Attacking Fox

Chapter 44 Don't fall too deep

Yin Sheng smiled and said, "Brother Fox, do you know that you have ruined my widow?"

Feidian looked calm and said lightly, "I'm saving you, or you will be poisoned by this woman again."

Yin Sheng glanced at Rouyi on the ground and said, "No, I originally planned to push the boat along the water, but now it's all disturbed by you."

Feidian was silent for a moment and still asked without changing his face, "What's the plan?"

Yin Sheng sighed softly and said, "Brother Fox, you don't feel any guilt after talking for a long time... Well, then tell me why did you suddenly rush out and stunned her?"

Feidian replied, "Because I suddenly want to verify the words written without a trace - splitting the back of the neck can make people unconscious, and acupuncture points can make people numb."

In the face of such an answer, Yin Sheng couldn't laugh or cry and said, "I still think you are too worried about me that you can't control yourself to come out to save me."

... Feidian was slightly stunned. Why... was he completely hit by him?

He stared into Yin Sheng's eyes and wanted to know why he could see his thoughts clearly. Could this low-level mortal have mind reading skills?

Yin Sheng leaned over and whispered in his ear, "I don't have any mind reading skills. You don't need to look at me so surprised. As for the reason why you can't control me so much about me, there is only one thing that you fall in love with me."

Feidian suddenly felt that his cheeks were hot, and I guess it had turned red... It's really strange why Yin Sheng had the impulse to blush when he said anything casually recently. This feeling is itchy and crispy, which is really bad.

He stared at Yin Sheng helplessly, but he didn't know how charming he was with his delicate shame. He said lightly, "I won't talk to you anymore. I'll go back to Lu Lixuan."

After saying that, Feidian turned around and wanted to leave. Yin Sheng quickly grabbed him and said, "Brother Fox, my future military division, you can't abandon me like this. The matter of Yancheng is not over yet."

"Humph," Feidian snorted coldly, "Isn't it that you've been talking about strange things, otherwise the matter of flooding the city would have been over."

"I know." Yin Sheng smiled harmlessly, nodded very obediently, and then called two bodyguards in to move Rouyi back to the Yuyi Palace.

Feidian was a little curious about the plan he began to talk about, so he asked, "What are you going to do to her?"

Yin Sheng smiled proudly, and his two dimples sank deeply. He said, "I want to make her queen."

Looking at Yin Sheng's confident appearance, Feidian knew that he had his own plan, although Feidian did not understand how it was good for him to give her the right to be a queen.

But... why do I suddenly feel a little unhappy?


When Rouyi woke up, she felt sore all over, and the memory she went to find Yin Sheng was also extremely chaotic. She vaguely remembered that her ability to rely on Mr. Jiao seemed to have succeeded...

By the way, Mr. Jiao... Rouyi touched the bun she had coiled up. It was hard, and the thing was still there.

She took Mr. Horn out of her hair, kissed him happily, and put it on her face. This thing is really her lucky star!

As soon as he walked into Rouyi's bedroom, he saw this scene - Rouyi held a silver man. Roots are intimate. Is she so hungry and thirsty...

Rouyi was still intoxicated. Yin Ji coughed, and Rouyi found his existence. She was stunned and immediately stuffed Mr. Jiao into the quilt and explained incoherently, "No... I didn't..."

Yin Ji is helpless. What's so shy about this kind of thing?

He went to Rouyi's bed and sat down, gently touched her nose with the abdomen of his right index finger, and said with concern, "Is it because I'm too useless to satisfy you?"

Rouyi blushed and quickly said, "No, my lord, this is..."

"I know that it's Mr. Jijiao for you to entertain yourself."

"No, I didn't..." Rouyi explained urgently, "Actually, I asked others to steal this thing from the male pet named Feidian. It has magical magic that can make people chaotic, so I use this to seduce the little emperor..."

Yin Ji smiled gently. Although he heard a lot of unreasonable things, such as why he didn't respond when he saw it if it was really magical, he still did not interrupt Rouyi's incoherent explanation and let her talk.

Rouyi seemed to have finished speaking and looked at Yin Jiyu with some embarrassment. Yin Jixuan took Mr. that corner in his hand. The clean and cold silver and white suddenly reminded him of the man who had analyzed the pros and cons with him.

Since this is from where he came from, I don't know if this size... is his.

King Rui was a little distracted. Rouyi asked softly, "I don't know what orders the prince has to do when he comes here this time?"

Yin Ji came to his senses and said quickly, "Nothing, you did a good job. My innocent nephew has planned to make you queen."

"What? Emperor...Queen?" Rouyi raised it incredulously. Could it be that she really had something to do with the little emperor?

"Yes," Yin Ji nodded and gently raised Rouyi's chin. "Look, isn't this the power you want? From now on, no one will look down on you again. You can also fan Yin Sheng to destroy the ancient fish country you hate. Of course, if Yin Sheng is really fascinated by you."

