Extreme Hero

Chapter 185, Assassination



Long Yu was stunned and said, and they opened their mouths in surprise. They couldn't believe it. Yes, they could carry out assassination, but why didn't they think of it? They are all secretly annoyed that they are confused. Yes, the head-on impact is impossible to carry out the assassination.

Long Yu did not expect to carry out assassination, but on second thought, this is the only method feasible at present.

Now everyone knows why Lin Feng only brought five of them here. It turns out that the eldest brother has already made up his mind.

Now the five of them are admiring Lin Feng's idea. Why didn't they think of such a simple and luxurious idea? And everyone has complicated things.

Lin Feng didn't expect everyone to have such a big reaction. Looking at everyone, he said puzzled, "You wouldn't have thought of this method, would you?"

"I really didn't expect it." Five people said unanimously.

Lin Feng began to look ashamed. Looking at these people, it was too tough, but he also understood that they had been thinking about revenge for a long time, and they must have lost their mood. Unexpectedly, it was normal.

Then Lin Feng secretly discussed with Long Yu. Long Yu made a phone call, and then sent someone out to inquire about the positions of several major leaders in the Benxi City area and monitor them.

Lin Feng and several others rested on the bed for a day. By the next night, Long Yu had taken full control of their whereabouts.

Looking at a map on the kang, there are many more people in this room, including white people in Europe and the United States, black people in Africa, and yellow people in Asia, all kinds of people. And looking at everyone's strong bodies, the combat effectiveness must be good.

Long Yu pointed to the place on the map and drew circles with a red signature pen and said, "Song Jiahui is in the 213 private room on the second floor of Yide KTV. Pitt, find someone to go with you."

"Yes, sister." Pitt was a black man, with a big mouth and his eyes shining, saying excitedly, and then turned around and left with a man.

"Wu Mingyang is in Room 704 on the 7th floor of Edward Hotel, Oubin, you take someone there,"


"Guo Haiwei is in Vida Bar, Yishui, you can take someone there."

"Ye." Yishui answered and called Yihu out.

Continually arranged, there were fewer and fewer people in the room, and the circled places on the map were arranged. In the end, only success was left. Because of the young age of success, he could not do such a thing. Under Lin Feng's ** power, he honestly returned to his residence.

After arranging all the places, Long Yu breathed a sigh of relief. Lin Feng looked at Long Yu's tired appearance and couldn't bear to say, "Thank you for your hard work."

Long Yu immediately turned his face and looked at Lin Feng strangely and said, "You have never said this to me. This is the first time."

Lin Feng was stunned and smiled. Indeed, he didn't expect that he had completely changed when he returned to the metropolis. "Alas~" Lin Feng sighed helplessly.

"Why sigh?" Long Yu looked at Lin Feng meaningfully and asked.

"I've changed." Lin Feng rolled his eyes and answered truthfully, which was also dissatisfied with Long Yu's knowingly asked questions.

Long Yu smiled and went out to have a look. After saying that, he stood up and walked out.

Lin Feng looked at Long Yu's smile and couldn't react for a moment. Yes, Long Yu smiled. This ten-thousand-year-old ice smiled in front of him again. Looking at her smile, even if it was only very subtle, it was enough to make a man excited.

Seeing that Long Yu had gone far away, Lin Feng foolishly recovered and hurriedly left the warm kang there and walked out.

The night in the countryside is also dark, but there are also twinkling stars in the sky. Now in China, it keeps snowing in the south, but the sky in the north is strangely good. Not only is it sunny during the day, but also full of stars at night.

Out of the yard, a cold wind blew and cut his face like a knife, which was painful and painful.

The weather in the north is dry, so the wind is particularly strong.

Looking at Lin Feng's appearance, Long Yu took out a locomotive hat in the car and handed it to Lin Feng and said, "Put this on." Then he sat in the cab and caught fire.

Lin Feng took his hat, smiled helplessly, put his hat on his head, got into the car, and as soon as Longyu stepped on the accelerator, the car also ran out.

The car walks smoothly on the street, like a ride, but it is a heavy blow to the Ningxing Club, which can cover half of the sky with one hand.

Peter swaggered into the huge stereo in Yide KTV with a DJ full of **. For black people, they couldn't help swinging to the rhythm of the music, making the waiters in the hall laugh for a while, but they were also impeccable of this black man's dance skills, as if they were Life is just like a dancer.

A waiter came over and asked Pete, "Sir, is it open?"

"Open." Although Pete was an American, what he said was a Northeast smile at the waiter, and then walked to the second floor with the black man who was constantly twisting around him.

