Women's Beauty: I'm Mu Guiying

Chapter 15 Gossip Girl

"Eight hundred miles of urgency, idle people get out of the way--"

Several fast horses entered through the north gate of Bianliang City and rushed south. Pedestrians hurried to both sides of the street and looked back at some people talking. Mu Guiying mixed with the crowd, but smiled. He said that the speed of this Liao soldier was so fast that he had invaded the south in just half a month.

If Mu Guiying's memory is correct, Yang Liulang will definitely make great contributions this time. Then the eighth prince and the witty Kou Zhun seized this opportunity to create momentum for the Yang family. I believe that Yang Liulang will soon restore his original identity. Then Ren Bing will not be buried in another country, and he will also settle Ren Dao'an's mind. In this way, Mu Guiying also completed the task assigned by Our Lady Lishan.

In fact, before Mu Guiying left Lishan, the Virgin of Lishan asked her to come to Bianliang City with Dao'an, which had a 'mission'. This 'task' is to help Ren Dao'an and resolve his heart knots. This is also Zheng Daoping who was afraid that this would hinder Ren Dao'an's monk and asked Our Lady Li Shan for help.

"That's good. Not only did he complete the master's hand, but also let Master Zheng owe me a favor and earn money.

Mu Guiying visited Bianliang City for half a month and finally heard the news she wanted to hear. He immediately returned to the inn where he was temporarily staying, packed up his burden, settled the bill, and left Bianliang City. Riding a horse, Mu Guiying marched north. Although I believe in Ren Dao'an's ability, he should help Yang Liulang defend Suizhou. But Mu Guiying is still not afraid of 10,000, just in case, it's better to go and have a look.

On this day, Mu Guiying came to Xingzhou while traveling. Because Mu Guiying coveted the beautiful scenery of ancient times along the way, she didn't have a good rest. Therefore, she plans to stay in Xingzhou, a seemingly prosperous county, for a few days.

Finding a clean and tidy inn, Mu Guiying opened an upper room in the surprised eyes of the shopkeeper and the shopkeeper. Lying on **, Mu Guiying found that he seemed to have come out of Bianliang City and had never lied so comfortably.

However, Mu Guiying really felt the feeling of 'breaking into the world alone' along the way. Because I haven't met too many people, I haven't encountered any 'unsquare'. But she has also slept in the barren mountains, hunted small animals and tasted wild animals. Except for some loneliness, Mu Guiying thought that she was also a 'chivalrous woman'.

When he was thinking about when he would encounter some 'unsquare' and let himself show his skills, Mu Guiying heard a noisy sound next door. And the voice is getting louder and louder, as if it is still a man and a woman. Mu Guiying's eyes turned, and the woman's natural 'fire of gossip' immediately ignited. So, she immediately jumped up from ** and lay on the wall to eavesdrop.

After listening for a while, Mu Guiying knew that the quarrel was actually a pair of brothers and sisters. And from the perspective of sound analysis, the age difference between the two brothers and sisters is very different, which should not be an emotional problem. As soon as Mu Guiying wanted to leave the wall, she heard the woman next door patting the table angrily.

"Brother, as a practitioner, how can you do this? I won't worry about how those two swords came from, today..."

"Sister, brother is also a person who can't bear to have such good qualifications to farm at home."

"Then you can't say that their lives are hard in the name of fortune-telling, defeating their father and mother, and returning them back. How do you let them find a good mother-in-law in the future? You are ruining people's innocence.

"Sister, if I don't do this, how can they leave here? You saw it today. No matter what I say, they won't leave home.

"Then you can't give people 'criticism' indiscriminately. Are you still a monk?"

"Sister Huang, poor Tao is your elder brother. When you work, you don't need your sister to dictate. Also, don't think that the master spoils you, and you don't know your last name. To be honest, the master spoils you just because of your identity..."

"You, you... I won't talk to you. I'll go back and tell the master now..."

After a huge door rang, the next door regained calm. Mu Guiying straightened up, thought for a moment, and then went to the window and looked down at the door of the inn. I saw a little woman about the same age as Mu Guiying rushing out of the inn and rode a horse north. Because the little lady turned her back to the inn, Mu Guiying didn't see her face clearly. However, looking at her figure, she should be very beautiful.

Not long after, another taxi came out of the inn. This Taoist priest is of medium height and wears a clean and tidy Taoist robe. From his black and white hair, it can be seen that the Taoist priest should be in his forties. The Taoist priest stood at the door of the inn and looked north for a long time before turning and walking in the other direction.

Mu Guiying also saw clearly his ordinary appearance, but he had a pair of triangular eyes and looked up. Not only that, the Taoist priest walked at this time with a slight disdain sneer at the corners of his mouth. Maybe the Taoist priest felt someone looking at him and quickly looked around. When looking in the direction of Mu Guiying, I only saw the closed window. Mu Guiying behind the window was leaning against the wall and gently patting his heart. Until he saw the Taoist priest go far away through the crack of the window, Mu Guiying took a long breath and recalled the two fierce eyes just now.

