come to the movie world

Chapter 419 Berlin in Blood and Fire Please subscribe, kneel

In Germany, Berlin is dark, and countless aliens wave their tentacles and walk in the ruins of the city.

"Lieutenant Bona, eat something!" No one expected that there was a small group of soldiers hiding in the underground water of Berlin at this time.

Five days later, Berlin was attacked by aliens after fighting for four days, and these people were transferred immediately after the city was destroyed and fought a five-day guerrilla war with aliens these days.

The lieutenant named Bona quietly leaned against the wall and looked at the people who followed him. At this time, there were still four people in his team.

Bona glanced at the crowd, and everyone was cleaning up their equipment without saying a word.

"Head, we don't have much ammunition. I'm afraid we have to rush up to find some ammunition!" A strong man with an upper body counted his bullets with one hand, because his other hand had been torn off by aliens.

After the whole army was surrounded by aliens, Bona fled into the sewer with his own team, but the alien's sense of smell was too strong. Although there were only a dozen people in Bona and his party were still smelly in the sewer, aliens still noticed them a day later.

There is a sewer that runs through the whole city under Berlin. Bona and several people retreated while fighting. They were able to escape after paying the lives of nine people.

There are many aliens on the ground, and Bona and others are just irrelevant mice. But in this way, the aliens still sent troops to encircle and suppress it. Fortunately, the number of aliens who came down was small, and Bona and several people have survived by relying on their familiarity with the terrain.

"Will and I will go up later, and you will be here to answer!" Bona ate a lot of potato chips and drank mineral water. Two of them died for these junk food that they would not have seen in the past.

"Will, stay, I'll go with you! My arm has been infected. Even if I stay here every day, I don't have a few days to live. It's better to go up and fight with aliens!" The man without a hand looked at Will with a pale face, then put on the magazine and raised his broken arm wrapped in him.

"Mag..." Looking at the big man with a broken arm, Bona opened his mouth and then fell silent again, because he knew that Mag was telling the truth, and Mag, who had broken an arm in this dark and wet sewer, could not survive. Not only do people have no medicine, but they even have little time to rest, because aliens will notice if they stay in one place for a long time.

"Head, do you think we can live!" Will's face was pale. Although Mag went to look for material in his place, he was still afraid.

Will is only 17 years old this year. Although he has experienced the cruel battle of Berlin, he is still just a 17-year-old young man. His psychological quality can't compare with these veterans who have been in the army for many years, especially at this time when there is no hope.

"We will definitely live. Haven't you always wanted to chase my sister! I'll introduce you when I get back this time!" Bona got up for fear of hitting Will's shoulder twice, with a smile on his face, so that no one could see the sadness at the corners of his eyes.

Today, Berlin has been occupied by aliens, and even Bona, who has excellent military quality, has lived a hard life. He really can't imagine how his powerless sister will survive.

"Captain, you have to keep your word!" Listening to Bona's words, Will's face showed joy. In the past, Will also saw the girl who came to visit Bona in the barracks and was attracted by Bona's sister at first sight. But it was Bona who beat Will hard and dispelled Will's fantasy.

"Don't worry, you are a fearless warrior. My sister likes heroes the most!" Bona threw the bag of eaten French fries aside and poured a few mouthfuls of water.

A bag of fries can't last long, but the lack of food and the possible battle on the ground have forced him to cheer up as soon as possible.

"Be careful, we will firmly guard the entrance, don't fall in love with the aliens, and hurry back!" Seeing that Bona was ready to set off, the others also gave up the bullets to Bona and Mag, leaving only a few rounds for reserve.

"Don't worry!" Bona nodded heavily and put the bullet on his body.

"If only the exoskeleton armor were still there. It's really uncomfortable to fight like this now!" Mag handed his companion a magazine into his waist with one hand, missing the powerful exoskeleton armor.

"Don't think too much about it. Those things can't even enter the passage of the sewer. Wearing them on our bodies will only make us die faster!" Bona whispered, and then reached for the sewer cover above his head with the help of two companions.

"Kka..." The well lid was slowly removed, and Bona's hand was as gentle as possible for fear of making a little noise.

With the movement of the manhole cover, the strong sunlight from the outside world came into his eyes. Bona closed his eyes for a while before pushing the lid again.

Boner did not open all the lids, but left an opening, and then leaned out his head under the support of his teammates.

This is an uninhabited street, and the road is lined with dead soldiers and collapsed buildings. Bona only showed a pair of eyes and carefully looked at the movement outside.

"Safe!" Bona whispered, then quickly moved the manhole cover and climbed out of the sewer quickly.

The second Mag came up after Bona went out. Although Mag was missing an arm, he still followed quickly.

