jiang shi Yin and Yang Record

Chapter 18 The name of mourning

Since then, Du Juan's family has not stopped. Either the chicken in the chicken's nest was bitten to death by yellow skin, or the firewood pile was on fire. I don't know what's wrong with this old man. He doesn't leave the house every day. He sits on the bed talking and beats him when he sees people. However, as his body gradually loses, he tos around less and less often. He just sleeps every day, doesn't eat or drink, and occasionally hits his head against the wall when he wakes. Du Juan just thought that her father was angry and went around to ask for medicine. But after looking at it, the neighbors said that it seemed to have hit evil, so Du Juan stepped on the frozen river and went to the neighboring village to ask the god to exorcise evil for her father.

Du Juan entered the room and hurriedly took out a set of her father's clothes for her fourth uncle. Although it was a little small, it was much better than wearing frozen clothes.

Although Du Juan also changed her clothes, she still didn't recover from the cold just now. Her hands were so cold that she didn't listen to the command. The fourth uncle set fire next to the stove, but he saw the woman warming her hands with hot water. The fourth uncle saw her get up and grabbed the woman's hand and said urgently, "You don't want it!" Du Juan looked at the fourth uncle in surprise: "What's wrong?" The fourth uncle Xu said, "This hand is frozen and anxious, just like a frozen pear. Slow down with cold water. When there is a layer of ice on your hand, the cold air will come out, and then slowly warm up by the stove.

Du Juan looked at the fourth uncle and was stunned for a while, and whispered, "Hand." After saying that, I realized that I had been holding the girl's hand and didn't let go.

The fourth uncle quickly let go of his hand and said with a smile, "Let me see your father!" Du Juan tapped her head, and her pretty face turned red. Take the fourth uncle to the West Room.

I saw a dry old man lying on the bed, with deep eyes and a waxy skin hanging on his collapsed cheeks. If you can't see the open mouth breathing hard, it's really like an old corpse.

But looking at the freshly formed blood scab on the forehead, I think it has just had an attack. The fourth uncle frowned and tried the old man's pulse with his hand, but found that the old man's pulse in his sleep was higher than that of the energetic young man. If it were later, there would be no time!

The fourth uncle turned to Du Juan and said, "Wait for me at home first, and I'll go back." Du Juan looked at the fourth uncle doubtfully and didn't know what the fourth uncle wanted to do.

The fourth uncle pushed the door out, and Du Juan also followed. Walking out of the yard, the fourth uncle walked around the house, frowned and asked Du Kuan, "Who built the warehouse in front of you and when? Unexpectedly, it was impartially covered with the fierce eye. Turn this originally plain pattern into a fierce "death house".

Du Juan was shocked after hearing this. Although she didn't know what the pattern of "stop mourning house" was, she knew that the word "stop mourning" was by no means an auspicious word.

hurriedly replied, "That was originally a dry well, but it was occupied by Zhao Debiao a few days ago, saying that he would build a warehouse and put something."

After hearing this, the fourth uncle was furious. Unexpectedly, Zhao Debiao was so vicious that he harmed an old man with such a sinister method.

This "morant house" is originally a taboo in Yangzhai Fengshui. Most of the owners who move in this pattern will bump into demons, ghosts, and will soon die. However, all the craftsmen who build houses know more or less about the feng shui of a sunny house. Even if the house is not built, they will not be pulled up a warehouse directly in front of other people's courtyard.

But on second thought, how could an ordinary "death house" make Mr. Du not be able to do it so quickly? I think there must be a hole in that shed. The fourth uncle said to Du Juan, who had been worried behind him, "Don't worry, big sister, I know what the old man bumped into. You can enter the house on such a cold day. I'm going to see the "mort house"!"

Du Juan has been frying after hearing this. Although she hasn't seen the fourth uncle have any ability, she is also much more relaxed after listening to it. After saying that, the fourth uncle turned around and walked towards the snow. Du Juan looked at the fourth uncle's distant back and suddenly felt that the man's shoulders were so solid and generous.

The sky is getting more and more gloomy, without the howling cold wind just now, but instead of a dull feeling of depression. With the sound of snow all the way, the fourth uncle came to the warehouse made of earth bricks.

