come to the movie world

Chapter 320 Plot Begins

Will has always liked gambling. Like his good brother who can drink, Will always wins and loses less at the gambling table, and he is also a well-known figure in Dayton.

"Who is that man and where is his home?" Fords grabbed the horse's collar and pressed the horse against the wall on one side.

"That man's name is Will, and he lives in the street ahead!" The horse, who knew Fords' character, looked scared and his legs kept trembling.

"Will! Here, here!"

Will pulled the young man to keep running in the rain, and just when his heart was full of confusion about where to go, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

"Will, come here quickly!" Will looked at the sound and saw the short Alan lying on a pipe mouth, shouting at himself.

"Let's go, let's go!" Will didn't have time to think about how Alan got back to his home, but couldn't help running over with the young man. At this time, Will's heart was full of happiness, because he saved a life anyway, and this heroic feeling was really great.

"Come and go, life is really short!"

With a sigh, Will looked up and saw Qin Hui, dressed as a migrant worker in blue suspenders, lying on his back in the corner of the pipe with a sad face, looking at the young man beside him.

"Man, you're free!" Will looked at Qin Hui beside him, let the rain slip on his body, and said happily to the young man beside him.

"Freedom! Ha ha, I don't need freedom!" The young man leaned against the wall behind him and did not enter the pipe to avoid the rain, but let the rain fall on him, with a melancholy face.

What do you mean! If we hadn't run fast, they would have killed you! What's wrong with your brain? You asked for it. No one dares to take so much time to the street!" Will looked at the young man in front of him and didn't expect that he didn't care at all.

"My name is Henry, Henry Middleton!" The young man named Henry looked at Will and asked softly, "Why did you save me? If I remember correctly, we didn't know him!"

"Why! There are so many reasons!" Will shrugged his shoulders impatiently and said, "I can't see you die, and I can't watch you killed under my nose without being moved!"

"Ha ha!" After hearing Will's words, Henry suddenly laughed and asked curiously, "How old are you this year? I'm talking about your actual age!"

Will was a little puzzled, but still replied: "I'm 25 years old this year, and I'm going to celebrate my birthday in a few days, and I'll be 26 years old!"

"It's no wonder! Twenty-five years old, what a good age!" Henry nodded, then put his hand into his clothes, took out a small iron box containing wine, took a sip of it, and looked motionless at the heavy rain outside.

"I'm 106 years old this year. With the continuous death of people around me, I feel that my brain is beginning to be tired. Although my body is not, I still feel powerless!"

It rained heavily outside, and Qin Hui, Alan and Will quietly listened to Henry's story in the small pipe. Will and Allen regarded Henry's words as complaints, while Qin Hui listened to his understanding of time.

"One hundred and six years old! What a high number! But I have lived enough. I want to die, and I have to die!"

Henry's day-to-day life makes him tired. He doesn't know what's the point of living. Now he lives just to live, repeating what he did yesterday day after day and mechanically passing day after day under the enviable eyes of others.

"Man, it's your business to want to die. Only rich people like you will feel that there are countless hours!"

Will said impatiently, and then involuntarily looked down at the form in his hand. Will looked down at his watch very skillfully, which is a common move of people living in slums, because they always look at their watches involuntarily and worry that their time will die in the next moment.

"23 hours!"

Henry's eyes swept over Will's watch and found that the hot young man in front of him would die in 23 hours if he had no income.

"What do you think of time?" Just as the scene fell into tranquility, Qin Hui, who had been pretending to be dead behind, suddenly asked Henry.

"Time is the arbitrator's game!" Henry was silent for a moment and said indifferently, "Arbitrators set prices and charge time. Under the control of these capitalists, most people except for a few of them will die. It's just that this time is sooner or later, so no matter how you work and earn time, it's just delaying the date of death!"

What do you mean by that? Isn't it said that as long as there is a stable job, anyone can live forever!" Will frowned after hearing Henry's words, because his words were different from what Will had heard over the years.

"What would you do if you were given a hundred years?" Henry asked in a low voice to Will in front of him.

"Of course, I moved out of the slums and lived in a richer special zone!" Will didn't know why, but he still said what most people thought.

"Yes, everyone wants to live a better life in the special zone and enjoy better welfare and treatment. But what I want to say is that in fact, this is just an illusion, a perfect blueprint planned by the government!"

The time planning of Dayton Special Zone is hourly, and the consumption here is also based on hours. There are hundreds of special slums like Dayton, and above the slums is the rich district, of which Henry is from the New Greenwich District in the rich district.