After Marg got out, he took down the weapon behind him and carefully guarded the edge of the wellhead of the sewer, put the handle of the gun against his shoulder and put his fingers on the trigger, ready to cover Bona in front of him.

Bona ran very fast, with a rifle in one hand, and Bona ran towards the bodies on both sides of the road.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Bona said to himself, shook his head to pay attention to the possible position of the enemy, and quickly put the magazine on the body on himself.

One, two... Bona looked around the bodies. Although the bodies smelled stench in the sun, Bona didn't care at all.

"It's disgusting!" The magazine in Bona's hand accidentally hung on the skin of a corpse, and then the skin cracked, and the dense worms squirmed out under the torn skin.

"Bona, hurry up, there seems to be something coming from afar!" Just as Bona picked the fruits of victory like a happy farmer, Mage's low call came.

"It will be ready, right away!" Boena answered quickly but still stretched out his hand, because he saw it in a soldier's waist*.

* But it is a big killer, especially in the sewer, these things can save lives, and Bona is unwilling to give up.

"Come back, come back!" Mag's low call came again, and just as Bona was about to leave, he suddenly felt something behind him.

"Dad Da Da..." Without waiting for Bona to turn back, Mag's gunshots sounded. Bona listened to the gunshots behind him and opened the pull ring on * without thinking about it.

"Boom..." * After a sudden explosion behind him, Bona raised his gun and fired quickly, and then turned around and ran away without looking behind him.

Mag stopped shooting under Bona's running, and then saw Magling wave his hand. I don't know what he meant.

"Don't run away Bona, that thing suddenly disappeared and was scared away by us!" Mag raised his gun and laughed, and Bona was stunned by that proud expression.

The aliens will not run away after meeting humans. Bona paused slightly after hearing Mag's words, and then turned the muzzle to look behind him.

"There is nothing! It's really strange!" Bona frowned when he saw nothing behind him, and then looked elsewhere.

There is a calm wind and waves around, with dilapidated roads and corpses on the ground and collapsed buildings in the distance.

A breeze blew, and Bona held his rifle with his back to Mag and gasped.

"Mag, what is that? Did you see it?" Bona looked around and asked softly.

"I saw that he is a big alien, twice as big as previous aliens, and his body is blue and still glows!" Behind him are Mag's words.

"Blue!" Bona is a little unbelievable, because for so many days, Bona has seen all the arms of aliens, whether it is a battery or an alien warrior, or even an alien who can fire a laser, none of them is blue.

Bona, who couldn't figure it out, scratched his head and then turned around.

Under Bona's eyes, a blue alien stood quietly behind Mage. The tentacles on this alien are particularly thick, and he is waving his tentacles behind Mag at this moment, which is different from what Bona saw in the past.

"Mag, be careful behind you!" Bona exclaimed and raised the rifle directly in his hand.

"Roar!" Before Bona could shoot, he saw Mag with an unclear expression, and then was strangled by the blue alien.

"Dad Da Da..." The gunshot sounded again, and Bona lost the aliens and Mag in front of him.


What fell on the ground was Marg's rifle. Bona looked around, but never saw Marg again.

"Mag, Mage!" Bona kept shooting at everything around him and cursing; "Come out, Marco, you bastard, come out!"

The sound of the rifle echoed in the quiet city, but Mag never appeared again, as if Mag had never been to this world.

"Dad Da Da..." Just as Bona was about to give up, a brief gunshot suddenly came from the sewer, which changed Bona's face.

The gunshot in the sewer only lasted for a few seconds, and there was no roar or scolding in the middle, and then it calmed down.

"Hold on, I'm coming!" Bona ran forward quickly. He fantasized that the reason why there was no gunfire was because the enemy had been wiped out by his companions, and no one answered was because everyone was joking with him.

"Puff!" The mouth of the well was getting closer and closer, and Bona, who was desperate, jumped into the sewer and fell into the sewage fiercely.

Bona, who was dizzy from the fall, raised his head from the sewage, without the appearance of his companions and no aliens.

Will... Cook..... Where have you been? Don't be kidding!" Bona shouted loudly, but no one answered him except the rifles scattered on the ground, making his heart involuted for a season.

"Dad Da Da... Come out, come out, come out, come out quickly, I'm not afraid of you... Da Da Da..."

Bona stood in the sewage and shot crazily, and the bullets hit the walls on both sides and aroused sparks.

One magazine and two magazines. Bona kept shooting, but there was still no news of enemies or companions.

"Kka..." The sound of the trigger came after the bullet was empty. Bona did not replace the magazine this time, but threw the gun out fiercely.

The rifle hit the wall fiercely and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

"Come out, I'm not afraid of you, I'm not afraid!" Bona knelt down in the sewage and cried helplessly, like an abandoned child.

What is the most terrible... It's lonely and helpless.....

