come to the movie world

Chapter 418 March to Germany

The meeting went on day after day, and with the United States and the United Kingdom, representatives of other countries around the world also joined the meeting. Several countries are constantly quarreling, and Qin Hui also participated in this endless meeting again and again with the tide.

In this way, with all parties concerned about their own casualties, there is still no proper way for the parliament to proceed until the third day.

The expedited telegram from Berlin was more than a day, and on the evening of the fourth day, the city of Berlin, which had been held for four days, was completely declared to fall. Hundreds of thousands of German coalition forces were wiped out by the main alien forces, and countless civilians in Berlin were killed and injured.

Germany, a country that once had countless honors, became the first country in the world to declare a complete loss under the attack of aliens.

Today, Germany was destroyed and Berlin was destroyed.

The news of the fall of Germany was immediately sent to the base camp of all parties, and Qin Hui also got the news of the fall of Germany from his adjutant.

"Ha ha, it's time to attack!" After listening to the news of the destruction of Berlin, Qin Hui held red wine with a smile on his face.

Although the battles between troops and aliens of various countries have been defeated again and again in recent days, such losses are acceptable to all parties. Therefore, Berlin and Germany must fall in Qin Hui's view, which is why Qin Hui did not move.

Although the series of battles seemed tragic, countries still did not put aliens in their rightful positions, nor did they feel anxious. Under Qin Hui's plan, Berlin must be lost, otherwise the world-wide coalition forces will not be able to combine without a sense of crisis, and Qin Hui will not be the joint commander-in-chief.

Only when you give can you be rewarded. Qin Hui will not move and wait for this opportunity now.

"General, emergency meeting!" The adjutant knocked on Qin Hui's door again. Qin Hui's adjutant's name is Slock, a Parisian, who looks like a handsome young man and has the unique romantic feelings of the French.

"Young people, stop it!" Qin Hui wore a military uniform and glanced at the pink lip prints on Srock's neck while walking out of the room.

"It's the general!" Sloc did not know what Qin Hui meant, but he instinctively bowed his head instead of thinking about Qin Hui's words.

"Do your job well, young people still need to look like young people!" Qin Hui looked at Slock, who pretended to be indifferent, and smiled gently. The news of the destruction of Berlin and the upcoming meeting made Qin Hui happy.

Qin Hui sat in a black bulletproof car and slowly left under the escort of the Black Armor Guards. After watching Qin Hui leave, Slock scratched his head for unknown reasons.

50 mecha warriors followed Qin Hui's fleet, and there were still neat footsteps under the good sound insulation effect of the car, resounding through the night.

Paris is dark, and the whole city is cut off from electricity in a few places, and the destination of Qin Hui's party is the temporary headquarters not far from Qin Hui's residence.

"General..... General..."

Qin Hui's car stopped in front of the headquarters. Qin Hui slowly walked out after the black armored soldiers opened the door. What she heard most was a simple and powerful greeting.

"Keep alert and stand by at any time!" Qin Hui nodded to the soldiers patrolling around, and then whispered without looking back.

"Yes, General!" Qin Hui strode towards the headquarters. Except for a few, most of the 100 black armored soldiers bowed their heads and quickly replaced the original garrison soldiers to protect the safety of the headquarters and Qin Hui.

"General Sith to..." The four guards in front of the meeting shouted in unison and informed the people in the conference room of Qin Hui's arrival.


With the footsteps, Qin Hui walked into the conference room first and found that half of the representatives of various countries had come here.

"General!" A black armored soldier stepped forward, opened the chair for Qin Hui, and then stood respectfully behind Qin Hui.

"What's going on! Why are these black armored soldiers under martial law outside!" A foreign representative near the window sill whispered to his companions, but the uncovered tone made everyone's eyes turn to the outside.

"Don't watch it. Today's meeting is crucial. There must be no mistake!" Qin Hui, sitting on the main seat, said in a low voice, and then the black armored soldier brought a glass of red wine with a wave of his hand.

Qin Hui kept clicking on the table with a wine glass in one hand and the sound echoed in the headquarters, making the original relaxed atmosphere particularly heavy. With Qin Hui's action, the representatives of all countries looked at me and saw you, and they were all silent, and no one of the more than a dozen people present said anything.

