Extreme Hero

Chapter 110, Shooting

Las Vegas is the largest city in Nevada in the United States. It is famous for its huge tourism, shopping and vacation industries centered on the gambling industry and is one of the world's most famous resorts. From a huge playground to a truly flesh-and-blood and lively city, Las Vegas has been reborn in 10 years. Among the tens of millions of tourists who come to Las Vegas every year, the majority come to shop and enjoy food, but only a few come to gamble. Nevada, once satirized as a "sin city", has gradually matured into a real city.

The plane landed at Las Vegas International Airport on time, got off the plane, and felt the sunshine shining on the body from a foreign country. The air smelled cheerful. Looking at the world's blue-eyed Americans with high noses, Lin Feng was touched. In the past year, I came by a special plane, got off the plane on a hill 100 kilometers away from the city, and then walked into the city. Now it is landing directly in this world-famous resort.

Lin Feng felt the same amorous feelings brought by the city, tightened his black windbreaker, pulled his suitcase and walked out of the airport. He specially bought the windbreaker for this trip to the United States.

Out of the airport, a 1.8-meter-tall man in a black suit, yellow hair, high nose bridge and blue eyes came to Lin Feng and said to Lin Feng in English, "Mr. Lin, please get in the car."

Lin Feng thanked him in English and got into a black Mercedes-Benz beside the big man.

These are all arranged by Long Yu in advance, and they have also greeted Lin Feng. In order to protect Lin Feng's safety, the doctor acts as Lin Feng's driver. Of course, as a bodyguard, he is definitely not a person on the surface.

Long Yu has always been mysterious to Lin Feng. Although they have carried out many tasks with each other and then stayed together, Lin Feng still can't see the strength of the latter. All she knows is that she is very strong.

The big man drove and walked on the road of this world-famous city. Lin Feng rolled down the window and looked at the clean road on the street, the neat and orderly vehicles, and the pedestrians who talked and laughed, which were always full of an unspeakable cultural atmosphere.

A city like this is as prosperous as famous international cities such as Shanghai and Yanjing in China, but there is no sign of congestion when driving on the street, which shows the management is good.

The car quickly came to a hotel called MGM, which is the largest hotel in Las Vegas, and the in-hotel alone cost nearly 200 million US dollars.

The lion is the symbol of the hotel. It is said that when the hotel was first completed, the lion's mouth was wide open to show its prestige, but the business was not good. Someone suggested that the lion must open its mouth to give people a bad feeling and avoid it. Therefore, the owner of the hotel changed the lion's mouth to slightly open, and the money rolled in. In order to highlight the theme of lions, the hotel lobby has also opened a special corner to build a lion park and let lion trainers play with lions for tourists to enjoy. Tropical rainforest restaurant is also a major feature of this hotel. Although the taste is not good, the consumption is not low, but the flow of people is continuous. It is mainly to experience the unique environment here. In order to win a place in the gambling city where hotels are full of hotels, each store must do their best to build their own unique skills. Only by surprise can they win.

It may be said that MGM doesn't know, but when it comes to 007 or James Bond or the lion's head at the beginning of the film, I believe everyone is familiar with it. Yes, the company created by James Bond in the 007 series is MGM-M. Unfortunately, unfortunately MGM declared bankruptcy in March 2010, and since then the last independent production company among the eight major Hollywood companies has disappeared.

However, GMG Film and Television Company has nothing to do with MGM Hotel. It's just the same name.

Jumping out of the car and looking at a lion's logo with a slightly open mouth directly above the hotel lobby, I have to say that an invisible momentum floats in the air, which makes people can't help but want to submit to the underground head, but look at the lion's slightly long mouth, as if smiling and conveying friendship to people.

Looking at the endless stream of pedestrians entering and leaving the hotel, Lin Feng began to admire the hotel. Just like a person, give him two slaps and then give him a date. He still remembers your kindness. It can be seen that the owner of this hotel should learn from the heart, otherwise how could he understand people's psychology so thoroughly? In addition, it explains a truth, that is - cheap!

Unlike us Chinese, Americans always put polite words in their mouths, open the door and get out of the car and carry Lin Feng with a box to lead the way in front. Lin Feng follows behind him, "WelcomeMGM!" Welcome, through the glass automatic revolving door, to the lobby on the first floor.

The hall covers thousands of square meters. From the gate to the counter is covered with a soft red carpet. The whole hall is magnificent. Huge crystal lamps are hung upside down in the middle of the hall, and there is a fountain sprayed in the middle of the hall. There are several marble tables, glass tables, large round tables and sofas scattered next to the table in the hall. It seems to be scattered, but it looks very neat.

When he came to the counter, Max gave his name and room number to the two enchanting blue-eyed and yellow-haired ladies smiling on the counter, who took out the room card in the drawer and handed it to the latter. Then Max led Lin Feng to the elevator.

He came to the door of the room and swiped his card and entered the room. Max gave Lin Feng to the room and said to Lin Feng, "Miss Long told him to take a day off first, and we will go to the hospital tomorrow."

After Lin Feng thanked him, Max left his mobile phone number and closed the door.

Back to the bedroom, I got into the bathroom and took a hot bath, washed away all the fatigue of the day, and was ready to go back to ** to sleep. At this time, there was a knock on the door. He tied the bath towel around his waist and walked to the door with doubt and asked in English, "Who is it?"

"Hello, sir, lunch is delivered." Answer outside.

Lin Feng saw the waiter in uniform outside in the cat's eye. Maybe Max arranged it, so he opened the door.

The waiter pushed the dining car in and smiled warmly at Lin Feng, "Sir, your lunch."

Looking at the strangeness in the latter's eyes, Lin Feng suddenly felt the danger and didn't have time to think about it. He took off the bath towel at his waist and suddenly threw it at the latter. At the same time, his body also rushed out to the side.

"Bang!" With a gunshot, the bullet hit the wall, and a deep crater was hit on the white wall. Lin Feng turned around and grabbed the glass on the coffee table and smashed it at the latter.

Lin Feng's force was quite rapid, and the transparent glass hit the latter's shoulder like a bullet. The man snorted and tilted to the side. Lin Feng seized the opportunity, jumped, threw the man to the ground like a hungry wolf, waved his huge fist and punched the man's shoulder, then twisted it with one hand, turned the latter over and lay on the ground, grabbed the latter's hands and threw the pistol aside, and ordered, "Who let you come here?" After saying that, I knew that this was no longer a country of China, and then I asked in English.