jiang shi Yin and Yang Record

Chapter 36 Black Widow on the Boat

Spring and autumn are solid, and the four seasons alternate as usual, but the Lala ditch has become a dead ditch overnight. Maybe the autumn geese flying south are entrusting the dead in the village and flying to a paradise without killing!

My fourth uncle and I carried the villagers' bodies to one place. The fourth uncle didn't let Xue Ru out, afraid that she couldn't stand it.

I looked at the piled bodies, and there was a chill in my heart. I wiped the blood stains on my hands, but the fourth uncle was very calm. According to him, life and death were not seen through, but I was numb when I saw more.

As the black smoke disappears into the sky, dust returns to dust and earth returns to earth.

It was already afternoon after tossing around. Xuanqing also woke up, but her body was still very weak, and she looked at us in surprise: "I'm not dead!" After saying that, he laughed.

The fourth uncle said helplessly, "Well, you're not dead. But if you laugh again, you are not far from death.

As soon as the fourth uncle finished speaking, Xuanqing stopped laughing. Just now, he laughed too fiercely, which touched the internal organs and coughed dullly twice. Sure enough, he was extremely happy and sad.

"Before I left, the master gave me a gossip, saying that I had a life-and-death disaster, and also said that the chance could not be revealed. He only left me a few words, but I didn't understand it. It was not until I saw the jade-faced demon last night that I woke up and thought that Yang Shou was over. I never thought that Hu Hansan would come back to life again!" Xuanqing couldn't help but be happy again after saying that.

"What can you say to understand life and death?" The fourth uncle couldn't help being curious and asked Xuanqing.

Xuanqing sat up, frowned and said to the fourth uncle, "

The night is silent and speechless,

The scholar is dressed in white.

Nine absolute red water trapped Erlang,

Luanming faints the sky and three lights.

The first two sentences have come true. After the corpse was put down, the jade-faced demon almost died in blood. Isn't it just coming to put on mourning clothes? But I didn't understand the mystery of the last two sentences.

I listened to Xuanqing's explanation in a few words and understood a rough idea. After listening to it, the fourth uncle looked surprised: "Your old man deserves to be the "book of life and death" which is really accurate. But what do the last two sentences mean? The fourth uncle also frowned after saying that.

From their dialogue, I knew that the old man was called "Life and Death Bo". Later, I heard Xuanqing say that his master had made a lot of predictions about Qimen when he was young, and there were naturally more people who asked him to gossip, but he ended up losing his wife and son. He knew that he had leaked too many secrets and deserved this. Since then, he blocked the gossip. Just look at feng shui and don't answer the future.

The fourth uncle saw that Xuanqing's wound had a scab and did not delay walking. He wanted to go back to the fog river first and then think about it for a long time. How can he easily find the four star gods in the vast world!

Xuanqing walked out of the room with difficulty. After listening to the slightly frustrated words of the fourth uncle, he turned around and said to the fourth uncle, "Actually, it's not difficult to find!"

"Ah!" My fourth uncle and I exclaimed at the same time. Is it possible that this boy still knows where those games are!

Xuanqing looked at our surprised expressions and shook his head: "That's what I said. That's what you heard."

After hearing this, the fourth uncle was furious, and then sighed leisurely, and his loss overflowed with words.

"But, as Li Yiheng said last night, he has at least two things in his hand!"

"Why do you say that?" After hearing this, the fourth uncle looked at Xuanqing doubtfully.

"Li Yiheng said last night that when he got the "Nirvana", he could go to a rotten sore on his face and live together with heaven and earth. It sounds like crazy, but it's true at all. As long as he has completed these four things, it is not a problem to live together, rise to immortals and feathers, and live another fifty or sixty years.

After listening to it, the fourth uncle sneeshed his teeth: "Horse, it makes sense."

"It makes sense to use it. I heard that Li Yiheng can use five elements to escape. Where can we find him!" Xuanqing said angrily to the fourth uncle.

But the fourth uncle was blind at this time and said word by word, "Please enter the urn!"

I heard it for a while and was confused, but I knew that the fourth uncle must have something to attract Li Yiheng.

Before leaving, the fourth uncle took Xue Ru and said that he would entrust her to Mr. Feng in the village after he wanted to go back. Mr. Feng is a Chinese teacher in the middle school in the town. He is not confused, but he has no children under his knees. The two are good people. They must like such a beautiful and sensible daughter like Xue Ru. After hearing the fourth uncle say this, I felt uncomfortable and couldn't explain it clearly.

The four of us, in a small boat, swaying along the water, but when we go back, we should go upstream, but we don't know why the fourth uncle has to go south and north.

Looking at the sparse families on both sides of the Taiwan Strait being busy in the yard, and several children also followed their parents' buttocks. I was really a little homesick. Looking at Xueru behind her, she was staring at the "family portrait" in the courtyard on both sides. Will she still have a home?