"General Kent of the United States... British General Barang came to... Belgian delegation to... The Chinese delegation went to... The Russian delegation to..."

With continuous sounds, more than 30 representatives of various countries sat at the conference table in just ten minutes. These are all representatives sent by famous countries in the world, discussing how to send troops while protecting their own interests.

There were more and more people present. Qin Hui always said nothing, closed her eyes, and tapped her fingers on the table.

"Germany's representative to..."

The messenger outside shouted in a low voice, and Qin Hui's eyes suddenly opened, and two divine lights flashed in his eyes.

"Meeting, meeting, or meeting! Let's see what you are doing these days? The German representative who came in roared loudly with an angry face, "It's too late to say anything. Berlin is broken, 600,000 troops!" These guys did not retreat in the next step of the alien offensive! Because they all have families, and their families are in Berlin, in Berlin, which is now occupied by aliens!"

When the German representative approached, he did not sit down, but hit the conference table with both hands, with a crazy and ferocious expression.

The representatives of various countries present who looked at the Germans lowered their heads. Some were disdainful, some were sad, some were self-blaming, and some still had the same expression.

"Mr. Barlow, sit down. I also empathize with your misfortune, because Paris was also on the verge of fall that day! It's fate. If I can swing Germany more decisively, it may not be today's situation!" The scene was silent. Qin Hui rubbed her eyebrows with both hands, and her face was full of melancholy.

General, you have done a good job. It's just that not everyone is selfless and fearless like you!" Listening to Qin Hui's words, the German representative called Balo sat in a chair with a sigh. Barlow just vented. He also knew that each country had its own interests, and Germany saw that it was a tough battle and no one wanted to gnaw on this hard bone.

"Mr. Barlow, the assistance is urgent. I don't know if you still have backup troops in Germany?" An Ethiopian representative stood up and asked his own questions first.

"The regular army was completely destroyed, and the local armed forces were useless before they were rectified!" Barlow shook his head and said softly.

Listening to Balo's words, the representative of Ethiopia sat down slowly, followed by the silence of the crowd. Now that Germany has fallen, it has opened its mouth to everyone like a bottomless hole. When Germany persisted, people were still afraid of casualties, and now they dare not rush to fight.

"Mr. Barlow, I don't know how many alien invaders there are in your country?" After Ethiopia's representative sat down, General Kent of the United States stood up after a long time.

The United States has always regarded the importance of maintaining world peace as its mission, and at this stage, Kent feels that it is time to take a statement.

"Maybe 300,000, or maybe 400,000 or about 500,000. Outside Berlin, there are probably tens of thousands of alien troops scattered throughout Germany!" Barlow thought for a moment and said in a low voice that he had no contact with Germany now, and Barlow did not know how many aliens were left in the end.

Listening to Barlow's words, Kent also sat back after a period of silence. The aliens were different from human troops. 300,000 alien troops can contain 4 million troops of human beings. If Barlow said that the aliens really have 500,000 troops in Berlin, then the human troops will have to work at least 7 million or even 8 million troops to defeat the aliens.

The United States regards world peace as its responsibility, but Kent is not stupid. If the United States really sends so many troops to attack Berlin, it will not be worth the gains for the United States, and even the United States cannot send eight million troops at one time.

"The number of aliens on the German side is not far different from the number of aliens fighting between China and Russia. The reason why the aliens won a great victory in Berlin is that the terrain in the city is not conducive to our army's attack, but the enemy does not have this restriction. If we can seek a decisive battle with aliens outside the city, the casualties may be much smaller, and we can be overwhelmed by the whole army without obstacles of vision, instead of carrying out street battles with powerful aliens fighting alone!"

In the silence of the crowd, Qin Hui spoke slowly, and then glanced at the crowd present and whispered; "France can send three million troops..."

"Three million!"

Everyone was shocked to hear Qin Hui's words. You should know that the French troops have also been disabled. Today, except for the two million veterans in reserve, the rest of the French army are just new recruits. Everyone really can't think of Qin Hui's confidence in fighting with her own background like this, and it's also for the Germans.

"General!" Barlow's eyes looking at Qin Hui couldn't help bursting with tears. As the saying goes, it is difficult to see the truth. If the situation of the two sides is changed, Barlow dares not make such a decision.