When I came to the second floor, I saw three people standing in front of the door of a private room, constantly walking around, looking at both sides, and their bodies were constantly turning with the music coming out of the room. It seemed that they were doing well beside the eldest brother.

The black man was still swinging with the music coming from the room, which also attracted the attention of the three people. The three looked at the black man, and they also twisted their bodies and kept approaching the black man.

"Xiao Wang," the artist shouted.

Xiao Wang said to the man who called him, "Isn't it just a black man? It's okay."

The black man also looked at the man and shouted, "YO, YO, LET'TGO!" Walk forward with dance steps.

Peter looked at it and shook his head helplessly, but his hand was behind his back, and a cold dagger appeared in his hand. Although the black man is also swaying, the handle of the dagger hidden in his sleeves has been held in the palm of his hand, his face is still smiling, and his white teeth are exposed.

Peter looked at the happy appearance of the black man and was really happy for him, because they were all walking on the edge of death. When did they come so happy?

Looking at himself getting closer and closer to them, Pete walked ahead of the black man, getting closer and closer to the 213 private room, and closer to the two people at the door.

Looking at the two people at the door, they were not alert to them. Peter was also very "relaxed" and walked to the two. Peter's body suddenly jumped, and the dagger appeared in an instant. The cold light flashed. The dagger instantly disappeared in the neck of the nearest person, and the man died instantly.

Things happened suddenly, and suddenly there was no preparation.

Before the two reacted, the black man also moved. With a "brush", the dagger pulled out of his sleeve and stabbed the man who was still dancing. With a "bang", the dagger pierced the latter's heart.

Peter was not idle. He watched the first person die, his feet slippery, and his body rotated in place. With a "bang", the dagger with blood beads that had not yet been thrown off fell into the other person's head again.

One word, hurry up!

It's too fast and dizzy.

Three people were killed in an instant, but the music in the corridor was still ringing. Perhaps because there were important people in the building, there was not even a security guard or waiter on duty on the whole road.

Peter looked at the three bodies lying on the ground and gave a thumbs up to the black man. The black man grinned and said an English sentence.

The two looked at both sides, then took out the machine gun under the huge windbreaker and quietly looked inside in the small window on the door. Compared with the magnesium-like flash, there was a group of beautiful women in bikinis swinging with the music in front of them, while the person sitting inside was in the dim light. I faintly saw the man holding a beautiful woman, constantly raising and lowering her hands, eating the fruit handed over by the beautiful woman.

After confirming it, Peter kicked the door of the private room with a loud bang and a loud noise. Without waiting for the people inside to react, he set up a machine gun and shot inside.

The machine gun kept spitting out fire, and crying in the private room for a moment. Song Jiahui, who was sitting in the innermost part, also reacted quickly. His arms suddenly pushed the two girls around him to him. The sound of "bang" was endless, and the two girls were shot in front of him.

The bikini beauties standing on the dance floor swaying and dancing died on the spot, and the bodyguards sitting in the corner did not react for a moment, but when they reacted, they were also hit by several bullets.

Song Jiahui watched the two women die, loosened one hand and took out the pistol at his waist, but looking at the mess all over the room, he also cleverly leaned the two women's bodies against him and lay on the sofa and pretended to be dead. Otherwise, as long as he shot and attracted attention, he would be completely ruined.

The gunfire was directly covered by the loud sound, and the battle in the room did not disturb the people outside at all.

Peter and the black man stopped shooting, looked at the mess in the room, looked at each other and walked forward. It seemed that the two had also cooperated many times. The one with a tacit understanding was in the front and the back. They assisted each other and came to Song Jiahui's side. Song Jiahui had nervously grasped the pistol in his hand and narrowed his eyes to look more and more. Peter, who is close, dares not move. As long as he moves, the black guy behind him will definitely shoot him first.

At this moment, his forehead is covered with sweat, and he can only pray that they will not find out.

Peter carefully walked to the coffee table and saw two women in front of people. They smiled without any warning. "Dat..." A burst of shooting, and the poor Song Jiahui's reaction was dead.

The two smiled and swaggered away from KTV.

At this moment, nearly ten people, including Wu Mingyang of Edward Hotel and Guo Haiwei of Vida Bar, died in "quietness" at the same time. In an instant, the whole Liaoning Province was shocked. Who dared to fight against Ning Xing?

In an instant, the bosses of Ningxinghui gathered to discuss the seriousness of the incident. Even the bosses of Ningxinghui in other places rushed back and stirred up thousands of waves. At this moment, the whole Liaoning Province shook, and the whole province fell into tension in an instant.