Extreme Hero

Chapter 143, Night Attack Point 1


Lin Feng led the No. 30 man's sudden big man's slogan, first to cheer for himself, and second to deter the enemy.

With the slogan shouted, the people who rushed out of the building were obviously stagnant. When they reacted, Lin Feng rushed to the first person, raised the bayonet in his hand and cut it down. With a "bang", blood splashed Lin Feng's face, and the latter fell straight down.

Seeing that the eldest brother was so brave, the brothers behind him were instantly excited and enthusiastic. They raised the machete in their hands, threw away their heavy clothes, and roared and killed the stairs.

As the saying goes: a bear, a bear, a nest of bears, under the leadership of Lin Feng, the brothers seem to have eaten **, not afraid of life and death, and move forward bravely.

In an instant, the whole hall on the first floor has become a hell on earth. Even if people keep rushing down from upstairs, Lin Feng's people are guarding the stairs with the momentum of "one man is the gate, ten thousand men can't open". Each person who comes down will be torn by countless machetes of the stairs, and in an instant become flesh and blood and lying at the top of the stairs. .

The upstairs kept rushing down and lying on the stairs one by one. In five minutes, the stairs were blocked by a corpse.

"Puff!" With a sound, the dark black metal bayonet suddenly stabbed into the abdomen. A man threw away the weapon in his hand, hugged his stomach, and cried and fell down.

In the lobby on the first floor of Huaxi Building, there was a continuous wailing. Under the leadership of Lin Feng, the No. 30 man held a machete in his hands. His eyes were red. When he saw people, he cut and smashed things. Lin Feng stood alone, regardless of how his men did it. Lin Feng wanted to let everyone know how miserable I, a new boy, was.

I don't want you to respect me, but I want you to see me in awe.

Lin Feng waved the bayonet in his hand and looked at the people who kept rushing down upstairs. There was no cold light, only continuous wind. Every time he waved it, there would be a fierce wind, and then he would hear a howl and the stimulation brought by the knife into the skin. With Lin Feng's strength, he will be seriously injured if he doesn't die.

The whole lobby on the first floor, under the reflection of the water flowing from the upstairs, is bright red and blood flowing into a river, and there is a strong smell of blood in the air. Each disabled person has either broken his leg or broken arm,

The big black man held a tired machete. He didn't know where his thick clothes had gone. He was sweating heavily and his body was soaked in blood. He didn't know whether he was his own or the enemy. He didn't know if he was injured. It seemed that he hadn't exercised for many years. At this moment, he felt extremely comfortable and looked at the station again. Lin Feng in the crowd, Lin Feng at this moment, is so tall.

"Brother Feng, shall we go up?" The big black kicked away a corpse in front of him and ran to Lin Feng and said.

Lin Feng looked at the latter's excited face and shouted coldly, "Up!"

Then, the brothers who stayed at the top of the stairs agreed to press the elevator. Soon all five elevators came down and went directly to the 23rd floor. Lin Feng said to the big black man, "Call Song Yuandong and let him guard outside the door. Bring people to kill them in first. Let's give him a meat sandwich."

The big black man smiled and said, "Brother Feng, don't worry, I have told them that they have been cleaned up and are coming this way."

Lin Feng looked at him with admiration, said nothing more, and began to guard against the latter in his heart.

You must find your own position. You can be smart, but you can't be smarter than your eldest brother, otherwise you will fall into a doomed place.

On the 23rd floor, there are only two sandalwood wooden doors out of the elevator, which should be a huge office and a secretarial room. Lin Feng thought, because it is such a style in Shen Kun.

Lin Feng held a bayonet and walked carefully to the door. The big black person took the two to the door of another room.

Everyone was close to the room, dared not breathe, and quietly looked at Lin Feng and the big black.

The two stayed in front of the door and listened for a moment, with alternating eyes and looking at each other. With a bang, the two of them came out of their feet at the same time. How could the wooden door suffer such a huge force? When it opened, Lin Feng rolled on the ground, glanced at the room for a week, stood up and wondered, "No one?" Then twelve or thirteen people rushed in behind Lin Feng and looked at the whole room.


Suddenly, the keen Lin Feng suddenly heard a "fine and broken" sound from the room, and then looked at the desk and made a quiet gesture to the people behind him. Everyone suddenly calmed down, and someone's feet that had just raised slowly put them back to their original place.

The sound of heartbeat...

The sound of breathing...

Lin Feng took a bayonet and slowly went to the innermost bathroom of the office for fear of making any noise. He walked carefully and fell on the floor with a drop of blood-stained sweat.

The big black man suddenly appeared at the door, looked at the quiet and terrible room, raised his foot and walked in. At a glance, he saw Lin Feng, who was holding a bayonet and covered with blood, carefully walking towards the bathroom.

The black man smiled, regardless of making a sound, took the machete he picked up somewhere and strode towards the bathroom.

"What are you going to do?" Lin Feng suddenly asked.

Then came a "bang" in the bathroom, as if something had fallen off.

Lin Feng's big man looked at the stainless steel glass door, and the big black man smiled, "Don't worry, Brother Feng, even if there is someone, he is just a little guy, not to be afraid." With that, he walked to the bathroom, walked to the door, raised his leg to the stainless steel glass door and kicked it.



The glass door suddenly broke, and Lin Feng hurriedly rolled on the ground and rolled behind the desk regardless of the image.

Everyone's body shook, and their hearts suddenly twitched, as if they had been pinched fiercely.

Lin Feng shouted, "Get down!"

With a "bang", more than 20 people didn't wait for Lin Feng to speak and threw away the knife in their hands and lay down, because they heard the sound of gunfire.

The person lying on the ground did not hear any other sound. He looked up curiously and saw that the big black eyes lying on the ground were wide open, and there was a blood hole in his head, and the blood was slowly flowing along the blood hole. The blade was thrown aside.

"Get out!" Lin Feng roared again.

Everyone stared at the broken stainless steel glass door and withdrew their legs weakly. No one likes to joke about their lives.

When everyone withdrew, the downstairs suddenly became chaotic. Although it was on the 23rd floor, Lin Feng's keen awareness knew that he had brought people back. He didn't see Yi Jinming from beginning to end. Isn't he no longer a stronghold? Or is the person in the bathroom Yi Jinming?

Thinking about it, it's impossible. How can the second head of a gang be so promising, and if you accidentally make a little movement just now, you will be scared like this, that is to say...

Lin Feng rolled on the ground, grabbed the phone and cup on his desk, quietly came to the door, and threw it at Lin Feng.

"Bum!" Bang!" Bang!" Bang!" ......

Lin Feng was sure that he was not a person who knew how to use a gun. The bullets were shot disorderly. Lin Feng rushed over with an arrow, picked up the big black blade left on the ground, and looked at a woman with dirty hair, messy hair and thin clothes inside. She waved her arms hard and suddenly, and the coldness suddenly leaked out. The blade pierced the woman's heart, and the gunfire suddenly stopped.