Do you dare to get married?



"Are you Shen Yu?" After returning home that day, I caught a cold for several days, with a fever and cough. Lin Chu and A Meng were also sick. Yes, the three of us froze outside all night, and I didn't understand. Usually, Gu Dahai would die if they couldn't find me. Why didn't they look for me that day?

"Who are you?" I'm busy wiping my nose.

"We are the tube police station..."

"Where are the people?" I took a taxi and came with 10,000 yuan.

"Hi! Sisters." Ashi stood inside and smiled shamelessly, which made me so angry that he asked me to bring another 5,000 yuan to redeem her sister and tell me to come out.

"You're still laughing. Why did you catch it?" I scolded Ashi while signing.

"How awesome I am. For my ladies, I want to pull her to run quickly. She Spru her ankle, so I was caught." A Shi said lightly. At first glance, he was used to coming in, and he was shameless.

"That sister? Hurry up and call." My nose is running again, and I'm busy turning over my schoolbag to get paper towels.

"That's it, Lulu, come here! My sister is here to redeem us!" With that, I pulled a woman. I lowered my head and blown my nose, and saw a pair of feet. On this cold day, I wore a small skirt, and I couldn't even wrap my buttocks. When I looked up, I was stupid. I knew this person and knew him very well. It was Chen Lu.

"You..." I pointed to her and couldn't speak for a long time.

"My sisters are beautiful, right? How many people are waiting to drink with my sisters?" A Shi thought I was surprised and Chen Lu's beauty.

"Sister, we know each other." Chen Lu was very embarrassed and patted Ashi with her hand before she closed her mouth.

"Oh, I know, I said, then you can talk about it. I'll go back to bed." Ashi took a taxi and left.

"Little fish, I..." Chen Lu trembled in the cold wind and was pitiful.

"Let's get in the car first. It's warm inside." I hugged her.

"What's going on?" I rolled up the window and lit a cigarette.

"Can you give me one?" Chen Lu looked at me and handed her a cigarette.

"Wow, I'm just drinking with you, and I won't come out." Chen Lu pulled her clothes.

"You know where that is!" I suddenly sat up straight, "That's the fucking magic cave! If you go in, you can't get out. Look at Ashi! Does she still look like when she went to the city!! You are crazy!"

"Hum, haha, haha." Chen Lu covered her face and smiled, "I've been crazy for a long time. Marrying Yang Chao is what I did when I was crazy..."

Her words woke me up in an instant for Yang Chao. Yes, Chen Lu has never been a person who is willing to accept charity. Even if we give her all the money, she will not ask for it.

Silence spreads among us, and the speed is very fast.

None of us spoke, just quietly, smoking one after another, until the whole pack of cigarettes was gone.

"Send me back. Yang Chao is still waiting for me to deliver food." Chen Lu said feebly.

"Where is he?" I started the car.

"I was sent to the hospital. I didn't want to see him like this, so I lied to him that he couldn't take good care of him at home. It's better to go to the rehabilitation hospital." Chen Lu took out a makeup remover wipe to wipe her face.


"I'll take you to the hospital later. If it's too late to cook, just buy it for Yang Chao. You change your clothes first, and I'll find an insulation bucket." I went to the kitchen as soon as I entered the house.

"Thank you..." Chen Lu hugged me.

"...I don't know how to say it, but I understand, I really understand you, but this kind of life is not suitable for you. No one is suitable for you. You have to come out early." My tears suddenly flowed down again. I really don't understand. In recent years, I have gradually learned not to laugh. Except when I drink too much, I can't laugh, and my heart is very bitter.


"Ashi, do you have time to come out and have a little?" I called Ash outside the hospital.

"Cung, I just got up and went to the royal palace to wait for me. A Taiwanese businessman will come later." A Shi's voice was very lazy, and he knew that he had just woken up.

"Hi." I saw Ashi sitting on the sofa of the hotel, wearing a dark purple suspender skirt without makeup. In fact, Ashi's temperament is very pure, sitting there like a woman from a good family.

"What's wrong?" Ashi looked at the heavy me.

"Chen Lu... No, Lulu is under your hands, right?" I went straight to the point, and I didn't have to pretend like that with Ashi.

"Yes, but the girl is more difficult to deal with. She doesn't buy it, just drinks with wine." A Shi looked depressed when he mentioned this, "You said you're not a virgin. What are you afraid of? Isn't that what it is?"

"You don't know her situation." I looked at Ashi and quietly told her what had happened in the past few years.

