Do you dare to get married?

Chapter 41


Everything went smoothly unexpectedly. The old man and the old lady didn't say a word after seeing Gu Xiaoxi. They just wiped their tears together, and then cried with their heads in their arms. So the play ended, and the audience applauded and sent flowers...

Everyone ate happily and took a few family photos. This is the first time I took a picture with my parents. Although it was very good, I still felt out of place.

"What have you been thinking about today?" Gu Dahai asked me on the way home. The joy on his face continued, and his mouth cracked to the heels.

"It's okay..." I took a deep breath and looked out of the window. "I'm thinking that my parents are actually great and can forgive any mistakes, even if you kill people."

"That's right. Nothing in the world is as good as home, and the family is close." Gu Dahai spared his hand to scrape my nose.

"Go, if you say so, I'll go home." I hugged the loss. It has gained a lot of weight recently. It is bigger than the loss at that time. I am satisfied with snoring in my arms. If we had more money at that time, the loss might still be running all over the ground. Of course, it is good if it dies. Otherwise, we will still fight about its ownership, but I know the end, Wei Zi The road won't rob me. He owes me.

Lin Chu called me happily the next day. He and Thomas passed the preliminary competition and advanced directly. The unlucky child of Le called me happy at 3 o'clock at night.

"You can stand it. Gu Dahai is so angry." I stood at the door wrapped in my coat, and Lin Chu's car had just arrived.

"Hey, who will celebrate with me if you don't celebrate with me? Thomas is still in Hong Kong and won't be back until tomorrow." Lin Chu came up and hooked with me.

"Go... get in the car, I'm freezing to death." I stood for more than 20 minutes, frozen like my third grandson, and took a long time to coax the sea. He almost didn't let me come out.

"Amon also asked you to pick it up, right?"

"Yes, and Chen Lu." Lin Chu's car had a lot of music, full of perfume, and her favorite man's fragrance. Lin Chu began to spray perfume very early, but most of them were cologne, and there were few women's perfumes. She said she couldn't stand the greasy smell.


"Cheers!!" Several cups were raised to the top of the head together, and the alcohol slowly flowed through every part of the body, from head to toe, accompanied by everyone's twisting.

Hua Tian stood opposite me, and I knew that Lin Chu must have called him out. A Meng stood next to Hua Tian and looked at me sourly. Chen Lu had been watching the dance floor and ran to dance for a while. Lin Chu called happily. She was receiving everyone's blessings. It was so high that the phone was dead. I haven't received my mobile phone as a backup yet. It's inhumane.

"It's hard for you to make an appointment." Hua Tian turned to my side, and A Meng and Chen Lu went dancing. Lin Chu was calling, and I struggled alone.

"Ha ha, there's nothing I can do. Men are strict." I moved aside and tried to be very serious.

"No, I don't think anyone can control you." He closed his eyes and opened slowly.

"Did An Yue tell you?" I didn't look at him. There was a person in the dance hall who was very similar to Wei Zilu. I paid attention to it at the beginning, but I couldn't see it clearly from afar.

"Ha ha... I saw it myself, actually from the beginning..." He approached a little closer again, and I poured the beer all over his body.

"I'm sorry." I stood outside the door of the men's toilet, where Hua Tian baked clothes with a hand dryer.

"Alas... You are really talented. Fortunately, I didn't wear the highest-end clothes." Huatian's voice is beautiful, magnetic and gentle.

"I can't help it. Women have no virtue. I'm too talented, so I'm immoral." I leaned against the wall and a man who was going to go to the toilet looked at me.

What are you looking at? Haven't you seen anyone standing outside the toilet? I glanced at him and turned to the window. The man stood in front of the window. Now when I saw him, he was simply a replica of Wei Zilu. He really didn't look like a star. I couldn't help walking over...


"Wei... Wei Zilu..." I patted him on the shoulder. It was really Wei Zilu. His clothes were wrinkled and full of the smell of wine. He seemed to have drunk a lot. In fact, he was not very good. He couldn't drink too much, and he also brought a little alcohol allergy. The next day, he would have a little red spot on his body and he had to wipe it with wind oil. It will be fine if you wipe it.

"Little fish...little fish..." He suddenly hugged me tightly.

What are you doing!? Let go!!" I couldn't push it away. "Don't push hard, we don't know each other so well!!" My nose is pressed and my words are silent.

"What are you doing!!" Hua Tian didn't know when he came out of the toilet and punched him, and Wei Zilu fell to the ground.

"What the hell are you doing??!!" I slapped Hua Tian.

"No...I..." He looked at me and was very aggrieved.

"I'm sorry...I..." I don't know what to do with my hot hands. "Can you...can you help me call Amon and others to come?" After a few seconds, I still helped Wei Zilu up. Tears suddenly slipped and dripped on his face. He still didn't change at all and endured everything by himself.


Wei Zilu was alcohol poisoned. Fortunately, we sent it in time and it was all right. I called Zhao Pei and asked her to pick up someone, but I didn't expect that Gu Dahai was with her.

"Gu Dahai, don't you sleep at home?" I looked at him. Gu Dahai was now sweating all over his head. He looked at me stupidly and didn't know how to answer.

"I'm sorry, it's me... that..." Zhao Pei looked at us and opened our mouths to explain.

"Oc's go ahead, get Wei Zilu home. If we don't happen to meet, whoever we love will care." I waved my hand and pulled Lin Chu out of the door.

"Little fish, little fish... No, listen to me." Gu Dahai chased after him. The hospital floor was too slippery, and he fell down.

Originally, I was very angry, but Gu Hai fell on the ground like a bastard and amused me again.

