jiang shi Yin and Yang Record

Chapter 35 The Shy Jade-faced Demon

The dark curtain is lonely, the autumn night is long, there are no insects and frogs, and you can't hear anyone's baby and dog roaring.

Everything in front of us is not silent, but more like dead. Xuanqing looked at his eyes and hesitated and sighed for a long time: "Life is a lifetime of grass and trees in autumn. Leftovers, remember to live well..."

I don't know why Xuanqing said these words to me, but I felt vaguely uneasy. Just nodded lightly.

At this time, a cloudy wind blew from nowhere, which made my hair stand upright. I faintly saw a tall figure in the distance, not the fourth uncle and anyone else.

But Xuanqing's face did not show surprise at this moment: "Here it comes!"

"What's coming?"

"It's time to come!" Xuanqing's eyes were like a pool, staring straight at the approaching figure. Start filling the gun sand.

Xue Ru stood behind me and stared at the tall figure and grabbed my cuffs. At this time, I also found something wrong. Although the fourth uncle was burly, his head was not so big. Looking at the man's huge head, he slowly moved like this side.

I saw that this is not the fourth uncle. This is clearly what the old people in the village often call the "big-headed ghost"! Looking from afar, it turned out to be a half-eaten thigh in his hand.

Our village is backed by mountains, and the people in the village go up the mountain to hunt or pick up firewood and wild vegetables. There are two taboos - you are not allowed to defecate anywhere on the mountain, let alone call your companion's name on the mountain.

Because most of the dead are buried in the mountain, and the death is big. The size of the place is disrespectful to the deceased and will be punished. If you want to be convenient, you must find a place without a grave coffin.

As for not being able to call out the names of companions on the mountain, I also often hear old people say that there is a kind of evil spirit on the mountain, with a big head, burly body, and can learn human language.

It is inevitable to be scattered or lost in the deep mountains and forests. If the big-headed ghost hears it, it will keep shouting your name, because this evil spirit is afraid of the sun and can only hide in dark caves or ditches. Those who hear the call and think that they are separated companions will be confused by the "big-headed ghost" and lead them to live nearby. Eat clean flesh alive. But the "big-headed ghost" has a hobby, that is, after eating a living person, he has to put on that man's clothes. When night falls, he will laugh all the way, go through the mountains and forests, looking for living things to eat.

I heard from the old man in the village that this kind of big-headed ghost also knows that he is ashamed and will not leave the nest without clothes until he confuses the living. I saw that this was the burly big-headed ghost, wearing a fat trousers and a cloth shirt on his upper body. I gnawed the limbs in my hands all the way. Unexpectedly, there is such a legendary "big-headed ghost"

The big-headed ghost had a ferocious face, his face was full of gullies, and his skin was like rotten meat soaked in water for two days. He was white, but there was a strange smile on the corners of his mouth. After seeing us, he giggled out loud.

I swallowed a mouthful of saliva and patted Xuanqing: "Big-headed ghost! We are unlucky to the root of our feet." After saying that, he pulled Xue Ru to hide behind him.

The "big-headed ghost" threw away the remnants in his hand, and Xuanqing put down the shotgun in his hand. An arrow rushed to the "big-headed ghost" and rushed over. I was so shocked that my chin almost fell down. What's wrong with Xuanqing? If you have a gun, you don't have to fight with the fleshy "big-headed ghost"!

Although the "big-headed ghost" is infinitely powerful, it is not very flexible, and he knows how to reach out and catch it randomly.

Xuanqing wrapped around it, reached out and pulled the cloth shirt on its body, pulled it forward, and took off the cloth shirt on it.

The clothes of the "big-headed ghost" showed a dark body, which was in sharp contrast to the pale head. At this time, the "big-headed ghost" without clothes was like an aggrieved child, kneeling on the ground and whining and moaning, not like the fierceness just now.

Xuanqing was seriously injured when fighting with the corpse. This run was already panting like a cow. Seeing that the "big-headed ghost" had lost the fierceness of drinking blood and hair just now, he breathed a sigh of relief and slowly came towards us.

I hurried forward and held Xuanqing and asked, "What's going on? How can I take off this "big-headed ghost" clothes..."

Xuanqing put aside the clothes taken from the "big-headed ghost" and sat on the ground. Xu said, "The "big-headed ghost" you mentioned is called the "jade-faced demon" who is tyrannical and powerful. He hides in the dark during the day and can't see the light, but this kind of evil beast can learn from human language to confuse passers-by. This "jade-faced demon" is shy by nature and likes clothes. If there is a tomb next to the nest, he will even make holes to get the morgue on his body. It's really weird. I took off its clothes in this wilderness, and soon it will naturally return to its nest.

"I didn't expect that there was such a "big-headed ghost" in the world. I really don't know how many people were confused by him." I was amazed.

