Women's Beauty: I'm Mu Guiying

Chapter 14 Conspiracy

"Is Cao's meat pie bought for you tomorrow morning?"

Ren Dao'an laughed and walked out of the room. But in his heart, he said to Mu Guiying that it was not a thing to take Ren Bing back to Yunnan for burial. Mu Guiying also saw that Ren Dao'an didn't believe it, but she didn't say much. It's just that after Ren Dao'an left, he lay down and calculated.

The performance of Yang Zongbao and Yang Zongfeng in front of Tianbofu was obviously instructed, and this person was the last Kou Zhun to appear. Ren Dao'an and Zhong Han can see this. However, Mu Guiying has a vague idea in her mind based on the information of her previous life and what she has seen and heard today.

Ren Bing died for Yang Liulang, but Li Shan's mother said that his 'robbery' had not yet passed. Mu Guiying guessed that Yang Liulang's identity might be inappropriate. Wang Qiang's behavior clearly shows that he is also full of doubts about this 'Ren Bing'. Wang Qiang can become the prime minister and is also valued by Zhao Heng. The city must be very deep. If he is asked to test the true identity of Ren Bing, the 'crime' of the Yang family is not small. At present, the only way to end this 'game' is to overturn the case for Yang Liulang, and have to make a 'great achievement' to make him "himself" peacefully.


In the morning, Mu Guiying was woken up by a knock on the door because she slept too late the night before.

"Gui Ying, it's been three shots a day, and I haven't woken up yet." Ren Dao'an saw Mu Guiying, who opened the door, rubbing his eyes all the time, so he smiled, took out a fragrant meat pie and said, "Your meat pie. It's still hot. Eat it quickly."

"Thank you, Taoist priest."

Mu Guiying smelled the fragrance of meat pie and found that she had been hungry for a long time. After taking the meat pie, Mu Guiying sat at the table and ate it. Ren Dao'an smiled and poured a cup of tea for Mu Guiying while saying that Zhong Han had left Bianliang City with his apprentice Yang Zongfeng. Because Mu Guiying was still sleeping, she was not disturbed.

"Why did uncle leave in such a hurry?"

"It's not because of Wang Qiang."

Ren Dao'an poured a cup of tea for himself and said slowly. As soon as it was dawn, Yang's house came to invite Zhong Han to talk. It turned out that Yang Zongfeng kicked Wang Qiang, and in full view of the public, with Wang Qiang's flawed personality, he would definitely try his best to deal with Yang Zongfeng. After discussing with the Eighth Prince and Kou Zhun, Mrs. She decided to let Yang Zongfeng leave Bianliang City as soon as possible.

Although Zhong Han doesn't pay much attention to Yang Zongfeng's mischievousness, he also cherishes this apprentice. After discussing with Mrs. She and taking Yang Zongbao as an apprentice, he left with Yang Zongfeng. Yang Zongbao still stayed in Tianbo Mansion and studied by himself according to the 'course' left by Zhong Han.

"Oh, so Wang Qiang's power is still very strong in Bianliang City."

"Of course. Wang Qiang is the prime minister of the dynasty and is highly valued by the emperor.

Ren Dao'an is very puzzled. How can today's emperor spoil a 'treacherous minister'? However, he is a monk and can't understand the affairs of the officialdom. Thinking of the news heard in Tianbo Mansion last night, Ren Dao'an immediately said, "Ren Bing' is about to leave Tianbo Mansion and rush to Suizhou. He is also afraid that Wang Qiang will 'try' something."

"The Taoist priest will also leave with him."

"I'm going to follow him secretly to help him get through the 'darkness'."

"That Taoist priest doesn't want to bring Uncle Ren back to Yunnan?"

Ren Dao'an looked at Mu Guiying and was suspicious. Wasn't she joking last night? But he replied, "Last night, the Eighth Prince and Lord Kou stayed late in Tianbo Mansion before going back. When I went there, I happened to hear that they planned to reverse the case for Yang Liulang. Lord Kou once tried the 'Pan Taishi case' and is also very confident about this time. If the case is overturned successfully, Tang Hui can return to Yunnan.

Mu Guiying's eyes turned and smiled, "Then the Taoist priest will ignore General Yang's disaster?"

"What did Gui Ying think of?" Ren Dao'an looked at Mu Guiying, who was only 13 years old, and felt that she was not like those girls of the same age, but a little like a wise old man. The more Ren Dao'an thought about it, the more he felt that Mu Guiying in front of him was like the Virgin of Li Shan, and he also paid attention to what Mu Guiying said.

"It is Kou Zhun's successful reversal of the case, and Yang Liulang did not rebel. But his 'false death' is a fact, which is a 'crime of bullying the king'. Based on this, Wang Qiang will definitely bite. When the time comes, not only will Yang Liulang not live, but the Yang family will also be guilty.

Hearing Mu Guiying's guess, Ren Dao'an immediately frowned. This Yang family general was a good general to defend the Song Dynasty. Without the Yang family general, there would be no generals to lead troops in the Song Dynasty. When Liao invaded the south, it was really a loss of life. At the beginning, he came to help Yang Liulang overcome the disaster, and Ren Dao'an was also out of morality and his own chivalrous heart. Nowadays, not only is Yang Liulang difficult to survive, but also the Yang family will be implicated. Ren Dao'an doesn't know what to do.

