come to the movie world

Chapter 406 The Last Bullet

Alice in the room clenched the pistol and looked at the torn metal door without blinking.

"There are not many bullets. I will deal with the zombies that come in. You can contain the lickers with a gun!" Alice looked down at the pistol, then inserted the gun into the gun pocket and walked towards the fire tank beside her.

The fire tank in the laboratory contains an emergency axe and two spare manual fire extinguishers in case of power failure. Alice punched the glass of the fire tank without much thought, and then held the sharp axe in her hand with a blank face.

"Dong.... Dong..." Outside the door is the impact of the pursuer, and as the impact continues to sound, the cracks on the door are getting bigger and bigger.

"Boom!" The gate fell off the wall in a violent impact and was knocked out by a huge force.

"Drink!" Looking at the dense corpses outside the door, Alice shouted in a low voice, and the sharp axe in her hand split towards the deporter standing at the door.

This pursuer is not Qin Hui's henchman, but the last surviving licker evolved after devouring the doctor's flesh and blood.

Alice looked at the changed-looking pursuer raising his hand with an axe, while Matthew behind him also raised his rifle and began to shoot with a point shot.

Alice hit the pursuer's head with an axe, and with Alice's axe, Matthew also fired three times in a row, and the guns hit the head.

"Roar!" With the roar of the two attackers, Alice's axe hit his head, but it was resisted by the outer bone shell outside the brain, and Matthew's three bullets also did not work.

After becoming a pursuer, the original licker became stronger, and the originally exposed brain is no longer a fatal defect.

Evolution, evolution. Today's pursuers are more perfect and deadly.

With Alice's attack, the pursuer's body suddenly bounced on the ground, and the huge claws pressed directly on Alice's chest and flew it out.

In human evolution, women's breasts are not only the place to nurture their offspring, but also provide fat protection for important organs in the chest cavity.

Alice flew out with the pursuer's attack, but because of the cushioning of chest fat, Alice's internal organs and heart were not greatly damaged.

Alice's body hit the wall and made a muffled hum, but with her level and buffer collision, Alice just stood up again.

"Damn!" Alice cursed and clenched the axe in her hand. However, the pain from her chest still made her feel like being kneaded by more than a dozen big men.

The zombies outside the door kept rushing in, and the two-meter-wide gate was blocked by these bloodthirsty zombies, like the factory's production line, allowing zombies to rush in continuously.

"Sw..." Matt filled the gun grenade immediately after discovering that the bullet could not penetrate the pursuer's head, and then pulled the trigger of the grenade as soon as the muzzle raised.

The grenade went to the pursuers and zombies at the door with tail smoke, but although the grenade was fired very fast, the intelligent pursuers took a step faster and flew up at the moment Matthew pulled the trigger.

The pursuer's claws firmly grasped the wall, and his body crawled on the wall like a gecko. While leaving another sharp claw scratch, he escaped Matthew's attack range.

"Boom!" The violent explosion sounded at the gate, and the zombies who were struggling to rush in were lifted off by the explosive shrapnel, and the zombie attack was a pause.

"The last one!" As Matthew retreated, he loaded the last grenade into the muzzle and shouted to tell Alice his situation.

"Find a chance to kill, I'll block ordinary zombies!" Regardless of the pain in her chest, Alice rushed up to block the door with an axe in her hand, while the pursuer who rushed into the laboratory was left to Matt.

"Come on, baby!" Matt put the handle on his shoulder, and the grenade at the muzzle was always aimed at the figure of the pursuer, looking for an opportunity to attack.

The chaser who felt the danger walked back and forth on the wall, dragging his long tongue to the ground and confronting Matt.

"Kill!" Alice at the door was at the gate, and the sharp axe in her hand kept swinging, killing the zombies who rushed up with the suppression of the level.

Alice's attack method is a bit like the executioner in ancient times, and every blow is aimed at the head of the zombie and will never be ruthless.

There were rolling zombie heads on the ground, and Alice refused to take a step back from the bloody battle, because she knew that she could not fight against hundreds of zombies except with the help of the terrain here.

The force on Alice's axe is amazing, and the energy shields on the zombie researcher's body are all broken with a blow. Combined with the rolling head on the ground, there is a feeling of Athena, the god of war.

"Wang Wang..." Just as Alice kept fighting and Matt and the pursuers confronted each other, the sound of dog barking suddenly came from the passage.

"rabies... Level 12..... Viral variants... Skills; bite, dodge..."

With the introduction of the level, six bulldogs used for experimental research appeared in the zombies.

At this time, the bulldog's flesh and blood are blurred, and the original black hair has all fallen off and has been replaced by a rotten body, and the sharp teeth in its mouth are more sharp.

"Damn it!" Looking at the zombie dog that appeared, Alice held the axe in one hand and took out the pistol with the other.

Originally, Alice wanted to save bullets to deal with emergencies, and the four bulldogs in front of her also proved that Alice was ready.

"Woo..." Six bulldogs grinned at Alice ten meters away, and then their bodies accelerated instantly and rushed to Alice's side.

"Bum bang bang..." Alice's gun in her hand spit out a tongue of fire and killed several zombies closest to her.

After killing the zombies around her, Alice blocked the axe in front of her and retreated towards the door.

Compared with human evolved zombies, the zombieization of animals is more dangerous. Because animals themselves are much more aggressive than humans, and this is especially true for fierce dogs such as bulldogs.

Alice has dealt with the zombie dog, so she knows that the best way to deal with this zombie dog is to distance her and shoot with bullets.

Six zombie dogs rushed up at least three times as fast as zombies. But Alice, who had been on guard, was not in a hurry. She stepped back and raised the muzzle, but at this time, she never shot the zombie dog that rushed quickly.

Alice slowly retreated, and Alice retreated, and the zombies at the door began to press up again.

The zombies struggled to go inside the gate, and Alice always retreated without firing, as if the person who had just fought at the door was not her.

In fact, Alice has a bitter saying that it is not that Alice doesn't want to shoot, but that the zombie dog's passive skill to dodge is too tricky.

The skill of the zombie dog is to dodge. Under this skill, the farther away from the zombie dog, the lower the attack hit rate. With the high-speed movement of the zombie dog, Alice may not even want to try, because there is no bullet for her to squander at this time.

"Wang Wang..." Six zombie dogs quickly crossed the corpses and rushed to Alice, who retreated into the room. At the moment when the zombie dog jumped up, Alice's gun rang.

Zombie dogs have two skills, one is passive function dodge and the other is active skill bite. At the moment when the zombie dogs jump and bite, their passive effect dodge is replaced by active skill bite, and this is the best choice for attack.

"Bumbang..." Six shots in a row, each zombie dog was hit in the head by a bullet at the moment of jumping up, and then taken back by the impact of the bullet.

Alice, who fired six shots in a row, was deep on her face. As a sharpshooter, she knew that she only had the last bullet left.

At this time, there were hundreds of zombies outside the door, Alice ran out of food, and Matt's situation was not much better than her.

Alice couldn't help thinking about whether to keep this last bullet for herself.

"Sir, the whole army will be destroyed!"

A snow-white figure was projected beside Qin Hui's chair. Qin Hui looked up and saw the extremely happy smiling face of the snow-white queen.

"The game is not over yet, is it!" Qin Hui looked at the little girl in front of her with a smile and gently tapped her fingers on the armrest of the chair.