game of memorial

Chapter 44 -- Competition, Fight!

Chapter 44 - Competition, Fight!

Time is really fast. In a blink of an eye, it came to the moment of the game. ...The college's speech contest starts now!" Although the crowded auditorium is gorgeously decorated and touching, unfortunately, no one pays attention to it. The noisy students have gathered together and are indeed not interested in enjoying the decoration of this auditorium. On the stage, it was the host who made the opening remarks. With the host's words, the students who have been listening to the sleepy speech of the school leader have been helpless for a while. They have been waiting for more than an hour, but they didn't expect it to be just a foreword! The official content is just starting now, my God.

It's very hot in the auditorium. There's nothing we can do. It's summer. The weather is hot, and the college has to hold a speech contest. It also stipulates that you must go. If you don't go, you will be deducted! Although it is helpless, you can't deduct the few credits that take a semester to get just for a few hours. Therefore, although most people are not very reluctant, they still come and regard it as a steam bath. Who has the mood to see it? Just watch the fun.

Unlike many students around him who were forced by teachers to participate in this speech activity, although Wu Meng also hates this kind of compulsory activity in the school from the bottom of his heart, today alone, he has no sense of unhappiness. Because today is the day of the battle he agreed with Wu Mei Niang.

Wu Meng looked through the cracks in the curtain hanging at *. Under the stage, there was a black crowd. The fruit was very felt, which was very meaningful to point out the country and the passionate words. Although they are all sitting disorderly, with this number of people, at least I feel much better. Martial arts masters also need to lower their hands to highlight, just like red flowers can't leave the green leaves.

On the night of the full moon, on the top of the Forbidden City, a sword comes to the west, and immortals fly outside the sky.

Wu Meng is almost ready, but he still checks over and over again for any shortcomings, constantly looking at the speech he has already memorized. In order to fight for a while, he must ensure that he is in the best state, and no small mistakes are allowed! Because this is not only to fight with Wu Mei Niang, but also a means to achieve the third goal.

Wu Meng took a deep breath and tried to relax as much as possible. At this time, he could clearly see Wu Mei Niang's figure. Today, Wu Mei Niang attended in a formal dress of a lady, showing her graceful, gorgeous figure and beautiful face. Wu Meng also had to admit in her heart that Wu Mei Niang was indeed a beautiful woman. And in comparison, Wu Mei Niang did not mean a trace of tension. Instead, she exuded Xiong's fighting spirit and didn't care about other contestants. She made a contemptuous gesture to Wu Meng and smiled as if she was winning.

"Wu Meng, today I will show you what the absolute gap is!" Wu Mei Niang's arrogant tone made Wu Meng laugh angrily.

Do you think you can win? Wu Mei Niang, I want you to lose! Wu Meng looked at Wu Mei Niang's smile and did not do anything irrational because of her provocation. Instead, she stared at Wu Mei Niang abnormally. She smiled and began to frown.

"Wu Mei Niang, Wu Mei Niang, wait, you will know in a minute that the gap does exist, but you still lie obediently in ** waiting for me! Haha”

"Only you, I'm afraid your legs will be weak at that time!" Wu Meiniang counterattacked rudely.

Wu Meng didn't reply, and what he said was meaningless. Specifically, it depends on the victory or defeat. The so-called plan is in people, and success is in heaven. However, in terms of people, we need to pay attention to it!

The camera was pulled the day before. In front of the dormitory building of the college, a group of people gathered together. The figure surrounding the center was Shang Yin, and behind Shang Yin, there were several fierce gangsters standing. Shangyin held a pile of RMB in his left hand and a notebook in his right hand, shouting something. In tomorrow's speech competition, if you vote for Wu Meng, you will choose to be friends, and each person can get a reward of 100 yuan. However, if you don't vote for Wu Meng, but Wu Mei Niang, don't need to say the consequences. You should be very clear about what Wu Meng's temperament is! Don't regret it..." Although the people around him didn't say anything, they naturally knew how to choose from the bad-faced gangsters. In their hearts, they naturally knew how to choose.

I voted for Wu Meng. It's very good. I still have money to vote for Wu Mei Niang. The money is gone, and I was at least beaten. In the future, it will also become Wu Meng's eye thorn. His father is a school director. Any finger can make it difficult for you to turn over. How do you choose?

This is Wu Meng's card. Although it is obviously a speech contest, even if it is a speech contest, is it difficult to do such a simple thing as the son of a school board? The identity of this world, he is the second ancestor, not only that. To be on the safe hand, Wu Meng also visited several teachers as judges in person.