The tragic Battle of Berlin failed to defeat Bona because he had companions to protect. But now that everyone is gone, Bona doesn't know how to stick to it and how to stick to it in this hopeless sewer.

"Tick... Tick....."

The drops of water kept dripping from the top of his head, and Bona stayed in the sewage for a long time before he came to his senses.

Bona came out of the sewage like a walking corpse, and then carried his rifle and weapons left by his companions on his back.

One, two... Bona removed his companion's magazine and found that there was not even a bullet in it.

Bona keeps blaming himself. Maybe if he doesn't take the bullets handed over by everyone, everyone will have no resistance. Maybe if I had come back earlier, such a thing would not have happened. Maybe if you can kill that alien, everyone won't die.

Maybe..... Maybe.....

Boner attributed all his mistakes to himself, because only in this way can he feel better. Only in this way can he have the courage to live and carry the life of his companions.

Bona left with a gun on his back. The blue alien didn't kill him, but he was going to kill the blue alien. He wants revenge, he wants revenge on the blue alien, even if he doesn't even know where the alien is now.

Qin Hui also did not know what happened in Berlin. At this time, the multinational coalition had arrived in Brandenburg, 80 kilometers outside Berlin, on standby.

"General, all the troops have been assembled, please give instructions!"

The built temporary headquarters was full of people. Qin Hui stood in front of the map with red wine in his hand and listened to his reports.

It took a total of five days from Paris to the outside of Berlin. Along the way, the army continued to clean up the alien troops and always paid attention to the movement of the foreign main force in Berlin.

Under the leadership of Qin Hui, the army arrived here from Paris along the way, instead of taking a transport plane to Berlin.

The main purpose of Qin Hui's doing this is to train new recruits and run-in troops, and gradually compress the alien strength in Berlin while obtaining alien intelligence in Germany.

Although France and Germany are neighbors, it still took five days, and the troops five days later also have a sense of overall meaning under Qin Hui's running-in. Therefore, in Qin Hui's view, the biggest gain on the way is not to annihilate nearly 100,000 alien troops in Germany, but to integrate these troops and transform the recruits into veterans.

War is a melting pot. No matter what kind of waste you are, you can make a fundamental change in the roar of guns.

"Go, follow me to the military parade!" Qin Hui drank the red wine, and then went out in her military uniform, followed by the commanders of each army.

"We are going to fight with the local main force soon. Tell me, are you afraid!"

Qin Hui stood on an armored vehicle and asked loudly to the troops in front of him. The microphone and the speakers placed everywhere also conveyed Qin Hui's words to the whole army.

"Don't be afraid... Not afraid... Don't be afraid..." Millions of troops are endless, and the answer to Qin Hui's words is very simple.

When the army came from Paris, the largest aliens encountered by the army were less than 10,000, and they were extinguished without even raising a wave under the absolute suppression of the number of people. Therefore, most of the aliens are not afraid except for the veterans who participated in the Paris War, and some new recruits can't wait to fight.

"Berlin is right in front of us. Do you have the confidence to win!" Qin Hui waved to the army and asked loudly again.

"There are..... There are..... There are..." Millions of troops lasted for more than ten miles, and the shouts resounded through the sky and the earth.

"Fist Berlin, fight to the end, never retreat!"

Qin Hui looked at this scene of morale and raised her hand high. In the eyes of the following legion commanders, Qin Hui was really full of the wind of a must-win general, and even the commanders of Britain and the United States had to think so.

"Do not retreat... The capture of Berlin... Never flinch..." Looking at the high-spirited commander on the armored car, the cheers of the soldiers became louder and louder, as if they had seen their victory.

"Attack..." Qin Hui's hand pointed in the direction of Berlin, and then the army pulled out and rushed to Berlin like a tide.

The distance of 80 miles is close to the soldiers with exoskeleton armor, and the major army commanders around Qin Hui also rushed to their respective camps after salute and commanded the troops.

"Woo-woo..." More than a thousand planes roared through the sky and began the first wave of bombing of Berlin, kicking off the war.

With the advance of the army, Qin Hui still stood proudly on the armored vehicles and maintained his demeanor. It was not until the army disappeared from sight that Qin Hui ended her show.

"These donkeys, if my task hadn't been to clean up the aliens, the fool would have care about you!" Qin Hui jumped off the armored car after the army pulled out. If it hadn't been for morale, he wouldn't have pretended to be like a monkey in the wind.

You should know that pretending is not Qin Hui's character, because he is beaten as a fool without exception.

"Boom..." No one knew Qin Hui's true thoughts. The cannon suddenly opened fire, and Berlin fell into the competition between humans and aliens again.


Please subscribe and reward. The future of mankind will be handed over to Qin Hui, and Yunxiao's future will be entrusted to everyone.