The sky is getting darker, and the surrounding air also begins to get cold. It is in late autumn. The temperature difference between day and night in the north is huge. Sometimes the temperature difference can reach 20 degrees. People who bake in the sun during the day are oily, but they have to wear cotton-padded jackets at night to dare to go out and compete with Turpan.

I shrank my neck and trembled with cold. Xue Ru didn't know where to find a military coat to put on me. The chill on her body did not fade, but her heart warmed up. Looking at the shiny coat sleeves, I knew it was the fourth uncle's.

In Northeast China, winter is so cold that it makes people feel cold. Wearing an overcoat, you can also get a runny nose. There is nowhere to wipe the bulging bag, and you can wipe it on the sleeves of the coat. At that time, everyone had one coat, and some families had only one coat, and whoever went out would wear it. It can't be changed. There has been a layer of oily hard shell on the sleeves for a long time.

Grandpa said that if there had been no snot on his sleeve, the bearded blade would have been cut off. Although it's a little exaggerated, it's really hard.

Xuanqing still holds the * by his side, saying that this game can take charge of life and death. He is the king of the soldiers. Ordinary ghosts run away when they see it, and it is also secure to hold it.

After hearing this, the fourth uncle curled his lips and said, "I heard that the 'nuclear bomb' has been invented now, which can blow up the river in the fog. What kind of soldiers are you earth cannon?"

After listening to this, Xuanqing opened his mouth and looked at his fourth uncle: "You farmer still know what a 'nuclear bomb' is. That one is thrown down, not to mention the river in the fog, even Lalagou has to go to the sky together. You don't care whether I'm the king of the army or not. Anyway, whoever dares to rush over with a big blade will promise to beat him with flowers on his face. Xuanqing also curled his lips when he heard it.

Listening to their gossip, time passed quickly. It was already dark. I looked at the shore and arrived at Zhao's store. Going further down was the gunner's ditch that the woman said.

This Zhao's store is not a village. There used to be a "big car shop" owner surnamed Zhao, and everyone called it Zhao's store for convenience. This big car shop is a vendor who drives cars, or the place where the car owner rests along the way, with a large kang broken for several intervals.

Many villages in the northeastern countryside that are now named after 'shops' have also been changed by this big car shop. But now there are fewer and fewer people driving cattle carts and selling things, and there are fewer and fewer big car shops.

But the Zhao store was not closed because there were no guests. I heard from the fourth uncle that there was no one around the Zhao store dozens of miles at that time, and the people who drove back and forth had to stay here for one night, buy some rice cakes and continue to travel. Business was booming.

But when you sleep here, you can hear women's crying every night, but the drivers are all rough men with big arms and round waists. How can there be any women? It spread, saying that Zhao's store is haunted, and those who have seen female ghosts in this scene. Not long after, the car owners would rather be greedy than live there.

I was a little scared when I looked at the dark river bank. I didn't know when the fourth uncle and Xuanqing would stop talking. Occasionally, I could hear the splashing sound of big fish by the river.

A splash appeared beside the boat, and the sudden sound really scared me. It is impossible for such a big fish to wander in the heart of the river at night. But what splashed such a big splash just now!

I leaned against the fourth uncle and asked the fourth uncle in a trembling voice, "Fourth uncle, it can't be that female ghost."

After listening to this, the fourth uncle raised the corners of his mouth and said to me, "Hey, I think it's a big bastard. Please enter the urn! It's time to catch the turtle in the urn.

After saying that, he hurried to the stern, pulled the rope of the boat, and picked up a big net. There was a black ball in the net. I don't know what it was. He kept struggling and screaming strangely. The sound was like a fierce woman!

I said to myself, "Good boy, didn't the fourth uncle fish up the female ghost?"

As soon as the monster in the net struggled, the boat also swayed left and right. Xue Ru stood unsteadily and almost fell into the river. I wanted to grab her hand but didn't hold it. In a hurry, I caught her braid and pulled it back. She cried "ah" in pain, but fortunately she didn't fall into the river. If she fell in, she would not be the monster. If you eat it, you will freeze to death.

The fourth uncle shouted, "Ah..." He picked up the huge thing in the water, and Xuanqing staggered to the stern. He helped the fourth uncle drag the boat rope with one hand, but seeing that both of them were almost tired to spit blood, they still didn't stabilize the monster.

I helped Xue Ru into the canopy and pulled it together. Then I looked at the fourth uncle's blue veins on his head at this time, bulging his cheeks, leaned down, waved his fist and gave it to the monster. I don't know where to hit. The monster screamed and didn't move.

The fourth uncle picked up the monster and threw it on the boat with the river water brought out. Just as I fell at my feet, I subconsciously hid backwards, and then I saw what the monster looked like. Isn't this a water ghost? There are arms and legs.