Obviously, the Taoist priest is not like a good man. Mu Guiying, a gossip girl, immediately became interested in the news she had just heard. After thinking about it, Mu Guiying went out of the room and went to the first floor of the inn and found an empty table. This inn is very large, which can not only accommodate passers-by, but also 'fire', that is, eat.

After Mu Guiying made the order, he waved to the shopkeeper and asked for a bowl of soup cakes. After the soup cake was served by Xiao Er, Mu Guiying yawned decently, and then said with an unhappy face, "Second brother, who lives next to me? It's so noisy that I didn't sleep well."

As soon as Mu Guiying finished speaking, the guests at the table also agreed and said, "No, I heard it across the street. They are too noisy."

After hearing this, Xiao Er immediately bowed and smiled and said, "Guest officials, this is not a common occurrence. You just saw that one of the two guest officers has left. Now there is only one Taoist priest left, and I don't think I will disturb you..."

Xiao Er's attitude made everyone feel very satisfied, so he did not embarrass him too much. But when the second child retreated, the guests at the table began to talk about the Taoist priest just now. Mu Guiying was happy. She often saw in martial arts novels that places with many people such as restaurants and teahouses delivered news quickly. Unexpectedly, it was really like this. Therefore, it didn't take long for Mu Guiying to figure out the identity of the Taoist priest.

This Taoist priest and the little lady are really brothers and sisters. The Taoist priest's surname is Yan, and the little lady's surname is Huang. The two passed through Xingzhou and prepared to go north to the teacher gate, but they stayed here for some reason. This morning, the brother and sister left the inn happily, but when they came back at noon, both of them were straight. After the two returned to the room, they quarreled for less than an hour. Mu Guiying saw what happened after that, and there was no need to talk about it in detail.

"Do you know what Taoist priest Yan quarreled with that little woman?"

"I don't know. Do you know again?"

"Of course. Before I came to the city today, those two were in our village.

"Oh? Let's talk about it."

"Yes. However, this meal..."

"Okay, I'll pay."

"That's done. Let me tell you..."

Listening to what the guests at the table said, Mu Guiying immediately pricked up her ears and slowly ate the soup cakes, which were the hot soup noodles she had eaten in her previous life, while listening carefully. From what I heard, coupled with the dialogue I overheard before, Mu Guiying used his imagination and filled it with a little, forming a short story.

By the saying, this strict Taoist priest and his sister Huang Xiaoniangzi passed by a small village before entering Xingzhou. In this small village, Yan Taoist priest found a pair of sisters and wanted to accept them as apprentices. However, the sisters seemed unwilling to leave the small village, so they refused.

After Yan Taoist and Mrs. Huang stayed in the inn, they returned to the village. This time, he did not persuade the sisters, but pretended to be a kind-hearted Taoist priest to calculate a gossip for them for free. After that, Taoist priest Yan said that the two sisters should not stay at home, because their lives were too hard. They restrained their families at home and married their mother-in-law's family. I don't know what means Yan Taoist priest used. In an hour, the ' gossip' of the two sisters spread all over the village.

The whole village believed it, even the sisters' families. Moreover, the sister's biological father is planning to sell his daughter. But the nearby village also knew that no rich family wanted the sisters. Therefore, the biological father planned to come to Xingzhou and sell the sisters.

"Is the Taoist priest accurate?"

"Of course it's accurate. Let me tell you, after Jin Ping was born, her grandfather and grandmother died one after another. After Yin Ping was born, their mother also died. Moreover, since then, their land has been the least harvested in the village. Therefore, Jin Ping's father believed it.

"It's so accurate, then I should also ask this Taoist priest to calculate it."

"What do you want?"

"Of course it's marriage. I want to know if I can get married this year..."

The guests at the table changed the topic, and Mu Guiying did not listen. After eating soup noodles and settling the bill, Mu Guiying went back to her room before leaving the inn. But as soon as she walked out of the door, Mu Guiying was a little worried. Xingzhou was so big that she was not familiar with it. How could she know where the sisters' father would sell them?

This is also not easy to find. It's hard for this 'chivalrous woman' to do it, but those sisters are too pitiful. Mu Guiying clicked on her temples and suddenly thought that the strict Taoist priest would never give up the sisters if he had done so much. It must be right to follow the road he has walked.

"Yes, just do it. Anyway, it's all right. Follow and have a look. Maybe you can meet those sisters.

Mu Guiying nodded and walked down in the direction of Yan Taoist priest. Whenever he encounters a fork in the road, Mu Guiying will ask the street vendors. Until a large group of people blocked her way...