"This jade-faced demon may have been attracted by the smell of the body. So many people died at once, and I don't know how many evil things will be attracted later!" Xuanqing frowned after saying that.

I lowered my head and sighed, but I didn't know what happened to my fourth uncle now. At this time, Xue Ru, who was lying behind me, became more and more nervous and pulled my clothes tightly. I thought she was scared by the "jade-faced demon" just now and ignored it.

But at this time, I heard the wind in my ear. I looked up at the "jade-faced demon" with a ferocious expression and was biting me with his mouth open. All this happened too suddenly. The jade-faced demon, who was still kneeling on the ground and wailed at the previous moment, rushed to me like crazy.

At this time, it was too late for me to do more. When I saw the jade-faced demon scarlet tongue, my blood was cold all over. I said to myself that it was really over. The "Five Yellow Corpse" did not toss me to death, but the boat capsize in this sewer!

The jade-faced demon came with a fishy and choking body odor, making people feel that the dangerous air was full of the smell of death.

But at this time, Xuanqing, who was sitting behind me, suddenly stood up and pushed me aside. The fierce jade-faced demon did not stop biting, but heard Xuanqing roaring. The jade-faced demon had already put half of Xuanqing's arm in his mouth.

The jade-faced demon is fat, and his head is surprisingly large. There are a few white hairs on his scalp, and one mouth can swallow Xuanqing's whole head.

At this time, I was anxious. I wanted to pick up the shotgun on the ground, but I was afraid that the scattered gun sand would hurt Xuanqing. Shooting directly against the belly of the jade-faced demon would not hurt Xuanqing. However, when I pick up the shotgun and rushed to the jade-faced demon, I had to say that Xuanqing's life could not be saved when the jade-faced demon did not fight back.

At this juncture of life and death, a broken sword flew from nowhere, just inserted into the pale face of the jade-faced demon, and a tall figure appeared in front of me, who was the fourth uncle.

I saw the fourth uncle rush back and was secretly happy, but although the jade-faced demon that bit Xuanqing was hurt by the fourth uncle's sword, he did not let go. On the contrary, he was provoked. Despite the sharp blade that pierced deep into his brain, he grabbed Xuanqing's legs with both hands and was about to tear them apart.

I said "hey" anxiously. At this time, the fourth uncle had jumped in front of the jade-faced demon, punched its door, and punched into the flesh. The jade-faced demon's originally pale face was full of blood. One of his eyes was beaten out by the fourth uncle and hung in his eyes. Finally, he couldn't hold the fourth uncle's iron fist. He stepped back a few steps and still did not let go. Xuanqing in his mouth.

This completely angered the fourth uncle, roared, and his two fingers were fierce. Inserting into the eyes of the jade-faced demon, he broke the chin of the jade-faced demon with one hand, and broke a gap in the mouth of the jade-faced demon. Although Xuanqing was relieved, he had already fainted. Paralyzed on the ground

Seeing that Xuanqing had separated from the big mouth of the jade-faced demon, the fourth uncle quickly loosened his hands and hit the hilt of the sword inserted in its face door, only to see that the broken sword had penetrated into the head of the jade-faced demon. The fourth uncle's continuous cannon-like action made the jade-faced demon unable to react. He fell to the ground with a "popping" and completely motionless.

I walked a few steps beside Xuanqing and saw that his face was pale and hairy, and his arm bitten by the jade-faced demon swelled up. Still bleeding, I couldn't help accumulating tears for a long time and burst into tears.

The fourth uncle came forward to check Xuanqing's wound, looked bitter and shook his head: "This jade-faced demon is not poisonous, but there are too many stolen goods in his mouth. I'm afraid the wound will be infected for another three moments." With that, he tore off a rag from his clothes and wrapped it around Xuanqing's arm, trying to temporarily stop the bleeding for him.

But the wound was so deep that it may have hurt the artery, and the blood could not stop. I stopped crying and asked Xue Ru, "Do you have any medicine to stop the bleeding?" Xue Ru shook her head and said to me, "No, but there is a health center in the village, and there are all kinds of medicine."

I got up and was about to run to the village, but I was stopped by the fourth uncle: "You don't want to die! Even if he can come back, Xuanqing's blood will be dry!"

My head was buzzing blank. This was a race with time, but we didn't have a chance to participate. We could only look at Xuanqing a little bit and pulled us farther and farther away.

He was sad and cried again. Thinking of the days he had been with Xuanqing, he always had a sunny smile and never left anyone down or abandoned him. But now with the flow of blood, it is getting farther and farther away from us.

Seeing the bloody jade-faced demon in front of him, he thought that Xuanqing was bitten by it just to save me. His heart was inexplicably sad and indignant. He picked up the shotgun on the ground and fired a shot against the head of the jade-faced demon.

