come to the movie world

Chapter 321 The world is changing because of me

Qin Hui entered the King of Guns, entered the doomsday, fought kung fu, and killed the boxing god. Later, ghosts danced together and laid out superheroes. Qin Hui keeps shuttling through different movie worlds, but it's the first time here to say boring things.

In the world of time controllers, there should be no technology, heroes without heroes, and even some interesting people. Moreover, the goal of the mission is also to look at the moon in the water, so that Qin Huikong has the ability to perform.

Up to now, Qin Hui, who is unwilling to find a sense of superiority in ordinary people, but wants to live an ordinary life, even sleeps on the street. He doesn't know how his judges or subordinates will feel.

"Sir, how did you do this gun! I opened the magazine, but there were only 15 bullets in it! But why are there still so many bullets after I fired dozens of shots!"

Will ran to Qin Hui's side in a gust of wind. At this time, he had already regarded Qin Hui as a strange person. Otherwise, who would have a pistol that could hold more than 200 bullets and give it to a little girl carelessly!

For Will's words, Qin Hui glanced at the pistol in Will's hand, crossed his legs, and said uncondly, just like the grandfather who pointed out the protagonist in the novel: "My gun is not half of the gun. It is loaded with 250 rounds. If you can cooperate with the gunfight, you will fly to the sky at that time!"

"Gunfighting, fly to the sky!" Will was stunned by what Qin Hui said, because the soaring words made Will, who had always been eager to be a hero, feel a strong **. When he was young, he liked the feeling of blood and liked to take risks rather than be willing to be ordinary.

Will looked back at the beautiful woman who was kidnapped by himself, and then suppressed the desire in his heart, as if he didn't care: "Gunfighting, what is that! Can I learn it?"

With Will's words, Qin Hui smiled and said slowly: "Gunfighting is the abbreviation of gun fighting. The most important thing to learn this is not diligence, but whether you have the talent to hold a gun!"

"Talent..." Will looked at the pistol in his hand doubtfully, because he didn't know what was the talent for holding a gun, and didn't know whether he could escape the pursuit of the gang and the time guard for the first time with a gun.

Qin Hui looked at him motionlessly and said again when Will was eager to scratch his ears and cheeks, "You are very talented. Your hand is the hand with a gun!"

Qin Hui smiled after saying this, and then an extra piece of information came out in his hand.

"This is!" Will inexplicably took over what Qin Hui handed over and saw a line of big words written on the thin paper industry.

Gunfighting Training Manual, Jehovah's Church, Religious Trial...

"Religious Trial! What the hell is this?" Will couldn't help opening the document and saw countless small words on it, and under these words, there were photos of people holding pistols.

These people with guns are all dressed in black and with masks on their faces. And their movements are also in different forms, with various tricky angles to point the muzzle of the gun in one direction, and some angles of their bodies were twisted so that Will couldn't help sweating coldly.

"Will, don't trust him! Is this an action that human beings can do? This is simply murder!"

Standing beside Will and talking was Sylvia. Originally, she was kidnapped by Will, but in the past few days, as the daughter of a millionaire, she gradually fell in love with this hot-blooded feeling, although she had always been a good girl of a rich family.

"The potential of the human body is far beyond your imagination. After this scientific training, it is not difficult to do these at all!"

Qin Hui ignored Sylvia's words, but said to Will, who became more and more frightened, "How about it? Are you interested? If you are interested, we can make a deal. If you encounter a strange thing that can change your time in the future, please give it to me!"

Will heard the sound and couldn't help closing the information in his hand. Looking at Will's appearance, Sylvia also looked at him nervously, as if she was worried about his decision.

"If you say so, I'm afraid this is not enough!" Will took a deep breath and shook his head gently.

"Not enough! Are you so confident that you think you can get what I said? Qin Hui looked at the protagonist in front of him with great interest, but he didn't expect that his gunfighting information could not impress him.

Life is a big gamble, and now Will knows that it's time for him to show his cards.

"I don't know if I can get what you said, but I'm sure that as long as I get it, I will definitely give it to you. No matter what you say can do, whether it's valuable or not... So, I'm worth the price!" Will looked positive. Although he didn't say any vows, Qin Hui felt moved.

Will is a well-deserved protagonist in the Space-Time Planning Bureau, and unlike the world of Harry Potter, no one in this world can hide his sharpness. It can be said that this world is the stage for Will alone.

For Will, who has the life of the protagonist, Qin Hui feels that he is worthy*. Anyway, the world has nothing to do with him, let alone a pediatrician like gunfighting.