"Let's talk about it, aliens don't come to travel to the earth, and they won't give up if they go on like this! If we have money and strong efforts, we should unite as soon as possible to give a head-on attack on the aliens who have no time to gain a firm foothold. Otherwise, we will be in trouble, believe me!"

Qin Hui was the first to announce the dispatch of troops. In order to take the initiative, she also showed everyone that she was desperate to fight with aliens to the end.

"I brought 1.2 million troops from Britain to support France. Now that the French crisis has been resolved, these troops can turn to Germany, and we are accompanied by 300 fighters!" British commander Brown expressed his opinion after a little thought. Anyway, he came to support. Although the direction of support was changed from France to Germany, the ultimate purpose was the same.

"I have brought 1.5 million troops, which can also march towards Germany! 350 fighters accompanied. With Brown's statement, Kent also made his voice on behalf of the United States.

"Our Ethiopia can ship 100 transport aircraft and 50 fighter jets."

"Our Canada dispatched 300 transport aircraft and 100 fighters."

"Our Norway dispatched 300 transport planes and 100 fighters."

"Our Sweden dispatched 300 transport aircraft and 100 fighters."

With the statement of all parties, in addition to the countries that are fighting with aliens that do not have to send troops, countries will eventually form a flight formation of 2200 transport aircraft and 1,200 fighters. Together with the troops of the United States and Britain, the number of ground troops has also reached 6.8 million.

"So many troops and planes from 30 countries. How can we command it?"

After everyone finished talking about the number of reinforcements, the black representative sent by the Democratic Republic of the Congo found a voice in parliament for the first time.

Listening to this, representatives of various countries began to talk about it. You should know that such a large number is not a joke. You should know that France is also one of the top ten countries, but the original number of planes was only five or 600. And compared with countries like France, the 100 aircraft sent by Canada, Sweden and other countries are nearly one-third or even half of the total number of domestic fighters.

"I think it's better to let General Kent of the United States take command. General Kent originally graduated from flight school, and our plane will definitely play the greatest role in his hands!"

"Nonsense, the enemy is in Berlin. Once the enemy retreats to Berlin, are you going to occupy Berlin by plane? In my opinion, it's better to let General Balang be the commander. General Brown graduated from the army school and is the most suitable for commanding large-scale operations!"

"No, no, although General Kent and General Baran are both leading commanders, I think it is more suitable for General Sith, who led France to defeat the aliens and recapture Paris!"

The selection of commanders revolved around the triple room, not only because Qin Hui's country where they are located contributed the most, but also because the commanders of the small countries present are not competitive. After all, many representatives of various countries this time are only civilian officials, and even the troops rarely go, let alone command the battle.

As everyone talked about it, Balang glanced at Kent and gave him a wink.

Both the United States and the United Kingdom allied forces wore a pair of trousers and felt fat. At this moment, the two looked at each other and a common goal emerged.

"Okay!" Qin Hui suddenly patted the table when Brown was about to speak and said angrily, "This is not a drill. Nearly 6 million troops will be sent to the battlefield to fight against the main forces of aliens. If we win this time, everything will be fine, and if we lose the battle, we will lose room for manoeuvre. You should know that while we are resting, the alien troops are also marching towards the earth in the universe. This time we are betting on our respective national fortune, not someone's future!"

"National Fortune!" A representative asked doubtfully, "The general's current situation is not like this!"

"Hmm!" Qin Hui snorted coldly and said affirmatively, "The main foreign troops of France have been annihilated by me, but the remaining troops have gone to Germany. You should know that France and Germany are only separated by a river, and now there are more alien troops in Germany than you think. It seems that our coalition is extremely powerful, but aliens are not vegetarian, otherwise the multinational coalition forces on the German side would not have suffered heavy losses.

"What! The remnant alien troops in France have met with the German side!" Everyone present who heard Qin Hui's words changed their faces and thought about the problems inside one by one.

"General Sith, why did you say such important information now!" Listening to Qin Hui's words, Brown stood up from the chair and had no previous victory at all.

