jiang shi Yin and Yang Record

Chapter 8 Dead Disaster

Jiang Banxian was originally a very famous prime minister in the capital and was proficient in feng shui metaphysics. The masters of each royal palace came twice in three days. They even invited Jiang Banxian to choose an auspicious day and see the future, but Jiang Banxian would not say everything he saw, because metaphysical masters like him understand a truth. , that is, you can't reveal too many secrets, otherwise you will not only be punished by heaven, but also harm your descendants. However, it collects money,*, especially the royal aristocracy.

One day, Jiang Banxian and his wife were teaching their 4-year-old son to read in the room. Suddenly, they heard the rapid sound of horses' hoofs outside the door, but they stopped abruptly in front of their door. Jiang Banxian was about to go out to see what was going on, but rushed into 3 or 4 large guards in brocade clothes, and there was an integrated bloated eunuch with a horn shaft. The white edict of his heart strode into the house.

Although Jiang Banxian usually comes into contact with palace nobles, he has never met with people in the palace. I heard that the emperor is worried now. Why do you still think of me, Shengdou Xiaomin? But I didn't dare to neglect it. I saw the fat eunuch with a fleshy face and shouted, "Jiang Huhai took the order." Jiang Banxian took a look, okay? It's really the imperial edict. I don't know whether the emperor wants to make me an official or if he wants me to show him the future. However, when Jiang Banxian and his wife heard the imperial edict, their wife was stunned and led the child to kneel down.

The fat eunuch then read: "According to heaven's fortune, the emperor's edict said: Jiang Huhai, with Taoist skills, as a people of the Qing Dynasty, should share the worries of my country and society, and give him the envoy of Ula, the official title of five grades, and restore his life with his family tomorrow. "This is my admiration!"

Jiang Banxian is sweating after listening to it, but there is nothing he can do. If he doesn't listen to the emperor's words, he will kill the nine clans. Hey, he is really afraid of being famous, and pigs are afraid of being strong! I had to take the imperial edict. That night, I took a fortune. When I saw that the hexagram did not come out, the door was opened, but the position of wood and water was far away from the fire. I thought that the emperor wanted me to go outside, but looking at this hexagram, I'm afraid it's not just going to be an official. But the emperor's order cannot be violated, and it is calculated step by step.

Sure enough, on the second day, he assigned two guards to Jiang Banxian and moved a secret edict all the way to the birthplace of the Qing Dynasty - Ula. Jiang Banxian thought that he was going to choose a mausoleum for the emperor, but the only remaining dragon vein outside the customs had already been broken by the late emperor Qianlong.

In those years, Qianlong went outside the customs, worshipped his ancestors, and swam to Ula (now the former site of Jilin City, where Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty named it "the birthplace of this dynasty") and looked at his huge fleet and picturesque scenery with joy, but heard the feng shui master who followed him say: "

Ula is guarded by Dongqinglong, West White Tiger, South Rosefinch and North Xuanwu. This place hides a crouching tiger in Kowloon and is on the edge of a river and water. It is a land of dragons and crouching tigers, with the spirit of an emperor.

These words made Emperor Kangxi uneasy, so he ordered General Ningguta to chisel several of Jiulong Mountain to break the feng shui of Emperor Ula in Jilin. He also built a temple (now Beishan, Jilin) pressed on the vein of the dragon vein and broke the dragon vein.

Didn't you ask me to find another place? So he opened the secret edict of the golden silk satin: "I recently heard that in the waters of the Holy Land of the Qing Dynasty, the sky fell auspicious and the dragon was close to the lake, so Pail checked to protect the peace of the Holy Land of the Qing Dynasty." Jiang Banxian frowned and said to himself, "It's rare to fall on this river, but I haven't heard of a dragon falling outside the gate recently. However, I heard that for some reason, evil spirits and living corpses are rampant on both sides of the Songhua River, and the people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are restless, and the corpses are full of blood.

went all the way to Shengjing - Fengtian (now Shenyang) rested there for one night. Jiang Banxian's wife's name is Han Fenglan. She was a child given by Jiang Banxian's parents when she was a child. She also learned a lot of easy counting methods from Jiang Banxian. That night, when Jiang Banxian pushed the gossip, she was by her side and looked at the big fierce gossip. She didn't say anything, but she had been worried. I have a bad feeling.