Qin Hui quietly looked at Will with a serious face and an extra injection came out of her hand.

"This is a body strengthening agent. Although it can't make you a superman, it can make you have a stronger body and reaction than others. With the use of gunfighting skills, there is absolutely nothing you can do with the troops of 20 regular troops, and even you may be killed in 30 seconds unprepared!"

Qin Hui said and handed the medicine developed by the scientists in his hand to Will. Even Qin Hui could imagine that with these things given in his hand, Will was by no means the time guardians with poor equipment and extremely poor quality.

You should know that in addition to a captain named Simold, those time guardians are more like security guards who are living with salaries, and they don't even have the responsibility of security guards. They have always waved flags and shout.

"Is there such a thing in the world? You're not lying, are you?" Silvia looked at the potion in Will's hand with disbelief. As a child of a rich family, Sylvia had never heard of the existence of such a thing, and she instinctively did not want Will to take risks for it.

"The world is very big, and you see very little!" Qin Hui nodded silently, and then looked at Will to see if he also thought so.

"I believe you, we have made a deal! As long as I find that thing, I will definitely give it to you!" Will did not hesitate but answer affirmatively to Qin Hui's eyes.

"Will, you don't know what this is. You're crazy!" Seeing that Will wanted to inject this unknown medicine into her, Sylvia quickly took Will's hand.

"We have no choice. I have a big plan to carry out, and the possibility of implementing the plan with our previous strength is very slim! And I have nothing for him to cheat. I'm a nobody, and I'm worthless!"

Looking at Sylvia's concerned eyes, Will shook his head gently, and then put the needle on his arm without saying a word, showing a man's decisiveness or recklessness.

But in any case, Will has done it. Now Will already has the idea of eliminating the gap between the rich and the poor, because now the priceless is growing rapidly every day, and the people in the slums are almost unable to hold on. Will, who is born with a sense of justice, intends to change all this, and his current idea is simple, which is to take the time of the capitalists in the bank and then use it for the people.

Capitians hoard time and use their capital to drive up the growth of prices. Just a few days ago, Sylvia's father, the big banker Philip, launched a price reform.

He raised the original price again and adjusted the bank's interest rate from nine percent to 13 percent.

This interest rate has overwhelmed many people. You should know that 100 hours after making a mortgage in the bank, you only need to return 108 hours at the end of the month. But the change in interest rates will brutally tell you that if you can't return 113 hours, then you can only live in the sewer.

In the eyes of many people, this is only five hours apart, but the cruel reality will clearly let you know that sometimes one minute... No, it can kill you in a second.

Time never compromises with anyone, at least in this world. Unfortunately, Will's mother died on the way to repay the loan last night.

According to the original plan, Will's mother should have five hours of surplus enough for her to last until the next morning after returning the loan, and then borrow 100 hours from other banks without relying on anyone.

Unfortunately, there was no such word if, so Will's mother died and died in zero time because the bank's interest rate had increased. And his mother's death hit Will hard because he made a promise. He promised to take his mother to eternal life, but now this promise can never be fulfilled.

People say that if you give, you will be rewarded. Qin Hui also agrees with this statement, but sometimes you will pay more than you gain.

Will took the gunfight information in his hand and left with a giggle, and half a month later, a bank in Dayton was robbed.

This time* was done by Will, and the time of the robbery, Will, like what he said, did not hesitate to give it to the poor people in Dayton. Many poor people have left their favorite jobs and started the days when they didn't have to work.


"Uncle, look, this is what Will gave me, and he asked me to give you a copy!"

Qin Hui, who had just returned from work, saw the happy Alan at a glance, and in Allen's hand, he was holding a time converter with ten years.

"You keep it, I don't need this!" Qin Hui shook her head, because this was Will's third * bank in a month, and Will would bring Qin Hui a time after each *, which was also known as gratitude to Qin Hui.

Yes, half a month has passed since Will's first* success. During this half month, Will also committed unbridled crimes, with three banks in Dayton in a row and several times repulsed the pursuit and interception of time keepers.

Like Will's victory, Qin Hui has been successfully promoted to the working class. However, the process of Qin Hui becoming a worker is relatively tortuous, because Qin Hui can become a worker is inseparable from Will. It was Will Bank who then divided the time with everyone, so many people began to stop working, but quit their jobs and began to enjoy the days without working.

Will is really a selfless man. He said he would give time to the poor, and he really did it.

But in Qin Hui's view, this kind of selflessness is not desirable, because the world is accumulated by layers of cornerstones, which is a pyramid-style rule. And people also need this kind of rule, not by a person or a group to break him rashly, and when that person or group has no corresponding solution.

