Extreme Hero

Chapter 142, Night Attack 2

"How do you think they are doing?" Lin Feng leaned leisurely on the car and said to Song Yuandong with a smile.

"The people upstairs have come down, and it won't take long to come in person."

"What do you think?" Lin Feng nodded with admiration and said to the big black man beside him.

"I think we should take some people to guard the strongholds. When they pull people out, we will directly conquer the strongholds and take down their old nests."

"That's a good idea," Lin Feng boasted, and then the words changed. "Do you think dozens of us may have beaten hundreds of them?"

"It's hard to say. As long as it's well planned, I think we can do it." The big black looked at the bar with bright eyes and said.

"Tpeak and listen." The big black words aroused Lin Feng's curiosity and turned his face to look at the latter.

"It's so cold, we can take a corresponding approach." The big black man looked at Lin Feng's curious look and said vaguely, without saying what he thought in his heart.

"How many people will I give you? Can you take down their strongholds?"

The big black man was stunned and turned his head to look at Lin Feng in disbelief. "Aren't you that I will take people to the other party?"

"I believe you won't." Lin Feng shrugged his shoulders, turned around and continued to listen to the fighting in the bar.

The big black man looked at Lin Feng strangely and suddenly said, "It's enough to give me 30 people."

"How many people?" Lin Feng was shocked and looked at the latter incredulously. Even Song Yuandong couldn't help looking back at the latter.

"30 people, deal with them, and then you take advantage of the victory to chase the Huanglong Cave and take the stronghold." The big black said fiercely.

Lin Feng looked back at the situation here and said to Song Yuandong, "Go and help Xinglong. Wait for half an hour. Whether you come or not, you have to stay and come to us." After saying that, without waiting for the latter to speak, he shouted to the big black one, " get in the car."

Song Yuandong looked at Lin Feng, who was walking far away, sighed, and strode into the bar. Regardless of 3721, he threw up the stool and table to smash it. He wanted to end the battle here early to support the eldest brother.

30 people, go and hit hundreds of people? Are you kidding? Do you think you are Ultraman? Thinking to himself, Song Yuandong was also particularly fierce. After a while, he rushed to the center of the field and saw Yu Xinglong, who was covered in blood and illegible. The latter rushed over and said, "Brother Feng has gone to the stronghold."

Yu Xinglong looked at the latter strangely with his blood-red eyes, "What?" Now he has lost his eyes and can't hear what the latter is saying.

"Brother Feng has gone to the stronghold. Let's quickly solve the matter here to help." Song Yuandong dodged the machete cut in front of him, grabbed the table beside him and smashed it head-on. With a bang, the table was broken, his head broke, and blood splashed all over him.

Hearing Song Yuandong's words, Yu Xinglong was stunned. Fortunately, he quickly avoided the machete in front of him. He raised the blade in his hand and cut it head-on. With a "poof", the blood splashed everywhere, and the horse turned upside down.

"How could you let him go by himself?" Yu Xinglong began to be anxious, and the blade in his hand kept flashing cold light. Every time he split it, it would bring a burst of blood light.


Lin Feng and the big black man sat in a car in the middle and talked all the way, "What do you think we should do?"

At first, the big black man thought that Lin Feng was just a new ambitious person. Now his heart began to move backwards. He didn't expect that Lin Feng really adopted his suggestion. Is he gambling? If you want to bet, you are betting on your own life.

Looking at the latter's open and righteous mentality, he really impressed the latter, which made him know why Song Yuandong was willing to follow him, and Yu Xinglong, who joined later, he could see that these two people were definitely not ordinary roles.

"The weather is cold, and their stronghold must have set up the air conditioner very well, so we started from this point..." Along the way, the big black man kept saying his ideas. The more Lin Feng heard it, the more surprised he became. Is this still an idea that a gangster came up with? You can be a military engineer.

According to the latter's suggestion, Lin Feng arranged two people to prepare for the guy. Originally, he didn't expect that there would be so many Taoisms. Now it seems that even the underworld does not dare to come out without any level. With the development of the times, it is terrible to have no culture.

The stronghold of Jieyimen is on Changle Road, near Changxin Building, an office building called Xihua Building. The building has 23 floors and looks towering into the clouds at a glance, but such buildings are very common in Shanghai.

The building is not far from the city center, but now it is before dawn, and almost no one can be seen on the street. A line of three Psangs came, and then three and three cars stopped 10 cars. They stopped in the parking lot behind the Changxin Building. The detectives who had been lined up sent back the news and took more than 300 people to the Wangyou District Bar.

The big black man smiled and made a knot. Looking at a dark building, he waved to the two people behind him, "Stop the electricity."

The two answered and went out under the only street lamp.

"You two, go in and open the water valve."


The big black man kept giving instructions. In a short time, there were less than ten people left of No. 30 brought out by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng watched the latter give instructions in an orderly manner. No matter how he looked at it, he didn't look like a gangster. It seemed that this person was also a talent. Lin Feng thought.

Looking at the eight people behind him, nothing happened now, just waiting for the news from the building.

With the loss of time, Lin Feng couldn't stand the cold outside and hid in the car for a long time. A big black man waited under the building with more than ten brothers. Suddenly, there was a "bang", and the harsh glass cracked. The black man's body shook. He hurriedly bowed his head and asked Lin Feng, "Brother Feng, take action?"

Lin Feng, who heard the sound, quickly jumped out of the car and shouted coldly, "Action."

15 people pulled out their weapons from the trunk of Poussin's car and headed for the Xihua Tower majestically.

Lin Feng's knife is different from theirs. This is a bayonet specially shaped like Dongyang* specially made by Song Yuandong in the weapon store according to the Type 56 military thorn. The knife handle is narrow and long, the knife body is 273mm long, with a narrow body, and there is a blood groove in the middle. The whole knife is made of black metal and does not emit a bright light.

15 people came to the building and heard continuous scolding in the building. Lin Feng saw that the glass upstairs had broken a lot downstairs, and the lobby on the first floor was still flowing out.

The big black trick is really amazing. Break the glass, let the cold air outside in, and then put water to absorb the heat, and the room will get cold faster. In an air-conditioned office building like this, there is no thick quilt in it. When they scolded, their own people suddenly rushed in to kill him unprepared, which was simply high.

In an instant, with the fragmentation of the glass, the trespassers began to fight inside. The people they met were all machetes with cold light. Suddenly, the scolding in the corridor turned into a miserable roar. The next second, the sound suddenly stopped.

Yi Jinming, who was sleeping, suddenly received a phone call from the people below saying that the stronghold had been attacked. He was scared and jumped down in a hurry. Regardless of the "gentleness" of the women around him, he could not stay any longer. It seemed that tonight was destined to be extraordinary. Out of the villa, I drove a Mercedes-Benz to the West Building.

Halfway, the knot was thinking about who dared to attack his bar. The mobile phone suddenly rang, pressed the answer button, and his face suddenly changed. He put down his mobile phone and shouted, "Go back, the stronghold has been attacked!"