game of memorial

Chapter 43 --Preparation for the Speech Competition

Chapter 43--Preparation for the Speech Competition

"Business voice, have you read my speech?" Wu Meng was busy, and due to the hot weather, Wu Meng was so busy that she was sweating and couldn't care about wiping it. In elegant words, he has lived a full life these days. In straightforward terms, he is as busy as a dog. The bet with Wu Mei Niang, the speech competition is coming, and the communication with Sanwu little Lori, although Wu Meng is still talking to himself alone. Then, due to the emergence of the second goal, Wu Meng also had to strengthen her contact with her royal sister Fang Rou. However, compared with the other two, Fang Rou is indeed a place that Wu Meng does not want to go. So far, although the relationship between the two has gradually eased to friendship, it is still deepening, but she is a stepmother. The child. Wu Meng didn't know how to face her.

"Wu Meng, that's your speech! Anyway, I don't expect you to rely on the strength of your speech to get the first place. In my opinion, you'd better use your dil's ability. Take the money to open the way, and the road will be much smoother. Shang Yin looked at Wu Meng's speech seriously and said with a smile, "Hey, I won't talk about you. I haven't found that you are still quite talented!" It's so funny!"

"That's it, that's it!" Wu Meng was complacent and installed the revised speech again and again. There is no need to prepare anything else. Those things can't be done now, as long as you give full play to your personal acting skills. Well, that's all about Wu Mei Niang. Next, think about how to deal with the three-no little Lori.

Do you want to continue to tell Andersen's fairy tales with her every day? Wu Meng scratched her head with a headache. Forget it, I guess this little Lori won't react. If this is a real world, give me time. A month won't work for a year, and a year won't work for five years. One day, I can open the heart of this little Lori. Unfortunately, this is a game. There is not so long game time for me to squander, so I have to!

Little Lori, don't blame me for being cruel! Wu Meng's evil smile, what is the most important thing about walking around the world? Wu Meng hasn't walked through the world. He doesn't know, but Wei Xiaobao knows! It's better to have sweat medicine! In modern society, where did the Mongolian sweat medicine come from? The wrong name is ecze! I haven't eaten pork, but I've seen pigs run away! Wu Meng just dialed a phone number stored in the mobile phone, and the problem was easily solved.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the courier company sent what Wu Meng had been waiting for - ecze. Anyway, they are all dboys now. If they don't even have these things, how can they be the second ancestor?

Opening the package, Wu Meng took out a small and exquisite medicine bottle from the express package. The core of fanaticism! What a good name." Wu Meng looked at this beautifully packaged small bottle of medicine, which was an ordinary granular pill, light white but crystal clear. Just such a small bottle of medicine costs more than 1,700 yuan, which is more expensive than going out to find a lady in real life. Unfortunately, this is a game. No matter how much money he spends, Wu Meng is not distressed. Moreover, his school director's father will give him endless money for him to spend. It seems that since the death of his biological mother, Wu Meng's request has always been obedient. The only exception is about Aunt Fang.

Let's solve the matter of little Lori like this! After the duel with Wu Mei Niang, it should not be difficult to solve this three-no little Lori. What about Fang Rou? Is it also solved by such a means?

I don't care, Wu Meng suddenly lay down on the big **. The soft elasticity of the big ** face is very good, and Wu Meng doesn't think about anything. Well, a quiet rest is enough. Let's talk about the rest later!

Why don't you go to class again? Anyway, it's all idle and boring. Why don't you go to class like this? Wu Meng got up from ** again. Everything that should be prepared is also ready, and the rest just wait for the east wind.

Wu Meng came to his class. Taking advantage of the teacher's inattention, he opened the door and slipped back to his seat. The business voice next to him is still listening carefully. I said Shangyin, you really watched it coldly, did you? Be a good child like this every day? Listen carefully and take notes in class, and carefully review what you have learned after class? You are also a member of my team. You can't let me do all these things.

"What do you want? Let me also help you chase girls?" Shang Yin stared at him and looked back at his book. "Don't pretend in front of me. Looking at your appearance, you will know that you can't wait to be like this!"

"Haha!" Wu Meng laughed twice. He really didn't expect Shang Yin to help him. He just wanted to show off. After all, Jinyi's night trip was a shameful thing.

After a while, Wu Meng was a little bored again. While riding the teacher's blackboard, Wu Meng slipped away from the back door again. This time, I wandered around and unconsciously came to Su Xiaomei's class. Khan, with this memory, it's good to find a way out. Wu Meng did not expect to go anywhere else. In the past two days, in addition to the dormitory canteen, Su Xiaomei's class is the most diligent here.

