Extreme Hero

Chapter 108, Make a scene at the airport

You are used to the people who appear in front of you every day and don't care. When they suddenly disappear in front of you one day, you haven't noticed it. When they are in danger, you will feel a sense of crisis. It turns out that he is so important to me. Only when we lose it can we cherish it.

Lin Feng drove Kaiyue on the highway, and the street lights roared by, as if entering the space-time tunnel. The car driving on the highway still wanted to hang up the gear and keep retreating. The sound of sirens came from behind, but it was getting farther and farther away.

The car has reached its highest speed. Standing on the rooftop and looking down, it seems to be a meteor dragging a long tail gliding on the road. Somehow, tonight's cars are extremely rare, as if everyone knows that someone will borrow the road tonight.

The fast car arrived at Hongqiao International Airport in a few minutes. The elder sister was on the plane at this airport, because it was sent by Lin Feng himself.

Lin Feng quickly parked the car aside and didn't care about the security. He ran along the sidewalk into the ticket office and said hurriedly to the beautiful and lovely conductor, "Please help me find out the wheres of a passenger named Song Shuyi who flew to the United States on November 5th."

"I'm sorry, sir, we can't provide anyone with the wheres of the passengers." The young lady said gracefully, looking at Lin Feng, who was sweaty, as if it had nothing to do with her.

"Please, that's my sister. She has a disease and left without saying goodbye. I know it today. Please check it for me, or I won't see her." Lin Feng looked at the elegant smile of the ticket lady, suppressed the anger in her heart, and said in a low voice.

"I'm sorry, sir!"

"Bang!" Lin Feng didn't care about his image and suddenly patted the table. The file folder on the table suddenly bounced up. The pen fell to the ground and said coldly, "You must check it for me!"

Lin Feng suddenly attacked and scared the young lady to turn pale. This is the international airport. When did she see such a barbaric person? She was at a loss. The flight attendants and ticket girls were selected layer by layer and had undergone special training. Their self-restraint can be regarded as the best.

Several foreigners behind Lin Feng looked at Lin Feng's barbaric appearance and pointed out a string of fluent English to the latter.

"FUCK!" Lin Feng understood English and suddenly shouted at the latter. The foreigner looked at the sweat stains on his forehead and his hair sticking to his forehead, which made Lin Feng look horrible. He was so scared that he stopped queuing up and dragged his suitcase to another ticket gate.

"What's the matter?" Lin Feng's voice almost spread throughout the ticket hall. Looking at Lin Feng's appearance, the three nearest security guards came over and asked the pale conductor.

"He asked to find the customer's information, and we have a confidentiality system, so he shouted here." The ticket lady pointed to Lin Feng and said.

"Sir, please come with us." Hearing the latter's explanation, the three security guards surrounded Lin Feng in the middle, and other electric batons on his waist were also pulled out, posing as long as the latter never came forward to repair.

Looking at the changes in the airport, many tourists surrounded them, and the security guards standing elsewhere also rushed over. Before long, nearly ten security regiments surrounded the latter.

Lin Feng slowly raised his eyeliner and swept his eyes sharply at the surrounding security guards. The temperature of the surrounding air dropped extremely, as if the heating had suddenly stopped working, so people who saw Lin Feng's eyes couldn't stand a cold war.

The security guards looked at Lin Feng's eyes and were indifferent, as if he had mastered the fate of everyone present standing in the middle. As long as one person dared not to disobey, he dared to end their life on the spot.

Gradually, the murderous atmosphere began to spread, which was unique to Lin Feng in countless battles. The murderous atmosphere became stronger and stronger. The security guards watched Lin Feng start to retreat, and the lively tourists around him couldn't stand the fierce air around him and kept leaving.

In a blink of an eye, the whole hall became extremely quiet. The sales lady called the riot brigade. She had already seen that Lin Feng was not a provolent character. She hoped that the plague would leave in front of her as soon as possible, and she did not have to suffer like this.

So far, Miss Ticket has been the only victim, so she can't leave until her life is threatened, which is the airline's rule.

Lin Feng coldly looked at the security guards around him and the frightened ticket lady. He knew that he was impulsive, so... He began to calm down, the murderous atmosphere around him began to converve, his eyes also became calm, and the tension gradually faded.

"I'm sorry, I'm impulsive." As a Chinese and Lin Feng, who has been fighting all year round, he knew what to say. He looked at the people around him and said calmly, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

Another point is that this is an international airport. Although it is midnight, there is still an endless stream of international friends. As a member of Chinese dialect, we should give them the impression that they should be friendly and non-violent.

Lin Feng looked at everyone unmoved and continued to say, "Please let me see your managers."

"I am, please come here." A man in a security uniform with a work permit around his neck came out somewhere, said lightly to Lin Feng, and led the way in front of him. Lin Feng followed, followed by a group of ordinary security guards, afraid that Lin Feng would hurt the captain by his extreme behavior.

"Sit down." Lin Feng and the two walked into the office, and the other security guards blocked the door.

The office was unusually clean. The man took out a disposable paper cup from the drawer behind the table and picked up a glass of water for the latter and put it on the coffee table. He said lightly to Lin Feng, and he turned around and sat behind the desk.

He is the security captain and is quite confident in his skills, otherwise he would not dare to let Lin Feng come in alone.

Lin Feng looked at him gratefully and couldn't speak. She said first, "My sister is sick. Just a few days ago, I sent her in person, but she only said the voice of the United States, and I didn't care. I didn't know until today, so I want to know the specific place where she went."

"What does your sister have to do with you?" Both of them are soldiers, so there is no unnecessary nonsense when they talk.

"He raised me."

"Hm, I see. What's your name?"

"Soong Shuyi."

After Lin Feng finished speaking, the man picked up the phone on the table and dialed out a number, followed by a sweet voice.

"Help me find out where Song Shuyi was a few days ago."

After a while, the phone call came in, because they were international flights and could easily investigate all the registered itineraries of a tourist. According to their investigation, Song Shuyi first went to the state of the United States, and then transferred to Las Vegas.

After Lin Feng thanked him again and again, he left quickly.