When it comes to the ancient fish country, Rouyi can't help but remember the days when she lived in the ancient fish country for more than 20 years without warmth. She only hates the royal family of the ancient fish.

A murder flashed in her eyes and immediately dissipated. She clenched her fists and said stunned, "If I had the ability, I would never make them better."

Yin Jiyu nodded with some admiration and said, "It's time to return the stolen things to others."

Rouyi was a little surprised and said quickly, "But what can I do if I give it back to him..."

"After all, monsters are unreliable, and they may also hurt your body. Let's continue to drug Yin Sheng." Yin Ji analyzed calmly.

It turned out that Yin Jixuan was afraid of hurting her body... Rouyi was suddenly moved. Even if she knows what kind of man Yin Jixuan is, and even if she knows that he may be using her and saying so many words to make her happy, she still can't control the joy in her heart.

"But if you take medicine... I'm afraid..."

"There's nothing to be afraid of," Yin Jiyu held the extremely soft and soft instrument into his arms. "Yin Sheng must have thought that you had poisoned once and was recognized by him, and you would never dare to do it again, so you can continue to take medicine."

Rouyi thought for a moment, nodded, gave Mr. Yin Jiyu with a red face, and then raised her head slightly to kiss the corners of Yin Jiyu's lips...


It was almost evening when Yin Jiyu came out of the Yuyi Palace. There was still a woman's fragrance on Rouyi's body, but all that came to his mind were the figure of the cold and lonely man in white.

He touched the corner in the cuff now, so**. Why is the slut thing his? However, even if he appeared to play with this thing in front of him, it did not make him feel disgusted at all. He is confused and must be the most charming.

The stinging footsteps couldn't help moving towards Lu Lixuan. According to the reward of his eyesight, although he was placed in Lu Lixuan by the little emperor, he was basically inseparable from the little emperor. Will he meet his naughty nephew when he finds it at this time?

Thinking about it, I have come to Lu Lixuan unconsciously.

This is indeed a good place, the only quiet place in the palace. Yin Jizhen saw the figure of Feidian squatting in the herbs from afar. Fortunately, he was the only one, and Yin Sheng was not there.

He walked slowly and stopped in front of Feidian. Feidian looked at the suddenly extra shoes in front of him strangely. Looking up along the shoes, he saw Yin Ji's eyes looking at him gently.

Feidian has never seen any emotion other than gentleness in his eyes, and he hides everything under his warm eyes.

Feidian slowly stood up holding a merchant and asked, "Are you looking for me?"

Yin Ji nodded and smiled, "Is your majesty not here?"

"It's inside," Feidian said, pointing to the only room in Lu Lixuan.

"You are really inseparable," Yin Jiyu said helplessly. "I also think that there will be someone who will let me give up the comfortable bedroom for him and be willing to live in a small room where there is no place to intervene except books."

Looking at him coldly, he knew that the Yin family was annoying. Every time he said something, it was not a literal meaning, and there was always a deeper and profound meaning in it. But Feidian rarely guessed what he meant, but ignored him, bent down and pulled out some herbs.

"How have you been these days?" Yin Ji suddenly asked such a question, "Yin Sheng should not be embarrassed for you, or he will kill you again."

Feidian did not answer him, but asked coldly, "What can I do for you?" It's okay. Let's go. Don't bother me to take the medicine.

"Haha..." Yin Ji suddenly laughed loudly, took out the horn in his sleeve and asked, "Is this yours?"

Feidian took Mr. Jiao and said without changing his face, "It's mine, thank you."

After saying that, Feidian then studied the intestinal grass in his hand. After looking at it for a while, he suddenly found something was wrong. He stood up and looked at Yin Ji and asked, "Shouldn't this thing be with Rouyi? Why is it here now? Could it be you..."

"Shh..." Yin Jiyu put his index finger on the lips of Feidian and whispered, "Don't be so loud. I'm wandering with the concubine. Naturally, it's something I can't tell anyone. Of course, I can't tell you about the fact that I can enter and leave the palace as he wants. What about others?

"How can you..."

"Brother Fox, do you talk to my widow?" Before Feidian finished speaking, the voice of Yin Sheng, who was drawing a water diversion map according to Feidian's idea, came from the room.

Yin Jiyan heard Yin Sheng's words, smiled helplessly and said to Feidian, "Look, your little emperor has occupied all your time. I'd better go first."

Feidian just looked straight at him and didn't say anything.

Yin Jihui took two steps and suddenly turned around and said, "You have to take good care. It's better... Don't get involved in this matter again, okay?"

Feidian thought for a moment and shook his head gently, "I can't do it."

Yin Ji is helpless, but this is also the expected answer.

This is an invisible whirlpool, and whoever sinks the deepest is the first to die.