When Wu Meng came here, she happened to see Sun Bo and Su Xiaomei standing in front of the class and saying something. Seeing Wu Meng coming, Su Xiaomei just looked at him, but Sun Bo retreated a few steps knowingly and said to Wu Meng, "Wu Meng, I have already figured it out. From now on, Su Xiaomei and I will not There is any relationship, and in order to show my innocence, I decided not to meet Su Xiaomei again. I have even proposed to work in the branch of our college to your father. Today, I also want to make this clear to her. Don't think too much! As for the rest... it's nothing."

"Are you satisfied!" Su Xiaomei didn't look at Sun Bo, but just stared at Wu Meng, "I'm already engaged to you. Why aren't you satisfied? I said that I would marry you as soon as my father recovered. Don't you believe it? Do you still have to come to my class every day? Do you still want to transfer Sun Bo away now?

"No, little sister... Well, Su Xiaomei, transfer, it's just my personal will, and the superiors consider that the branch campus also needs a certain number of teachers to go, so I left. This has nothing to do with Wu Meng. All right, goodbye, Wu Meng. Sun Bo smiled at Wu Meng again and left decisively without looking at Su Xiaomei.

Wu Meng never knew how Sun Bo behaved so abnormally today. Later, he heard from the school director's father that after Sun Bo was sent to the sub-campus, he became the leader of their teaching team. Wu Meng was still sighing. In fact, at that time, Wu Meng really wanted to make it clear to Su Xiaomei and Sun Bo, but at that time, time had already changed.

There was nothing good here. Wu Meng sighed and was distracted. How did she come out to find anger? Wu Meng took a look at the little Lori outside the window. The little Lori still looked at Wu Meng without showing any joy. Wu Meng was helpless and went out for a walk again.

When passing by the playground, Wu Meng saw another acquaintance... Wu Mei Niang. This queen Lala's motor nerves are really not very developed. She is actually playing basketball! Although Wu Meng doesn't play basketball very much, as a man, at least the students around her are paying attention to the NBA and other things. Wu Meng knows more or less, but even people who don't know anything about basketball will think she is awesome when they see Wu Mei Niang's gameplay. Wu Mei Niang's playing style is not as gorgeous as street basketball. On the contrary, the ball path is very simple, which looks like the blood boiling feeling of men's basketball.

Well, what is this? Wu Meng's mouth opened into an O-shaped shape, and then his chin almost fell off. Slam dunk! It turned out to be a slam dunk! As a man with a height of 184, Wu Meng knew that she still couldn't dunk, but she didn't expect that this Wu Mei Niang, who was a little shorter than herself, could dunk. That bounce was not very good! It's worthy of Queen Lala. It's so violent to play basketball!

Such a picture suddenly appeared in Wu Meng's head. The queen Lala lay white in **, and then when Wu Meng arrived, Wu Mei Niang, who was lying obediently in **, instantly subdued Wu Meng, and the scene was extremely bloody and cruel, like a hellish ** scene... Ah... Ah... It hurts so much... ...Flying whips, beating candlelight, candles dripping...

Evil! Wu Meng stopped her thoughts. Forget it, I'm very pure! I still don't want this.

"Kid, why are you afraid? Want to kneel and beg for mercy? Don't want to lose face in the speech contest again? Wu Meiniang, who was playing basketball, saw Wu Meng's figure and came to provoke again.

"Are you afraid? I don't know how to write?" Wu Meng regretted that she was seen by this female demon again. If she had known it, she would not have come. Wait, I'll let you know what the gap is!"

"Can you do it? I'm afraid you can't do it!" Wu Meiniang smiled delicately, but unfortunately, her smiling voice was also powerful and majestic, without any euphemism. Absolute queen-like smile.

Wu Meng doesn't pay attention to it anymore. Forget it, I'd better go first, otherwise the three games will go wrong later, and then fight again. Wu Mei Niang looks so majestic. Why does she seem to have practiced with Brother Chun? We can't afford to provoke our little arms and calves. Let's wait to kill her in the game and give her a beautiful kill!

Like this kind of queen Lala, what she said will definitely count. At that time, I will ask her to wait for me in **. Didn't I control her at that time? If I want her to be round, I will be round, and if I want to be flat, I will be flat. That's interesting!

Forget it, don's not turn around and refresh yourself. The day after tomorrow is the day of the speech competition. At that time, Wu Mei Niang, you will know the power of my Wu Meng's nickname "Dead Man"!

Naturally, "dead man" does not mean that I am dead, but that my "poet" is a homonym. At the beginning, my brother was also a literary youth. At that time, I liked to write two poems every day to entertain myself. However, usually others said that I was talented and I couldn't help it, so my fame gradually spread.

If it weren't for the later parents, maybe at this time, I would still be a happy "dead man"...

Wu Meng's eyes showed that look again. She did sigh, and then closed her eyes.