The consumption standard in the rich area is heaven. In other words, if you need ten minutes to drink a cup of coffee in the slums, then you need to spend one day to drink the same kind of coffee in New Greenwich.

Of course, the increase in consumption represents the increase in income. Working in Dayton is about 30 hours a day, and no matter how little New Greenwich is, it is about a month.

Many people who have survived in the slums have happily gone to the rich district, but what awaits them is to start a busy life. Because these people who come to New Greenwich will find a very cruel thing, that is, they have accumulated a lifetime and proud time that they can't even buy a house in New Greenwich.

And in order to eliminate people's hope of survival, everyone's time will be monitored. If you live more than 100 years, or have more than 200 years in your hand, you will be invited to the rich area, and no one can refuse this invitation. Absolutely. And when you live over 100 years, you will have a new discovery, that is, the original second hand disappears and is replaced by a minute-based beat.

Henry lifted the sleeves on his arm and let everyone look at the minute hand on his arm beating like a second hand.

"Doesn't anyone want to change all this? Prices are growing wildly every day. Doesn't anyone want to change?" Henry's complaint that Will was at a loss, because there was a huge gap between Henry's words and the education he had received for more than 20 years, and Will's instinct was also telling himself, Henry was right.

Will is a big boy who has just grown up, but he has never seen anyone in the slums live more than 100 years old. Most of those who have lived than 90 years old have disappeared and disappeared like the wind.

Will's face was stunned, and the cognition he had developed for more than 20 years collapsed in one thought. He is at a loss now. He thinks of Pierre in the relief hall and his mother, who is about to celebrate her fiftieth birthday.

Pieru is almost 90 years old. If he is lost in the slums, will people still have hope? And Will has always wanted his mother to live a better life in the Special Administrative Region. If Henry's words are true, can this wish come true?

"Young man, what would you do if you had so much time?" Henry looked at his watch, and the expression on his face could not tell whether it was sadness or joy.

"Me!" Will couldn't help looking at his watch, and then smiled bitterly with some interest: "I want to change my habit of always looking down at my watch!" And I can guarantee that I will not waste time like you, but go back and do something meaningful to figure out why all this is!"

"What an interesting answer!" With Will's affirmative answer, Henry's face also showed a smile, because no one cared about why all this was. Rich people who have time spend all day drinking or earning more time, while poor people can't even afford to eat, who would consider these things?

"Papa..." Qin Hui, who had been listening to Will's words, applauded. He looked at the two people in front of him with a smile, because they provided him with an insight into time.

"You drank too much today. Go back to where you came from. Dayton is not for you. And it's time for me to go home now!" Will looked at Qin Hui beside him. The big things that happened today exceeded the sum of Will's life, which made him really not in the mood to teach Qin Hui another strange man.

Will looked at the heavy rain outside, then patted Henry standing outside on the shoulder, and rushed into the rain without looking back.

Henry stood there motionless, staring at Will's back.

"What people are afraid of is not death, but everything they will lose after death! If you have nothing to lose, death is just a friend you haven't seen for many years. There is nothing to be afraid of!"

Looking at Henry's twinkling eyes, Qin Hui, who knew that he was determined to die, said with a smile. With Qin Hui's words, Henry also took a deep breath. After looking deeply at Qin Hui, he rushed into the rain without looking back.

It keeps raining heavily. Although Qin Hui doesn't know whether Will will become a time chaser like in the movie, Qin Hui believes that Will's days will become different.

The time is still going on, and two days have passed in a blink of an eye. These days, as Alan said, the sky has never cleared up, and it has been cloudy and rainy. In the past two days, Qin Hui still hasn't found a job. Now he is either staying under the pipe under Allen's contemptuous eyes or waiting for other people's employment at the door of the bar.

"Pa..." With the sound of an object falling to the ground, Qin Hui leaned against the stone wall behind him and looked at the sixth passers-by who fell in front of him because time ran out.

"It's good that another one died!" Qin Hui looked at the dead passer-by outside with a funny expression of gloating.

"Uncle, you haven't been looking for a job. Why didn't I see you fall to the ground? Didn't you say you didn't have time?" For Qin Hui, who was gloating, Alan said while eating a boxed lunch.

"Maybe I don't deserve to die! It is said that good people don't live long and live a thousand years! ... By the way, how does your box of lunch taste? Qin Hui glanced at Alan and looked at the lunch box wrapped in plastic bags on the ground.

"Fragrant, so fragrant! But you don't have to think about it. If you don't even go to get food together, Alan won't give you food!" Alan looked dissatisfiedly at Qin Hui, because Allen sent an invitation again when he received the food today, but who would have thought that Qin Hui, who had not eaten for three days, actually refused, as if he really didn't have to eat.

