Do you dare to get married?

Chapter 42


I slept until midnight, and I felt that someone pushed my door. I looked at it and closed it again. I couldn't sleep and got up to find something to eat.

"Yes, yes, it's back." As soon as I arrived at the kitchen, I heard that there was a movement on the balcony. Shen Lang made a sneaky phone call. Is there really Xiaomi?

"You're just too impulsive. Don't know if you're a little bit... Ah, don't worry, I'm looking at you... Xiaoyu's mouth is hard. You come back to pick me up, and I'll say something better. I'm sure it's all right... Oh... Listen to me...................."

I leaned against the balcony door and listened to Shen Lang's phone call. I knew that this thing was crawling inside and outside.

"Gangla, don't worry..." Shen Lang sighed and hung up the phone, turned around and jumped in horror.

"Should! You have guts!!" I smiled at him and plugged in the door and went back to sleep.

"Little fish..." Shen Lang called me in a low voice.

"Get out!" I kicked the door, which was also very low. I turned around and woke up the old lady, and I had to stand on Shen Lang's side.

"I..." Shen Lang's voice was raised a little and lowered again, "I'm here for your good..."

"If you have the ability, take care of yourself. Don't think I don't know what you've done outside." I suddenly remembered that he had an affair and immediately scared him.

"No..." Shen Lang immediately lost his shit, "Forget it... Think about it again... I'm going to bed."

"Cut! Fight with me." I hummed back to **, and my heart was very comfortable.


Amon called me in the morning and told me that she wanted a divorce.

"Ah, leave again, when will you go?" She can do it before I wake up.

"...Well, I'm ready these days. My son belongs to Li Zhanpeng, and he can't live without his child." Amon's voice was very calm, like a farewell to life and death.

"Are you serious?" I sat up.

"Really...I...I'm really divorced..." She began to twitch.

"You wait for me to come to you right away." I quickly hung up the phone and ran out, just bumping into Gu Hai.

"You? Take me to Amon." I really don't have time to talk nonsense with him. It's better to find a driver than to take a taxi. I rushed to the door to change my shoes.

"Hey? Xiaoyu, what are you going to do? Shen Lang shouted behind me.

"Get out of here!" I replied to him and went downstairs.

"Little fish..." Gu Hai tried to talk to me while driving.

"Shut up, I don't want to talk to you." I rudely interrupted him, "Open it quickly. Amon is waiting."


"What's wrong with this?" When I arrived at the door, I saw Lin Chu, and she also hurried to Amon's villa.

"I don't know, is there a fight again?" Lin Chu frowned and looked at Gu Dahai and looked at me again.

"Hurry up, you will know when you go in." I rushed in first.

"What do you mean..." Li Zhanpeng was talking with Amon's legs in his arms.

"Nothing to say..." Amon's eyes were like a goldfish, with a resolute face.

"I have to know why I died, right?" Li Zhanpeng suddenly roared.

"You don't know it's better. Leave it. Leave it happily. What do you want?" Amon burst into tears.

"Why are you doing this?" I looked at Li Zhanpeng and Amon, but I didn't know why.

"Ask her!!" Li Zhanpeng's hand lit the cigarette and trembling.

"There's nothing to say, Li Zhanpeng, let's go through the formalities." Amon stood up and was ready to leave.

"I won't go! I won't go!! You have the final say on everything?? No!!!" Li Zhanpeng threw away his cigarette and turned away.

"Gu Dahai, you go. I'll talk to Amon." I took Gu Dahai away and looked at the miserable Amon. She must feel very bitter.

"Then I'll pick you up at night..." Gu Dahai hesitated and didn't want to leave.

"No, I'll see her off at night." Lin Chu is understanding. One sentence blocked Gu Dahai.

"Oh, okay." Gu Dahai left abhorrically and looked back before leaving.


"What the hell is going on?" Lin Chu looked at Amon. She just cried and said nothing.

"What the fuck are you talking about!!" I raised my hand and gave Amon a mouth, which shocked me. If I let it go, Amon would kill me, but today she didn't say anything.

"Hey...haha... hit me, you all hit me?" Amon's eyes were shining and he looked at us happily and smiled.

"What's wrong with you?" I looked at Lin Chu, and she was also at a loss.

"Strengle me, hit me, hit me hard..." A Meng grabbed Lin Chu's hand and slapped him in the face.

"Are you going crazy?" Lin Chu pushed A Meng to the ground.

"Wow... beat me to death..." Amon cried loudly, and it seemed that he finally couldn't suppress his emotions.

"What's wrong?" I poured a glass of water for Amon.

"Say it, we'll make the decision for you." Lin Chu quietly lit a cigarette and waited for A Meng to say.

Amon went to Hong Kong to do business a few days ago. Unexpectedly, they happened to meet Thomas, who was competing in Hong Kong, so the two immediately began to go shopping and eat like a couple. Even the hotel they stayed in was transferred to one. Of course, Amon was not dizzy. They opened two rooms, one Amon and one Thomas. .