"I'm sorry, Xiaoyu..." Zhao Pei looked at me with tears in his eyes. "Today, I quarreled with Wei Zilu and then he ran out... I... I really don't know what to do?" She covered her face and began to cry, which was touching.

"Oh, is Wei Zilu capable? Er... I'm sorry... I didn't mean that." Now it's my turn to blush. Wei Zilu has been so powerful recently that he dares to quarrel. If you put it aside before, call for a try, and I will kill him.

"The doctor? Are you all right?" Wei Zilu was not awake when we opened the door of the empty ward.

"It's not a big deal, and so are you. If you can't drink it, don't drink it. Look... How uncomfortable it is!" The doctor pointed to Wei Zilu's pale face and showed us.

"Yes, you work hard." Let's hurry up and say thank you.

"Zilu...Zilu..." Zhao Pei cried and touched Wei Zilu's forehead. I don't know why the originally warm scene gave me a feeling of mother's kindness and son's filial piety.

"" Wei Zilu slowly opened his eyes and said, "Go out...go out!!!!" Wei Zilu shouted and let Zhao Pei get out.

"What does this mean?" Lin Chu stabbed me.

"I don't know, look." I can't figure it out, so I can only look at Wei Zilu stupidly. Not to mention, he is quite fierce.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... If I were with my mother..." Zhao Pei cried like a tearful man.

"Hmm... Your company is more important than anything else! Divorce, I want to divorce you!!!" Wei Zilu rudely pushed Zhao Pei to the ground. Before I opened my mouth, someone couldn't help it.

"Wei Zilu! Don't go too much. Didn't Zhao Pei come back?" Gu Dahai helped Zhao Pei up in front of him and found a place to sit for her.

"Gu Dahai... Are you going too much?" I looked at Gu Dahai with a smile. I was really smiling. My tone was euphemistic and not murderous, but my fists were tightly clenched and my nails were stuck in the flesh, which was very painful.

"Little fish...that...I..." Gu Hai seemed to feel my existence at this moment.

"Wei Zilu, have a good rest. I won't bother you." I walked out of the ward with Lin Chu's neck collar, and Gu Dahai chased after him.

"Drive!" I commanded Lin Chu to drive out.

" don't..." Lin Chu looked at Gu Dahai, who was shooting glass outside, and looked at me again.

"Driving or shall I die to show you?" I put on sunglasses, and my face was numb and expressionless.

" Well, if I drive, it's better to have fewer lives." Lin Chu sighed and twisted the key to start the car.


"Are you all right?" Lin Chu lay next to me, and there was only one bed in her house, folded and asked Bobo to pull it away.

"I'm fine." I pulled the quilt, but I still couldn't sleep.

"............Actually, I think if I also help..." Lin Chu whispered.

"Well, I know..." I turned around, and the moon just shined on my face, just like the night before marriage, big and round, but my face changed to Gu Hai's stupid face, fat like a fat thief, pretending to be a jellyfish...

"Ah... Oh, my God...what time is it?" I rubbed my eyes and came downstairs, "Lin Chu! Lin Chu??" There is no one below, and a piece of paper is pasted on the refrigerator.

I'm going out to talk about something. You should go home. I'm tired of you! Chu

"Cut! I'm so annoyed with you." I drank soy milk and ate a sandwich made by Lin Chu.

I was wrong... Gu Dahai sent 150 text messages, stupid, I think, thanking him was not sincere and emptied the inbox in one breath.


"Damn! Open the door!!!" I ran home with a big bag.

"What are you shouting about? Go back and disturb others." My mother took what I had in my hand.

"I'd love to, where's my father?" I looked at the inner room.

"I went to the meeting, what kind of old cadre meeting." My mother took out the same thing.

"Oh, it's corrupt again." My father doesn't like to hear me say this, but it's true. Originally, a group of old people ate, drank, went to the hot spring, and gave something back home.

"I'll be back for a few days. I'm homesick." I found my quilt.

"Are you fighting again?" The old lady leaned against the door and looked at me.

"I'm so beautiful." I shook the quilt hard.

"You are as stubborn as a dead dog." The old lady helped me change the quilt cover together.

"My brother is honest. Is he worry-free?"

"Alas... you two, you two, don't have a good thing. Sooner or later, we will be exhausted." My mother's hair has turned white again. Recently, she hasn't dyed her hair. If she says it's white, it's so old.

"Shall I dye your hair?" I really bought a special hair dye for the old lady. It's bright. She made this brand.

"You dye it well, it's all dyed." I haven't heard this for a long time. I used to say it when I helped her dye her hair, because every time I was impatient and rumbling, Shen Lang was more careful than me, and he really dyed his hair every time.

"Beaning, what's wrong with Gu Dahai's sister?"

"I don't know, what else can I do when I get home? Stay here." I picked up the hair dye cream in the small bowl and meditated in my heart. Don't apply it slowly and dye it for the old lady.

"But I think something is wrong with your brother recently."

Ah? What kind of demon did An Yue do?" I turned to the old lady's face and squatted.

"Who said that? An Yue is not like that anymore. It's fine now." The old lady lay in my ear and said, "I suspect that there is someone outside your brother."

"Haha..." I burst into tears with laughter, "Hahaha... You said I believe Gu Dahai, just Shen Lang? I lend him eight guts.

"Nonsense, take yourself to talk about your own family!" My mother is really old and strong. It hurts to kick me. I covered my legs and squatted, just looking at my legs and feet. The old lady can live more than 100.

"Cung, I'll ask my brother later." I stood up and continued to dye. Maybe I suddenly fainted and almost sat on the ground.

"Hey...what's the matter?"

"I don't know, I seem to have a cold recently..."