It is said that it is a warehouse, but it is better to say that it is a square ground bunker. There are no ventilation outlets around it. Obviously, it is not just used for debris. There was a disproportionate lock hanging on the dilapidated wooden door. The fourth uncle looked at it, took a breath, raised his foot and kicked open the wooden door.

The moment the wooden door kicked open, the dark wind came from nowhere. There is a black hole inside, and you can only see things in a place about one square meter at the door. The fourth uncle got in without thinking about it.

Although the warehouse is airtight on all sides, it feels extremely cold when you walk into it. Looking at the narrow room, the walls are decadent and there is nothing, but the fourth uncle found a square well in the house, which is very unusual.

Inoue has a thick wooden board and sealed it with iron bars. How can ordinary people seal the well? How do you look at it? There is a sense of evil.

The fourth uncle made up his mind and wanted to find a hard object to pry open the manhole cover to see what was in it, but he couldn't find the stick to open the manhole cover, but he found an oil lamp under the protruding well edge and looked at the door to the light. The lamp oil was almost exhausted, and a piece of wilted cotton was weakly put in the lamp bowl. But the strange thing is that the lamp bowl is not filled with ordinary yellow lamp oil, but a red paste like blood. The fourth uncle picked up the lamp holder and smelled it. A fishy smell rushed straight to his forehead and curled his lips, knowing that this was the "turbid blood lamp" of the shaman's "moon worship".

The origin of shamanism is indescenable. According to historical records, there were shaman wizards in northern China as early as ancient times. Now archaeologists have found that there was a prototype of a shaman as early as the Stone Age, and shamanism was well known in the north at that time.

Until the Wei and Jin Dynasties, Buddhism and Islam were introduced into the Central Plains, and Taoism rose in the north, leading to the gradual decline of ancient shamanism.

But as a result, many branches and genres have spread, which have blossomed and bear fruit in the north. For example, the "jumping god" we are most familiar with now is the branch of Shamanism - "Wortal Worship".

There are also many, such as moon worship, sun worship, fire worship, soul worship. And "blood worship" is an abnormal number in shamanism. "Blood Worship" worships darkness and blood. It is believed that the "Teng" of creatures wandering around the world (Han means soul).

believes that blood is the foundation of life and can revive all things. Blood is the medium of communication with the spirit and all things. Most of their followers are bloody tyrants, and the practice of the method also needs to be maintained by human blood, which gradually disappeared in the long river of history.

The fourth uncle once heard Jiang Banxian say that the lamp oil of this "turbid blood lamp" is boiled with the "heart and blood" of 23 virgins. The so-called "heart blood" is to dig out the heart alive and collect the last drop of blood as "heart blood" when people are alive.

Then boil snake oil with five yellow snakes that have just molted. After a complicated process, they make blood oil that is only enough for a lamp to burn. It is said that when this lamp is lit, you can see the dead soul of the dead, the wandering spirit, and the road to hell.

When the fourth uncle thought of this, he couldn't help but feel indescribably bored with the "turbid blood lamp" in his hand. However, he suffered from the lack of lighting tools in a hurry, so he had to use it. However, the lamp oil of the "turbid blood lamp" was frozen into a lump, inlaid at the bottom of the lamp bowl. Looking closely, it was not frozen and hard, but solidified at the bottom of the bowl.

The fourth uncle took out a match and lit the "turbid blood lamp", but saw that the flame was only the size of a red bean. It was scary and shook itself without wind. The fourth uncle didn't care so much. With the swaying light, the fourth uncle rolled his cuffs, half knelt on the ground, moved the edge of the well with his hands to exert brute force, and overturned the heavy manhole cover to the ground.

At the moment when the well edge overturned, a dirty air rose to the sky and instantly filled the originally narrow space. Fourth uncle is also

Shrugged by the rotten turbid smell, he sat on the ground and turned around to take the blood lamp to see what was going on in the well, but found that the originally bean-sized flame of the "turbid blood lamp" soared and rushed up half a person. The flame kept swaying and dancing, like a bloody evil ghost, violently twisting and deformed. Body.