Later and its success, Thomas got the qualification for direct promotion. Amon's business collapsed and saved a lot of money. Then he celebrated with the two people who were dumbfounded by victory. He celebrated with his friends, but he sacrificed himself with the pervert. Although Amon's story is very vulgar, it is also called us. I was shocked.

"What about then?" Lin Chu extinguished the smoke.

"Later... we came back, and Thomas began to borrow money from me..." Amon said, "I borrowed several times at the beginning, and later he borrowed more and more..."

"Stop it, did you take a picture?" I interrupted Amon's words. Isn't it TV? The pervert took advantage and threatened to take nude photos.

"..." Amon cried and nodded.

"So you got divorced?" Lin Chu narrowed his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking.

"If Li Zhanpeng knows, he will have to leave. It's better... Let it go now..." A Meng took a breath.

"I chopped it up!!!" Lin Chu rushed to the kitchen and took the kitchen knife to go out.

"Lin Chu!! You are crazy!" I quickly jumped up and hugged Lin Chu's leg, and then shouted at A Meng, "Are you stupid? Come and help me!!!"


"Fuck, the bastard bullied me in the head." Lin Chu pinched his waist and circled like an old hen.

"Does it work for you to kill him? In case of a mistake, will Amon still be alive?" I threw a tissue on Lin Chu's face.

"Then say it! What should I do..." Lin Chudong sat on the sofa and lit a cigarette.

"Look for Zhao San, he may have a way." I covered my mouth. This is the best way at present.

"Can it work?" Amon looked at me seriously.

"I don't know, Lin Chu, come with me."

"Let's go, let's go." Lin Chu has wanted to fly for a long time.

"Amon, if you divorce before we come back, I won't finish with you." I pointed to Amon's nose and put down this sentence and left.


"Oh, it's a rare guest." Zhao San is teasing birds with a bird cage.

"Don't talk nonsense. I'm looking for you for something serious. This is my sister Lin Chu." I pointed to Lin Chu.

"What's wrong? It is said inside. Zhao San put down the bird cage and shouted to the clerk outside, " Li Ben, cook some dishes for me, bring a bottle of wine, no fish."

"How do you think you can kill him..." Lin Chu gritted his teeth and twisted the chopsticks in his hand.

"It's useless to kill him." Zhao San obliquely held a cigarette and poured wine.

"What should I do?" I ate peanuts and lit cigarettes. Zhao San's small bungalow was good everywhere, but it was not ventilated. These just a few cigarettes were like temples, full of incense.

"Is it just like girls? I'll find a chicken that can steal things, hook up with someone first, and then steal things out." Zhao San narrowed his eyes and touched his bald head.

"What's the price?" These people don't do anything without paying. I threw the bones on the table to the big cat that had been lying at the door. The cat has been squatting for a long time.

"You're scolding me. Don't worry, I'll take care of it for you." Zhao San clapped my hand.

"Go one, go one, I'll thank you for my sister." I asked Lin Chu to raise his glass. When there was nothing, Zhao San dared to drink some wine before he tampered with me.

"Does this hooligan like you?" Lin Chu asked me on the way back.

"Why do you care so much? Let's do it for Amon first, and we'll find a chance to beat her up later. I looked out of the car window.

"Cung, Gu Hai will pick you up?"

"I don't know, just pick it up. It's no problem if you don't answer me."

"I have to talk about you." Lin Chu suddenly stopped the car and looked at me seriously. In fact, Lin Chu's face was fleshy, and his face was really down for half a month.

"You don't need to say it, I know. I'll help you, but I'm just not happy." I looked at Lin Chu, and her eyes were round, which showed that she was going to be angry.

"Why don't they ask you why you are with Wei Zilu? Why do you care about others? Lin Chu's words made me honest. Yes, Gu Haiyi may be depressed when he saw me with Wei Zilu again in the middle of the night.


When I came home, Gu Dahai fell asleep on the sofa. It seemed that he hadn't slept well for several days.

"Hey!" I kicked him.

Ah? What are you doing? Gu Hai sat up and looked at me sleepyly and was about to jump, "Daughter-in-law!!"

"Go, sit down, I have something to say." I pushed him away and found a place to sit down.

"Sign something for me first..." I took out a piece of paper and wrote it on Lin Chu's car.

"I... I don't sign for divorce!!!!" Gu Hai stood up and yelled at me.

"What are you shouting about! What are you shouting??? I patted him on the face and said, "I can see it clearly."

"First, do not contact strange or non-extrast women after 12 o'clock.

Second, you are not allowed to stay alone with strange or non-extrady women for one night.

The third...................." Gu Hai read the things on the paper obediently, like a primary school student.

"Do you understand? Sign honestly and be obedient. Uncle won't divorce you, or you can wait for the divorce. I held Lost in my left hand and Pepe in my right hand. "These two are witnesses."

"Done, sign, I'll sign." Gu Dahai went to look for a pen happily.

"Vide!" I put my feet on the coffee table and said, "Oh... I'm back."

"You have a look..." Gu Dahai raised his hands in front of me.

"Ye, go, go and cook." I waved my hand.