But when Ren Dao'an raised his head and found that Mu Guiying was eating meat cakes leisurely, he smiled and said, "Gui Ying, since you can guess these, there must be a way to crack it?"

"That's natural. Otherwise, Gui Ying would not have said this to the Taoist priest. But..." Mu Guiying wiped his hands and looked at Ren Dao'an with a smile.

Ren Dao'an also smiled and said, "Say, what do you want?"

"I heard from the master that the eldest family's 'equestrianism' is ancestral?"

"Oh, I want a good horse. No problem. How about I find a good horse for you when this is over?

"It's a deal."

Mu Guiying laughed and said that she was so good that she could finally have a good horse. Since coming to ancient China for so many years, Mu Guiying knows that there can be a good horse in this Song Dynasty, but it can be said that there can be a Maserati in her previous life. Thinking of the future 'professation', Mu Guiying hopes to have a mount that suits her.

"Gui Ying, just talk about your thoughts." Ren Dao'an saw Mu Guiying happy and did not disturb her. It was not until she came to her senses that Ren Dao'an asked Mu Guiying how to let Yang Liulang get through the disaster in front of her.

Mu Guiying thought for a moment and said, "First of all, we need to reverse the case for General Yang. First, let Kou Zhun prove that General Yang did not rebel and return his innocence. Then, General Yang made another 'great achievement'. Led by the Eighth Prince, he contacted some prestigious old ministers in the court and wrote a letter willingly to ask the emperor to offset their merits and demerits in exchange for the safety of General Yang and the Yang family.

"The loyal family of the Yang family believes that the loyal and righteous people in the court will agree to keep the Yang family. However, how can this 'great achievement' come from? Mu Guiying said, which made Ren Dao'an nod repeatedly. Therefore, Ren Dao'an did not care about how old Mu Guiying was and took the initiative to find a solution.

Mu Guiying dipped her fingers in tea and drew a map on the table. While painting, he said, "I just heard from the Taoist priest that General Yang is going to Suizhou?"

"Yes. Jiao Zan was sent there, and Yang Liulang wanted to find him.

"Taoist priest, you see, Suizhou is very close to the border. If Liao knew that there was no general guarding the border gate, it would definitely invade the south and definitely arrive in Suizhou. Before that, send people to spread rumors in Bianliang City that the Liao soldiers were going to fight in Bianliang City. Finally, it shocked the emperor and made him send troops. At the same time, the Taoist priest can secretly help General Yang defend Suizhou and defeat the Liao soldiers with fewer victories. Do you think this is a great achievement?

"But how can I help Yang Liulang defend Suizhou?" Ren Dao'an looked at the map painted by tea on the table and couldn't help asking.

Mu Guiying looked at Ren Dao'an and smiled and said, "Ren Taoist priest, you are a famous foreign master who knows you all over the world. This small Suizhou is not yet 'to be captured'. I, an unknown little girl, should practice honestly.

Ren Dao'an paused, then laughed, nodded Mu Guiying from the air, shook his head and said, "You 'little woman' have surrounded my old way and made you laugh for nothing."

"I dare not." Mu Guiying hugged her fist and smiled, "The little woman is just 'talking about soldiers on paper', and everything needs the true ability of the Taoist priest."

"All right, all right. The old man doesn't laugh with you anymore. Yang Liulang should set off, and it's time for the old man to leave. Ren Dao'an looked at the sky outside the window and said, "Gui Ying, you are the only one left. Do you want to inform Mu Tianwang to pick you up?

"Taoist priest, although Gui Ying is young, does she look like a bully?" Mu Guiying was very disgrateful that Dao'an was regarded as a child. In fact, with Mu Guiying's previous life and the age of this life, he can't let Dao'an go.

When Ren Dao'an saw Mu Guiying's expression, he thought that she was the apprentice of the Virgin of Lishan. Not to mention that she has learned a lot of skills, even if it is her own personality, she may not suffer any loss. I remember that when Mu Guiying was very young, she often made 'amazing', which made her Taoist friends who went to Xiaogu to visit the Virgin Mary of Lishan to laugh and cry.

"Yes, it's good that you don't bully others." Ren Dao'an stood up with a smile, took out some plates from his arms and put them on the table, and said, "These should be enough for you to eat and drink. Be careful not to be stolen. Well, it's time for the old man to go.

Mu Guiying immediately got up and hugged his fist and said crisply, "The green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow for a long time. I wish the Taoist priest a good journey and a victory. By the way, and Gui Ying's horse, don't forget.

"Don't worry, I won't forget it." Ren Dao'an laughed and strode out of the room.

Mu Guiying watched Ren Dao'an go downstairs and immediately ran to the window to watch him ride away from the restaurant. Until he could not see Ren Dao'an, Mu Guiying closed the window, immediately made a 'V' gesture, and cheered in a low voice.

By the saying, 'walking alone' is a dream that Mu Guiying often had when she went to school in her previous life. At that time, boys liked to read martial arts novels, and Mu Guiying, the 'tomboy', could not avoid reading a few books. Unexpectedly, I was addicted to it, and I especially liked the 's chic' of the characters in the novel.

"Haha, I will also be a 'chivalrous woman' and have a good time..."