Allen kept eating his own food. There was a huge hamburger in it. The hamburger was turned golden yellow, and there was a white mezzanine in the middle of the hamburger that I didn't know what it was.

"Bum bang bang..."

Just as Alan, who was afraid that Qin Hui would really starve to death, was thinking about whether to give Qin Hui a lunch box, there was a sudden gunshot outside the pipe. A young man in a black coat was holding a girl's hand and running quickly in the direction of the pipe.

"Will, it's Brother Will!" Allen poked out his head curiously and saw that the man running in the rain was Will, who had disappeared for a few days, and held Qin Hui's black modified gun in his hand.

" boss, don't chase, we're out of bullets!" The people chasing behind looked embarrassed and pulled the boss Fords who still wanted to catch up.

"Damn it! How many magazines did he hide on his body?" Looking at Will running far away, Fords roared and threw the empty pistol on the ground.

The development of the story is very dramatic. After that day, Henry caught up with Will in the rain. Tired of time, he gave all his time to Will and chose to die with a smile.

Will, who had been watching for hundreds of years, looked confused. When he walked home, he did not know that Fords had stared at him and ambushed him at Will's house.

The two sides met unexpectedly at Will's home. Will, who had held the pistol in his hand, just wanted to scare Fords, but he did not think that the fake gun in his hand was actually real, nor did he expect that the gun could penetrate the wall and still kill Ford after the bullet penetrated the wall. A subordinate of Si.

Will, after killing, fled when Fords's group was in chaos and fled Dayton that night because he was afraid of Fords' power in Dayton and went to New Greenwich to hide from the limelight.

It was common for a new face to suddenly appear in New Greenwich, but in the file of the Guardian of Time, Will's message showed that he was only a poor man and did not have any winning record, so Will was questioned by the Guardian of Time at a gambling table.

Will's time was given by Henry, but it did not go through any legal process, and no one would believe that someone would choose to die and give their time to a stranger.

Will's negotiations with the Guardian of Time did not work, and the Guardian of Time still chose to seize him without evidence. He also stressed that Henry's death was not suicide, and the time in Will's hand was taken by him after killing Henry. He should be confiscated at the headquarters of the Guardian of Time and brought back the suspect Will.

Young Will did not choose to be captured and wait for the trial of the Guardian of Time. Because he no longer believed in the government after experiencing Henry's affairs, and it was raining outside when Henry gave him the time. No one had seen how all this happened, which was very bad for a boy who grew up in a slum.

In this way, Will, who chose to arrest, kidnapped a girl at the gambling table and returned to Dayton overnight in the robbed police car.

Will is a native of Dayton, and his foundation is in Dayton. He can't think of any place for him to escape the pursuit of the guardians of time except Dayton, a mixed and chaotic slum.

There is a wolf in front and a tiger in the back.

Will, who had been hiding in Dayton for two consecutive days, was not discovered by the guardians of time, but let Fords' men meet him when he went out, so the story of the last scene appeared.

"Will, are you all right? Alan saw a lot of people chasing you!" Looking at Will, who was panting and the girl with big eyes around him, Alan didn't have time to eat, but turned around Will worriedly to see if Will was injured.

"I'm fine with Alan. Those people have left. By the way, what about the person who gave you this gun? I want to thank him well. This gun is incredible. He saved my life!"

Will raised the pistol in his hand with an excited face, because only he knew what the gun had done. This gun is really amazing. Not only can one shot through a 20-cm wall, but he fired at least dozens of shots along the way, but this gun has never allowed him to change the magazine, as if the bullets inside are endless. Both the time keepers and the gangsters he had just driven away have suffered a lot on this gun.

Time keepers can be regarded as police, and neither policemen nor gang members can carry a large number of bullets on their bodies, because they are not fighting or selling arms.

No one will carry so many weapons on his body, so the gang members of Will's crossfire have been at a low hand and can't raise their heads by Will, who seems to have endless ammunition.

"Is this gun the one that belonged to Alan? Isn't that a toy gun?" Alan looked doubtfully at the pistol in Will's hand and couldn't figure out how the original toy gun had become real.

"It's not a toy gun. It's true. Tell my brother where the person who sent you this gun is. I want to thank him well. His gun saved my life!"

Listening to Will's words, Alan shook his head helplessly and pointed to the pipe.

With Alan's gesture, Will hurriedly looked into the pipe and saw Qin Hui, whose hair was messy and dirty, lying on the straw on the ground with his legs crossed, enjoying his ordinary life.