Extreme Hero

Chapter 186, Secret Action 1

"Bun bastard!" In the quiet conference room, Yu Haibo stood on it, suddenly slapped the table and was furious.

How can he not be angry? Such a thing will happen in the help. How can his peers laugh at him? They will tremble with the existence of Liaoning Province. Now they are bullied by riding on their necks, and solve the 10 leaders of Benxi City in the gang at one time. How can he not be angry? He is angry The lungs are about to explode.

Nearly 25 managements present looked at the eldest brother and dared not breathe. The gang has been established for more than 10 years, and there are dozens of them. This has never happened before. They killed 10 people in charge at one time, and they were all in charge who stayed in Benxi City. If they were also in Benxi City at that time Will it end up like them? As soon as this idea came up, everyone shuddered and couldn't help wiping the sweat on their foreheads.

"Who can explain to me why?" Yu Haibo's eyes swept over everyone's face fiercely. Suddenly, everyone lowered their heads, and no one dared to look up.

Yu Haibo slapped the table, "Bang!" With a sound, the extremely quiet conference room exploded again, and the eardrums buzzed. The body suddenly trembled.

They are used to living a good life and suddenly encounter setbacks and don't know how to do it.

"Brother, this matter is obviously aimed at us,"

"Nonsense, I also know it's against us!" Yu Haibo suddenly cursed.

"Yes, yes," the man nodded quickly and said yes, and then continued, "They are targeting us rather than between gangs. What they should solve should be private grievances. They should know the size and breadth of our power in Liaoning Province, so they dare not fight head-on, and the adoption is assassination. Everyone knows that we have After many years of encountering such a thing, who would have thought that such a thing would happen? So things will happen suddenly, which no one can imagine.

"What on earth are you trying to say?"

"I mean, they are very tolerant opponents, and it will not be easy to deal with them, but as long as they are still in Liaoning Province, we can definitely catch them."

"I heard from my men that a military helicopter flew to the south a few days ago and landed in Mingshan District, Benxi City. Now the whole country knows that the snow disaster in the south and the airport can't be used, so they came here by helicopter. I think they may have done this. I have sent someone to check it. I believe it's very You can bring back the news soon."

"Hm, I'll give you half a day. If you can't find out, just roll up and get out of here." Yu Haibo took a look at him. Although he said so, there was still a look of approval in his eyes.

At the residence, Lin Feng, Long Yu and others sat on the kang without saying a word. There were five brothers and Peter and others in the room. Everyone was standing in the room. The atmosphere of the whole room was strange and seemed to be nervous.

After a night of assassination, nearly ten leaders in charge of Benxi City came to the pool of blood one after another, which made Ningxing, who dominated Liaoning Province, furious, and even Yu Haibo, the eldest brother who went out of the country, hurried back. It can be seen how shocking the events in Benxi City have brought.

Now the whole Liaoning Province is in turmoil. Just like the sentence "One stone stirs up thousands of waves", the whole Liaoning Province is trapped in a tension. Even the people will feel depressed atmosphere when they go out to buy vegetables, the depressed people can't breathe, and the cars walking slowly on the street dare not sound their horns.

"What should we do now?" Long Yu looked at Lin Feng and said.

Lin Feng didn't expect that the situation would develop to this point. Who would have thought that killing 10 people would cause such a big movement.

Lin Feng frowned deeply and looked at the cup in front of him and said, "We have to wait. I think our current place is no longer safe. They will find it soon. You can send someone to find another place quickly."

"Ye." Long Yu nodded and waved to a man. The man was understanding and took two people out. They are comrades-in-arms who often fight together. Without talking more, they can understand what the other party wants to express with one gesture.

Lin Feng admires their training and thinks that he can have his own team at any time.

Their efficiency is very fast. Just after the Haibo meeting, within 3 hours, they found Long Yu's place and sent people to rush there.

A group of more than 10 cars and 230 people rushed to the location of Longyu with long tail wings.

At the same time, Longyu also found a new place to live. He packed up everything and drove out of the cellar and rushed in another direction.

In this way, one went north and the other went south, and the two teams met at the intersection of Chengjia Street and Chenghua Road.

Lin Feng looked at more than 10 cars moving backwards. Although there was black window paper on the other party's window, Lin Feng also felt the eyes projected by the other party and hurriedly said to Long Yu beside him, "Disband the team." Needless to say, Long Yu has already done so.

"Zhao Tong, you take someone to follow the car behind you." Zhou Yong, who took the lead, picked up his mobile phone and said.

Then I saw more than 10 cars, and a car followed the motorcade that had just passed by.