Look closely at the monster's facial features similar to people's facial features, with nostrils facing the sky and curly hair on its shoulders. The back is dark, the belly is yellow, and the huge ** hangs on the chest. Although there are hands and feet, they are all droopy. I looked at it in constersment.

He also seemed to feel that I was observing it. His translucent eyelids suddenly opened, opened his mouth full of sharp teeth, and roared at me repeatedly.

The fourth uncle heard the roar and kicked it in the back. The monster cried and didn't make a sound.

My eyes widened and asked the fourth uncle, "Fourth uncle, what kind of monster is this? Isn't that water ghost?"

The fourth uncle looked at the quiet water monster under his feet and said to me, "This thing is called a 'long-tongue ghost', and people who fish on the river call it 'Black Widow'."

As soon as the fourth uncle said this 'black widow', I understood that the fishermen in the village did not catch fish, so they complained, "Today, I'm really unlucky to meet the black widow, and I didn't catch anything!" That's what I'm talking about, but few have really seen it, and even fewer have seen it alive!

It's just that if a black widow wanders around, the fish will hide far away, saying that the black widow is the old friend of the Dragon Lord, and the aquarium in the river has to make way. I also look like the Dragon Lord, but I don't want the Dragon Prince to be close to me, but it's quite like 'Yasha'.

The fourth uncle said that this 'long tongue ghost' usually doesn't eat people, but when the fish and shrimp returned to the mouth of the river, he was so hungry that he got on the boat to pick up people.

Xuanqing also looked at the 'black widow' with interest and said to the fourth uncle, "Hey, I didn't expect that there was such a monster in the world, which is also a specialty of the Songhua River!"

After hearing this, the fourth uncle shook his head: "It's strange that there is nothing strange in the living water. A few years ago, when I went to Shaanxi and passed by the Yellow River, I saw an old lady with a muddy face smiling at me in the yellow mud soup. I had goose bumps all over my body. I thought I was so old and wanted to find a young mandarin duck to play in the water! Looking at it again, it was not a human. There were fish scales all over my neck. I thought I had met a water ghost. I picked up the loess and threw it over and hit the old lady's face. At that time, it floated up, and it looked like a fish.

Xuanqing laughed after listening to it: "I also met the mermaid. If I jump down and play with it for a while." Xuanqing coughed twice after saying that, maybe he laughed again just now.

The fourth uncle's old face turned red when Xuanqing said: "Don't talk nonsense, help quickly!" After saying that, the fourth uncle bent down to come to the front of the 'Black Widow', stepped on the forehead of the 'Black Widow', broke its chin with one hand, hummed, and broke his mouth open, revealing his sharp teeth. My scalp is numb, but I don't know what the fourth uncle is going to do.

"Help me keep it." The fourth uncle motioned me to hold the chin of the 'Black Widow'.

I shook my head to show that I didn't dare.

"It's okay, I can't bite you." I heard this sentence well, and my neighbor said so when I was a child. As soon as I finished speaking, his rooster rushed over and regarded my little J as a little bug, insisting out a blood bubble.

I looked at the 'Black Widow' and felt dizzy, but there was nothing I could do about the fourth uncle's serious expression. I had to harden it, drummed up and pull its chin. As a result, I found that the 'Black Widow' did not compete with me and pulled it easily, but there was a layer of mucus on its skin and it was difficult to fix it.

The 'black widow' kept gasping and looking at me sadly. Looking at this look, she really wanted to be a resentful woman who was alone in an empty room.

The fourth uncle put his hand into his mouth and pulled it out, bringing out a scarlet tongue. It is worthy of the 'long tongue ghost'. The tongue of the fourth uncle's hand is actually longer than half an arm.

After her tongue was pulled out by her fourth uncle, the black widow became uneasy and couldn't help making a 'hing' sound from her throat. His mouth was also strong, as if he was eager to close his mouth. I'm about to get rid of it.

The fourth uncle pulled out the tongue of the 'black widow'. I could see clearly that there was something similar to an iron nail on the scarlet tongue, and the fourth uncle raised his hand and took it off. Looking at the blood of the 'Black Widow', his tongue was full of blood, and he went crazy. He didn't wait for his tongue to retract, and he had to shut up. My hand slipped and watched it abrupt his tongue.

The 'Black Widow' roared like a crazy struggle on the boat. But he didn't have the strength when he was in the water, just rolling back and forth.

As soon as he turned over, he took the fishing net on his body, crossed the boat and fell into the water.

I asked the fourth uncle doubtfully, "When I was in the water, the 'black widow' was still full of strange power. How could I even pull its chin when I got on the boat?"

"This black widow has to leave two tooth marks on the shark in the water, but if she gets on the boat to pick up people, she won't have much strength to beat her own men. It's all thrown into the water before nibbling. The fourth uncle explained to me as he looked at the nails in his hand.

Xuanqing saw the iron nail in the fourth uncle's hand and came up with a surprised expression: "Isn't this a soul nail?"