Since the beginning of the tribe, this way of survival by a few people looking down on the majority has never changed. However, many rulers like to change the way of this rule. Some are called the federal system, some are called the imperial system, some are called democracy, and some are called communist.

What I want to say is not how incredible it is, but how true it is, a class that will exist at any time. Because people are not born equal, just like the United States shouting democratic slogans all day long, but racial discrimination is prevalent in its own country.

"Uncle, how much did you make today?" Allen looked at Qin Hui, who didn't care at all, and jumped to take over Qin Hui's toolbox, which looked like an engineer.

"How many cement walls can be built for people! However, Torville's salary has increased several times now. Today, I installed a big worker at the contractor for three days!"

Qin Hui leaned against the pipe with sweat, talking and laughing, taking out a small doll from her arms and handing it to Alan, without melancholy about her identity at all.

"Happy birthday, Alan..."

The doll in Qin Hui's hand is not big. It looks like a defective product, and it is also the size of only one palm. However, it took Qin Hui more than two days to do such a doll.

With the robbery of several major banks, the bank's interest rates and prices began to grow wild again, making the life of Qin Hui, who has never accepted Will's kindness, become more difficult.

"Uncle, you are so kind to me. No one has ever celebrated Alan's birthday!" Allen's tears were in his eyes, and he held the ugly little doll tightly in his hands.

"Ha ha, don't thank me, you know, no one will stay with you for a month!" Qin Hui looked at Alan, who was full of excitement, and one sentence lowered the atmosphere to freezing point.

"Uncle..." The tears on Alan's face were not dry, but they had changed from gratitude and excitement to clenched fists.

"What are you doing? I don't have time anymore. I'll buy the rest of the wine!"

Qin Hui didn't look at Alan's expression, but sat on the ground and drank the bulk liquor put in a soda bottle.

Allen looked at Qin Hui without blinking and swept the bottle in Qin Hui's hand. Because when he saw Qin Hui on the first day, the bartender in the bar handed over this kind of wine for the first time, and Qin Hui sprayed it on the bartender's face at that time.

"Uncle, didn't you say you wouldn't drink this kind of wine, like horse urine?"

"Well..." With Alan's words, Qin Hui almost choked out the wine in her mouth and calmed down after a while.

"Maybe, but I've drunk it now..."

Allen looked at Qin Hui sadly. After hesitating for a while, he stuffed the doll in his hand into Qin Hui's arms and patted Qin Hui like a child.

"What are you doing? I don't want the doll!" Qin Hui looked down at the doll in her arms. Because she hadn't had time to change her clothes, Qin Hui's work clothes were covered with dust. After a while, the pale doll became gray.

"Uncle, you have so much time, why do you still want to do this! Don't lie to me. I know you have a lot of time, otherwise you would have died!"

After seeing that Qin Hui didn't need his own comfort, Allen leaned against Qin Hui and took the doll with a loving face. Then he gently rubbed against his body and rubbed off the dust on it.

"It's easy for people to lose themselves when they have power. Although I haven't lost my heart, I don't treat myself as a human more and more! Sometimes I even think that I am a god, a god who can do whatever he wants and dominate others, but I forget the fact that I am actually in the world!"

"Do you understand my idea?" Qin Hui said and looked at Alan beside him with some emotion, because how imaginary he and Dr. Manhattan were at this time! It's just that I still have a concern, and I haven't changed to recognize ghosts like Dr. Manhattan.

"Of course, I'm not a fool! I can fully understand what you said!" Alan, who didn't know why, still nodded affirmatively, holding the doll, and the expression on his face seemed to become a fool if he couldn't understand.

"Is that so!" Qin Hui looked at Alan funnyly, because his feeling was born after countless movie experiences. You know that Qin Hui can definitely abuse the Thor in terms of strength, and he will not lose even after facing Superman.

"Uncle, what is God's feeling? Can you say no to me!"

Allen's face was full of curiosity. Qin Hui told her a lot of stories this month, and Qin Hui also mentioned God's statement several times when talking about a Hulk.

"God..." Qin Hui thought for a moment, and then asked with a smile, "Is it possible to destroy the world?"

"You can destroy the world!" Allen looked at Qin Hui with a smile and said, "Uncle, you have drunk too much!"

"Okay, I drank too much!"

Qin Hui smiled carelessly, and then picked up the precious liquor that he didn't drink but now poured it into his throat. At this time, two figures were walking straight in the distance.