jiang shi Yin and Yang Record

Chapter 9 Blood Zhenjiang Monument

The boat drifted all the way and finally reached the shore, probably because of the rapid current, coupled with Jiang Banxian sticking many spells around the boat, and the body did not climb up the boat. But what surprised Jiang Banxian was when his child was so well-behaved and didn't cry or shout for something to eat. Then I checked. I don't know when I bit the child in the walking corpse last night. Now, the corpse is poisoned and can't be saved. Yesterday, I didn't care about it, but I was in a hurry to die.

Han Fenglan saw that the child's body was poisoned, and two tears flowed from her eyes, but she did not cry. She just said to Jiang Banxian with a stiff expression, "Bury the child in a place with good feng shui. Don't let him become a moving body."

After saying that, he was about to throw himself into the river. Jiang Banxian also came up with a dry fire and spit out a big mouthful of blood. But he still grabbed Han Fenglan, who wanted to find a shortcoming. He said painfully, "After entering the city, you can settle down in the city. I'll meet the person who broke his eyes.

Jiang Banxian and Han Fenglan found a feng shui treasure on the mountain and buried their son. He also arranged his wife to the government office in the city. Afraid of his wife's shortcoming again, he ordered someone to guard it.

Jiang Banxian walked on the desolate street and went straight to the riverside. According to the guard of the official government office, a few days ago, there was a lot of water. After the water receded, the ancient stone tablet that used to stand by the river disappeared. It is rumored that the monument was the Taizu emperor who passed through this place during the battle. Because the impact of the water for many years had been broken, he ordered people to set up a monument to stop here.

But the monument was not washed away by the flood. Looking at the traces, it should have been dug out. As a result, the people who were drowned in the flood all got up and jumped at the sight of the people. The people who were knocked down could still jump on people. The people in the city died and ran away, and there were few left.

Jiang Banxian went to the veins and took a look. Sure enough, the stone tablet was abruptly buckled out, and the marks of shovels and picks were faintly discernible. Jiang Banxian's eyes were about to crack when he saw this scene. Who did this kind of unscrupulous thing? He kept walking along the river for a few days and nights. At night, he killed the corpse and set it on fire. But there is still no clue to the person who dug the monument.

I think that the person who digs the monument is also a metaphysical master. In the way of feng shui all night, what is the big hatred with the people in this city? It is so vicious.

Jiang Banxian walked for another three days and nights. I don't know how many walking corpses he killed along the way, but he is still numbly looking for a treasure that can replace the pulse and relieve the situation of walking corpses as soon as possible. If it is later, those corpses will suck enough people's blood and become stiff or stiff, and they will not be able to return to heaven! Thinking of walking to a cliff, Jiang Banxian's eyes lit up. At the bottom of the cliff is the Qiqi River, a tributary of the Songhua River. Jiang Banxian looked at the two mountains of hidden water here. The air moved with the water, and the water rose with the air. It was like two tigers playing in the water here. If you find a new vein here, you can live the corpse gas on both sides of the river. Jiang Banxian found a family nearby to live in. Only then did he know that because there were a lot of Lala vines on the way down the mountain, the road up the mountain was extremely difficult, so he named it "La Lagou". Although there are not many people here, only a few more than a dozen households, they have not been disturbed by the removal of corpses.

The next day, Jiang Banxian took out his compass and looked left and right on the mountain, but accidentally saw the yellow fog rising behind the village. It seems that's it! Jiang Banxian did not delay. He returned to the village, counted about ten feet and five inches behind the village, buried copper money, and quickly gathered the villagers to build a sunny house there. A stone dared to be buried in the southeast corner of the foundation (a strange beast that changed into feng shui), and then lived there and guarded it day and night, for fear that someone would break this vein again.

Later, no one knew why, the walking corpses that came out at night slowly fell down by themselves. Although it was winter at that time, the government was still afraid of spreading the corpse plague, so it piled up the rotten bodies in one place and burned them.