The next day, when I came out of the inn, I saw the image of swallowing the sun in the eastern morning glow and said to myself, "Damn it, this emperor looks down on me too much. He single-handedly sent me to deal with the evil spirits. Looking at the stars last night, the heart of the northeast is dark and the day is bright. I really don't know what's going on now.

After leaving, Jiang Banxian said to his wife, "Fenglan, I don't know whether I am alive or dead, but the emperor's order cannot be violated. You two should stay in Huanglongfu (now Changchun Nong'an)." Han Fenglan said with a smile, "No matter what evil gods and demons you deal with, we will stand behind you and walk over the demons you killed." Jiang Banxian was moved by this and stopped talking

The carriage traveled for two more days and nights. It was evening when it arrived at Huanglong Mansion. It was late autumn. The bleak autumn wind swept away the fallen leaves, and the groom couldn't help trembling by the wind. In the past, the streets of Huanglongfu should be bustling, but the doors and windows of every household were closed, and there was not even a place to live in a store. There was no such majestic wind described in Yue Fei's poems, such as "straighting Huanglongfu and drinking with the kings".

But there were many refugees fleeing in the streets and alleys. They shivered in the autumn wind in a leaky cotton-padded coat, while looking for the lice that could be fed and warm in the cotton-padded clothes, grabbed and strangled to death.

Jiang Banxian came forward and asked, "Brother, why are there so many people fleeing from the famine here? This golden autumn season is a good time for the harvest. Is this year's harvest not good?" The old man who fled saw Jiang Xianlingluo covered and the carriage guard on the side. He was definitely not an ordinary person. Even if he was not an official, he was a rich master, so he hugged Jiang Banxian's thigh and begged, "Oh, dear uncle, give him a mouthful of food. If you don't bring a ration, you can casually scatter some money."

Jiang Banxian asked his wife to give the begging man some broken silver and asked, "Why did they all escape here?" The middle-aged man said with a strong northeast accent and said, "Brother, you don't know. Our town is now full of dead people and zombies that can attack people. As a group of officers and soldiers came in front of them. As a result, as soon as the boat arrived on the river, zombies climbed up. It was all a disaster. Now the hut is full of dead people, and then The government sent a group of Taoist priests, but they didn't take care of it. There were only brains and ladles left for two or three days. Jiang Banxian sighed after hearing this, but he already had a plan in his heart.

When I thought of the tragic situation of the evil spirits, I was worried, and now I no longer delay and went to Ula overnight. But I can't figure out how many zombies suddenly appeared in the feng shui treasure land. Who broke the eye in the river?

The next night, I arrived outside the city of Ula and only saw that the gate was full of corpses and the gate was closed. When the next guard was about to call the door, a rotten walking corpse crawled out of the dead and jumped in front of the guard. Before the guard could react, the walking body had laid on the guard's head and gnawed up. Half of the face had entered the walking corpse's mouth, chewing, and the flies on his face also flew over. Flying away, it seems that we also want to share delicious food together. One after another, seven or eight walking bodies jumped out of the dead.

Han Fenglan hid behind Jiang Banxian with her child in her arms. Jiang Banxian took good care of his wife and children, pulled out a simple iron sword from his luggage, and cut down the walking corpse that rushed at the head. Another bodyguard had been so scared that he sat on the ground with his legs softly, but saw a skin-lifted walking corpse rushing towards him. Under the reflex, he raised his knife and cut it. Unexpectedly, not only did he not cut in, but only jumped up the rotten meat star on his neck. He took back the knife and saw that the print was rolled up.

"Ah" scream also fell into the pool of blood. Jiang Banxian cut down another walking corpse and said to himself, "These are moving corpses. They can only attack people, but they are not a threat." But when I saw the exposed guard, I still sighed regret. After a while, a large number of moving corpses gathered nearby. They moved slowly, but soon approached Jiang Banxian, who was starting to work left and right. Jiang Banxian didn't look good. He took out more than a dozen mahogany nails from his backpack, raised his hand, and toss them out. They all nailed the head of the moving corpse and fell straight down.

Jiang Banxian saw that this was not a way. How could he rush out alone, but now he is leading his wife and children. Moreover, if he is bitten by these moving bodies, he will be infected with corpses. Let's run first.

Han Fenglan held the child in her arms, and the three of them fled to the Songhua River next to the plank road. Seeing that the river was rapid and the sky was covered by dark clouds and the moon, there happened to be an abandoned boat. Without thinking about it, they jumped up and followed the rapid current. I could only hear the sound of the river flowing in my ears, and from time to time, I could hear the screams of fighting from people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.