"It's also a miserable man..." A Shi lowered his head and played with his stockings.

"Don't embarrass her, maybe I said it wrong, but..." I pressed A Shi's little shoulder.

"Well, stop talking, I understand, Xiaoyu, you are this." A Shi gave me a thumbs up, "I have something to eat today, so I can't be short of her. I, A Shi, keep my word."

"Thank you." I can't wait to hold A Shi, "You also lent her the money last time, didn't you?"

"That's it." Ashi pinched the cigarette.

"You don't have to pay it back. I'll borrow money from you in the future."

"Hey, how about scolding me? What about scolding me?" A Shi gave me a white look and said, "Don't worry about it in the future. If you want money, I'll solve it. In fact, I'm not familiar with it at the beginning. I'm afraid there's something. Hey, here, my Taiwanese businessman is here." A Shi stood up.

"Then you're busy. I'll go. Thank you. Don't worry, you can come to me if you need anything in the future." I followed to stand up and pull my clothes.

"Fuck, that's right. Can I find you less? I'll catch you later."


I didn't tell anyone about Chen Lu, but I called frequently. If I had nothing to do, I called A Shi or something, and then called Chen Lu to persuade her to come out of it as soon as possible.

"Xiaoyu, come and save us..." Gu Hai's mother suddenly called. I answered it. As soon as she heard the words, she cried so much that Gu Hai and I ran back quickly.

"Mom, Dad, what's wrong?" Gu Hai ran into the house without taking off his shoes.

"The sea... Your sister has lost..." Gu Dahai's mother pounced on Gu Hai and began to cry.

"Dad, what's wrong with this?" I quickly asked the old man, and he gave me a letter without saying anything.

Gu Xiaoxi:

Please come to the school to report as soon as possible. We are glad to have the honor to invite you to enter the school............


Tokyo XXX University

I looked at the letter, which said that Gu Xiaoxi had not reported since he entered school, and the school could not be contacted, so he had to send a letter to China.

"Didn't you send it to the plane in person?" I was so stupid that all I thought of was the word elopement.

"Woo-woo..." Gu Hai's mother couldn't cry when he mentioned this. We had to comfort the old man and the old lady, and quickly called the Japanese school to make sure that Gu Xiaoxi was really not in Japan.

"We can only find out that Gu Xiaoxi left the country in November, but returned to China in early December." Uncle Zhao has been able to find so much after checking for me for a long time.

"Thank you, thank you." I hung up the phone gratefully and wondered if I should tell Gu Hai about Shen Lang and Gu Xiaoxi.

"What's wrong with Gu Xiaoxi?" Shen Lang hurried to my house.

"Why are you here?" Gu Dahai looked at Shen Lang.

"Tell me first, where is the stream?" Shen Lang grasped Gu Dahai's clothes tightly and did not let go.

"What's going on?" Gu Dahai helped Shen Lang sit down.

"I can't hide it from you..." Shen Lang suddenly knelt down on his knees, and I was suddenly shocked. Shen Lang actually said that he wanted to exclude me.

"What do you mean?" Gu Hai was shocked.

"It's me, the married man who has been with Gu Xiaoxi, is me." Shen Lang said it word by word. I can see how much strength this move took him. I didn't expect Shen Lang to have the courage to admit everything.

"What did you say?" Gu Dahai suddenly fell on the sofa.

"Gu Dahai, are you all right?" I ran to help Gu Dahai.

"What did he say?" Gu Dahai pointed at me and asked.

"...he..." I looked at the two people and didn't know what to say. One was my own brother, and the other was the person I planned to entrust my life.

"'s me! It's me and Gu Xiaoxi who have been together!" Shen Lang looked at Gu Dahai fixedly.

"You son of a bitch!" Gu Dahai stood up and gave Shen Lang a mouth fiercely, and then grabbed Shen Lang and beat him violently. While beating, Peipei kept screaming. The tea table at home was kicked over, and the things on it fell to the ground. The teapot was broken and flowed crooked on the carpet. I knelt on the ground and pulled Gu Haihai. I didn't know that the fragments had been cut. My feet.

"Don't fight... Don't fight..." I can't catch Gu Dahai at all. I can only hold his leg and cry. "Don't fight... It's me, I'm not good either. Don't fight!!"

"I won't give it back." Shen Lang spit out blood, "But it's useless for you to kill me... We should find her first..." Shen Lang's tears threw on my face, cold, like ice.

"You fucking bastard! Bastard!!" Gu Dahai fell backwards on the sofa and cried loudly.