Extreme Hero

Chapter 109, long wait

He walked out of the airport and took out his mobile phone in his pocket to call Long Yu. Soon, the other party answered the phone, but he didn't say anything. Maybe he was still angry with Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked up at the plane that took off with flashing lights, as well as the brightly lit lights at the airport, and said to the silent Long Yu at the other end of the phone, "Help me find someone."

"Ye." The other end of the phone was gently graced, as if unintentional.

Listening to Long Yu's indifferent words, it seems that Lin Feng is quite uncomfortable to reject people thousands of miles away, but it's good to think that such an arrogant person can help him.

"My sister, she got a disease and went to * state. She may have transferred to Las Vegas California, but she may still be in * state. You have seen her, so please be sure to help me find her." Lin Feng pleaded with Long Yu.

"I will." After indifferent words, he hung up the phone.

Lin Feng looked up at the sky and looked at the starry night in the sky. It seemed that a big stone was blocked in his heart, which made him breathless. Thinking about that day, the sister's various strange words and movements showed that the latter was different, but why didn't she find it?

Lin Feng is annoyed by his stupidity. If he treats the enemy, he will definitely find that the other party is wrong at the first time. However, when dealing with the alien sister, he really can't figure out what card the sister is going to play next. The old sister has always been a person who does not follow the routine, which is also the reason why Lin Feng is afraid of the latter.

Whenever is quiet at night, people's minds will shuttle randomly and think of those happy and sad things.

Lin Feng drove home, threw the key aside, turned around and sat on the sofa. Looking at the second hand of the clock hanging on the wall that kept ticking forward, his eyes began to become confused.

Since he first entered the army, he almost had a magic power to control the fate of the enemy. As long as the enemy he met, ten * would die at his gunpoint. Of course, he was also seriously injured and could not get out of bed for half a month, but the other party still died at his feet.

But now, when you return to the metropolis, as long as you offend yourself, you must double the repayment, and those who are kind to you should also repay you. Such a person who can still control the fate of others seems insignificant in the face of illness. Is this deliberately arranged by God?

Lin Feng is an atheist. He doesn't believe in God and God. He only believes in himself, because everyone's fate is in everyone's hands. It depends on how you break through. But now, Lin Feng has to pray that the heavenly sister is fine.

Close your eyes and let the light penetrate your eyelids, showing the color of blood in front of your eyes. Gradually, he fell asleep sitting on the sofa.

When the eastern sky exposed the delicate red sunrise, Lin Feng also opened her hazy eyes on the sofa. Unexpectedly, she sat and slept all night, stretched out, turned to stand up, went to the bathroom and washed her face with cold water, woke up and was ready to go out. Today is the weekend, but he still has a lot to deal with. Things.

Since my sister has gone to the United States, I must be able to find the other party with the help of Long Yu, so I have to leave China for a period of time and go to the United States. If my sister knows that I am going, I will definitely find a place to hide, so I have to go silently. But I'm gone, and the forces that have just been established can't be disintegrated.

Call Song Yuandong. Now I can't care so much. Even if Feng knows that Song Yuandong is his person, he can't avoid so much. I believe Feng won't do anything to Song Yuandong.

Drive out and go straight to the 1982 bar.

As soon as it was dawn, the morning sun was still charming and blood red. The bar had just opened. I didn't expect Lin Feng to come so coincidentally. As soon as they entered, Song Yuandong also came later. The two walked to the corner of the bar and sat down one after another. The waiter did not know Lin Feng's exact identity. He only knew that the manager was very polite to him and also served a bottle of wine. Put the two cups down on the table and leave.

Song Yuandong looked at the haggard Lin Feng and quietly waited for the latter's arrangement. He is grateful to Lin Feng.

Thousands of miles of horses are common, but Bole is not common. For Song Yuandong, Lin Feng is his Bole, constantly tapping out his potential little by little, and for him, Lin Feng is his reconstruction. If he stays with Feng all the time, I believe that he is not much better than an unknown hitter, but he often appears in front of Wu Jianhao, which is also a good arrangement, but he must be dissatisfied with the current situation for Song Yuandong.

"I may leave for a period of time in a couple of days, and I will leave all the affairs of Shanghai to you during this period." Lin Feng poured himself a glass of wine and whispered softly.

Where is Brother Feng going? Is it dangerous?"

"I will go to the United States. There should be no danger. Don't worry."

"Okay, Brother Feng, I will definitely take care of Shang Hai's affairs." Song Yuandong was born as a farmer. It is not easy to come to Shanghai. Is it abroad? He was just thinking about it and never left China to venture into the outside world.

"Go ahead and I'll be quiet first." He has been brainbroped about the sister's affairs. Although it has only been one night, I believe that his hair has turned much whiter.

Almost all the things that should be arranged have been arranged, leaving only Wu Jianhao. I won't tell him today. Let's talk to him when Longyu find out the situation. I believe he will understand.


The longest time in the world is to wait. Three days later, there was no movement at all. It seems that Longyu has also disappeared in this world. Lin Feng is doing one thing repeatedly every day - to pick up Wu Xinyuan and Qin Zhumei to and from school.

Qin Zhumei was much quieter in front of Lin Feng, as if she had something on her mind. But Lin Feng, who had been thinking about his sister, did not see the strangeness of the latter, and he would lie down directly every day when he came home. He had never even cooked a meal, and he had never been to the dining table. A lonely key lay quietly on the dinner table, waiting for Lin Feng to find out.

Wu Xinyuan saw Lin Feng's strangeness. Looking at his casual driving and his listless look all day long, she didn't know what happened to the latter. Whenever she wanted to care about him, she couldn't ask. The original cheerful personality also became silent.

A person's mood can affect many people around you. This sentence is correct. When you see a person in a bad mood, you will also be inexplicably in a bad mood. Looking at the other person's appearance seems to evoke a lot of unhappy memories.

In the morning of the third day, before Lin Feng got up, his mobile phone suddenly rang. Looking at the caller ID, it was from Long Yu. Lin Feng hurriedly pressed the answer button for a while.


I'm really sorry for everyone. This chapter is very difficult to write. Everyone can see that it is a long wait. For waiting, no one is in a good mood. Then, it is in a bad mood, and at least it is extremely difficult to write. I hope you will not dislike thirteen writing such an article. Thirteen has tried his best.

From tomorrow, Lin Feng will embark on a trip to the United States. Please have a chapter of red tickets and collections in your hands to cheer for our Lin Feng!!!