come to the movie world

Chapter 407 Alice as a Gladiator

Matt and the pursuers confront each other, and with the passage of time, Matt's face is getting more and more sweat.

Matt and his party came in from the outside, and there were many crises along the way. Although Matt's body does not feel tired, his spirit has reached a low point.

"Go to hell, monster!" Matt roared, and the fingers on the trigger pulled heavily.

"Sw..." The tail smoke fired by the grenade should be in front of Matt, but Matt did not dare to look and closed his eyes.

This is the last rifle grenade. If he can't kill the pursuer in front of him, Matt can only bow his head like fate.

"Boom!" When the explosion sounded, Matt suddenly opened his eyes, and there was only a dark wall in his eyes.

"It's all over!" Matt suddenly laughed. Although he didn't know why he laughed, he could feel that he was tired.

"Don't stand stupidly!"

A huge force suddenly came from Matt's body, and then Matt rolled and fell to the ground.

Matt looked back and saw that the place where he was standing had been pierced by the tongue of the licker, while Alice cut the pursuer's tongue with the tip of an axe and nailed it to the ground.

"We can't die here, we have to kill! Matt, think about your family. They are all waiting for you to go back!" Alice pressed the axe in her hand, and the firm look on her face made Matt seem to see her goddess for the rest of her life.

"I can't die, I can't die!" Matt struggled to stand up from the ground, shot the rifle in his hand at the zombies, and then reached out to touch the * around his waist.

"Go to hell, monsters!" Matt's hand was thrown out of the door, because he knew that a large number of zombies were congested outside, and the consequences of being thrown into the room would only hurt himself.

Qin Hui was carried by four pursuers and walked towards the gate. Just as he was about to enter the gate, an inconspicuous little thing suddenly flew from the air.

Qin Hui looked at something that flew from her, but she just reached out and grabbed it and grabbed it in her hand.

"Oh, it's *!" Qin Hui looked at the smoking thing in her hand and nodded slightly and said to herself.


The * in Qin Hui's hand suddenly exploded, and then a burst of black smoke floated out of Qin Hui's hand.

"Papa!" Qin Hui clapped her hands carelessly and swept off the shrapnel in her hand. * This kind of low-level thing had no effect on Qin Hui.

"Did you die? Dead! Dead or not?" Matt roared loudly in the room, raised his hand and another * was thrown out of the door.

"Wo!" When the sound of breaking the sky came, Qin Hui raised his hand and took it again*.

"boring..." Qin Hui threw the * in his hand back, and then an explosion sounded, and a zombie was overturned to the ground.

"I still have, not enough, I still have!" Matt felt that he fell in love with the explosion and imagined the scene of zombies flying flesh and blood. Matt felt that he was going to be shamefully hard.

"Sw..." The third * flew out, and the target was still Qin Hui.

"The friends inside are very hospitable! So enthusiastic!" Qin Hui's finger tapping on the armrest bounced forward and flew back.

"Damn it!" Watching the thrown * fly back, Matt couldn't help cursing. Then he saw * flying to the chaser who was playing a tug-of-war game with Alice with his tongue.

* rolled around on the ground, like a golf hit by a master, and stopped under the pursuer.

The pursuer shook his head and pulled his tongue nailed to the ground by Alice, and then felt that something had run under him.

"What is this!" The pursuer lowered his head and saw a green, cylindrical thing at a glance.

"Boom!" * Suddenly exploded, the pursuer's body flew up like a roller coaster, and the flesh and blood scattered on Alice's face.

The pursuer's defense is very strong. This * was pressed under him and exploded. The explosive shrapnel still only blew up half of its body, but it did not die for a while.

"Happy birthday!" Alice smiled with blood stains on her face, which were left by the pursuers and some were scratched by shrapnel.

Alice raised the pistol and hit the bullet on the pursuer's open brain under the dying struggle of the pursuer.

"Wow! Happy birthday!" Watching the licker being killed indirectly by himself, Matt revelled and took the last * in his hand.