In fact, it is not necessary for everyone to be nervous. After all, 100,000 alien troops can annihilate one million human troops. Not to mention that more than 100,000 remnants have run over from France, then the coalition must prepare millions of troops.

As everyone's eyes turned to Qin Hui, their faces were a little ugly. Obviously, Qin Hui's concealment of the news made it a little difficult for everyone to care.

"Look at what I do! Look at what you look like, a bunch of cowards! Germany's original aliens have made you afraid to send troops to help. If I say that the current German alien main force has fought with France's defeated alien main force, do you still dare to fight this battle!" Qin Hui put the wine glass in his hand heavily on the table, and then looked up at the crowd.

The people who felt Qin Hui's eyes and felt guilty bowed their heads, because the two sides did not come up with a solution until the fall of Germany, which itself showed that everyone did not really want to participate in the war.

"Guys, I know that everyone has concerns in their hearts, but in fact, I am the same! I am also a human being, and I also have fears and fears! But we have to fight. Now that Germany has fallen, who is next? It may be my motherland France, or neighboring Britain, or the United States, Sweden, Canada!"

Qin Hui said earnestly, telling his point of view; "We can retreat now. If we retreat today, maybe the aliens may wave out of Berlin tomorrow, and the venue of the decisive battle will not be Berlin. You have seen Paris now, which is a mess and full of ruins! Do you also want to move the scene of Paris or Berlin to your country?

"General, how many chances do we have to win this time?" With Qin Hui's words, one person got up and asked.

"There is no chance of winning. If the alien troops add up to 600,000, we have an 80% chance of losing. But we must fight and keep the aliens outside the country! If there are no casualties, we must stop aliens from destroying our homes. Even if we fight in the end, we must not retreat. Even if this war will carry us the reputation of the previous life and make our whole army destroyed!"

Qin Hui's firm words were full of determination, as if Jing Ke had said goodbye to his family for the last time.

With Qin Hui's words, Brown and Kent looked at each other, and the two of them have been soaring all the way, and now they have no intention of burning with alien jade.

"General, you are a great general who has won the war against aliens. The 540 million people of the coalition army are all up to you this time!"

Kent bites heavily on the number of 6.8 million people. Kent, who has never fought with aliens, is actually not sure about the war. Now when he hears that aliens have such a large army in Berlin, Kent feels that he should protect himself instead of just for immediate interests.

"How will the media make a mistake when the corpse bags are sent back to various countries after the battle! At that time, I hope someone can speak justice for me, of course, if I am still alive at that time!"

Qin Hui drank all the red wine on the table, and then sorted out her military uniform to make herself look more straight.

"General, although I want to ensure the supply of materials, my heart will go to the front line with you!" Brown nodded and put himself on the supply of materials in the rear. Similarly, if the aliens in Berlin were in the downwind, Brown would definitely be willing to beat the water dog, but today's Berlin is obviously a hard bone that can slit his teeth.

Brown is not stupid. He is just a soldier and has not yet appeared for all mankind. Nowadays, the situation is becoming clear, and Brown doesn't think that the 6.8 million went to Berlin to kick the alien's buttocks.

You should know that the forces of China and Russia are the same, but they have not been defeated by aliens. Compared with the flat terrain in Outer Mongolia, Berlin is not suitable for a decisive battle between the two sides.

"General, please, for the sake of mankind, for our homeland!"..... This is a typical official tone of the Chinese representative.

"General Sith, you are a veteran of the battlefield. You should have the courage to take responsibility at the critical moment!"... Don't get me wrong. There are several ways to say that you dare to bear the word, and this statement is even more self-evident here.

"General Sith, you have been tested a lot on the battlefield. General Brown and I will definitely ensure the supply of supplies!"... This is Kent.

"Don't worry, Ma Ge's corpse is the fate of soldiers. In this battle, I will lead my troops to fight to the end. Even if I use my head, I will smash the city of Berlin and burn it with alien jade!"

Qin Hui's words were magnificent, and then raised his hand to the people present as a military salute. And what no one saw was that a smile appeared in Qin Hui's eyes.


Recently, I don't know why Yunxiao can't go to the vertical and horizontal website, so I can only write it and let others pass it on. Excuse me, bow and thank you. The number of words in this chapter is 5, 900 words for free. Bow again and ask for understanding.