When those judges and teachers saw that they were the sons of the school board of Wu, they naturally did not dare to neglect them. Moreover, this is just a speech contest. What's the dilemma? They have put down their harsh words to Wu Meng and dare not turn out. The first place in the speech contest is Wu Meng's! Yes, this is just a speech contest held on campus, and there is not much authority. As for other students, who cares about you? We have decided on the champion, and it's good for you to have a consolation award!

The first speaker to speak was a four-eyed brother with glasses. It can be seen that this brother was well prepared. When he came on stage, he began to talk endlessly. A string of bombards and bombs came out, and there was no breath in the middle. Not to mention the emotional color, he even omitted the changes in tone. More interesting, the content of what he said was... Well, how to put it... The title of his speech is "My Motherland"... It's not that the topic of my motherland is not good, but the sleepy students under the stage are more sleepy, including the teachers sitting on the judges' bench, are also a little impatient to watch. Watch, I just hope you can go down as soon as the time comes.

At the end of the first place, there was no applause that should have been heard, but there were a lot of cheers. The brother clamped his glasses and went down in dismay.

Wu Meng shook her head helplessly, and the speech contest was not faster than her mouth! What's the use of saying so fast? There is no emotional color at all. It's good to applaud. It's okay if you don't drive him down directly.

The second speaker on the stage is fine. She is a delicate girl who speaks softly and has the soft feeling of Jiangnan Watertown. Regardless of the content of her speech, with this face, she won a lot of applause! The perverts under the ground kept roaring loudly. Wu Meng shook his head to wipe his sweat. Is this a speech contest? Why do I think it's a beauty pageant? Compared with the first place, the girl's speech seemed to be unprepared, and she even forgot her words on the stage. However, her face and soft words have competed for his influence. At least when the girl left the stage, there was applause rather than a fall.

Next, several people took turns to show their ugliness on the stage. They are really ugly, not rhetorical techniques. Comparatively speaking, Wu Meng suddenly felt that her speech level should have won the championship even if she did not use other means. These people, who forgot their words, stood on the stage stupidly and stared at the audience under the stage. You looked at me, I looked at you, and a group of people played with each other. In addition, because he was too nervous to talk upside down on the stage, a speaker even said a brief introduction of himself at the beginning five times.

"H, everyone, I'm so-and-so... Well, no... I'm a so-and-so from a certain class. What I'm giving you today is... Well... I'm a so-and-so from a class in a certain department..."

Strength! Wu Meng sighed, and the master was lonely. I didn't expect that I hadn't been in this industry for so many years. How could he have regressed so much in this circle? Do you really need me to shake everyone?

"I'm Wu Mei Niang!" When Wu Meng YY was, I don't know when Wu Mei Niang had walked to the stage. Was it her turn? Isn't that almost over? Only then did Wu Meng remember that because it was an internal thing, naturally, the order of Wu Meng's speech came to the end, which was mainly the selfishness of the judges and teachers. Although Wu Meng is the son of the director of Wu, if he does it too much, it will not look good. At the end, even if the performance is slightly worse, those who pay attention to the speech competition at this time will not pay much attention to it, and any flaws can be covered up.

"Ah... I love you--" "Queen--our queen--" suddenly shouted, and the originally dead auditorium suddenly seemed to make a sensation. Sleeping, chatting, playing mobile phones, reading novels, it seemed that in an instant, all people began to go crazy towards Wu Mei Niang. Keep shouting. Wu Meng bit her lower lip and looked at the audience who were almost crazy. She scratched her hair in disbehendingly. Is it so exaggerated? Just say a name! Eh-huh? Just when Wu Meng was depressed, a girl in the front row seemed to faint because she was too excited. The disciplined student union had to send the girl to the school infirmary.

"Wu Mei Niang is still awesome! I didn't say anything. It's just a sensation!" *, although the performance has been completed, several contestants who have not yet left gathered to discuss.

"There's nothing we can do, Wu Mei Niang is the most popular singer now! Not to mention the speech, I guess she only stood on the stage, and she won!"

"song star?" Wu Meng's ears moved and came to these people.

Those contestants have been a long distance from Wu Meng. As members of this college, they naturally know who Wu Meng is. It's better not to provoke him. Therefore, they deliberately stayed away from him. When they saw Wu Meng coming, they looked a little panicked, but they couldn't help it. They couldn't just come over with Wu Meng. They immediately dispersed. Although Wu Meng is not a flood beast, he has a reputation as a dage. Moreover, they are all negative.

You can't provoke him. Several people have such an idea in their hearts.