But the fourth uncle was stunned: "Is there a gun earlier? Is there gunpowder?"

"In the pocket of Xuanqing." I don't know why the fourth uncle asked so and answered with choking.

After listening to this, the fourth uncle quickly touched Xuanqing's coat pocket, a bag of sand and steel balls, and a bag of gunpowder. The fourth uncle quickly opened the bag containing gunpowder and carefully poured it on Xuanqing's wound. I was confused. It was possible that the fourth uncle was crazy and poured gunpowder on the wound.

After pouring gunpowder, the fourth uncle burned a match and lit the gunpowder on Xuanqing's wound. The soft sound of gunpowder burning stimulated every nerve of my nerves.

Looking at Xuanqing in the coma, he sat up with a painful sound, and his teeth creaked. But then I fainted. Look at Xuanqing's wound has been burned by gunpowder. But it's not bleeding anymore.

The fourth uncle wiped the sweat on his head, took a breath, and sat on the ground: "The blood finally stopped. Haha, this boy is really his mother's life!"

Although I didn't know the principle of this trick used by the fourth uncle at that time, I heard that Xuanqing was fine and stopped crying. Later, it was learned that the wound was scorched with the high temperature of gunpowder, which can not only stop bleeding, but also use the high temperature to kill bacteria and prevent wound infection. But at that time, he was really shocked and almost dropped his chin, thinking that the fourth uncle had learned some strange magic again.

The fourth uncle and I carried Xuanqing into the room. At this time, the fourth uncle noticed a Xue Ru snuggling behind me and asked doubtfully, "Who is this little girl? Why is she here?"

"That's why it's like this, and that's why it's like this." I told my fourth uncle what happened just now.

After listening to this, the fourth uncle frowned, like an unopenable fog. As soon as he saw the expression, he knew that he had not caught Li Yiheng, but he still asked.

The fourth uncle sighed. It turned out that the fourth uncle chased into a birch forest at the head of the village, and Li Yiheng stopped. Because the "loyal soul" in the fourth uncle's hand was too heavy, he did not dare to fight with the fourth uncle casually. The fourth uncle is forced to chase. As long as there is a "loyal soul" in hand, another Li Yiheng will not hurt the fourth uncle.

Li Yiheng couldn't hurt the fourth uncle, and he couldn't get rid of it. Finally, he ran away. The fourth uncle didn't expect that Li Yiheng's cultivation of the escape armor was so high. It has been able to use the five elements to escape. If it hadn't been for the "loyal soul" in his hand, he would not have chased him.

After Li Yiheng left, there was a cloudy wind in the woods. The fourth uncle stabilized his body, but he heard strange noises around him. At first glance, it was a dry and blue hand sticking out of the ground, and there were several evil spirits with teeth and claws floating in the air. When the fourth uncle didn't care, he knew that it was the fantasy laid out by Li Yiheng temporarily laid out by this birch forest. So he shouted loudly, bit the tip of his tongue and spat. Looking for the birth gate, I rushed out of the barrier.

But he didn't know that two or three hours had passed in his infatuation. However, it is secretly shocking. The highest level of using innate gossip is to use objects that can be touched around you to cast spells at any time. Even an inconspicuous gravel can form a formation when the orientation is correct, but it must be within the five elements.

In those years, Zhuge Liang sat firmly in the tent with only a few rocks, and a few rotten trees trapped Lu Xun's brigade of soldiers and horses, which shows the mystery. Li Yiheng, it's really amazing. When the fourth uncle said this, his expression began to become anxious again.

Walking out of the birch forest, I smelled a fishy question and immediately thought of the smell of the jade-faced demon. When the fourth uncle was a child, he saw this jade-faced demon and was almost taken out by it, and he could not forget it for the rest of his life.

He patted his forehead, shouted "not good" and hurriedly ran to the village. He was seeing the jade-faced demon biting Xuanqing's arm. In a hurry, he was in a hurry and throwing the "loyal soul" out.

The fourth uncle asked us to sleep first and wait until dawn. Li Yiheng won't come again tonight!" This night seems to be as long as a lifetime. Although I didn't understand the concept of a lifetime at that time, it was a long time.

The fourth uncle looked at me with a smile and touched my forehead: "The leftovers have grown up!"

The fourth uncle sat next to me and felt very safe. He fell asleep like this.

When I woke up, I saw that the fourth uncle was holding a bowl of rice soup and a spoonful of it was put into Xuanqing's mouth. Xue Ru saw that she took the initiative to take it down and saw that the spirit was much better than yesterday. She saw that I woke up and smiled at me.

This night and day are like two generations. It's good to live!

I just remembered, but my whole body was sore, like a small insect pecking between the bones, which made me grin.