"Ding!" Matt pulled the pull ring on * and then threw it out.

"If you throw it to me again, I will put it in your nose!" Believe me, I'm never kidding!"

Just as Matt was about to drop the bomb, Qin Hui had been carried into the laboratory by four chasers.

"S stuff it into my nose!" Matt suddenly felt a little itchy in his nose, and then looked at the apple-sized feet in his hand*.

"Boom!" Matt looked down at *, but the explosion time of * did not wait.

With a roar, Matt became countless, and there were signs of Matt's presence on the floor, walls, tables and everywhere.

A blue shield turned into a barrier, isolating all Matt and protecting Alice.

"Sir, you are cheating!" Seeing that Alice, who was supposed to be bombed to death, was protected by Qin Hui, the snow-white queen couldn't help appearing in front of Qin Hui.

"No!" Qin Hui shook her head with a smile and said calmly, "No one cheats, because I have always been the maker of the rules!"

"The law of the jungle, the weak need to obey the arrangement of the strong!" The snow-white queen said coldly.

"Ha ha!" Qin Hui smiled and replied, "You can have this idea, which shows that you have improved a lot. But the game can still continue, and the bet is still valid!"

"Wo!" The Snow White Queen disappeared in front of Qin Hui, and with the disappearance of the Snow White Queen, the barrier in front of Alice disappeared.

"Thank you!" Although Qin Hui indirectly killed Matt, Alice still thanked Qin Hui for protecting herself.

Listening to Alice's words, Qin Hui did not say a word and pointed to the 30 or 40 zombies still alive behind her.

"Kill!" Alice grabbed the sharp axe and rushed into the corpses.

The whole laboratory was used as a battlefield by Alice. Alice kept leaping between the test instruments at her own speed, and every wave of the axe could make a zombie fall to the ground.

Dozens of zombies are all crowded in the laboratory. While Alice slashes, it also constantly shrinks the position where Alice can move.

"Well!" Alice moaned in pain, and Alice was attacked by a zombie just now, leaving a bite mark on her arm.

Alice fought with blood, and she was even more crazy after being injured, as if physical trauma could increase her strength.

As the battle continued, the zombies tightly surrounded Alice on an experimental platform. And the experimental platform with a height of 1.5 meters can't stop the zombies from biting.

Alice turned her whole body into a weapon, cutting with an axe in one hand and a scalpel in the other. And the two straight thighs in the boots also kept sweeping over the zombies' heads.

"Roar!" A roar came, and Alice was grabbed naked by a zombie and then dragged down.

"Drink!" Alice suddenly set off a burst of gas, and her mind rushed out of Alice's body and knocked several surrounding zombies out.

However, Alice was only the first person to have mindfulness, and after this second time, Alice's face also showed paleness.

The zombies rushed up again tirelessly, and Alice suddenly fell into a bitter battle. Although she killed countless enemies, large and small wounds were still all over her body.

"Ding.... Through unremitting efforts, you have upgraded!"

Today's biohazard has been transformed into a game world, and the standard to upgrade is to kill opponents. Alice killed dozens of zombies along the way. Although the zombies killed by pistols were only one-tenth of the experience, the 18th-level pursuer was a gift of experience for Alice, who was only 15th-level.

Alice's body flashed, and the upgraded golden light bounced out the zombies around her. After the golden light, Alice's momentum was even colder.

Because of the upgrade, the wound on Alice's body healed quickly, and even the strength that disappeared from the struggle returned to Alice.

In this way, there are fewer and fewer zombies, and Alice is already in sight to win.

"Go, game participants, only one of you can survive!"

The loss is getting less and less. When Alice killed the last zombie, Qin Hui's finger on the armrest suddenly stopped and pointed to Alice for the rest of her life.


The four dog legs that lifted the sedan chair for Qin Hui roared, and their bodies rushed to Alice in an instant.

Looking at the four pursuers rushing out, Qin Hui showed a joking smile on her face. Because for him, no matter which side wins, there will be a cruel fight for him.

And this... That's the difference between game makers and participants...