At that time, the Qing Dynasty was facing the danger of destroying the dynasty. It was afraid that the matter would spread and be used to incite civil strife. Therefore, it is coerced and lured by those who know. This matter will be over. No one remembers Jiang Banxian, whose child was bitten to death by a walking corpse. Except for Han Fenglan.

Soon the Qing Dynasty perished, and Puyi, the last emperor, also established his own pseudo-Manchu palace in Changchun. Jiang Banxian saw that his pulse and eyes stabilized, so he was ready to go down the mountain to find his wife Han Fenglan. After many inquired, he knew that she had been struggling to find herself for many years, and opened a shop of sacrificial supplies in a town not far away, with green lanterns accompanied by ancient Buddhas all day long.

I don't want to be annoyed by the world. In this way, Jiang Banxian returned to the small house in Lalagou. As long as you don't die, you have to keep your pulse. Because he always sees the graves and cures evil diseases for the villagers in nearby villages free of charge, so the villagers call him "Jiang Banxian".

Until he saved his grandfather, Jiang Banxian knew that he had not had a few years of life, so he wanted to find a descendant to continue to keep that vein, and did not want to bring everything he had learned in his life into the loess. After the fourth uncle was born, he went to his grandmother's house to congratulate him. Unexpectedly, he saw that the fourth uncle had divine eyes and strange bones, which was a good seedling to learn Taoism. At this time, he discussed with his grandfather and grandmother. When the fourth uncle was three years old, he took away the fourth uncle and taught him everything he had learned in his life, but the fourth uncle was young and did not understand everything. When Jiang Banxian died, he asked his fourth uncle to keep his veins and find out the person who dug out the Zhenjiang tablet at that time, whether he was dead or alive now.

When the fourth uncle returned home, he did not forget the teacher's instructions and continued to take the book "Yi Xiaotianshu" left to him by Jiang Banxian. Until the 13-year-old fourth uncle had almost chewed the book. He used fishing as an excuse to keep his pulse, but because when he saved his grandfather, he used the "seven stars to drop the evil array" to absorb all the evil spirits nearby and did not have the original balance, so the evil spirits still ran rampant. The fourth uncle looked at the pulse while catching the dishonest ghosts and monsters in the river.

After saying that, the fourth uncle opened the big box that stared at anyone who looked at more, took out a board suit from it, brushed the corners of his clothes, and put it on his body.

I saw that his mouth was wide open, and such beautiful clothes were put on by the smelly fourth uncle. At first glance, it was a little strange, but after the fourth uncle put on his wide and strong body, he supported his suit on his shoulders, which was quite like that.

I came forward and carefully touched the dress that only the principal of the town school wore, and asked in surprise, "Uncle, which Jiangchacha did you pick up such a new style of clothes?" Wearing Niu B's coaxing, he really looks like a city man. Hearing this, the fourth uncle was angry and said to me, "What did you pick up? In order to find the person who dug the monument, the uncle went to the master's wife to seek clues, but the master only knew that when the master went down the mountain to find him, he once said that it was Li Yiheng, a feng shui master at the end of the Qing Dynasty, who was bribed by the Japanese. In an attempt to break the feng shui of the Songhua River basin in the northeast, it is effortless to disintegrate the northeast. It can be seen that the Japanese pirates are vicious. It has killed so many people."

I don't seem to understand, but I also know that devil traitors are not good people. Since then, the fourth uncle has shown people feng shui, exorcising ghosts and evil spirits to earn travel expenses, while shuttling between major cities across the country and incuring for clues about Li Yiheng. Over time, the fourth uncle was also well-known in the field of feng shui metaphysics and made many masters of metaphysics. I heard that the fourth uncle has been guarding the Songhua River alone for many years and also wants to help.

This time, the fourth uncle took me out to do nothing else, but to visit a famous feng shui teacher in Beijing to solve the instability of his pulse for many years. Although Jiang Banxian suppressed his pulse at that time, there was only a way to temporarily build a grass house to suppress the overall feng shui pattern of the Songhua River Basin. However, the fog began to rise frequently recently, and the fourth uncle knew that the grass house would not last long.