant to shoot with a gun!" Qin Hui looked at the warhead beside him that had turned into a copper cake, and thought with his toes that a warhead was a soybean that had just hit his head after being ejected several times.

"You lie, this is a fake gun! Whoo-hoo.... You all bullied Alan. Alan went to Brother Will and ignored you again!" * Alan cried loudly and ran into the rain with the pistol given by Qin Hui.

"My brain is sick!" Qin Hui looked at Alan who disappeared in the rain and did not feel that he had done anything wrong, but understood that Alan was mentally abnormal.

"Brother Will, Brother Will!" Alan cried and ran all the way to a small iron gate, constantly afraid of hitting the fence on the iron gate.

"Who!" Will, who had just returned from the factory, opened the door doubtfully and saw Alan, who was blue and blue-faced and holding a pistol in his hand.

"Little guy, what's wrong with you!" As the eldest brother, Will has always taken good care of Alan. The first thing he does every day is to give Alan the five minutes, although Alan always says that it only takes one minute.

"The bad guys bullied Alan, robbed Alan's food, and the strange man occupied Alan's house!" Alan, who was a little kid, turned his eyes and immediately turned Qin Hui into a range of bad people. He had long forgotten who invited her to eat the steak and who told her the story.

"What! Even Alan's house is robbed! Is there any king's law in this world? I'll fix him!" Will said angrily that Will is just 25 years old today. According to everyone, he has just come of age and is not afraid of anything, so for Will, the world does not scare him.

"Bright, what are you taking? A pistol?" Will asked Allen softly as he approved a raincoat on his body.

"It's a toy gun. This gun has no effect on people. It's used to scare Alan!" Alan pouted and handed the pistol to Will.

"It looks like *!" Will took the gun in his hand with a smile and found that the gun was not only full of weight, but also had several switches on it.

"K..." Will's hand twisted the switch on the body of the gun, and two long metal nails immediately popped out of the handle.

"How handsome!" Will fiddled with the pistol and then gently aimed at a vase placed in the room.

"Bang..." There was a soft sound from the pistol, and listening to the sound of the gun, Will couldn't help shaking his head at the unharmed vase and laughing, "This gun is fake, there is no recoil at all, and the sound of the gun is too small. Even if a mute is installed on the muzzle of the gun, it can't be so small!"

Will unindifferently inserted the pistol on the belt, and then took Allen to avenge the legendary strange man. With Will's departure, no one noticed that cracks were constantly appearing in the wall behind the vase at this moment, and no one noticed that there was a finger-sized hole in the center of the crack.