Extreme Hero

Chapter 184, Go to the Northeast

I'm really sorry, everyone, I made a mistake in uploading yesterday, and now I want to change it. Please forgive me!

In Shanghai City, Lin Feng and Tang Kejia sat in the corner of 1+1 coffee tea under the envious eyes of the waiter.

Both people are looking at a cup of hot and fragrant coffee in front of them.

Tang Kejia's face was gloomy, with his head down and the bangs on his forehead in front of him. He didn't know what he was thinking.

"What are you thinking about?" Lin Feng suddenly asked.

In fact, Lin Feng knew what Tang Kejia was thinking. The reason why he asked was that Tang Kejia opened the knot in his heart. As the saying goes, he still has to tie the bell man. Although this knot was tied by Lin Feng, Tang Kejia knew that he had to do this.

"Feng, do you think Liu Lanxin will be happy?" Tang Kejia suddenly looked up at Lin Feng and said.

"Don't worry, she will be happy."

After the battle in Chongqing, it can be said that Chongqing has made a lot of noise. The future of the most emerging force is infinitely good, but because of Lin Feng's sudden appearance, they collapsed in an instant. This is also not to blame others. They can only blame themselves. This is the way they chose. This is not only the destruction of Liu Haijun, but also the root Shen Kun's power also fell in an instant, so Liu Haijun, the top ten companies and fields in China, fell into the hands of Lin Feng.

Liu Lanxin, Liu Haijun's sister, knew her brother's crime in Tang Kejia's mouth. Even if she didn't want to believe it, her brother was no longer there.

She is a simple and kind girl. She didn't know that this was done by the underworld. Because many policemen were dispatched that night, and most of the policemen passed in front of the house, so she attributed the matter to the police.

As soon as Liu Haijun died, Liu Lanxin had no relatives in China. With the help of Lin Feng, she sent her to Australia to find her parents, but the shadow in her heart was believed that it would not disappear in a short time.

After this incident, Lin Feng's power also laid the foundation in Chongqing.

"Ye, I believe you." Tang Kejia raised his beautiful face and looked at Lin Feng.

It is still snowing outside, putting a thick layer of silver on the world. According to this momentum, not only the people, but also government officials are beginning to worry that in many places, because the ice and snow are too big, thick ice has condensed on the high-pressure line, and the lines have been broken, resulting in serious power outages in urban and rural areas.

The current era is the era of electricity. No electricity is like cutting off a person's arm and instantly paralyzed.

Whether it is newspapers or news, it is an urgent report on this matter and follow up on recent reports.

At this moment, the whole country is in a state of emergency assistance. The leaders of China rushed to the scene to express their condolences and made a commitment to the people to strive for power supply as soon as possible.

Lin Feng watched an old man with white temples walking among the people on TV, with a sad face, constantly booing and warming the people around him, paying attention to his health, etc. Lin Feng's heart was warm. Even if he was not at the scene, Lin Feng could feel the affinity of the No. 2 leader of China.

At this time, Lin Feng's mobile phone suddenly rang. Lin Feng picked it up and saw that it was from Long Yu. The latter would not call. Needless to say, there must be news in the northeast. Press the answer button,

"It has been found that the group of people in the village that were slaughtered 10 years ago have now been found, and they were a fledgling team ten years ago, or a triad force, and now they have developed into a force spanning more than half of Liaoning Province, known as the Ningxing Association. . Expand forces under the guise of revitalizing Liaoning,

But the government also turned a blind eye and let it develop, so that they were unrestrained and bold, and developed to the present level.

Long Yu told Lin Feng the details.

Lin Feng listened carefully to Long Yu's words, hung up the phone, and fell into meditation.

Tang Kejia looked at Lin Feng and knew that he was leaving him again. His heart tightened and raised his head. His eyes changed from confused to affectionate and mixed with reluctance to look at the latter. "Feng, you are leaving again, aren't you?"

Lin Feng woke up in his thoughts and looked at Tang Kejia, who was reluctant. His heart ached, because the latter said "and again". Yes, he basically didn't accompany her well after returning from Las Vegas. He had been fighting for so long that he had been very busy, and Lin Feng was unwilling to leave the latter alone, but He does things with principles, and he can't break his principles for the sake of his personal feelings.

What's more, he fights for more people.

Lin Feng does not admit that he is a good person, but no matter who he is, he has his own principles, and he will not break it.

Now I have to go on a trip to the northeast, and after solving the things in the northeast, I will go to Yunnan again before the New Year, and basically my mission will be completed. At that time, I can accompany her well.