Longyu's motorcade did not disperse immediately, but went to the next intersection. The motorcade was divided into two batches. At the next intersection, there were two batches. No matter whether you followed or tracked or tracked several vehicles behind, almost a few cars went to the block.

"Brother Yong, they don't seem to be together, they just happen to pass by." Zhao Tong picked up the phone and said to Zhou Yong.

"Ye, come back."

When they got to the place, more than 20 people came down from more than ten cars and rushed into the yard. There was nothing else in the yard. It was already empty.

"Bun bastard!" Zhou Yong looked at the ruins left to himself, and the atmosphere was beyond words. He grabbed Zhao Tong and slapped him with a big mouth, "Bastard, it was their car just now. Now it's fine. There's nothing left. How can I explain it when I go back?"

Zhao Tong's face suddenly swollen a purple fingerprint, and innocently looked at Zhou Yong and said, "Brother Yong, hit... call the hall..."

"You still want to say it." Zhou Yong still took Zhao Tong out, took out his mobile phone and called the hall, explained the matter, and then looked at Zhao Tong beside him, "You run back, let's go."

Then Zhao Tong was left alone to look at the convoy and go far away. Zhao Tong was dumb and suffered from Huang Lian.

Lin Feng has already begun to play hide-and-seek with them. Several cars are scattered and constantly walking at the major traffic intersections in Benxi City. From time to time, they will see a team of convoys walking in front of them. They don't know who to look for, because there are many of the same cars, and Zhou Yong did not write down the other party's license plate number.

In this way, from noon to evening when it got dark, Lin Feng and Long Yu went to the hotel for dinner, and then drove around the city.

In this way, for half a day in a row, the people of Ningxing Club fell far away, so that they could not find the east, west, north and south.

A convoy came to several villages near Houshi Primary School in Xihu District, Benxi City and rented a house. More than 20 of them were scattered in several surrounding villages to form a corner. Since they have moved out, we will come one by one. This is Lin Feng's idea.

Lin Feng thought that if they sent someone to kill their opponents in the process of tracking today, they would be unable to defend themselves, but in that case, they would basically have no foothold in Benxi City or even Liaoning Province, and it would make it more difficult to avenge the Yishui brothers, so Lin Feng gave up this idea.

Entering the village, a black man led the way and took him and Long Yu into the yard on the side of the village. The yard was not big and cleaned up. Lin Feng looked at the yard, then nodded, looked at Long Yu, and walked into the house one after another.

The black man led them in and left. Then the two walked into the room. The room was warm. It seemed that the kang had been heated. Lin Feng nodded and looked at a small table on the kang, a bottle of wine, two white porcelain glasses, peanuts and other dishes on the table.

Lin Feng sat up carelessly. Long Yu sat opposite Lin Feng and asked, "What are you going to do next?"

"Stabilize first, and then say it." After saying that, Lin Feng first poured herself a glass of wine, picked up the glass and drank it all, then poured another glass, and poured another glass for Long Yu.

Long Yu looked at the latter and seemed to ignore it, but she knew that Lin Feng must have an idea and was not in a hurry. She picked up the glass and drank all the wine in the glass.

In the mouth of the wine, a hot feeling suddenly surged up. Although Long Yu drank countless strong wines, he couldn't help coughing, and his frozen red face surged up with a layer of pink glow. Lin Feng had never seen such a dragon rain, and he was stunned for a moment.

Long Yu also knew that he had made a fool of himself, so he quickly stood up and ran out like a little daughter-in-law.

"Alas~~" Lin Feng sighed, shook his head helplessly and continued to drink.

Another day has passed. The moon is dark and the wind is high, the cold wind is roaring, and the branches are ringing.

Suddenly, two figures popped up in the dark night, followed by three. Five of them were wearing black clothes that were nowhere to get. Lin Feng looked at the four brothers with bright eyes. Because he was young, he didn't ask him to come over.

"Now there are only five of us. I have told you the location. I don't need to say more, no need to talk nonsense, and try to end them in the shortest time. Time is urgent. It's dangerous to waste one second. Don't you remember?" Lin Feng looked at them and said.


The four people nodded heavily. Although they had undergone strict training, they had never acted alone and were a little nervous.

Long Yu has always arranged for many people to wander at the entrance of the street, so they are different from themselves, so Long Yu knows Ning Xing well.

Tonight, we discussed together. Long Yu took people to assassinate the heads of other halls and left the boss of Ningxing Club to them. Lin Feng was worried and went with him.

Lin Feng looked at their nervous appearance and helped them relax. Then the five people jumped like civet cats and disappeared under the street lights and went to the city center.