Do you dare to get married?



After the chaos, Gu Haihai calmed down, and Shen Lang also kept kneeling on the ground.

"Where can the stream go?" Gu Dahai lit a cigarette and looked at Shen Lang.

"I don't know. She told me before she left and wanted to go to many places." Shen Lang is about to collapse.

"............" I sat on the ground and looked at two people, and then I felt that my feet hurt, and then I saw that the socks were red.

"Do you know that too?" Gu Hai looked at me.

"She doesn't know, she just suspects that I hide it very well." Shen Lang fainted after saying this.

"I... I didn't know it would be like this, but the most important thing now is that we need to find the stream." I sat on the hospital bench and talked to Gu Dahai.

"I understand, I understand that now is not the time to say who is right and who is wrong, we need to find the stream first." Gu Dahai put his arms on my shoulder and said, "I'm sorry, I hurt your brother. I'm too impulsive."

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." I buried my head deeply on Gu Hai's shoulder. Why did it happen...

"What's wrong with Shen Lang?" When my mother came to the hospital, Shen Lang had already bandaged and was ready to go home.

"It's okay, Mom. I just met a few thieves and beat them. The little fish and the sea happened to pass by." Shen Lang reluctantly opened his eyes.

"Oh, my son, I feel so sorry for you." My mother quickly hugged Shen Lang.

"It's okay."

"Mom..." Gu Dahai stood beside him and stopped talking.

"What?" My mother looked at Gu Haihai with tears in her eyes, and Shen Lang shook her head gently behind the old lady.

"Let Shen Lang take good care of it." I pulled Gu Dahai's clothes and didn't let him speak.


"Does she have any good classmates?" Shen Lang met us in a cafe with sunglasses.

"There are a few, but we asked, but we don't know." Gu Dahai has lost a lot of weight recently. In addition, Gu Dahai's father is angry and sick, and he is simply energetic now.

"Will you go somewhere? Do you have a more secret place to meet?" I asked Shen Lang.

"I went there, no one. Now I go to see it every day." Shen Lang's lips have cracked, all of which are mouths.

"Hello?" Shen Lang picked up the phone and said, "No, I have something to do. You can do it yourself."

"An Yue?" I heard her voice from the microphone.

"Yes, she asked me if I would go home for dinner." Shen Lang turned the phone directly to mute and put it in his coat pocket, and continued to discuss with Gu Dahai where to find it next.

"What can we do for you?" Lin Chu, A Meng and Chen are behind me now.

"Why are you here?" I look at them.

"Amon met your mother-in-law in the hospital. She said you would meet in this cafe." Lin Chu opened the chair next to him and sat down.

"Yes, why don't you tell us more than one way?" Amon patted my hand.

"Thank you." My tears suddenly fell down.

"Vide and virtuous, why are you crying? Cry when you find it!" Chen Lu quickly found a tissue to wipe my face.

"Then let's look for it separately." Gu Dahai, Lin Chu and A Meng, Chen Lu and Shen Lang and I went to find them separately.

"Sorry, have you seen this girl?" I took the photo and showed it to a passer-by.

"No." The old lady waved her hand and left.

"Have you seen this person?" Gu Dahai stopped a man next to me.

"I don't know." The man left in a hurry.

In the following days, we have been looking for it. Gu Xiaoxi was like evaporating from the world and couldn't find it at all until Zhao San gave us a surprise.