Lin Feng stood up and sat next to Tang Kejia and looked at her with a tender face. "Don't worry, when I come back this time, I will go to the army to apply for recovery, and then accompany you all my life. I said it." Lin Feng said as if to promise, and then gently kissed Tang Kejia's face. The waiters in the store wanted to scream loudly. Don't you think this picture is too beautiful?

"Feng, I'm fine. Don't give up your career for me. No matter what happens, I will be by your side." Tang Kejia said tenderly.


On the plane, Lin Feng, five brothers and six people went straight to Liaoning.

It's no longer a secret. When Yiqiang returned to Shanghai, he told the story to Yishui and two people. They were also shocked, unwilling and angry. They didn't expect that there would be such a story under a kind lie. They were angry, angry with their villagers, and angrily slaughtered the werewolves in the village.

They knew that people were ambitious and obsessed with money, but they didn't expect that they would cause the whole village to be slaughtered because of their money, so they all resentfully wanted to go to their own village and find their enemies. They were all stopped by Lin Feng and educated.

The six people sat in the cabin, listening to the sound of the wings turning outside the window, and their faces were very solemn.

Because of the cold weather, the airport was basically suspended, so Lin Feng borrowed a helicopter from the army through Xie Shaohe, and the "pu-pu-pu" wing disrupted the falling snowflakes.

Lin Feng and the six of them will certainly not be opponents of Ning Xinghui, but when Lin Feng came back, they all thought about the plan roughly, and because Long Yu is still in the northeast, things will progress quickly with Long Yu's help.

They ate less on the plane. After nearly a day and one night of flight, they finally landed in the suburbs of Mingshan District, Benxi City, Liaoning Province. Long Yu was already waiting there. As soon as the plane landed, Lin Feng and others took Long Yu's car to their residence.

A row of three cars drove north along Guming Road. I don't know why, in late winter, the temperature in Liaoning Province, a city in the north of China, is much warmer than that of Shanghai, but the air is much drier than that of Shanghai.

On the way, Long Yu surrounded Benxi City and showed him several important places of Ningxing Association, and Lin Feng also remembered them one by one.

On the way, Longyu also told Lin Feng some important management of Benxi City and their residence and other important information. Lin Feng naturally knew something about Longyu's ability, so he was not surprised. Instead, he was surprised to see Long Yu's introduction. This can be called Half of the master's woman looks a few years older than herself, and it is more likely that she is not as old as him, but she can be so keen on the grasp of information.

Look at others and look at yourself. It's simply better than others. But Yishui has no idea of death, only the meaning of worship of the latter. Who can not worship such a person?

Soon, the car arrived at a farmyard and stopped. Long Yu led the way silently. Lin Feng followed closely and knocked directly on the door three times. After a pause, he tapped rhythmically for a second, and then twice. The door opened, and a dark man came out inside and saw It was Longyu who nodded to her, and then looked at the people behind Long Yu and let them in.

Entering the yard, the yard is not big and spacious. There are various agricultural tools in the corners of the yard. They look at this familiar picture and sigh with emotion, but unlike today in the past, they are not here to sigh, but to revenge.

Entering the room, and then turning around, I came to a room like a bedroom. The room was warm and moist, which was simply different from the outside. A humid machine was steaming hot, and there was a huge kang that could lie 10 big men. Two people were sitting on the kang, drinking and saw Long Yu coming in. He quickly stood up and gave up his seat to Long Yu and the others, while he went out.

Soon, there were only 7 people left in the room. Lin Feng did it on the kang, and suddenly a hot current rushed up along his buttocks and swept away the fatigue on his body. Lin Feng was stunned. He had never made a kang. He didn't expect that the kang had such benefits. Looking at his responsibility, he smiled and said, "It turns out that the kang will be so comfortable, you Northeast people I really enjoy it."

Everyone's faces were serious and didn't feel funny because of Lin Feng's words. Lin Feng stagnated and rolled his eyes. This writer really didn't understand humor.

"What are you going to do?" Long Yu sat opposite Lin Feng. Yishui and they just found a small bench in the room and sat down. Looking at Lin Feng and others, they also thought for a long time on the road, because Lin Feng conveyed Long Yu's words to them. They also knew that this action was very big, and they also thought about how to do it on the way, but in the end They all cheated their ideas, because it didn't work. They looked at Lin Feng attentively and wanted to know how they did it.

Lin Feng stopped the joke, thought for a while, looked around, and thought about the thoughts on the way. Summarizing in his heart, Shen Sheng said, "Assassination."